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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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It's sorta weird that I got a printed letter in the mail today from my Republican congressman (after emailing him about gas price related stuff)
I opened, and read it, it said they was suckas
and inside were the standard talking points about offshore drilling and how we need it to lower gas prices. And then the gulf oil rig thing happens today :lol


Alright David Gregory. When teasing the next segment, don't say "Our guest has an answer that may surprise you, it's Russia"

That defeats the concept of the tease, you stop it at "may surprise you".
Tamanon said:
Alright David Gregory. When teasing the next segment, don't say "Our guest has an answer that may surprise you, it's Russia"

That defeats the concept of the tease, you stop it at "may surprise you".

Yeah, like Colbert last week. "When you're sliding into home, and your pants begin to foam, what is that? The answer may surprise you."


It was only the #1 story for Schuster's minor countdown thingy:p

And AWESOME news from the WSJ poll.

But Obama’s lead over McCain expands to 13 points when third-party candidates Ralph Nader and Bob Barr are added into the mix — with Obama at 48 percent, McCain at 35 percent, Nader at 5 percent and Barr at 2 percent

Makes the discussion over a 6 point lead not being enough even odder:p
Wow @ this fucktard being interviewed by Gregory. He just said that the United States should rally western Europe against Russia and reform Cold War alliances in order to fix the disagreements the US and Europe have over Iraq.


Tamanon said:
It was only the #1 story for Schuster's minor countdown thingy:p

And AWESOME news from the WSJ poll.

Makes the discussion over a 6 point lead not being enough even odder:p
Of course, those two candidates are in the mix, so it's not much of an "if"....

I don't think they'll take nearly that large a percentage of the vote come November, but the fact that they cut into McCain is a good thing in general. And after all the drama of the last month, Obama is still ahead by the same margin. Media is going to have to work harder. :lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Tamanon said:
It was only the #1 story for Schuster's minor countdown thingy:p

And AWESOME news from the WSJ poll.

Makes the discussion over a 6 point lead not being enough even odder:p

How does that work when Nader has a bigger percentage of the pot than Barr?

Are angry Clintonistas opting to vote for Nader instead of McCain?
Michelle Obama Speaks to DNC's Gay & Lesbian Leadership Council



Michelle Obama spoke to the Democratic National Committee's Gay & Lesbian Leadership Council, in New York, NY.
Obama's Overseas Success: What's His Secret?


I think I have read every word Barack Obama uttered on his visits to Israel and Palestine and I'm struck by his ability to navigate this tricky issue with such dexterity. After all, everybody is just waiting for him to trip up on the Arab-Israeli issue. Joe Lieberman, the Israeli media, the right-wing pro-Israel organizations are just waiting to pounce on some misstep.

It didn't happen, just as it didn't happen in Afghanistan or Iraq.

And here's why. He knows his stuff. I worked on Capitol Hill for 20 years and I can tell the difference between a staff driven politician and one who knows what he's talking about. The staff driven pol (McCain is an example) is always capable of the big blunder. He does not mix up Shiites and Sunnis because he "misspoke;" he really doesn't know the difference. Same on the economy, he studies a memo and works to assimilate it. But there is no depth.

The sad fact is that most of our politicians are like that. On the Arab-Israeli issue, all they know is that they need to sound pro-Israel. So they end up mouthing the most superficial pieties. They are afraid to talk about the Palestinians because they might say the wrong thing.

They pander and pander, knowing that they won't get into trouble by just sucking up.

Not Obama.

He is pro-Israel and he supports the two-state solution. He is for keeping Jerusalem undivided but supports resolving Jerusalem's status in negotiations. He acknowledges the Iranian threat to Israel but does not endorse a military response to deal with it.

So what's Obama's secret. He's smart. He reads. He knows his sh*t. And that is why the Republicans who are counting on him to lose this election through some verbal blunder are going to be disappointed.

I'm not saying that McCain cannot win. He can. But he'll have to win it. Obama is not going to hand this election to him by stumbling.

I just talked to a friend who saw Obama in Israel. I asked him what his friends in the Israeli media are saying. "What are they saying? They are saying that he's the next President. And they think he's the smartest American politician they have seen yet."

Me too.

Obama understands the nuances of global politics. Unfortunately, most Americans are clueless and decide how they feel about an issue based on 30 second talking points.

