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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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I think my favorite part of this whole thing is McCain's camp saying "Oh we're just having fun here with this ad" and the celeb add has taken up a third of their ad budget.


Tamanon said:
I think my favorite part of this whole thing is McCain's camp saying "Oh we're just having fun here with this ad" and the celeb add has taken up a third of their ad budget.

Good. Let him waste his money. He's doing this stuff when only the hardcore poli-fans are watching. The average american most likely doesn't care at this point.


Mandark said:
I try not to lecture people on watching cable news (chacon a son gout) but if you're going to invest time and energy following politics, at least some of it might as well go towards what makes politics important, which is the ultimate effect on people.

Worth quoting for great justice. News only goes so far (i.e., when it's actually news).

Regarding the WSJ editorial about Obama being too skinny, the story behind it seems rather amusing, if not altogether unsurprising.


The problem I have with this energy debate is its largely argued on false assumptions.

No major power today, including China, is energy independent. There's a report actually released just recently showing China was the 2nd largest investor in renewable energy in 2008 and is set to take the top spot by 2009. This is the case because the report arguest China realized it cannot industrialize in the western model as pollution and depletion of natural resources will make it unsustainable. The result of this possible shift in Chinese industrialization away from dirty fuels, would mean a lot of things, not the least of which technological innovations, licenses, patents and manufacturing of new technologies coming out of the Chinese markets instead of in America.

Energy autarky is not viable. I find this ironic coming from McCain, a Republican free traded by his own policy positions.

Obama's steadfast refusal to accept that some drilling may need to happen, as part of a broader energy policy is also troubling.

It's very likely both candidates will moderate their positions once they get into power, but I don't see a real debate, I see one along ideological lines. With McCain playing the old fashioned conservative, despite having a liberal trade position, and Obama being the usual tree hugging democrat with no real solutions other than platitudes and ideas about renewable energy and the like. It's a long way to go from high dependence on fossil fuels to actually having energy independence (from fossil fuels).

One option not being discussed is the Nuclear option. Nearly every advanced economy use it, and use it safely. Including the greenest of the green E.U. states. The US needs to get back to building these things and stop letting the anti-nuclear terrorist groups scare the public into steering American foreign and energy policy into a false bargain between oil and still unproven and inefficient alternative sources.


i have to say, mccain's ads have been very effective. even i'm beginning to have my doubts about obama especially with this offshore flipflopping. not a very good week for obama.
justjohn said:
i have to say, mccain's ads have been very effective. even i'm beginning to have my doubts about obama especially with this offshore flipflopping. not a very good week for obama.

ur an idiot, read what obama said, and then weep.

and ur going to vote mccain or not vote at all because of off shore?


justjohn said:
i have to say, mccain's ads have been very effective. even i'm beginning to have my doubts about obama especially with this offshore flipflopping. not a very good week for obama.
I agree; McCain has done a fabulous job appealing to the lowest common denominator, ie people like you.


Setec Astronomer
Mandark said:
Everyone getting election fatigue: Go read about The Issues and educate yourself instead of following the daily stories as pushed by cable news. It would be a wonderful and productive way to spend that time and energy. </Condescension>
Says the man who adamantly refuses to spent one cent or swipe a library card for a certain paperback book!


artredis1980 said:
ur an idiot, read what obama said, and then weep.

and ur going to vote mccain or not vote at all because of off shore?
It HAS been a bad week for Obama though. He has dipped in all the polls since McCain has been on the attack. He'll rebound obviously but this week he took a big hit .


I just remembered that the big attack against Kerry was that his military record was false (and not many people cared about it)... so the dems made the convention all about his military record. So I guess if the dems wanted to lose another election, they could devote this convention to how popular Obama is, and how he's the messiah.

Just kidding, that won't happen, Terry McLawlauffe isn't in charge anymore.

And with that, I'm off to Youngstown, one of the best places in Ohio to find democrats. Don't kill the internet when streams cross today, okay?


