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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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PhoenixDark said:
Edwards cheating on his cancer ridden wife confirmed. What a piece of shit

So if Obama were to name Edwards as his VP candidate, would such a decision make you not vote for him as a result of this news (if it's true)?

careful this question is a trap
polyh3dron said:
So if Obama were to name Edwards as his VP candidate, would such a decision make you not vote for him as a result of this news (if it's true)?

I think Edwards is a joke who has created this populist facade to gain political attention, but it's failed for the last 5 years. That being said, I don't care who Obama puts on his ticket (as long as it's not a resurrected Hitler or something): I'm voting for him. Edwards may be a joke, but I'd rather have him a heartbeat away from the White House than have McCain reside there
Berlin Prepares for Obama Speech.


Berliners are getting excited about Thursday's visit and speech by US presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama.


Fans have begun handing out cards advertising the speach. No tickets are required, but you'll save yourself a lot of headaches if you don't brings any banners, bags or placards. They're banned!


After much wrangling between federal and city officials, the Obama camp chose to deliver the speech at the Siegessäule, or Victory Column, which sits on a traffic circle in the middle of the Tiergarten, the city's central park



Andrea Mitchell : "He's saying he trusts his own judgement on Iraq, even more than the commanders on the ground"

Great way to completely misconstrue a statement.


Tamanon said:
Andrea Mitchell : "He's saying he trusts his own judgement on Iraq, even more than the commanders on the ground"

Great way to completely misconstrue a statement.

She was calling him cocky earlier. She seems to have a serious grudge.


KRS7 said:
She was calling him cocky earlier. She seems to have a serious grudge.

It's funny, because if he came out and was timid and such in the press conference....wouldn't the media spend all this time talking about "Is Obama too weak?", I'm certainly sure they'd prefer the argument to be "is he too confident?" That's a much better argument for Obama.:lol


BTW, I definitely think that people should use the word "indefinitely" to describe McCain's war plans, because it's factual.

And Rachel is kicking Stephen Hayes' ass.:lol
If this Edwards thing was legit, you would think the msm would be all over it by now. Especially Fox, but last I checked (like 6:15 est) there was nothing.

I call shenanigans for now.
What's up with the old hag tirade against Obama by Andrea Mitchell this week? It was obvious she was more partial to McCain but at this point she's prime material for Fox News prime time now.
ok, so i just got back from a three and a half week driving trip to and from alaska. can anyone give me a quick update to, well, the political landscape? i haven't been tuned in since a week before the 4th. obama is overseas? whats going on?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
kkaabboomm said:
ok, so i just got back from a three and a half week driving trip to and from alaska. can anyone give me a quick update to, well, the political landscape? i haven't been tuned in since a week before the 4th. obama is overseas? whats going on?

Obama is racking up foreign experience credential like he was selling coke to fiends. Shit is that easy.
scorcho said:
first time i've seen morning joe in ages - forgot how entertaining the Mika-Joe feud is.

Yeah I've missed it entirely the past several weeks but I caught the tail end of it this morning. Joe was on auto-pilot spouting out "why won't Obama just admit he was wrong on the surge and move on!" ad nauseum.

What he and the Republicans don't get is that Obama is not opposed to success in Iraq he's opposed to open-ended/unlimited occupation. This whole election all we've heard from the GOP is that either "the violence is so bad we need more troops on the ground" or "the surge was a success but if we pull out now it'll be disastrous." No way out of Iraq--one way or the other--and that's not what this country wants and why McCain tries to mask staying in as the mythical search for "victory."

Farmboy said:
I'm not wild about Reed, considering the alternatives. Kaine and Bayh are both helpful in potential swing states: if they deliver their home state, that's pretty much a wrap for this election. Another advantage they have over Reed is that they can run in 2016 - Bayh especially is seen as prime presidential material - while Reed is probably just a bit too old, not interested and less electable. Also, by reputation, Reed would likely be tarred with the 'librul' brush, even though he did serve in the military.

None of these choices really balance the ticket in terms of foreign policy experience, by the way.

Yeah after looking into his background a bit more Jack Reed is noted as being very liberal. That's personally not a bad thing for me but I'm already sick of the all "Obama is the most liberal senator in the Senate" "he's to the left of the socialist" bullshit.

I still think Obama-Kaine us a winning ticket but I could live with Byah as an olive branch to more centrist Democrats.


Ford Prefect said:
Wards' wife was on the Report the other night, and I can't say I blame him.

Plus, isn't cancer an STD?

I can't tell if you are some sarcastic mastermind or an idiotic asshole.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. Edwards always seemed like a sleezy greaseball to me. I seem to recall saying that Edwards would be a "fucking disaster of a running mate."

Wow, watching Hardball clips of McCain. He's getting loud and nasty!

EDIT: Forgot to add, great new advertisement by Move-On.org. "John McCain, it's time to get out of Iraq and move on...."


Master of the Google Search
the disgruntled gamer said:
I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. Edwards always seemed like a sleezy greaseball to me. I seem to recall saying that Edwards would be a "fucking disaster of a running mate."


