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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
scorcho said:
some good commentary on McCain's arrogance regarding the SURGE -


apparently creating a new lexicon shared to no one absolves any need to retract mendacious statements.

So basically from your first link it shows that the changes that happened in Iraq are not only due to the surge of american troops but also due to Iraqis taking charge. Which is exactly what Obama said.

So why is he getting hit so hard on this surge question?
siamesedreamer said:
Someone explain to me why its OK to criticize Bush for going to the Opening Ceremonies then promptly buy $5 million in advertising during the games.

Are you being facetious? Bush is actually going to China. Obama is buying air time during the Olympics that will be shown in America.

There is really no comparison at all between the two.



Obama's approval rating with registered Latino voters, the nationwide Pew Hispanic Center poll found, is at 66 percent versus 23 percent favoring McCain.

Obama's "strong showing in this survey represents a sharp reversal in his fortunes from the primaries, when Obama lost the Latino vote to Hillary Clinton by a margin of nearly 2-to-1," according to Pew Hispanic Center associate director Mark Hugo Lopez.

Obama's favorability among Latinos is slightly up from a Gallup Poll summary of surveys taken in May, which showed Obama with 62 percent of Latino voters nationwide, compared with 29 percent for McCain.

"He now appears to be even more popular than Hillary Clinton among Latinos," Lopez said.

I AM SHOCKED that weakness in a voting bloc in the primaries did not translate to the general.


Frank the Great said:
Are you being facetious? Bush is actually going to China. Obama is buying air time during the Olympics that will be shown in America.

There is really no comparison at all between the two.
But they both involve the Olympics, and are therefore exactly the same.
Frank the Great said:
Are you being facetious? Bush is actually going to China. Obama is buying air time during the Olympics that will be shown in America.

There is really no comparison at all between the two.

Statements like the one you responded to are the reason he earned that tag in the first place.


testicles on a cold fall morning
more to the point, did any liburrls here criticize Bush going to China?
siamesedreamer said:
How is there no comparison when both actions imply support?
unless you've seen the ad i think that charge is hard to make. he isn't going to China to lend defacto support to the IOC and China, he's taking the opportunity of a national audience to promote his candidacy.


100% logic failure rate
Why are people talking about that poll result showing Barack being the riskier choice like its a shocker? Who thought otherwise? Maybe McCain's age could be viewed as a risk but I'm not seeing any surprising results there.


ralexand said:
Why are people talking about that poll result showing Barack being the riskier choice like its a shocker? Who thought otherwise? Maybe McCain's age could be viewed as a risk but I'm not seeing any surprising results there.
And it's kind of a silly question to begin with. Asking people if the new guy is riskier than the guy that's been around for 30 years? Really, that's just the angle they used to have some even pros and cons for both candidates.


More like 2 hours or so.:p

:lol AB Stoddard. "John McCain is at his best in panic mode. He's a better fighter than a winner"

scorcho said:
he isn't going to China to lend defacto support to the IOC and China, he's taking the opportunity of a national audience to promote his candidacy.

Its the same thing. His message will be aired during the games therefore associating him with China/IOC/Beijing/etc. If he did not want to associated with the games, then he would not have bought the ad slots. Look at CBS having a hard time getting ad buys during the "Swingtown" slot. Companies don't want to be associated with it, so they don't ads (awesome show though). Obama obviously has no problem with this implicit association/support. Its extremely hypocritical and only goes to prove once again that he has absolutely no core set of values/beliefs. Anything can and will be thrown away in an effort to construct the best political outcome for himself.


siamesedreamer said:
Its the same thing. His message will be aired during the games therefore associating him with China/IOC/Beijing/etc. If he did not want to associated with the games, then he would not have bought the ad slots. Look at CBS having a hard time getting ad buys during the "Swingtown" slot. Companies don't want to be associated with it, so they don't ads (awesome show though). Obama obviously has no problem with this implicit association/support. Its extremely hypocritical and only goes to prove once again that he has absolutely no core set of values/beliefs. Anything can and will be thrown away in an effort to construct the best political outcome for himself.
siamesedreamer said:
Its the same thing. His message will be aired during the games therefore associating him with China/IOC/Beijing/etc. If he did not want to associated with the games, then he would not have bought the ad slots. Look at CBS having a hard time getting ad buys during the "Swingtown" slot. Companies don't want to be associated with it, so they don't ads (awesome show though). Obama obviously has no problem with this implicit association/support. Its extremely hypocritical and only goes to prove once again that he has absolutely no core set of values/beliefs. Anything can and will be thrown away in an effort to construct the best political outcome for himself.

