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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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LazerShark said:
What's the name of this "pro-lynching song" the Huff is whining about?

Edit: just saw your edit.

Just did a quick google.


Lovely lyrics.

Grandpappy told my pappy, back in my day, son
A man had to answer for the wicked that he done
Take all the rope in Texas

Find a tall oak tree, round up all of them bad boys
Hang them high in the street for all the people to see that


scorcho said:

i didn't think the GOP could top the spin they put on Obama's tire pressure line, but whoa boy.

GOP: see? we lowered gas prices
nation: how?
GOP: by talking amongst ourselves about it
nation: how?
GOP: because it shows that we're willing to talk about things
nation: is this coming up for a vote?
GOP: no, Congress is out of session.
nation: oh. are your talks being simulcast on CSPAN?
GOP: no.
nation: so how does this do anything?
GOP: it shows that we mean business, even if we can't do anything unless Democrats acquiesce on the issue.
nation: oh, okay.

haha ok I'm a republican and that is just plain retarded. Taking credit for a fall in gas prices because you're talking? absurd. However, it does anger me that as a taxpayer, congress goes on vacation until september... essentially these 24 repubs are just protestors and getting a small bit of limelight.


LazerShark said:
What's the name of this "pro-lynching song" the Huff is whining about?

Edit: Fuck this post, it's in the full story. Fucking short attention span.

The song is a mixed boat. I think its a non story though thats being made a story. Having just suffered through watching the whole songs music video its filled with nothing but law enforcement imagery.
Holy shit why is it that so many people are saying that Obama is a fucking Communist? A coworker told me that a few days ago and I just read about one of the bikers saying it in the dailykos thing. Where does that come from anyways?

And don't parrot that "he haz teh most LIBRUL voting record in the sennat!!" bullshit either. I want specifics.


polyh3dron said:
Holy shit why is it that so many people are saying that Obama is a fucking Communist? Where does that come from anyways?

Take the extreme of any position against anarchy and you get communist.:p


when is my burrito
polyh3dron said:
Holy shit why is it that so many people are saying that Obama is a fucking Communist? A coworker told me that a few days ago and I just read about one of the bikers saying it in the dailykos thing. Where does that come from anyways?

And don't parrot that "he haz teh most LIBRUL voting record in the sennat!!" bullshit either. I want specifics.

Some on the right believe that people who believe the federal government should do anything more than have a military are socialists. Communism is a political platform based on socialism. Pretty logical connection albeit an incredibly exaggerated and oversimplified classification.
HylianTom said:
AP-Ipsos Poll:

Obama 47
McCain 41


Obama even with McCain among men.. but the media narrative will surely change:
He's doing rather poorly with the five-toothed inbreeder vote. Why can't he close the deal?! :lol

I catch the talking points of O Reilly's show just to have a good laugh. Last night, he mentioned how McCain is beating Obama in the latest Rasmussen poll. Oddly, O Reilly didn't bring up the Gallup poll where Obama was leading. :lol





Good old AP, injecting the Narrative (TM) into every article about Obama.

Obama has had trouble connecting with white working-class voters, who are a major factor in Ohio. Clinton won the state in its Democratic primary earlier this year. Gov. Ted Strickland, who had been a Clinton supporter, gave a rousing endorsement of Obama, calling him "bright, young, energized and compassionate."
Even after polls the past two weeks - including yesterday - showed this was bogus. (Only yesterday I read about Obama's problem with Hispanics.)

Instigator said:
That thing is like the Wright brothers flight. The McCain line is the ground and Obama keeps taking flight and gliding down.
Perfect. :lol

They've touched four times so far.


GhaleonEB said:
Good old AP, injecting the Narrative (TM) into every article about Obama.

Democratic Sen. Barack Obama holds a 2 to 1 edge over Republican Sen. John McCain among the nation's low-wage workers...

Obama's advantage is attributable largely to overwhelming support from two traditional Democratic constituencies: African Americans and Hispanics.