McCain's mother was asked about the Celeb ad and she said the ad was stupid. :lol

the disgruntled gamer said:
So I guess if the dems wanted to lose another election, they could devote this convention to how popular Obama is, and how he's the messiah.
They kind of are! Instead of holding it in a convention hall with private attendance of just party leaders/delegates they are holding it in a huge football stadium with free attendance from the public


Setec Astronomer
the disgruntled gamer said:
I just remembered that the big attack against Kerry was that his military record was false (and not many people cared about it)... so the dems made the convention all about his military record.
No, democrats wanted to appear strong on terrorism and foreign policy in general and what better way to do that than nominate a war vet!
Cheebs said:
It HAS been a bad week for Obama though. He has dipped in all the polls since McCain has been on the attack. He'll rebound obviously but this week he took a big hit .

Obama had a bad couple weeks, went overseas and got some good press, then came back and his numbers dipped again. It's early so who knows. McCain is looking like he's betting the entire race on whether people accept his purely negative tone. Interesting Begala quote..
Every change agent faces these attacks: He's new, he's scary, he's untested, he's dangerous. The Democrats tried them on Reagan — and the Republicans in turn tried them on Clinton. Reagan and Clinton won, in part, because they did not allow the election to be focused on those attacks. Reagan made the election about Carter; Clinton made it about Bush. Obama badly needs this election to be about the failures of Bush and McCain.


I'd really like to see everyone who has slammed offshore drilling since McCain proposed it to defend Obama's support on it right now.

And no, it's not different because he still wants alternative energy too, McCain has been saying that all along.


JKBii said:
I'd really like to see everyone who has slammed offshore drilling since McCain proposed it to defend Obama's support on it right now.

And no, it's not different because he still wants alternative energy too, McCain has been saying that all along.
Obama isn't supporting Off-shore drilling.
"If, in order to get that passed, we have to compromise in terms of a careful, well thought-out drilling strategy that was carefully circumscribed to avoid significant environmental damage -- I don't want to be so rigid that we can't get something done," Obama told the newspaper.
He'll compromise on it so that Republicans will stop whining so something can actually be done.


JKBii said:
I'd really like to see everyone who has slammed offshore drilling since McCain proposed it to defend Obama's support on it right now.

And no, it's not different because he still wants alternative energy too, McCain has been saying that all along.
Do you have a clue at all what the word compromise means? He is voting for the bill because its a COMPROMISE bill. It includes things he wants, and things he doesn't want but it's a compromise so everyone gets something they want done.


Every change agent faces these attacks: He's new, he's scary, he's untested, he's dangerous. The Democrats tried them on Reagan — and the Republicans in turn tried them on Clinton. Reagan and Clinton won, in part, because they did not allow the election to be focused on those attacks. Reagan made the election about Carter; Clinton made it about Bush. Obama badly needs this election to be about the failures of Bush and McCain.

This is something that is really worrying me. This election should be about Bush, and yet it's not - its about Obama. It's like Obama is running for re-election. Like he's the status-quo, which is the biggest threat to a campaign running on "change."


So in lieu of Obama taking away offshore-drilling as a pet issue with which to attack him, will McCain simply go the standard flip-flop route? Obviously it's already worked on some people in this very thread.
Deku said:
One option not being discussed is the Nuclear option.

McCain has proposed to build 45 new nuclear plants by 2030. Probably one of the very few things that could get me to vote for the guy. Too bad this proposal is DOA with this Congress though.

. . .

Frag, that's an interesting thought about the oil company balance sheets.
Deku said:
Obama's steadfast refusal to accept that some drilling may need to happen, as part of a broader energy policy is also troubling.

Isn't that what he just said that some people here are freaking out about?


Cheebs said:
Do you have a clue at all what the word compromise means? He is voting for the bill because its a COMPROMISE bill. It includes things he wants, and things he doesn't want but it's a compromise so everyone gets something they want done.

Quoting because it needs to be said again.

This news/story has shown that 99.9% of not only the MSM but people in general know fuck-all what the word "compromise" means.


I'm completely opposed to offshore drilling but the Democrats picked the wrong issue not to roll over on. Any bill that is proposed needs to be a compromise and that, I beleive, is what Obama will want the Dems to do, not so much to give the GOP what they want but to turn the issue to their side . I bet anything that any compromise bill will either be defeated, filibustered, or vetoed by the president. Boehner will cry and weep for big oil but its they who will look like the bad guys.