Are you fucking serious?


siamesedreamer said:
Its the same thing. His message will be aired during the games therefore associating him with China/IOC/Beijing/etc. If he did not want to associated with the games, then he would not have bought the ad slots. Look at CBS having a hard time getting ad buys during the "Swingtown" slot. Companies don't want to be associated with it, so they don't ads (awesome show though). Obama obviously has no problem with this implicit association/support. Its extremely hypocritical and only goes to prove once again that he has absolutely no core set of values/beliefs. Anything can and will be thrown away in an effort to construct the best political outcome for himself.
You're reaching, SD.
siamesedreamer said:
Its the same thing. His message will be aired during the games therefore associating him with China/IOC/Beijing/etc. If he did not want to associated with the games, then he would not have bought the ad slots. Look at CBS having a hard time getting ad buys during the "Swingtown" slot. Companies don't want to be associated with it, so they don't ads (awesome show though). Obama obviously has no problem with this implicit association/support. Its extremely hypocritical and only goes to prove once again that he has absolutely no core set of values/beliefs. Anything can and will be thrown away in an effort to construct the best political outcome for himself.
Straws! You grasp for them!


testicles on a cold fall morning
yeah, Obama has no core beliefs. i saw him co-opting McCain's gas tax holiday last week!

empty (and false) narratives aside, there's a huge distinction between purchasing a national ad slot and actually going INTO china and serving as the US 'face' for the opening ceremony.
Mandark said:
"The one"? Only if pretty much every elected Democrat (many of whom called for Rumsfeld to resign, which McCain did not do) doesn't count. And if "change things" means "send more troops".

McCain criticized the war in 2003 when the insurgency was getting bad, shut up in 2004 during the campaign, then started talking smack about Rumsfeld after the election. It's his usual pattern of ostentatious maverickosity when not much is at stake, and folding like a lawn chair when voting time comes.

You're right, he wasn't the only person who called out Rummy. With respect to his "ostentantious maverickosity" I disagree: McCain often slowed down his attacks during election cycles but if anything that was more out of party loyalty than hypocritical pandering; it's a trick Liebermann hasn't learned. Although, here's McCain in September 04 making his case against Bush

I'm not saying McCain is right about Iraq, but to say he's constantly held the same position on Iraq as Bush since the war began is not true. Like many he was dead wrong about Iraq, but at least he wound up supporting a change in policy that has worked to a certain extent recently. My problem with McCain has nothing to do with the surge and everything to do with the whole "no-timeline-for-anything" thing


Bonus view from this big Berlin speech, it appears that the Franch press is mad that so much attention is being lauded over there instead of his Paris trip.:p
it's funny to see some people in interviews and stuff tiptoe around the whole "mccain is getting less coverage than obama!" issue, like it's some incredibly complex conspiracy or something.

McCain is simply a boring, out of touch candidate who doesn't know his own positions on anything, and is part of a political party whose ideas are completely antithetical to what most people actually believe and want for the country. Of course people don't give a shit about him, lol


Small balls, big fun!
1) "more out of party loyalty than hypocritical pandering"? I don't see the difference between the two.

2) McCain always voted to support Bush's version of the war in the Senate. Always. If Bush and Rumsfeld were screwing up an occupation and getting people killed for it, that wasn't enough to change McCain's unconditional backing of them when it was time to be counted.

3) The surge isn't the main force behind the current dip in violence in Iraq. Do not make me explain this to you.

3a) Last time I remember you talking about Iraq, it was praising Hillary for "not giving the base red meat" and saying you felt better about "her people" handling the situation, while not giving any details about strategy or even which of her people you meant.

I get a creeping feeling that you have no idea what you're talking about vis Iraq, and as a result you tend to hand out brownie points for seriousness to people who seem to buck their party on the subject.
Frank the Great said:
I'm getting no sound. Is there sound?
Don't worry, it hasn't started yet.
With that stream you should be listening to the original speech without the german translation.

Wait I see a band now, but still no sound...... Hope there will be sound when the speech begins. Otherwise it's pretty useless, right?
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