My concern is that most people, while not necessarily stupid, are lazy when it comes to taking the time to listen, read, or pay attention. McCain uses language they can understand. He may be completely wrong on the issues, but people who support him only know that he makes it easy for them. I hope Obama proves me wrong on this.

We will get the president we deserve. Either way.


OK that McCain bit on "The surge" that Olbermann just played was so hilariously bizarre and wrong.:lol Just admit you misspoke and move on!
Jason's Ultimatum said:
McSurge says he never said the surge was responsible for the Sunni awakening. :lol :lol :lol
oh dear. McCain does know that there are these contraptions called video recorders that record what he says and does these days right?


reilo said:
What does being a POW have to do with values?

We had this discussion many pages back, heh. POW = Sacrosanct American 4 lyfe! You could be a POW atheist homosexual and still get 40% in that number.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
We had this discussion many pages back, heh. POW = Sacrosanct American 4 lyfe! You could be a POW atheist homosexual and still get 40% in that number.

Oh, America.

Anyone else think that Olbermann looks many years younger than Gregory, but yet Olbermann is 12 years older?


reilo said:
58% of people identify with McCain's values?!?!


58% people identify with what they believe McCain's values are; I somehow doubt 58% of people identify with what McCain's values actually are.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Frank the Great said:
Wow @ this fucktard being interviewed by Gregory. He just said that the United States should rally western Europe against Russia and reform Cold War alliances in order to fix the disagreements the US and Europe have over Iraq.

That's the basis for Neoconservatism in the first place. The creation of an enhanced Military Industrial Complex based on the existence of a predictable, balanced superenemy. They tried to apply the philosophy to oil, the middle east and terrorism, but all are too unpredictable and subject to far too much public scrutiny. So they would very much prefer another long cold war.


Yeah, I remember there was a poll during the primaries where 38% of people who agreed with McCain's immigration position changed their mind when they learned what it actually was, heh.

BTW, I think the McCain camp really wasted a GIGANTIC opportunity this week. While Obama was overseas, they could've focused on the economy, focused on plans and policies aimed at helping people. Instead it's been attack, attack, attack, attack over something that really doesn't seem like it would help his support.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
Yeah, I remember there was a poll during the primaries where 38% of people who agreed with McCain's immigration position changed their mind when they learned what it actually was, heh.

BTW, I think the McCain camp really wasted a GIGANTIC opportunity this week. While Obama was overseas, they could've focused on the economy, focused on plans and policies aimed at helping people. Instead it's been attack, attack, attack, attack over something that really doesn't seem like it would help his support.

That's because Obama forced the McCain camp to respond.
Tamanon said:
Yeah, I remember there was a poll during the primaries where 38% of people who agreed with McCain's immigration position changed their mind when they learned what it actually was, heh.

BTW, I think the McCain camp really wasted a GIGANTIC opportunity this week. While Obama was overseas, they could've focused on the economy, focused on plans and policies aimed at helping people. Instead it's been attack, attack, attack, attack over something that really doesn't seem like it would help his support.

That's really the only way they were going to stay in the news this week.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Tamanon said:
Yeah, I remember there was a poll during the primaries where 38% of people who agreed with McCain's immigration position changed their mind when they learned what it actually was, heh.

BTW, I think the McCain camp really wasted a GIGANTIC opportunity this week. While Obama was overseas, they could've focused on the economy, focused on plans and policies aimed at helping people. Instead it's been attack, attack, attack, attack over something that really doesn't seem like it would help his support.

and all those attacks make him seem quite cowardly in my eyes. make crazy attacks when your opponent is away and cant respond... and he is supposed to be a man of honor?
Olympic Deal Sealed: Obama Makes $5 Million Buy


WASHINGTON (AdAge.com) -- It's official. Sen. Barack Obama's campaign will be among the TV sponsors of NBC Universal's Olympics coverage. In the first significant network-TV buy of any presidential candidate in at least 16 years, the Obama campaign has taken a $5 million package of Olympics spots that includes network TV as well as cable ads.

According to NBC's political file, the campaign had initially requested information about 500,000, $2 million and $4 million package of Olympics spots. The network also offered the candidate a $10 million package.

