maynerd said:I believe that McCain is an empty shell and believes what people tell him to believe. Whatever is on the notecard at the time.
Why are you playing the age card? McCain is old and sometimes forgetful.AniHawk said:He asks someone else to remind him what he thinks?
The Gallup was the only poll to show Obama getting a bump from his overseas trip. What it has done since then is regress back to where it was before - which is where all the other polls are.artredis1980 said:God blessss ammmeriiicaaaaa
Dax01 said:Can someone please remind me whom I am rooting for again?
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCains chief economic adviser, told Slate, [McCain] has certainly Im sure said things in town halls that dont jibe perfectly with his written plan. But that doesnt mean its official.
alr1ghtstart said:don't pay much attention to the gallups. They were virtually tied up until his overseas trip, where Obama shot up. McCain then starts the negative ads, people believe them, then you see the effect. I can't wait for the debates just to see how polar opposite they are.
That certainly works.Instigator said:For Sophie?
maynerd said:I believe that McCain is an empty shell and believes what people tell him to believe. Whatever is on the notecard at the time.
(emphasis added)Obama said:"We want to have a serious debate. But so far, we've been hearing about Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. I do have to ask my opponent: is that the best you can come up with? Is that really what the election is about? Is that worthy of the American people? Even the media has pointed out...that McCain has fallen back into ... predictable political attacks and demonstratively false statements... Spending all this time talking about me instead of talking about what he's going to do. That's not going to lower your gas prices. That's's not help you find a job if it's been shipped overseas. It doesn't do a single thing to help the American people. It's the politics of the game. But the time for game-playing is over. That's why I'm running for President."....
On the plus side, there won't be any applesauce attacks to rattle him, etiher.Agent Icebeezy said:He won't be able to carry the notecard.
siamesedreamer said:The last two days prove that these two guys are completely unfit for the White House.
Where the fuck is Gingrich?
siamesedreamer said:The last two days prove that these two guys are completely unfit for the White House.
Where the fuck is Gingrich?
scorcho said:Gingrich?
i'd also love to know what Obama did in the last two days that suddenly makes him unfit.
Gingrich is unfit to be a city dog catcher. Come on.siamesedreamer said:The last two days prove that these two guys are completely unfit for the White House.
Where the fuck is Gingrich?
scorcho said:i'd also love to know what Obama did in the last two days that suddenly makes him unfit.
AniHawk said:He asks someone else to remind him what he thinks?
Incognito said:Gingrich..? No.
and rofl @ siamese
Cheebs said:Gingrich is unfit to be a city dog catcher. Come on.
Don't poke the joke character, you guys.siamesedreamer said:The last two days prove that these two guys are completely unfit for the White House.
Where the fuck is Gingrich?
maynerd said:More McCain taking a question...
Reporter: Should U.S. taxpayer money go to places like Africa to fund contraception to prevent AIDS?
Mr. McCain: Well I think its a combination. The guy I really respect on this is Dr. Coburn. He believes and I was just reading the thing he wrote that you should do what you can to encourage abstinence where there is going to be sexual activity. Where that doesnt succeed, than he thinks that we should employ contraceptives as well. But I agree with him that the first priority is on abstinence. I look to people like Dr. Coburn. Im not very wise on it.
(Mr. McCain turns to take a question on Iraq, but a moment later looks back to the reporter who asked him about AIDS.)
Mr. McCain: I havent thought about it. Before I give you an answer, let me think about. Let me think about it a little bit because I never got a question about it before. I dont know if I would use taxpayers money for it.
Q: What about grants for sex education in the United States? Should they include instructions about using contraceptives? Or should it be Bushs policy, which is just abstinence?
Mr. McCain: (Long pause) Ahhh. I think I support the presidents policy.
Q: So no contraception, no counseling on contraception. Just abstinence. Do you think contraceptives help stop the spread of HIV?
Mr. McCain: (Long pause) Youve stumped me.
Q: I mean, I think youd probably agree it probably does help stop it?