We already know what some of the provisions would or should be including a "use it or loose it" policy, the oil companies sit on millions of acres of leases but they are unwilling to explore them or have actually caped reserves. US oil companies have increased production but the dirty little fact is that they have also increased the amount of oil that is getting exported and not sold domestically, we need a "U.S.A first" policy. Ultimately any drilling decision is up to the states (this is whats going to kill any bill) so we need to ensure that states that do find oil get incentives and assurances of the use of strict environmentally sound procedures.

like I said, there is no way the Republicans will move from they're "Drill, Drill, Drill" campaign after all they could give a rats ass how much we pay at the pump this is only another ploy to get McCain elected.


So Obama shows his opposition to offshore drilling by supporting a bill for offshore drilling? There's really no point in trying to pin the Messiah down on anything.
JKBii said:
So Obama shows his opposition to offshore drilling by supporting a bill for offshore drilling?
"Consider" doesn't mean "do," regardless of how it's spun. Smart political move--

it neutralizes any planned attack by the McCain camp.


He shows his opposition to offshore drilling by passing an offshore drilling bill that will get nowhere. Remember its up to the states not the federal government to tell my state when, where and how they can drill if they choose too. Oh and whose the first to cry "state rights!"...thats right the republicans:lol


thefit said:
He shows his opposition to offshore drilling by passing an offshore drilling bill that will get nowhere. Remember its up to the states not the federal government to tell my state when, where and how they can drill if they choose too. Oh and whose the first to cry "state rights!"...thats right the republicans:lol

So he showed his opposition by supporting it?
Why must everything be so goddamn black and white with you all? He opposes offshore drilling, but is willing to include it in a compromise bill.

What is wrong with that? Should he vehemently oppose anything that includes anything the opposition likes? Remember, there are more people in this country than us raging liberals, and the majority of Americans support drilling anyway. Supporting a compromise bill with it included is not a big deal.


Some of you really need to get educated about how everything works in this country.

You can start by learning how to read a news article.


First tragedy, then farce.
do you know what compromise is? you give up certain concessions to get what you want. its how government works.

unless you want hardcore partisans that veto everything they dont 100% agree with. that leads to gridlock and nothing gets done.


Frank the Great said:
Why must everything be so goddamn black and white with you all? He opposes offshore drilling, but is willing to include it in a compromise bill.

What is wrong with that? Should he vehemently oppose anything that includes anything the opposition likes? Remember, there are more people in this country than us raging liberals, and the majority of Americans support drilling anyway. Supporting a compromise bill with it included is not a big deal.

Obama constantly says he wants to work across the isle with Republicans. That's what compromise results in!

You can't expect him to work across the isle AND stick to a pure liberal ideology.


StoOgE said:
do you know what compromise is? you give up certain concessions to get what you want. its how government works.

unless you want hardcore partisans that veto everything they dont 100% agree with. that leads to gridlock and nothing gets done.

In a perfect world:

Obama said:
You know, these jerk-offs are gonna keep hammering away like bratty kids asking for a new toy, so fuck it, I'm gonna try to get what I want done by giving them a little of what they're asking so at least we can move forward and not get all mired down with their sanctimonious bullshit and next thing you know ain't a goddamn thing at all happen.

Obama said:
I mean, I could be all hard-ass and rigid, but what the fuck, these robot zombie motherfuckers don't quit, man, ya feel me? So yeah, gotta whip out the nuance and shit. What the fuck.


He's willing to play ball with the republicans by taking control of the issue. The Democrats in the house and senate are completely unorganized and went about it the wrong way by outright raising a wall on the issue giving the GOP fodder in an election year. Obama played their game on the FISA issue and now the GOP can't hang that over his head in November, he's doing the same here. What happened with FISA? They same bunch in here got all flustered but if history is any indicator that too, like the commisions act, will be overturned by the supreme court. Congress and the senate cannot overrule the constitution. Obama knows this so he played the game and scored a point.

Some here are just way to black and white and 2 dimensional and would rather follow the media's narrative than take a closer look. The Republicans are trying to score shallow political points for McCain and Obama has been pretty good at deflecting therm so far.
Doesn't this sound similar to that old 2005 Energy Bill? He used the same excuse for voting for that one, it seems we're already dumping a shitload of cash into alternative fuel research as it is.


Watching all this is pretty amusing to me. How dumb does one have to be to change their mind about Obama just because of the ridiculous ads this week? Either these daily polls are stupid or the majority of the public is...or both lol

I just can't believe anyone who says they're leaning towards McCain after this week was ever considering Obama in the first place..


