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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Hitokage said:
With your Church of Free Market Absolutism we might have ourselves a holy war here. :p

Free Trade died long ago.

I just was listening to the part on WWII in The History of the World yesterday.

This part on FDR and the New Deal would blow the mind of Free Market maniacs who often overlap with the liberal bashes.

It changed the emphasis of the working of American capitalism and its relations with government.

This in the end gave capitalism a new lease of life in new governmental setting. The New Deal brought the most important extension of the power of the federal authorities over American society and the states that had ever occurred in peace time and it has proved irreversible.

And incidentally offered to the world a democratic alternative to fascism and communism by providing a liberal version of large scale governmental intervention in the economy.


Dax01 said:
Oh god:lol The way he pauses then asks her to repeat the question.

And he was lying: he opposed the MLK holiday.
Seriously. He said he was "fighting" for legislation to sponson MLK day. He didn't, and even offered a weak, decades-late apology to the NAACP when he spoke to them during the primary.

Lying is so easy for McCain.


To be fair, I guess he used the word "fighting" because he can always say later that he was fighting on the side against it.


Bayh is pretty popular in Indiana. Considering some of the national polls he could make a difference in the presidential election, but his seat in the Senate would have a pretty big chance of going red.
GhaleonEB said:
Seriously. He said he was "fighting" for legislation to sponson MLK day. He didn't, and even offered a weak, decades-late apology to the NAACP when he spoke to them during the primary.

Lying is so easy for McCain.

Didn't he also VERY recently speak out against some kind of affirmative action thing?


JoshuaJSlone said:
Bayh is pretty popular in Indiana. Considering some of the national polls he could make a difference in the presidential election, but his seat in the Senate would have a pretty big chance of going red.


Until we have another Democrat in state politics capable of winning his Senate seat should he become VP, I won't like him being VP. Not worth it.


Mumei said:

Until we have another Democrat in state politics capable of winning his Senate seat should he become VP, I won't like him being VP. Not worth it.
I read a pretty compelling article arguing that when choosing a VP, Obama would first do no harm to Dem's chances of holding a Senate or governor seat.


maynerd said:
Lieberman is trash. That is all...for now.
I wanted to punch the TV while watching Meet The Press today.
I know having a filibuster proof majority is important, but fuck that shit, sometime you need to put principles ahead of the numbers game; the DNC has to remove him from the democratic caucus.


Biden would be worth it for one reason. The VP debate. He'd be so fucking amazing in that situation. In the few debates he was in the primary his answers were always the most entertaining.


100% logic failure rate
Lemonz said:
When will people start asking why McCain can't get a lead in any national poll. I've only seen one poll since June that has McCain in the lead and that same poll had an Obama lead among registered voters.
So is Lieberman a republican now? He seems to agree with every position McCain has.

EDIT-I Thought the reason why Obama brought up the race issue was due to the fearmongering chainmails spread throughout the internet?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
So is Lieberman a republican now? He seems to agree with every position McCain has.
Not true. Yes Lieberman is a asshole, selfish...etc and yes he agrees with McCain on foreign policy but on domestic policy he is still a democrat. He is pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, standard liberal on the environment, wants universal health care....etc

He is a neocon when it comes to foreign policy, a run of the mill democrat when it comes to domestic policy. I still hate his guts though.


In fact the dollar bill comment was actually a direct response to the McCain ad where they photoshopped his face onto a dollar bill in a really, really weird pose.
ralexand said:
When will people start asking why McCain can't get a lead in any national poll. I've only seen one poll since June that has McCain in the lead and that same poll had an Obama lead among registered voters.

Because hardly anyone expect him to be in the lead. No expectation, no scrutiny.
Cheebs said:
Not true. Yes Lieberman is a asshole, selfish...etc and yes he agrees with McCain on foreign policy but on domestic policy he is still a democrat. He is pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, standard liberal on the environment, wants universal health care....etc

He is a neocon when it comes to foreign policy, a run of the mill democrat when it comes to domestic policy. I still hate his guts though.

Ah. I could've sworn Lieberman mentioned how he agrees with McCain on the issues. Maybe he was actually talking about what you mentioned.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Ah. I could've sworn Lieberman mentioned how he agrees with McCain on the issues. Maybe he was actually talking about what you mentioned.
yeah it is foreign policy. He still votes with dems more than republicans. He is still a sell-out to me though.


Cheebs said:
Not true. Yes Lieberman is a asshole, selfish...etc and yes he agrees with McCain on foreign policy but on domestic policy he is still a democrat. He is pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, standard liberal on the environment, wants universal health care....etc

He is a neocon when it comes to foreign policy, a run of the mill democrat when it comes to domestic policy. I still hate his guts though.

On MTP he was essentially say that he wants/will speak at the Republican convention. He was spouting out republican lie talking points about Obama. The dude is trash.
GhaleonEB said:
Seriously. He said he was "fighting" for legislation to sponson MLK day. He didn't, and even offered a weak, decades-late apology to the NAACP when he spoke to them during the primary.

Lying is so easy for McCain.
Didn't McCain get in some closed-door shouting match with some Arizona legislators about this? Not for any high-minded purpose, but because he was "getting fucked" about it? I think I'm recalling that correctly, but I can't find specific reference to it.

That video is almost painful to watch. He's so clearly lost in the beginning. Of course, once he finds his footing, he doesn't answer the question and lies, besides.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chichikov said:
It doesn't matter.
Whenever race is discussed it helps him.

basically. he has lost whatever moral compass he had this week. he interjects race into it to his advantage and then blames Obama.

