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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Photos Of Obama At The National Urban League


Sat Aug 2, 3:51 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, shakes hands with supporters after speaking at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Sat Aug 2, 3:52 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., waves as he arrives at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Sat Aug 2, 3:54 PM ET
An image of Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., is projected on a screen as he speaks at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Sat Aug 2, 4:09 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008. Sitting at right is Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League.(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Sat Aug 2, 4:09 PM ET
Words are shown on a display as Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Sat Aug 2, 4:15 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008. Behind Sen. Obama is Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League.(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Sat Aug 2, 4:17 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., shares a laugh with National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial, right, as attendees of the National Urban League conference sing the song 'Happy Birthday' to Obama after speaking to the group in Orlando, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008. Obama's birthday is Monday.(AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)


Sat Aug 2, 4:19 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., addresses attendees of the National Urban League conference in Orlando, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.(AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)


Sat Aug 2, 4:21 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., acknowledges the crowd as National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial thanks him before attendees of the National Urban League in Orlando, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.(AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)


Sat Aug 2, 4:22 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008. Behind Sen. Obama is Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League.(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Sat Aug 2, 4:31 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., is projected onto a large monitor while addressing attendees of the National Urban League conference in Orlando, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.(AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)


Sat Aug 2, 4:31 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., is projected onto large monitors while addressing attendees of the National Urban League conference in Orlando, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.(AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)


Sat Aug 2, 4:34 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, smiles as Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, asks attendees to sing a birthday song for Sen. Obama at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008. Sen. Obama's birthday is Monday.(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Sat Aug 2, 4:34 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., addresses attendees of the National Urban League conference in Orlando, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.(AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)


Sat Aug 2, 4:34 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., pauses for a moment while speaking at the National Urban League Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008.(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
What did McCain say at the National Urban League? The media didn't cover it at all. The McCain campaign seemed satisfied with the media focusing on the whole race card garbage.
From Dickipedia (Lou Dobbs):

After 20 years—and 25 pounds, courtesy of greenroom cold cut platters and as many as four separate salaries from what was essentially just one job—Lou Dobbs inexplicably left CNN to start Space.com, a website devoted solely to astronomical news. This decision made many wonder just how much of a financial expert Lou Dobbs actually was. Not surprisingly, Space.com failed less than a year after it started, forcing Dobbs to return to his old dick job of reading news off a teleprompter and naming shows after himself.

Though many years passed before anyone gave two dicks what Lou Dobbs thought about any issue, once he started using what was supposed to be an unbiased newscast to forward his opinions, well…turns out he’s kind of a nutjob. More specifically, Dobbs is a split political personality, often picking the lesser attractive stances of both the left and right. In fact, while Dobbs once described himself as a “lifelong Republican”—about as clear a self-admission of dicktide as it gets—he now terms himself an “Independent Populist,” whatever that is.

Lou Dobbs was ranked fifth in the Boston Phoenix’s list of “100 Unsexiest Men in the World.” Interestingly enough, three of the remaining top four spaces were also CNN correspondents. The fourth was Bill O’Reilly.

Tucker Carlson:

Carlson’s career as a “journalist” began in 2000 with his co-hosting of CNN’s The Spin Room, on which he represented the right against liberal Bill Press. The show was quickly cancelled, and Carlson began alternating with dick Robert Novak as the conservative co-host of Crossfire, one of the major dickfests in the annals of broadcasting.

Despite his having appeared on hundreds of Crossfire programs, the only episode anyone remembers is the one from October 15, 2004, when Daily Show host Jon Stewart berated Carlson and his liberal co-host/co-dick Paul Begala for their “partisan hackery” and begged them to “stop hurting America.” Carlson told Stewart, “I do think you’re more fun on your show,” and Stewart told Carlson, “You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.” Less than three months later, Carlson learned that CNN would not be renewing his contract and he signed with MSNB

Glenn Beck:


* “Every night I get down on my knees and pray that Dennis Kucinich will burst into flames.” (2003)

* "I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it." (2005)

* "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." (2005)

* “The only [Katrina victims] we’re seeing on television are the scumbags.” (2005)

* “Let me tell you something, there ain’t [nothing] better than looking at a hot, naked chick.” (2006

Mitt Romney:

In 1994, he ran for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat, losing after Kennedy infamously called the (then) pro-choice Romney “multiple choice,” a stinging rebuke for which Romney was only able to think of the perfect comeback hours later, while lying in bed, which is totally frustrating.