Read the thread. There is no proof (or even credible source) to the thread title's claim


kkaabboomm said:
ok, so i just got back from a three and a half week driving trip to and from alaska. can anyone give me a quick update to, well, the political landscape? i haven't been tuned in since a week before the 4th. obama is overseas? whats going on?

- Bush suddenly moves towards to Obama's position on Iraq (agreed to a "time horizon"), Iran (sent an undersecretary of state to negotiate with them alongside the Europeans), and everyone else is talking about sending more troops to Afghanistan. So basically he's driving US foreign policy now.

- Maliki (Iraqi Prime Minister) dropped the bomb in an interview with Der Spiegel and said he agrees with Obama's 16-month timetable to withdraw from Iraq.

- Media tried to bury the Maliki story but White House accidentally sent it out to their entire media e-mail list and it blew up. Unnamed McCain advisor says "we're fucked!" All over the news Sunday and Monday.

- Obama has been to Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, everything going perfectly... all the heads of state love Obama (he's met with everyone of importance in all 4 countries), the troops went nuts for him, he hit a 3-pointer on the first try on a bball court in Kuwait, looks badass and Presidential in all the pics,etc. 0 gaffes while McCain is riding golf carts with Bush 41, looks old, says Iraq and Pakistan share a border.

- Media/Republicans trying to push back today with "you're covering Obama too much!" and a bunch of other shit they're trying to make stick against the wall.

Basically it's Obama's best week ever. Israel/West Bank, Germany (huuuge rally Thursday), France, and Great Britain the rest of the week.


grandjedi6 said:
You're still giving credence to the National Enquirer :/
Nah, I'm just taking any opportunity I can get to bash Edwards. Speaking of Edwards, he would be a truly horrible running mate.


So, if McCain picks Romney... Michigan is gonna be the one to watch, I would think.

Victory in that state for Dems has been razor thin since 2000 anyway, and Romney's damn popular there. I hope Obama's ready for this.
thefro said:
- Media tried to bury the Maliki story but White House accidentally sent it out to their entire media e-mail list and it blew up. Unnamed McCain advisor says "we're fucked!" All over the news Sunday and Monday.
How did the media try to bury this megaton?


Did anyone else see this commercial during Hardball?


People are saying that Senator Obama’s recent changes of position have made him a flip-flopper.

He’s not!

Flip-floppers only hold one position at a time.

Senator Obama is different: he holds two positions at the same time.

Both ways on banning handguns.

Both ways on public campaign financing.

And now, both ways on withdrawing from Iraq.

He’s ‘Both Ways Barack.’ Worse than a flip-flopper!

Seriously, WTF? The attack's so laughable that I actually hope it gets some more airtime. I think it would actually make people more prepared for the harder hitting smears later in the campaign.


polyh3dron said:
How did the media try to bury this megaton?

It basically didn't take off until the White House tried to walk it back, I think it was the second day afterwards. :p

yeb: Yah I've seen that commercial 3 times today, twice during Hardballs and once during Race to the White House. Also seen the MoveOn "end this war" commercial during them. The joys of being in a new swing state!
Isn't the Edwards love child rumor extremely old? The National Enquirer has been peddling this rumor for several months now. Until I see one of the major cable stations cover it, it's just tabloid gossip with nothing substantiated.


Evlar said:
If Romney is picked it'll hurt McCain with evangelicals. More than he's already hurting, I mean.
But it could give Michigan to McCain which would be HUGE. A game changer...

People in Michigan love Mitt Romney.


Tamanon said:
yeb: Yah I've seen that commercial 3 times today, twice during Hardballs and once during Race to the White House. Also seen the MoveOn "end this war" commercial during them. The joys of being in a new swing state!

I saw it in California :lol


So my brother called me earlier today. Never done anything political, always been an anarchist or just didn't care about what was going on. Earlier this year I tried to get him interested in the race, in doing something to make a difference, or even just to vote. Turns out something happened a week or so ago and he's come around finally, he's starting work volunteering at the local Obama office when it opens this weekend. I was literally floored. Also a bit stunned at the fact that Obama is still going to have an office here in Catawba county in podunk-ville NC for the General.:D


yeb said:
Did anyone else see this commercial during Hardball?


Seriously, WTF? The attack's so laughable that I actually hope it gets some more airtime. I think it would actually make people more prepared for the harder hitting smears later in the campaign.

seriously, if this is the best we have to look forward to from the Repub Party, they may as well pack their bags and get ready for 2012 because this just sucks



John McCain said this today in Rochester, New Hampshire:

This is a clear choice that the American people have. I had the courage and the judgment to say I would rather lose a political campaign than lose a war. It seems to me that Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign.

This is the ninth presidential campaign I've covered. I can't remember a more scurrilous statement by a major party candidate. It smacks of desperation. It renews questions about whether McCain has the right temperament for the presidency. How sad.

He repeated it again in Couric's bizarre rebuttal to an Obama interview today. I really don't think it's a good idea for him to keep this up. You don't flat out accuse someone running for President of treason.
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