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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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siamesedreamer said:
The Obama campaign could not provide figures to back up his claim that inflating tires and getting tuneups would save just as much oil as could be produced by offshore drilling.


Maybe he could, you know...provide the proof before calling everyone ignorant.
Even when Obama is wrong, he's right to call the people who are right ignorant.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
Even when Obama is wrong, he's right to call the people who are right ignorant.

Is there a single ounce of rationale in your entire body?


"So the production offset is more likely to approach 800 thousand barrels per day – a tidy sum and a worthwhile target for savings, but not equal to OCS output," he rules. "Finally, without knowing what production volumes could be expected from lifting the ban on OCS drilling moratoria, it’s impossible to assert that taking these fuel savings actions would exceed future offshore oil volumes, and in fact, one might argue that the combination of achieving these savings AND developing new supply would doubly enhance US energy security."



reilo said:
Properly inflating tires to improve gas mileage, along with having a clean air filter and properly tuned vehicle aren't myths - it's fucking real.

Yeah this isn't really new either, people have been trying to get gas stations to have free air for quite a few years now because of the mpg improvements.


100% logic failure rate
ronito said:

Obama volunteered his wife for a part in Planet of the Apes playing an ape with no costume.

Scamer, it is obvious that what you said is not true. The female Apes in "planet of the Apes" are supposed to look fairly caring and loving of their fellow apes. Michelle Obama could never pull it off, but she may be able to pull off the male lead. (The black, scary ape.)

When did cnn become such a bastion of the right wing. Some of those comments are scary.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes


APF said:
Obama was observing that coastal drilling would save us so little oil and so little money even twenty years from now, that you can actually save more money immediately by doing “simple things” such as keeping your tires properly inflated.

Where did he get that crazy idea? From George Bush’s Energy Department and Environmental Protection Agency…. Their joint site fueleconomy.gov is loaded with fuel-saving, money-saving tips. Keep your tires properly inflated, for example, and you can save up to 12 cents a gallon.

Compare that immediate savings from that single tip, with what coastal and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling combined would get you two decades from now: 6 cents a gallon.

And that’s being generous, because Bush’s Energy Department says we can’t expect any impact on prices from coastal drilling until the year 2030.

In their knee-jerk mockery, conservatives are flying closer to the truth then they intend to


Door2Dawn said:
I like how APF keeps quoting from the abc article,ignoring the fact the article is wrong.
How is the article wrong? According to which primary sources? And how many times did I quote that article again?

ronito: I think that's a valid point, but does not fully address anything, which was McCain's point (when he said, lets do that but that's not going to solve our dependency)


APF said:
How is the article wrong? According to which primary sources? And how many times did I quote that article again?

ronito: I think that's a valid point, but does not fully address anything, which was McCain's point (when he said, lets do that but that's not going to solve our dependency)
I guess wrong isn't a good word for it.But I do think that abc article isn't accurate.


APF said:
ronito: I think that's a valid point, but does not fully address anything, which was McCain's point (when he said, lets do that but that's not going to solve our dependency)
True,but the same could be said about Mccain's whole policy which is, "Let's give a fat kid a candy bar!"


ronito said:
True,but the same could be said about Mccain's whole policy which is, "Let's give a fat kid a candy bar!"
Giving skinny kids candy bars isn't really helping either though. ;)
APF said:
How is the article wrong? According to which primary sources? And how many times did I quote that article again?

The article comes to the conclusion that the american public would save 800k barrels of oil/per day, and compares that to current production, with a caveat that we don't know what the added production would be so we don't know how much the difference in production vs. saved oil is.

The article doesn't mention that there are existing estimates from the current, not exactly hostile to oil interests administration. That is 200k barrels/per day.

So by the current estimation, which the ABC news article doesn't mention, then yes, Obama is right.

ronito: I think that's a valid point, but does not fully address anything, which was McCain's point (when he said, lets do that but that's not going to solve our dependency)

See, There's not much else TO his policies other than drilling
1) enforce existing CAFE standards (so, don't change anything)
2) 300 million prize for a better battery (vs obama's 15 million dollar investment)
3) Expand alchohal based fuels by cutting ethanol subsidies, note a lack of investment, in thes just dropping ethanol subsidies. In and of itself a good idea, but not really a big part of the "off foreign oil solution.
4) more domestic drilling.

