bud said:how long will this thing last? i just tuned in, so i hopefully didn't miss too much.
MSNBC.mamacint said:Where is this thing airing?
mamacint said:Where is this thing airing?
http://www.cnn.com/Deus Ex Machina said:No online feeds?
I know. I was saying to myself, "What the fuck?!"reilo said:Obama: "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman"
/huge applause
This is the thing you applaud? Really?
Thanks bighead!Agent Icebeezy said:
Dax01 said:I know. I was saying to myself, "What the fuck?!"
Wait until they ask McCain the abortion question.reilo said:Obama: "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman"
/huge applause
This is the thing you applaud? Really?
"I heard it's found on this thing called the enternet."Tamanon said:"Senator McCain, do you support stem cells research?"
"What the fuck are stem cells?"
Dax01 said:Faith based organizations!
8.31 pm. Humility in the fight against evil? What a lovely change of pace. And the notion that a presidential candidate can actually say that we can do evil even as we think we are pursuing good ratchets the quality of presidential discourse up a universe or two on or current incumbent.
Tamanon said:From Sullivan
So true.
He's not supposed to be seeing or hearing any of it...Cloudy said:Does McCain get to watch Obama's answers and take notes so he sounds like he has a clue? That doesn't seem fair :lol
Watch him repeat the same jokes :lolCloudy said:Does McCain get to watch Obama's answers and take notes so he sounds like he has a clue? That doesn't seem fair :lol
Cloudy said:Does McCain get to watch Obama's answers and take notes so he sounds like he has a clue? That doesn't seem fair :lol
Agent Icebeezy said:You got a link for that excerpt?
mj1108 said:Nope. They aren't given any kind of preparation regarding the questions. Although like some mentioned earlier, McCain probably has someone texting him clues to give him a heads up.....