A lot of this stuff is funny but Lieberman really does deserve the title:

In an obscure historical footnote, The Gore/Lieberman ticket actually won a majority of the popular vote over the Republican ticket of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, yet lost the election 271 to 266 in the Electoral College. Not to worry though, for Lieberman. Like a true dick, he was also simultaneously campaigning for Senate re-election and won a third term, so when the Gore campaign asked him to help contest some shady overseas ballots in the Florida recount, Lieberman declined so as not to hurt his own future presidential chances. Lieberman:1, Gore: 0.

In January 2003, Lieberman announced he was pursuing the Democratic nomination for president. In true turncoat style, he dickishly released An Amazing Adventure, a campaign memoir he co-wrote with journalist Sarah Crichton, part of which blamed the 2000 election loss on Gore for not having listened to his many critiques. Lieberman: 2, Gore: 0.

Unfortunately, the Joementum never really got past first gear, and Lieberman was trailing badly in the Democratic primaries. The final nail was hammered into his campaign coffin when Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean over him, saying "All of us need to get behind the strongest candidate." Lieberman withdrew from the race without winning a single primary, placing 7th behind John Kerry, John Edwards, Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich, Wesley Clark and Al Sharpton. Gore: 85, Lieberman: 2.


The Chosen One said:
What did McCain say at the National Urban League? The media didn't cover it at all. The McCain campaign seemed satisfied with the media focusing on the whole race card garbage.

Made some comment about having a surge on the city streets using the knowledge gained in Iraq to lock down crime, talked about vouchers being the best thing ever. That's basically it.
Tamanon said:
Made some comment about having a surge on the city streets using the knowledge gained in Iraq to lock down crime, talked about vouchers being the best thing ever. That's basically it.

McCain is and idiot but brilliant at the same time. I don't know if it's age kicking in or what but for a senator that's been doing the same thing for 20+ he doesn't have the ability to articulate a deep policy issue or decision. (To be fair, he hasn't had to, since he gives reporters a grade school level answer for their questions and they leave him be.) The brilliance of his responses are that his answers are grade school level, so basic enough for dumb Americans to jump on board and not realize they're getting duped again...hello gas tax holiday, and drill, drill drill....


maximum360 said:
McCain is and idiot but brilliant at the same time. I don't know if it's age kicking in or what but for a senator that's been doing the same thing for 20+ he doesn't have the ability to articulate a deep policy issue or decision. (To be fair, he hasn't had to, since he gives reporters a grade school level answer for their questions and they leave him be.) The brilliance of his responses are that his answers are grade school level, so basic enough for dumb Americans to jump on board and not realize they're getting duped again...hello gas tax holiday, and drill, drill drill....
yes, becuase the gas tax holiday was a huge issue before one particular candidate jumped on that bandwagon

The McCain campaign is turning the presidential elections into a joke. Leave this stuff to the late night talk shows. It's unbecoming of a presidential candidate to run those kind of ads. This one looks like an ad for a city council member or something.

Sure Republicans will enjoy them, but I can't imagine these type of ads will go over well with Independents (like myself). When Hilary mocked "change", it backfired on her. These guys seem to have forgotten this is a "change" election...
The worst part is that a president who could use Photoshop would easily be a step up from what we've had the past eight years.

I can't believe they spent money on this ad. I feel pity for the people who donated that money in the first place.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Clevinger said:
my goodness this ad is awful, but I guess it's also where the dollar bill/race criticism was targeted.


"It's change, you can make in photoshop!"

That's not an ad you can believe in, that's an ad you can xerox!

GenericPseudonym said:
WHAT THE FUCK? What the hell is wrong with you Americans?

Hey, don't lump all of us in with the stupidity of the McCain campaign.
The last batch of McCain ads have guaranteed that even if I don't vote for Obama, I certainly won't vote for McCain under any circumstances. I'll vote for a third party candidate or something.
kkaabboomm said:
Eric Cantor, VP running mate of John McCain. how does that sound to those interested? I'll also toss this in there...
- He is 100% Jewish
- He has a 100% rating from NARAL (anti-abortion/anti-stem cell research folk)
- He is from Virginia, a state Obama is making a strong play for

You missed the most important one - he compared a Congressional collegue to Hitler because he said mean stuff about his dear AIPAC.

Not happening...