First tragedy, then farce.
Cloudy said:
Watching all this is pretty amusing to me. How dumb does one have to be to change their mind about Obama just because of the ridiculous ads this week? Either these daily polls are stupid or the majority of the public is...or both lol

I just can't believe anyone who says they're leaning towards McCain after this week was ever considering Obama in the first place..

what mccain is trying to do is polarize the electorate. mccain has more "lean mccain" than he does "strong mccain". these sorts of ads are designed to drive the leaners into strong supporters by making this campaign nasty.

so, obama leaners will become strong obama too, but obama already hzd more strong support than soft support. so obama gains less from a polarized electorate than mccain does.

mccain is worried there will be a Reagan like late swing to Obama and is trying to prevent it.

and yes, daily tracking polls are complete BS. Listen to Chuck Godd on them sometime, he doesnt even want NBC using it. and until a few weeks back they werent allowed to mention it on air. i guess the need for a daily talking point outweighed integrity.


Obama said:
"In no way do I think that John McCain's campaign was being racist," Obama said. "I think they're cynical. And I think they want to distract people from talking about the real issues."

McCain Camp said:
"We're glad the Obama campaign retracted Barack Obama's accusation because it was absolutely false, and we're moving on. The only 'cynical' candidate in this election is Barack Obama for his continued opposition to John McCain's comprehensive energy plan that includes additional oil drilling, gas tax relief and affordable nuclear energy."

Well, if they were running for Prick Of The United States, McCain would win in a landslide.

Edit: More nuanced shit some of you can't handle:

Obama said:
"At some point people are going to have to make decisions. Are we going to keep arguing or are we going to get things done?" Obama said.

"What I don't want to do is for the best to be the enemy of the good," he said. "And if we can come up with a genuine bipartisan compromise, in which I have to accept some things that I don't like or the Democrats have to accept some things that they don't like in exchange for actually moving us in the direction of actual energy independence, then that's something I'm open to."


:lol The spin from both sides in this thread is unbelievable.

McCain's celeb ad was awful, but the "chosen one" ad is interesting. In the primaries, Obama always seemed to do much better when he was playing a sort of underdog role in terms of positive/negative press coverage, the amount of coverage he got, and his polling numbers. Alot of candidates do better in the underdog role, but with Obama it seems exacerbated.

Im guessing that more people feel comfortable voting for him if the expectations and golden boy aura about him are diminished and McCain's ad might be devastating if it successfully feeds into that paranoia that folks are voting for Obama because he's somehow being forced upon them.

Obama is going to win this thing but maybe McCain's campaign staff isn't as incompetent as I thought they were.


shibby said:
:lol The spin from both sides in this thread is unbelievable.

McCain's celeb ad was awful, but the "chosen one" ad is interesting. In the primaries, Obama always seemed to do much better when he was playing a sort of underdog role in terms of positive/negative press coverage, the amount of coverage he got, and his polling numbers. Alot of candidates do better in the underdog role, but with Obama it seems exacerbated.

Im guessing that more people feel comfortable voting for him if the expectations and golden boy aura about him are diminished and McCain's ad might be devastating if it successfully feeds into that paranoia that folks are voting for Obama because he's somehow being forced upon them.

Obama is going to win this thing but maybe McCain's campaign staff isn't as incompetent as I thought they were.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cheebs said:

Obama constantly says he wants to work across the isle with Republicans. That's what compromise results in!

You can't expect him to work across the isle AND stick to a pure liberal ideology.

Seems like many people don't understand what working across the isle means. They vote for Obama because he would be biparistan, but when he actually does it some get pissed and say they won't vote forf him.
All the bitching about this flip is ridiculous. Obama built his campaign on the idea that he would be a "post-partisan" president willing to work with the other side. That's exactly what he's doing here.

If you wanted someone who was going to stick it to the REPs damned the consequences, then you should have voted for Hillary. Frag and APF warned you.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
justjohn said:
i have to say, mccain's ads have been very effective. even i'm beginning to have my doubts about obama especially with this offshore flipflopping. not a very good week for obama.

Really? I mean, the first time I read his words, I interpreted them as meaning that he would support a bill with offshore drilling in it if it had other provisions he wanted, like more focus on alternative fuels. As in, he'd only sign a bill with offshore drilling on it to prevent gridlock. I don't think his position has changed at all, only that he's willing to compromise.
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