If this shit works, I give up on this country.


adamsappel said:
Didn't McCain get in some closed-door shouting match with some Arizona legislators about this? Not for any high-minded purpose, but because he was "getting fucked" about it? I think I'm recalling that correctly, but I can't find specific reference to it.

That video is almost painful to watch. He's so clearly lost in the beginning. Of course, once he finds his footing, he doesn't answer the question and lies, besides.
But you see, it doesn't matter anymore, you can't attack him on the issue without being labeled as playing the race card again.
It's really brilliant (if a little bit sickening) maneuvering by the McCain's campaign.

StoOgE said:
If this shit works, I give up on this country.
Have no mistake, this shit works, I just hope it doesn't work well enough.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
scola said:
"I think his comments... were the race card" WTF does that even mean :lol

You see, this is a problem. You can make the argument easily enough that Obama was playing the race card. In fact, I might even agree.

But it's the McCain campaign's response to the comment that was really telling. It's as if his campaign was just waiting for any comment that could be construed as racial. By endlessly jamming their response into the American people, "OMG OBAMA PLAYED THE RACE CARD HE'S RACE BAITING RACE RACE RACE RACE", it's truly his campaign that's engaging in the real racism and race baiting. They're trying to exploit those white people that are sensitive to "reverse" racism that don't like things like affirmative action.

And now his campaign has diluted the message and pounded it so hard that McCain can't even keep his words straight.


Of course the McCain campaign was waiting for that kind of attack--Obama used it to smear fellow Democrats and Bill Clinton of all people, so why would he refrain from going back to that well when campaigning against Republicans?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
Of course the McCain campaign was waiting for that kind of attack--Obama used it to smear fellow Democrats and Bill Clinton of all people, so why would he refrain from going back to that well when campaigning against Republicans?

Obama smeared Bill Clinton? Wow. Revisionist history in full effect here.


ZealousD said:
And now his campaign has diluted the message and pounded it so hard that McCain can't even keep his words straight.
Doesn't seem to matter since more people view Obama's comment as more racist than they do McCain's ads.
Diablos said:
Doesn't seem to matter since more people view Obama's comment as racist than they do McCain's ads.

How are McCain's ads racist? I'm surprised even 22% thought so. I guess you could say flashing two white girls before Obama could be construed as racist but it's a bit of a stretch.

I also don't think Obama's comment was race-based. Aside from being true, he seemed to be trying to say "hey, tell your dumb chain-emailing friends I'm not a crazy muslim terrorist".


worldrunover said:
How are McCain's ads racist? I'm surprised even 22% thought so. I guess you could say flashing two white girls before Obama could be construed as racist but it's a bit of a stretch.

Clearly "offshore drilling" is code for "where the white women at?"


I don't think either the ad itself or Obama's statement was racist. The Harold Ford one definitely was, it was purely aimed at showing that Ford was trying to take the white women. And that's a BIIIIIG dog-whistle in the South. White women are the new "jobs"
Obama: Seat Florida, Michigan
Barack Obama, moving to heal one of his party's deepest wounds, called Sunday for a full seating of the disputed Florida and Michigan delegations at the Democratic National Convention.

The Democratic National Committee had cut the states' delegations as punishment for scheduling early primaries. But Democrats recognize the importance of a motivated base in those classic battlegrounds.

The delegate count for the states was one of the most contentious issues between the Clinton and Obama campaigns as the nominating contests ground down.

Here is the text of Obama's instruction to the party, which he now controls as presumptive nominee:

August 3, 2008

Hon. Alexis Herman, Co-Chair

James Roosevelt, Jr., Co-Chair

Eliseo Roques-Arroyo, Co-Chair

Dear Credentials Committee Chairs:

In just a few weeks, our Party will convene in Denver for our National Convention. This will be an historic event that will showcase our vision for changing the direction of our country.

The delegates and alternates who gather on Monday, August 25 will reflect the talent, energy and rich diversity of our Democratic Party. The delegates will come from all 56 states and territories. As these delegates go about the important business of the Convention, I believe Party unity calls for the delegates from Florida and Michigan to be able to participate fully alongside the delegates from the other states and territories. Accordingly, I ask that the Credentials Committee, when it meets on August 24 to approve the delegates for the National Convention, pass a resolution that would entitle each delegate from Florida and Michigan to cast a full vote.

As a candidate for the nomination, I supported the DNC’s efforts to establish and enforce a schedule for primaries and caucuses that would broaden the opportunity for Democrats from all regions of the country and all backgrounds and walks of life to have a meaningful voice. An unprecedented number of voters participated in our Democratic nominating process. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Governor Dean for his principled leadership during this long and challenging process.

As we prepare to come together in Denver, however, we must be – and will be – united in our determination to change the course of our nation. To that end, Democrats in Florida and Michigan must know that they are full partners and colleagues in our historic mission to reshape Washington and lead our country in a new direction.

With warmest personal regards,

Barack Obama


worldrunover said:
How are McCain's ads racist? I'm surprised even 22% thought so. I guess you could say flashing two white girls before Obama could be construed as racist but it's a bit of a stretch.

I also don't think Obama's comment was race-based. Aside from being true, he seemed to be trying to say "hey, tell your dumb chain-emailing friends I'm not a crazy muslim terrorist".
McCain's ad really isn't; the problem is the msm will compare the two as if it is somehow valid.

Should have made that clear in my last post, sorry


Although it is kinda rich to see someone get so indignant over a non-existant racist charge when their campaign has actively suggested that the opponent is traitorous to the country, insane, and would allow a second holocaust.:lol
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