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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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FWIW, Vernon Jones (the candidate who tried to tie himself with Obama in his run for the DEM nomination to challenge Saxby Chambliss for the GA Senate seat) is getting beat badly tonight in the run-off against Jim Martin. Last count on the TV was 62%-38%.


Probably meaningless...but it may show that Obama isn't going to play in GA as well as some might believe.
siamesedreamer said:
FWIW, Vernon Jones (the candidate who tried to tie himself with Obama in his run for the DEM nomination to challenge Saxby Chambliss for the GA Senate seat) is getting beat badly tonight in the run-off against Jim Martin. Last count on the TV was 62%-38%.


Probably meaningless...but it may show that Obama isn't going to play in GA as well as some might believe.

Er I doubt that has any bearing on what will happen in November. Obama is going to lose the state; this isn't the primaries: losing by a few votes won't matter ultimately.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
"Yesterday, he suggested we put air in our tires to save on gas," McCain said. "My friends, let's do that, but do you think that's enough to break our dependence on Middle Eastern oil? I don't think so."

doh. anyway. point still stands. he is acting as if obama's energy plan is to check tire pressure, while completely ignoring his actual plan. using cheap gimmicks like handing out air pumps is unbecoming of a presidential candidate. he isn't auditioning for a late night talk show host position.. he's running for freaken presidency.


siamesedreamer said:
FWIW, Vernon Jones (the candidate who tried to tie himself with Obama in his run for the DEM nomination to challenge Saxby Chambliss for the GA Senate seat) is getting beat badly tonight in the run-off against Jim Martin. Last count on the TV was 62%-38%.


Probably meaningless...but it may show that Obama isn't going to play in GA as well as some might believe.
I think the hope for Georgia is to make it competetive and get McCain to waste money there. However, unless Babar gains a lot of support in GA, it won't happen.


quadriplegicjon said:
doh. anyway. point still stands. he is acting as if obama's energy plan is to check tire pressure, while completely ignoring his actual plan. using cheap gimmicks like handing out air pumps is unbecoming of a presidential candidate. he isn't auditioning for a late night talk show host position.. he's running for freaken presidency.
I love that. The way to get rid of our oil dependency is...wait for it....wait for it...more oil!

I mean the fact that this man isn't laughed at and scorned by the media shows why he's called "Teflon John"

I mean honestly. Alcoholics would love the Mccain plan. The secret to stop being alcoholic is more alcohol.
siamesedreamer said:
Apperently Obama does as I see at least 5 of his commercials every night.

It's strategy. Obama has a shit ton of money when compared to McCain, and he's doing a good job of stretching McCain out in red states that are going to stay red. Obama isn't going to win Arizona or Georgia but he's spending enough money there to make an impact in the polls, thus causing McCain to play defense in home turf areas.
APF said:
You're trying to compare figures from two different articles w/o actually comparing primary sources, which is a recipe for failure. What's the primary source for what the Time post (or wherever you're getting it from) argues is the Administration's entire figure, and why does it conflict so much with ABC's expert's conclusion?

Actually, the only thing I'm using from the time article is the bush administration estimation of extra production from opening the drilling ban.

I'm criticizing the ABC news article because it doesn't use that number or any number that makes sense, it compares what Obama suggested to current total Outer Continal shelf output not an estimate of what McCain's suggestion to opening drilling in more OCS areas would provide. The expert in the ABC piece refuses to state an estimate, without noting that estimates do exist.

I guess that' the other problem with the ABC news piece, it asserts that Obama is wrong, but it looks at the wrong evidence, current production vs. expanded production.

Basically, like most of ABC news it's a terrible piece.


ronito said:
I love that. The way to get rid of our oil dependency is...wait for it....wait for it...more oil!

I mean the fact that this man isn't laughed at and scorned by the media shows why he's called "Teflon John"

I mean honestly. Alcoholics would love the Mccain plan. The secret to stop being alcoholic is more alcohol.
His plan is to get us off more foreign oil. Domestic is just fine. That's like telling alcolocics to knock off the imported vodka and hit the domestic brands.
PhoenixDark said:
It's strategy. Obama has a shit ton of money when compared to McCain, and he's doing a good job of stretching McCain out in red states that are going to stay red. Obama isn't going to win Arizona or Georgia but he's spending enough money there to make an impact in the polls, thus causing McCain to play defense in home turf areas.

Competing in the state now also makes it more blue over time. Obama's investment in GA now will help whoever the next democratic candidate for president and whoever the senate and local candidates are.


ronito said:
I mean honestly. Alcoholics would love the Mccain plan. The secret to stop being alcoholic is more alcohol.

Quoth Jon Stewart:

"I have a cocaine problem...I’m out of cocaine. Let’s say we turn the kids’ room
siamesedreamer said:

Obama has never endorsed Vernon Jones, and used Obama's picture via digital composition without asking. Jones losing is no big deal to Obama and the victory of Jones' competitor strengthens Obama's hand in GA.


siamesedreamer said:
Similarly, Obama refuses to release the methodology behind his numbers.

Honestly, SD, some days (read: all days that you post, lately) I just want to beat you with a stick.
PhoenixDark said:
He's not?

No, he's not. No ads + no appearances = no defense.

Obama spends money in GA to get McCain to spend money in GA. That's the point right?

So, if McCain is playing defense, then why isn't he spending money?


siamesedreamer said:
No, he's not. No ads + no appearances = no defense.

Obama spends money in GA to get McCain to spend money in GA. That's the point right?

