PhoenixDark said:Edwards cheating on his cancer ridden wife confirmed. What a piece of shit
polyh3dron said:So if Obama were to name Edwards as his VP candidate, would such a decision make you not vote for him as a result of this news (if it's true)?
grandjedi6 said:The Enquirer says Edwards has a mistress? Ahahahahaahhahaha. Who believes this now?
PhoenixDark said:Edwards cheating on his cancer ridden wife confirmed. What a piece of shit
Tamanon said:Andrea Mitchell : "He's saying he trusts his own judgement on Iraq, even more than the commanders on the ground"
Great way to completely misconstrue a statement.
KRS7 said:She was calling him cocky earlier. She seems to have a serious grudge.
KRS7 said:She was calling him cocky earlier. She seems to have a serious grudge.
polyh3dron said:Holy shit Andrea Mitchell is on an Obama Haet Crusade.
StoOgE said:For fairness sake can we add "Mccain too old for mistress" in the thread title?
kkaabboomm said:ok, so i just got back from a three and a half week driving trip to and from alaska. can anyone give me a quick update to, well, the political landscape? i haven't been tuned in since a week before the 4th. obama is overseas? whats going on?
scorcho said:first time i've seen morning joe in ages - forgot how entertaining the Mika-Joe feud is.
Farmboy said:I'm not wild about Reed, considering the alternatives. Kaine and Bayh are both helpful in potential swing states: if they deliver their home state, that's pretty much a wrap for this election. Another advantage they have over Reed is that they can run in 2016 - Bayh especially is seen as prime presidential material - while Reed is probably just a bit too old, not interested and less electable. Also, by reputation, Reed would likely be tarred with the 'librul' brush, even though he did serve in the military.
None of these choices really balance the ticket in terms of foreign policy experience, by the way.
Ford Prefect said:Wards' wife was on the Report the other night, and I can't say I blame him.
Plus, isn't cancer an STD?
I wouldn't want it any other way.NewLib said:I can't tell if you are some sarcastic mastermind or an idiotic asshole.
the disgruntled gamer said:I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. Edwards always seemed like a sleezy greaseball to me. I seem to recall saying that Edwards would be a "fucking disaster of a running mate."
Read the post.grandjedi6 said:Read the thread. There is no proof (or even credible source) to the thread title's claim
the disgruntled gamer said:I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.
kkaabboomm said:ok, so i just got back from a three and a half week driving trip to and from alaska. can anyone give me a quick update to, well, the political landscape? i haven't been tuned in since a week before the 4th. obama is overseas? whats going on?
You're still giving credence to the National Enquirer :/the disgruntled gamer said:Read the post.
Nah, I'm just taking any opportunity I can get to bash Edwards. Speaking of Edwards, he would be a truly horrible running mate.grandjedi6 said:You're still giving credence to the National Enquirer :/
:lolquadriplegicjon said:
Tell us more, TDG. Why would Edwars be a horribly running mate? Let it all out.the disgruntled gamer said:Nah, I'm just taking any opportunity I can get to bash Edwards. Speaking of Edwards, he would be a truly horrible running mate.
How did the media try to bury this megaton?thefro said:- Media tried to bury the Maliki story but White House accidentally sent it out to their entire media e-mail list and it blew up. Unnamed McCain advisor says "we're fucked!" All over the news Sunday and Monday.
polyh3dron said:How did the media try to bury this megaton?
People are saying that Senator Obamas recent changes of position have made him a flip-flopper.
Hes not!
Flip-floppers only hold one position at a time.
Senator Obama is different: he holds two positions at the same time.
Both ways on banning handguns.
Both ways on public campaign financing.
And now, both ways on withdrawing from Iraq.
Hes Both Ways Barack. Worse than a flip-flopper!
polyh3dron said:How did the media try to bury this megaton?
by ignoring it. They like to do that sometimes, though it was probably just ignorance than direct will to bury newspolyh3dron said:How did the media try to bury this megaton?
siamesedreamer said:
"I do know for a fact that they're doing the same exact thing in Minneapolis," which is hosting the Republican National Convention, the mayor said.
:lol :lol :lol :lolmaynerd said:They are in love with obama that's why they tried to bury it.
But it could give Michigan to McCain which would be HUGE. A game changer...Evlar said:If Romney is picked it'll hurt McCain with evangelicals. More than he's already hurting, I mean.
Tamanon said:yeb: Yah I've seen that commercial 3 times today, twice during Hardballs and once during Race to the White House. Also seen the MoveOn "end this war" commercial during them. The joys of being in a new swing state!
People don't vote for VP.Diablos said:But it could give Michigan to McCain which would be HUGE. A game changer...
People in Michigan love Mitt Romney.
yeb said:Did anyone else see this commercial during Hardball?
Seriously, WTF? The attack's so laughable that I actually hope it gets some more airtime. I think it would actually make people more prepared for the harder hitting smears later in the campaign.
John McCain said this today in Rochester, New Hampshire:
This is a clear choice that the American people have. I had the courage and the judgment to say I would rather lose a political campaign than lose a war. It seems to me that Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign.
This is the ninth presidential campaign I've covered. I can't remember a more scurrilous statement by a major party candidate. It smacks of desperation. It renews questions about whether McCain has the right temperament for the presidency. How sad.