I'd like him to pick Palin or Fiorina just for the woman vote. But, they both have some glaring issues. Romney is the estiblishment pick. But, polls show he would turn off a lot of people. Pawlenty is probably the best choice - low negatives and significant executive experience. But, he's pretty boring. He could probably help in the midwest/upper midwest though.

With Obama, I think Richardson is the best choice by a huge margin. There's nobody in his league with experience. Talk about Kaine is interesting, but I don't get it. Virginia is more likely to go blue than Indiana. So, for me, if you're gonna play the EV game its better to gamble he can win Virginia on his own and pick Bayh to help deliver him Indiana. The risk is +24 EVs vs. +13 EVs. Plus Bayh kinda a bone to the Clintonistas. And then maybe he puts Clark as SecDef.

With McCain's age, his pick is much more important. He has to pick someone who can be seen as capable of running things if something happens. Which is why I believe Pawlenty as a two-time Gubna and 5-time state Senator is the best choice. Obama can kinda play the EV game and he's got several choices.
Reliable Sources on CNN is the horse-shittiest hour on CNN.

'one of television's only regular programs to examine how journalists do their jobs and how the media affect the stories they cover.'

The media is shit so the recaps are just rotating the shit in the composter. And Kurtz is one of those who pretends to be shit for brains and gives both sides equal time no matter what.
The votes on drilling.

Her intent on sacrificing the economy on the alter of the Church of Environmentalism is utterly dispicable. What an embarassment.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
siamesedreamer said:
The votes on drilling.

Her intent on sacrificing the economy on the alter of the Church of Environmentalism is utterly dispicable. What an embarassment.

Offshore drilling isn't going to have the slightest effect on the current economy. Even in a best case scenario it won't affect shit for about 14 years. OPEC won't even blink because they know we're likely overstating those offshore reserves anyway. If we aren't using less oil in 14 years then we've learned nothing and deserve everything we get.


testicles on a cold fall morning
much like the surge, offshore drilling will have a psychological effect on proponents who will see every drop in gas prices to be the effect of that decision, regardless of the reality.


First tragedy, then farce.
plus Obama cant really be touched on drilling now. McCains lone winning issue is off the table. Now his only hope is to go ultra negative or hope for an October surprise.


First tragedy, then farce.
scorcho said:
much like the surge, offshore drilling will have a psychological effect on proponents who will see every drop in gas prices to be the effect of that decision, regardless of the reality.

pretty much, just like mccain tried to credit bush for the recent drop
scorcho said:
much like the surge, offshore drilling will have a psychological effect on proponents who will see every drop in gas prices to be the effect of that decision, regardless of the reality.
It's sad, but true.

And, Hootie, new Sophie avatar. ;)


StoOgE said:
plus Obama cant really be touched on drilling now. McCains lone winning issue is off the table. Now his only hope is to go ultra negative or hope for an October surprise.
I don't see how he can't be touched. He is still against offshore drilling and said he'd only support it if it were part of a bi-partisan compromise (which, even if there were a Dem hat trick, I'm sure they're weak enough to let it happen, see FISA).

He won the gas tax holiday argument with McCain and Hillary by being honest and repeating over and over again that it would not lower prices. By hinting at a future capitulation (before he's even president for chrissakes, why even do that), he leaves himself open to criticism that he's A. flip-flopping or B. without a spine.

He won the gas tax BS, so I don't know why he's bending over on this one.


Setec Astronomer
siamesedreamer said:
The votes on drilling.

Her intent on sacrificing the economy on the alter of the Church of Environmentalism is utterly dispicable. What an embarassment.
With your Church of Free Market Absolutism we might have ourselves a holy war here. :p


testicles on a cold fall morning
this is a good rule of thumb: if you compromise to a Republican position, you're not flip flopping (god i hate that term) - you're just changing stances.

if you're switching from a conservative view to a mostly liberal one, then you're flipping, and flipping hard.


Setec Astronomer
scorcho said:
this is a good rule of thumb: if you compromise to a Republican position, you're not flip flopping (god i hate that term) - you're just changing stances.

if you're switching from a conservative view to a mostly liberal one, then you're flipping, and flipping hard.
No, it's worse than flipping...

...it's treason.


First tragedy, then farce.
librasox said:
I don't see how he can't be touched. He is still against offshore drilling and said he'd only support it if it were part of a bi-partisan compromise (which, even if there were a Dem hat trick, I'm sure they're weak enough to let it happen, see FISA).

