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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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i don't agree with the rhetoric but the ads are fine, people need to lighten up.

and dear god that ad is defintely not racist. but it's futile stating that, seeing as to how you drop your hat in america and omg ur racist


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i don't agree with the rhetoric but the ads are fine, people need to lighten up.

and dear god that ad is defintely not racist. but it's futile stating that, seeing as to how you drop your hat in america and omg ur racist
More to the point, the appearance of kneejerk race-baiting allows the McCain camp to transform a rather silly and shallow jab into a demonstration of the humorlessness of the Imperial Candidacy of Dear Leader His Holiness The Second Barack Obama Peace Be Upon Him; here we see the problem with building a hairtrigger rapid-response force: if you respond too strongly to a friendly tweak on the nose, you can be Jiu Jitsu'd pretty easily, and end up in a much worse position than if you just ignored it or took it in stride.
Tamanon said:
Although it is kinda rich to see someone get so indignant over a non-existant racist charge when their campaign has actively suggested that the opponent is traitorous to the country, insane, and would allow a second holocaust.:lol
fucking this.

damn repugs with their fake calculated outrage


Why do people think offshore drilling is such a good idea? If we're still not anywhere close to developing an alternative by the time we would actually benefit from it, then that's this country's own stupid fault.
Diablos said:
Why do people think offshore drilling is such a good idea?

They're protesting over the fact that Pelosi adjurned the House for summer recess without allowing an up or down vote on drilling. Drilling really doesn't have much to do with this - they know its not going to pass. Its just the principle of it. Makes for nice theater and maybe some points in November.


GhaleonEB said:
House Republicans will be back on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives again Monday to continue the unprecedented protest that began last Friday, when dozens of Republicans joined hundreds of American citizens on the House floor to protest Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) decision to send Congress home for the rest of the summer without a vote on legislation to lower gas prices and move America toward energy independence.
Why did she do that?


First tragedy, then farce.
APF said:
Of course the McCain campaign was waiting for that kind of attack--Obama used it to smear fellow Democrats and Bill Clinton of all people, so why would he refrain from going back to that well when campaigning against Republicans?

wait, you mean the comment where right after Obama blew Clinton out in SC he wrote the primary off as 'unimportant' because "even jessie jackson won it"?

because writing a contest off as nothing more than "he won cuz he's black and the blacks vote for each other" is pretty fucking terrible. Not to mention a pretty big dis on Rev Jackson and his nuts.
If the Dems get their shit together this issue can be no worse than a draw.

Gotta point out how the Republicans are funded by big oil. Drilling is super shit in the short term and crap in the long run. And saying they made 12 billion in the last quarter isn't in terms the public gets easily.

Alternative energy investment is the future and will create jobs too.


GhaleonEB said:
Normal summer recess?
To your average American they dont think its vacation time for the Government its get your asses in the seat and fix it time. She gave the Republicans huge amounts of ammunition


First tragedy, then farce.
laserbeam said:
To your average American they dont think its vacation time for the Government its get your asses in the seat and fix it time. She gave the Republicans huge amounts of ammunition


how? Its a fucking recess, what do you want Congress to stay in sessoon 24/7?

Just bc no one is voting doesnt mean no one is working, recesses when people arent in subcommitee meetings is when bills can be drafted. Especially bipartisan compromise bills that take a ton of work. This new compromise energy bill is being drafted and support garnered during this recess.

I swear you people need to take a civics class.


StoOgE said:

how? Its a fucking recess, what do you want Congress to stay in sessoon 24/7?

Just bc no one is voting doesnt mean no one is working, recesses when people arent in subcommitee meetings is when bills can be drafted. Especially bipartisan compromise bills that take a ton of work.

I swear you people need to take a civics class.

Incorrect! Bills are only created on the floor and then immediately voted on!
StoOgE said:

how? Its a fucking recess, what do you want Congress to stay in sessoon 24/7?

Just bc no one is voting doesnt mean no one is working, recesses when people arent in subcommitee meetings is when bills can be drafted. Especially bipartisan compromise bills that take a ton of work.

I swear you people need to take a civics class.
I've taken civics class...



First tragedy, then farce.
Dax01 said:
I've taken civics class...


well not everyone needs one. but certain people seem to gain all their information from pundits, which is to say they get very little info at all.
It is a joke and a half. Even by the GOP's pitiful standard. Their last session was the do nothing-est since forever. BRING THAT UP DEMS. And they got the congress in session for the Schiavo disgrace. Ahh yes, Bill Frist an his diagnosis via VHS. What a FUCK TARD that guy is.

Why am I a better strategist than the people who do this full time?


laserbeam said:
To your average American they dont think its vacation time for the Government its get your asses in the seat and fix it time. She gave the Republicans huge amounts of ammunition
This is true. It's disappointing to see that democratic leadership feels the need to send everyone home for the summer, while americans struggle to get by while working 4 jobs. These are dire times for our nation, and it's not the time to be resting. Say what you want about the GOP, but when elected, they serve, they don't take vacations.