So, if McCain is playing defense, then why isn't he spending money?
The point is to get McCain to play defense. McCain already has only a single digit lead there in most polls, so if Obama is advertising non-stop, and has campaign offices in the state, while McCain ignores GA, it could become a close race.


electricpirate said:
Actually, the only thing I'm using from the time article is the bush administration estimation of extra production from opening the drilling ban.
The primary source of which is where?


siamesedreamer said:
FWIW, Vernon Jones (the candidate who tried to tie himself with Obama in his run for the DEM nomination to challenge Saxby Chambliss for the GA Senate seat) is getting beat badly tonight in the run-off against Jim Martin. Last count on the TV was 62%-38%.


Probably meaningless...but it may show that Obama isn't going to play in GA as well as some might believe.
Vernon Jones voted for Bush in 04 I believe. He fails.


Speaking of ads. McCain has really decreased his TV ad time over the past month. And in the past week, he's nearly pulled out of four swing states.


John McCain's ad buys have dropped dramatically over the last few weeks, including his investment on the airwaves in critical battleground states: OH, PA, NM and IA.

According to information provided to On Call by a reliable Democratic media buyer, McCain is spending $611K on television spots across the nation for the week of 8/5-8/11. Just three weeks ago, from 7/15-7/21, the GOPer dedicated $4M to ad buys.

Also notable is the campaign's decrease in spending over the last week in four battleground states:

-- In OH, McCain's campaign spent $197,018 for the week of 7/29-8/4. From 8/5-8/11, the Republican is spending $108,450.

-- In PA, McCain's campaign spent $92,808 for the week of 7/29-8/4. From 8/5-8/11, the Republican is spending $50,134.

-- In IA, McCain's campaign spent $45,844 for the week of 7/29-8/4. From 8/5-8/11, the Republican is spending $10,543.

-- In NM, McCain's campaign spent $25K for the week of 7/29-8/4. From 8/5-8/11, the Republican is spending nothing.
Karma Kramer said:
I think Obama being aggressive and being on the attack is far better then the high road he was taking earlier on in this election.
And everthing is relative in this election. McCain stooping to the stuff he's been doing means Obama can hit back rather brutally and still be on the "high road" relative to McCain.


Paris Hilton makes fun of John McCain's age and unveils her own energy policy. Really.

UPDATE: Obama spokesman Bill Burton reacts: "Whatever."

UPDATE: McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds emails: “It sounds like Paris Hilton supports John McCain’s ‘all of the above’ approach to America’s energy crisis - including both alternatives and drilling. Paris Hilton might not be as big a celebrity as Barack Obama, but she obviously has a better energy plan.”

UPDATE: Shorter McCain, via Drudge (and the headline of Bounds' press release): 'Paris Supports Drilling'...


I really do not want to see any political ads during the olympics from anyone.


Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign is buying into NBC Universal's Olympics coverage.

The McCain campaign made a last-minute $6 million ad buy, which tops the $5 million Sen. Barack Obama's campaign announced last month it was buying during the Olympic Games, which begin Aug. 8.

Like the Obama team's ad buy, the McCain campaign's purchase includes network and cable spots. NBC Universal is airing 3,600 hours of Olympics coverage on its broadcast network and cable networks including NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, USA Network, Oxygen and Telemundo.


Ripclawe said:
UPDATE: McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds emails: “It sounds like Paris Hilton supports John McCain’s ‘all of the above’ approach to America’s energy crisis - including both alternatives and drilling. Paris Hilton might not be as big a celebrity as Barack Obama, but she obviously has a better energy plan.”
Apparantly the irony of McCain "endorsing" Paris' energy plan is utterly lost on him.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
GhaleonEB said:
Apparantly the irony of McCain "endorsing" (which she didn't) Paris' energy plan is utterly lost on him.

Did they even watch it? :lol
I love how Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter totally disregards the AP/Gallup polls that shows Obama up when they bring up the Zogby/Rasmussen polls that show Obama down. Luckily Colmes came in and save the day.

Ann Coulter also has a website dedicated to getting drunk on election day to vote for McCain. You know it's bad when you have to get drunk to vote for McCain. :lol


WaPo Ombudsman said:
The Story the Campaign Pictures Tell

Barack Obama may be only eight points ahead of John McCain in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, but he's creaming McCain in the number of pictures and stories published in The Post in the past two months.


What we found: 122 photos of Obama have been published in the paper during that time to 78 for McCain, counting tiny to big. Most of those photos ran inside the paper; most on the politics page. The Page 1 photos are closer: Obama had nine to McCain's seven. Five of Obama's were above the fold; McCain had four. Obama also got more color photos, 72 to 49, and more large photos -- mostly those that spanned three or more columns, 30 to 10.


The pictures of Obama -- in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Israel, in Berlin and in Paris -- did just what the campaign wanted: They portrayed Obama as a world leader. [...]

Part of Obama's visual success in The Post is due to three factors, like them or not -- Obama as phenomenon; that he's photogenic; and good photo opportunities. But none of that gets The Post off the hook for the McCain photo gap. There is no Post policy that the paper must run pictures of equal size and color and quality. But there is the rule that everyone knows: Be fair.


To look at the phenom factor, du Cille went to the Merlin database to see how many pictures have been run of Obama since he first appeared in Post pages in 2003. That would be 1,109. McCain's pictures go back to the early days of the database, 1995, with 1,032 published. Obama is still ahead.


Ed Thiede, assistant managing editor for the news desk, said that the numbers are "eye-opening. We should be more cognizant." Du Cille and Thiede were both surprised at the numbers. Du Cille said, "The disparity in the numbers is indeed hard to reconcile. As photojournalists, we always strive to be fair. We have tried to be balanced, but it seems that in a large operation such as ours, we need to monitor the use of political images even more closely."


Readers look at photos when they don't read stories. But Obama leads in stories since June 4, too -- 139 to 94. They were both featured in 23 stories. Again, part of this is due to Obama being the new kid and less well known.


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