He won the gas tax holiday argument with McCain and Hillary by being honest and repeating over and over again that it would not lower prices. By hinting at a future capitulation (before he's even president for chrissakes, why even do that), he leaves himself open to criticism that he's A. flip-flopping or B. without a spine.

He won the gas tax BS, so I don't know why he's bending over on this one.

naw, public opinion is pro-drilling. Plus he isnt flipflopping, he is still against it and thinks it wont work, etc.

then says 'alternatives are the future, but ill compromise and allow drilling if thats what it takes to get what is necessary done.

hes turned it into a winner
1)is now in line w/ majority
2)shows willingness to work with repubs

this is good for independent voters at the same time mccain looks like a crumudgeon.


StoOgE said:
naw, public opinion is pro-drilling. Plus he isnt flipflopping, he is still against it and thinks it wont work, etc.

then says 'alternatives are the future, but ill compromise and allow drilling if thats what it takes to get what is necessary done.

hes turned it into a winner
1)is now in line w/ majority
2)shows willingness to work with repubs

this is good for independent voters at the same time mccain looks like a crumudgeon.
I suppose we'll see. All the weekend headlines I've seen charge "OBAMA FLIP-FLOPS ON OFF-SHORE DRILLING" (and god I hate that term too - since when is it wrong for someone to change a stance after learning more), which have the connotation (and once again, I'm not saying it's true, but perception is reality with the uninformed 99% of voters) that the slight change in tone is for political expediency more than anything.

If the headline read "OBAMA WILLING TO WORK WITH REPUBS ON GAS PRICES" then it'd be a completely different story, and probably a more accurate reflection of reality.
librasox said:
I suppose we'll see. All the weekend headlines I've seen charge "OBAMA FLIP-FLOPS ON OFF-SHORE DRILLING" (and god I hate that term too - since when is it wrong for someone to change a stance after learning more), which have the connotation (and once again, I'm not saying it's true, but perception is reality with the uninformed 99% of voters) that the slight change in tone is for political expediency more than anything.

If the headline read "OBAMA WILLING TO WORK WITH REPUBS ON GAS PRICES" then it'd be a completely different story, and probably a more accurate reflection of reality.
Being uninformed is a bad thing.
DRIVING THE WEEK -- Howey Politics Indiana asks: “An Obama-Bayh Ticket Wednesday?”: “Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama will stop in Indiana this Wednesday at Concord High School in Elkhart, setting Hoosier political observers aflutter with renewed veepstakes speculation. The visit, confirmed to HPI by Second Congressional District Chairman Butch Morgan, could be to announce the selection of Senator Evan Bayh as Obama’s running mate. He would not say whether Bayh would be in attendance. Democratic sources say Secret Service is working out details with local police that would include a motorcade. [Like all Obama visits.]

“The event in Elkhart would draw media coverage in nearby Michigan. … A choice this week would … come days before the beginning of the Beijing Olympics, an event during which a Vice Presidential selection is thought to be unlikely. The Democratic National Convention will begin August 25, the day after the close of August 8-24 Olympic games.”

AP's Indiana wire confirms Obama will hold a town hall meeting at a high school in Elkhart, Ind., on Wednesday morning.

Speculation yea, but interesting. Bayh seems like a better choice than Kaine to me

From NBC's Mark Hudspeth and NBC/NJ's Mike Memoli
On the Veepwatch front, nothing's on Obama's schedule yet, but the traveling press registration e-mail has us flying to South Bend at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and not leaving until 3:25 p.m. the next day.

It seems seems like an awfully long time to be in one place. (Where exactly is Evan Bayh?)

Bayh's home town is near Terre Haute, Ind. -- about four-hour drive from South Bend. But South Bend is a nice geographical point between Illinois and Ohio, and just south of the Michigan line.

Obama communications stretegist Robert Gibbs says all that should be taken from it is that "Indiana is competitive and winnable for us," he said.


I know it's minor, but didn't Bayh vote to authorize the war? If he's the VP, it might be a problem in the debates (another "I voted for it before I was against it thing"), but as long as he doesn't backpedal like Hillary did and candidly expresses that it was a mistake, the problem should be minimized.

Otherwise, I guess the only problem is that he looks a lot younger than Obama, even though he's much older. :D


So dreamy...
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