Mr. McCain: (Laughs) Are we on the Straight Talk express? Im not informed enough on it. Let me find out. You know, Im sure Ive taken a position on it on the past. I have to find out what my position was. Brian, would you find out what my position is on contraception Im sure Im opposed to government spending on it, Im sure I support the presidents policies on it.
Q: But you would agree that condoms do stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Would you say: No, were not going to distribute them, knowing that?
Mr. McCain: (Twelve-second pause) Get me Coburns thing, ask Weaver to get me Coburns paper that he just gave me in the last couple of days. Ive never gotten into these issues before.
I really should have bolded the whole thing.
Tamanon said::lol :lol :lol at the girls on the View about to come to blows.
AniHawk said:Obama.
maynerd said:You watch the view?
quadriplegicjon said:he doesnt even know his own policies. good lord. :/
BUSTEDmaynerd said:You watch the view?
Tamanon said:Yes, the showing of it at 240 in the afternoon.
It's a clip running on MSNBC you nimrod
Sweet! A Free Newt webad!
Elisabeth: It seems to be that you can only have one opinion in this country right now.
Whoopi: Oh really? After the last eight years you can say that? Don't go there, please. On one opinion, I know. I got eaten by what one opinion should be in this country.
Elisabeth: I'm saying, you experienced that.
Whoopi: Yes I did, so that's not what I'm doing. I'm trying to get this ad out, to talk about this ad, whether you think it's good or whether you don't think it's good. Not because he went here... What was wrong with that ad is, Is there no other way to do this? John McCain is a great guy. I like him. But this was beneath him. He is a much better guy than this. And that's what agitates me.
Joy: Well, he used to be. He used to be. He's not anymore.
StoOgE said:Guys:
dont forget, tonight at midnight is the deadline to donate money. Any donation in July qualifies you for the chance to go to Denver and meet the Senator.
So, everyone give 10 bucks. Think of it as a raffle with awesome as the prize.
"His campaign actively has been feeding to journalists, all night last night and all day today, the notion that somehow something that we have done in our campaign -- which I could not identify to you today -- somehow had racial overtones," he said, in an apparent reference to the claim -- seen on liberal blogs -- that pairing Obama with two oversexed young white women carried a racial edge.
The blog items, he said, were a third factor driving his comment. "I can only assume [the items] did not come out of the blue," he said, apparently crediting Obama's campaign with suggesting the theme to bloggers.
Gexecuter said:So when does the polls usually start to reflect more accurately the outcome of the election? a month before? a week? i am asking because i think the poll results at this point are pretty useless considering is so long before the election.
Earlier this morning, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis released this one-sentence statement: "Barack Obama has played the race card, and he played it from the bottom of the deck. It's divisive, negative, shameful and wrong."
The statement refers to this Obama line yesterday: "So nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face, so what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, he's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other Presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He's risky. That's essentially the argument they're making."
Obama's remark yesterday seemed innocuous. In fact, it's similar to what he has said many times before. "I know that I don’t look like the Americans who’ve previously spoken in this great city," Obama noted in last week's speech in Berlin.
Perhaps more important, Obama's remarks wouldn't have been seen as playing the race card if Davis hadn't issued this release. After all, the best way to play the race card sometimes is to accuse the other of playing it.
Could you argue Obama used the color of his skin as an attempt to garner votes? Yes. Could you also argue that some Republicans have played the race card? Yes. (See here and here and here.) And was it inevitable that race was going to play a role in this campaign? Yes.
But Obama's remarks yesterday seemed like an obvious observation; Obama was very subtle. Davis, though, decided to use a sledgehammer.
Obama spokesman Bill Burton issued this statement: "This is a race about big challenges -- a slumping economy, a broken foreign policy, and an energy crisis for everyone but the oil companies. Barack Obama in no way believes that the McCain campaign is using race as an issue, but he does believe they're using the same old low-road politics to distract voters from the real issues in this campaign, and those are the issues he'll continue to talk about."
Mumei said:Not sure, but you might find this interesting:
Mumei said:Not sure, but you might find this interesting:
Gexecuter said:So two months before the election carter had the edge and then right before the election the polls were in the margin of error? wow. Since Reagan won by a landslide i wonder if something happened right before the election or the gallup polling was just wrong.