NBC Universal is airing 3,600 hours of Olympics coverage on its broadcast network and cable networks including NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, USA Network, Oxygen and Telemundo, and while some of the Obama campaign's spots will air on network TV, the breakdown of how many or exactly when they will air was not immediately available. It did encompass most dayparts.

The Obama campaign did not return several calls and messages seeking comment on the reasoning behind the buy.

The Obama campaign will join major advertisers including McDonald's and Anheuser-Busch. The Beijing games begin with opening ceremonies Aug. 8.

While Rudy Giuliani's campaign did a tiny buy to air political ads on "Fox News Sunday" in consecutive weeks, the Obama campaign's spending on the high-rated and expensive Olympics top anything that has been done on network TV by presidential candidates in years.

The last network TV spot bought by a presidential contender was apparently a single multi-minute ad run by Republican Sen. Bob Dole in 1996.

Presidential candidates have mostly used their advertising to target battleground states, turning to cheaper cable buys when they sought national scope.

Obama campaign officials have said before that, in addition to swing-state buys, they were looking at the possibility of doing national advertising and were looking at a variety of options including cable channels such as MTV and BET and potentially the Olympics.
Talk about strategy!! What can McCain do to trump this?

McCain's adds have been absolutely horrible so far and they are going to get more desperate.

Obama's campaign seems to be always 50 steps ahead of McCain's....I am enjoying this immensely.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Tamanon said:
Good lord, France, 64% Obama FOUR percent McCain.:lol :lol

Freedom Fries really stung that nation.

NOTE: Remember that your elected representatives voted to rename French Fries Freedom Fries because we invaded Iraq and France thought that might not be wise. It is important to remind yourself of that fact every time you think about the government.
You mean to tell me I've gotta listen to Obama tell me he's the awesomest person in the universe in between floor exercises? Hopefully he'll have new ads. I can basically recite word for word the two he's been running ad nauseum for the last 5 weeks or so.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
OuterWorldVoice said:
NOTE: Remember that your elected representatives voted to rename French Fries Freedom Fries because we invaded Iraq and France thought that might not be wise. It is important to remind yourself of that fact every time you think about the government.

nope. there was no vote. just a bunch of wackos.


"Freedom fries" was a name used by some in the United States for French fries, as a result of anti-French sentiment in the United States during the international debate over the decision to launch the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

On 11 March 2003, Representatives Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) and Walter B. Jones, Jr. (R-North Carolina) declared that all references to French fries and French toast on the menus of the restaurants and snack bars run by the House of Representatives would be removed. House cafeterias were ordered to rename French fries "freedom fries". This action was carried out without a congressional vote, under the authority of Ney's position as Chairman of the Committee on House Administration, which oversees restaurant operations for the chamber. The simultaneous renaming of French toast to "freedom toast" attracted less attention.[1]


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hitokage said:
Oh, I dunno, claiming Putin doesn't have a soul ranks up there. Lots of other things too, really.

Those are rude, inflammatory and strategically unsound. Freedom fries is much more intellectually vacuous. One thing to make your nation appear belligerent, but another to make its best and brightest appear to be its dumbest.



From Drudge.



AP account:

JERUSALEM (AP) — Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama paid a predawn visit to the holiest place in Judaism on Thursday, bowing his head in prayer at the Western Wall.

Obama placed a small note inside a crevice in the ancient wall, a custom observed by many. He made his brief stop as he completed a trip to the Middle East in which he met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders as well as Jordan's King Abdullah.

Somehow that doesn't quite sound as alarming as Drudge is making it seem:p

BTW, I expect he'll weave that into the imagery of his speech tomorrow morning. Western Wall at sunrise, War memorial at sunset.
I saw a poor attempt at an attack ad on Obama today...."Both-Ways Barack---He Goes Both Ways! Worse than a Flipflopper!" I've never seen an ad that relied so heavily..utterly... on the concept of using a mirroring tool in A/V before---guessing they are working their way through the user guide or something.

I mean, come on, really guys? Subtle/random homosexual dig for those that just absorb that in soundbite form and hope for the best? I expected all kinds of mud slinging for this campaign but this was just so amazingly stupid and inane that I'm dumbfounded to see such a thing this far out from the election as opposed to a last ditch election-eve maneuver.

What stupidity is next? "Worse than Both Ways, Just Plain Gay!"?

I'm not even an Obama supporter(McCain neither) but ads like this should result in head shaking from everybody regardless.
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