But even among white workers -- a group of voters that has been targeted by both parties as a key to victory in November -- Obama leads McCain by 10 percentage points, 47 percent to 37 percent, and has the advantage as the more empathetic candidate.

Still, one in six of the white workers polled remains uncommitted to either candidate



Thank you Barack Hussein Obama


"Let me make a point about efficiency, because my Republican opponents - they don’t like to talk about efficiency," Obama said.

"You know the other day I was in a town hall meeting and I laid out my plans for investing $15 billion a year in energy efficient cars and a new electricity grid and somebody said, 'well, what can I do? what can individuals do?' Obama recalled.

"So I told them something simple," Obama said. "I said, 'You know what? You can inflate your tires to the proper levels and that if everybody in America inflated their tires to the proper level, we would actually probably save more oil than all the oil we'd get from John McCain drilling right below his feet there, or wherever he was going to drill.'"

(Note: that's not accurate, as we fact-checked last week. But the larger point about energy savings is correct.)

"So now the Republicans are going around - this is the kind of thing they do. I don't understand it! They’re going around, they're sending like little tire gauges, making fun of this idea as if this is 'Barack Obama's energy plan.'

"Now two points, one, they know they're lying about what my energy plan is, but the other thing is they're making fun of a step that every expert says would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent. It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.

"You know, they think it is funny that they are making fun of something that is actually true. They need to do their homework. Because this is serious business. Instead of running ads about Paris Hilton and Britney Spears they should go talk to some energy experts and actually make a difference."


when is my burrito
(Note: that's not accurate, as we fact-checked last week. But the larger point about energy savings is correct.)

ABC = retarded. It is accurate. Improbable that a person could get everybody with a car to do it but perfectly accurate.


maynerd said:
800k barrels per day just by properly inflating our tires and that savings is NOW vs 7 years from now.

Oh I agree, it's far from a paltry figure and an important step in energy conservation, I just thought that it was interesting to see an actual study about it.


tanod said:
Cnn.com often has live feeds of his campaign events every day.

Yeah, I know, but when I tried watching it (on Opera, IE, and Firefox...), it repeatedly caused my browser to freeze and wouldn't play; I was hoping I could watch it later.
The Obama campaign could not provide figures to back up his claim that inflating tires and getting tuneups would save just as much oil as could be produced by offshore drilling.


Maybe he could, you know...provide the proof before calling everyone ignorant.



ABC News' Gregory Wallace and Sara Just Report: Sen. John McCain, R-Az., perhaps unknowingly, volunteered his wife for a beauty pageant on Monday that often features contestants topless -- and, occasionally, without any decency -- at the Sturgis, South Dakota, motorcycle rally.

"I was looking at the Sturgis schedule, and noticed that you had a beauty pageant, so I encouraged Cindy to compete," McCain told an audience at the rally. "I told her [that] with a little luck, she could be the only woman to serve as both the First Lady and Miss Buffalo Chip."
Do it Cindy. DO IT!


siamesedreamer said:
The Obama campaign could not provide figures to back up his claim that inflating tires and getting tuneups would save just as much oil as could be produced by offshore drilling.


Maybe he could, you know...provide the proof before calling everyone ignorant.



siamesedreamer said:
The Obama campaign could not provide figures to back up his claim that inflating tires and getting tuneups would save just as much oil as could be produced by offshore drilling.


Maybe he could, you know...provide the proof before calling everyone ignorant.

So are you denying that if everyone kept inflated tires and well-serviced cars US oil consumption wouldn't fall for ~3%? The "as much oil as offshore drilling" was added for show obviously, but if it's not as much it's not far off the mark and very far from a negligible amount. That was his point.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
The Obama campaign could not provide figures to back up his claim that inflating tires and getting tuneups would save just as much oil as could be produced by offshore drilling.


Maybe he could, you know...provide the proof before calling everyone ignorant.

Properly inflating tires to improve gas mileage, along with having a clean air filter and properly tuned vehicle aren't myths - it's fucking real.
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