She gave the repubs huge amounts of ammunition, especially considering that congress was rarely in recess when the GOP controlled it, and for the sake of our country I hope the republicans use that ammunition.


StoOgE said:

how? Its a fucking recess, what do you want Congress to stay in sessoon 24/7?

Just bc no one is voting doesnt mean no one is working, recesses when people arent in subcommitee meetings is when bills can be drafted. Especially bipartisan compromise bills that take a ton of work.

I swear you people need to take a civics class.
Thank you for overreacting. I specifically said with the average American this will play right into the hands of the Republicans.

Summer Recess is their vacation period for the vast majority. They get on their jets etc and go all over the world. They dont run home and sit writing bills. There are of course those who take their responsabilty to the people to heart and work but lets not kid ourselves on this

To the average American they want answers from their government on the situation the dont want to see Summer vacation. Politics is all about perception and right now they Democracts opened themselves to be painted as people who dont care.


the disgruntled gamer said:
This is true. It's disappointing to see that democratic leadership feels the need to send everyone home for the summer, while americans struggle to get by while working 4 jobs. These are dire times for our nation, and it's not the time to be resting. Say what you want about the GOP, but when elected, they serve, they don't take vacations.

So in addition to taking a civics class, perhaps some people here need to actually read the news beyond just the presidential headlines. Evidently, some people have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.



The town of Sturgis, South Dakota will witness, on Monday, the rare fusion of drunken debauchery, public stripteasing, motorcycle rallying, a live performance by Kid Rock, and - last but not least - a veterans-themed speech by presidential candidate John McCain. Seriously.

On Sunday, the McCain campaign announced that the Senator will participate in the Sturgis Rally 2008 at Buffalo Chip in South Dakota, an annual tribute to American veterans. The event is up the Arizona Republican's wheelhouse, attracting thousands of active duty and former servicemen, many who have a natural affinity towards the Senator.

But it is hard not to notice the evocative, non-political sideshows that will literally surround McCain's speech. As the presumptive nominee takes the stage, the "Ringin' Wet & Wild" women's wrestling event will be taking place on the main amphitheater. Two hours before then, the "Miss Buffalo Chip Beauty Pageant - Bikinis on the Beach" will be staged at a different venue.

Family values McCain!


sp0rsk said:
This is sarcasm right.
Can you think of any high-profile republicans who are famous for taking a lot of vacations? ;)
Macam said:
So in addition to taking a civics class, perhaps some people here need to actually read the news beyond just the presidential headlines. Evidently, some people have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
Name names!
When they (the GOP) serve they don't take vacations??? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAH. Got damn, come on man.. even Rush Limbaugh thinks that's ridiculous.


Byakuya769 said:
When they (the GOP) serve they don't take vacations??? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAH. Got damn, come on man.. even Rush Limbaugh thinks that's ridiculous.
Oh, and Rush Limbaugh is a reasonable source now?

Shit, I can't do this anymore. Playing devil's advocate is hard! I was (quite obviously) kidding, kids.


Byakuya769 said:
When they (the GOP) serve they don't take vacations??? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAH. Got damn, come on man.. even Rush Limbaugh thinks that's ridiculous.
And this from the guys that were having congress work 2-3 days a week when they were in power, and then threw a FIT when Pelosi instated five day work weeks.
GhaleonEB said:
And this from the guys that were having congress work 2-3 days a week when they were in power, and then threw a FIT when Pelosi instated five day work weeks.
It's like when they (Repubs) complained that there weren't...wait for it...tougher regulations on the houses built for Katrina victims (by private companies) that turned out to contain formaldehyde.
the disgruntled gamer said:
Say what you want about the GOP, but when elected, they serve, they don't take vacations.
Has Bush gone on his annual month-long Texas vacation yet?

Edit: I thought that was an unusual thing for you to say.


McCain is really running a more traditional swing strategy. Focus on the few swing states, ignore the rest. Worked for Hillary!

Obama presently has 14 field offices open in Indiana, and according to both my source and an article in the Indianapolis Star, has plans to open about a dozen more. The head of Obama's field operations in Indiana is Emily Parcell, who was Obama's political director in the Iowa caucuses.

The McCain campaign, meanwhile, has no offices in Indiana, and doesn't have plans to open any.
No plans to open any field offices in Indiana, while Obama will have nearly 30.

The thing I don't get is how so many people think Congressional Recess is like some sort of vacation. Sure they take some time off but a large part of it is so that the Senators and Representatives can do work in their district.

Didn't hillary win those big states though?

Well Obama has New York, California and Pennsylvania in the bag. Texas is guaranteed Republican and Ohio is likely the only big battleground. However, not only can Obama contest Ohio he actually may contest North Carolina and Virginia when his campaign gets fully underway.


testicles on a cold fall morning
GenericPseudonym said:
The thing I don't get is how so many people think Congressional Recess is like some sort of vacation. Sure they take some time off but a large part of it is so that the Senators and Representatives can do work in their district.
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