So of his 4 points related to fuel efficiency, 1 isn't actually a change, 2 is kind of paltry compared to the market value of such a battery, 3 is a good idea, but won't change the ethanol market much. so really, his only substantive piece is his offshore drilling idea.

McCain has lots of good ideas for how to improve America's power infrastructure, but those don't really expand to his ideas on transportation.

An idea that wouldn't be as effective as keeping our cars in tune.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Maybe the voiceover guy misspoke and meant to say "battle for big oil".


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Holy shit, I expected a Paris Hilton actor, and not Paris Hilton :lol

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
siamesedreamer said:
The Obama campaign could not provide figures to back up his claim that inflating tires and getting tuneups would save just as much oil as could be produced by offshore drilling.


Maybe he could, you know...provide the proof before calling everyone ignorant.

he isnt calling everyone ignorant. he's calling McCain and his campaign ignorant. BIG difference.

also.. http://www.time.com/time/politics/ar...829354,00.html


woops.. too slow.. :/

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
How is the article wrong? According to which primary sources? And how many times did I quote that article again?

ronito: I think that's a valid point, but does not fully address anything, which was McCain's point (when he said, lets do that but that's not going to solve our dependency)

problem is.. he did not say 'lets do that,' he mocked it, while completely failing to respond to Obama's actual plan.

worldrunover said:
McCain's new TV ad

Wait.... did he just say we're worse off than we were 4 years ago? Is this ad an endorsement of Barack Obama?

wow. he's calling himself 'The Original Maverick' .. and people say obama is presumptuous??


BenjaminBirdie said:
Adam McKay can do no wrong.

FunnyOrDie as a whole, let alone most of his filmography, is proof that he's done plenty of wrong.

In any case, I'm more amused by the fact that the Paris ad, while trying to be clever, goes on to perpetuate the false idea that offshore drilling is going to do anything in the short term. She goes for brains and still comes out dumb.
quadriplegicjon said:
wow. he's calling himself 'The Original Maverick' .. and people say obama is presumptuous??
Stodgy old white republicans can't be presumptuous, only self-assured. Charismatic young liberal negroes on the other hand? Now those guys are presumptuous as all get-out, no matter what they're saying.


A nice dissection of the daily Gallup poll.


Since the end of the primary:


Having some fun with those who would over-interpret this graph, Abramowitz said: "Look--Obama is surging! OMG, Obama's support is collapsing. No wait, he's surging again! Oh no, he's collapsing again! What happened to that 9 point lead? McCain's strategy must be working. All is lost--the end is near! I knew we should have nominated Hillary!"

Then Abramowitz steps back a bit, averaging the Obama lead from each daily tracking poll into 10-day data points, stretching from June 5 to August 4. Which gives him a rather stable-looking 3-to-4 point lead for Obama:


Explaining the optical illusion, Abramowitz says: "When you group the tracking poll data into ten-day periods it becomes clear that support for the presidential candidates since the end of the primaries has been extremely stable, with Obama maintaining a modest but consistent lead, and that almost all of the day-to-day movement in the data is simply random noise."

Or, in a somewhat shorter version of his attitude toward the ups and downs of the daily graph that gets turned over each day on cable news shows, Abramowitz says: "Never mind."

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
nice. obama just put out an ad taking apart mccain's recent one.


Full script after the jump


:30 for TV

He’s the original maverick.



The president and I agree on most issues. There was a recent study that showed that I voted with the president over ninety percent of the time…


John McCain supports Bush’s tax cuts for millionaires, but nothing for a hundred million households.

He’s for billions in new oil company giveaways, while gas prices soar.

And for tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.

The original maverick?

Or just more of the same?

I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.


electricpirate said:
The article doesn't mention that there are existing estimates from the current, not exactly hostile to oil interests administration. That is 200k barrels/per day.
You're trying to compare figures from two different articles w/o actually comparing primary sources, which is a recipe for failure. What's the primary source for what the Time post (or wherever you're getting it from) argues is the Administration's entire figure, and why does it conflict so much with ABC's expert's conclusion?

quadriplegicjon said:
problem is.. he did not say 'lets do that,'
"Yesterday, he suggested we put air in our tires to save on gas," McCain said. "My friends, let's do that, but do you think that's enough to break our dependence on Middle Eastern oil? I don't think so."
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