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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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GhaleonEB said:
Also, this is pretty interesting. Gallup broke down last week's polls by region. Obama is ahead by 10-12 points everywhere but in the south.

Aug 4-10 (last week)   Obama      McCain 
East                   51 (46)   38 (41) 
Midwest                50 (46)   38 (42) 
South                  40 (42)   50 (48) 
West                   50 (47)   40 (42)

And if we voted by region, that would mean something. :p

What is shocking to me is that Obama isn't up more in the "Midwest", whatever conglomerate of states that is. I mean, Illinois is his state, people are saying Indiana is up for grabs, and most of the other states lean Democrat anyways.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Skiptastic said:
And if we voted by region, that would mean something. :p

What is shocking to me is that Obama isn't up more in the "Midwest", whatever conglomerate of states that is. I mean, Illinois is his state, people are saying Indiana is up for grabs, and most of the other states lean Democrat anyways.

12 points is huge.
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. DNC didn't announce yet, but the RNC has been out raising them big time. IIRC, last month worked out to be about a wash between the two sides in total.
The notoriously underfunded Democratic National Committee (DNC) turned in a strong month in June, announcing Thursday that it raised more than $22 million and upped its cash on hand to more than $20 million.
The Republican National Committee, which has been raising money jointly with McCain, collected nearly $26 million in June and had nearly $69 million on hand, officials said..
and then RNC July...
Davis said the RNC will report next week that it raised about $26 million in July and has some $75 million cash on hand.

GahleonEB -- while your assertion has been true for some time (and thus the cash-on-hand difference at the end of june, which is striking), the DNC's fundraising has been kicked up all hardcore-like since Obama clinched the nomination and Clinton gave up, only being outraised by $4 million in the month of June.

So, the RNC spent $20 million in July (and thus managed to bank $6 million, going from $69 to $75 million cash on hand). It will be interesting to see the DNC's numbers, and 1 month of good fundraising does not a trend make, but the statement that the RNC outraises the DNC bigtime as of last month is no longer valid. we'll see what July brings...


Skiptastic said:
And if we voted by region, that would mean something. :p

What is shocking to me is that Obama isn't up more in the "Midwest", whatever conglomerate of states that is. I mean, Illinois is his state, people are saying Indiana is up for grabs, and most of the other states lean Democrat anyways.

Well actually, we sort of do. It's called the electoral college, and certain regions are certainly more loaded with electorates than others.


Master of the Google Search
Skiptastic said:
And if we voted by region, that would mean something. :p

What is shocking to me is that Obama isn't up more in the "Midwest", whatever conglomerate of states that is. I mean, Illinois is his state, people are saying Indiana is up for grabs, and most of the other states lean Democrat anyways.
Gallup's Midwest probably includes the prairie states
GhaleonEB said:
Also, this is pretty interesting. Gallup broke down last week's polls by region. Obama is ahead by 10-12 points everywhere but in the south.
Man I wish we lost the civil war.

Can't we just let them go now? It think we would all be happier. They could fly their stars & bars, ban the teaching of evolution, give everyone guns, require prayer in school, ban abortion . . . just leave and it all could be yours! OK, South? Just think about it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
speculawyer said:
Man I wish we lost the civil war.

Can't we just let them go now? It think we would all be happier. They could fly their stars & bars, ban the teaching of evolution, give everyone guns, require prayer in school, ban abortion . . . just leave and it all could be yours! OK, South? Just think about it.

I'd be okay with Florida seceding. Cuba can have them.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
siamesedreamer said:

Your post is valid and the story is disgusting. I hope more light is shed on this and they stop it immediately. I would love a cleaner campaign finance election this year. Hopefully McCain doesn't flip on all of his earlier promises too. Although it's already too late for most of that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
speculawyer said:
Man I wish we lost the civil war.

Can't we just let them go now? It think we would all be happier. They could fly their stars & bars, ban the teaching of evolution, give everyone guns, require prayer in school, ban abortion . . . just leave and it all could be yours! OK, South? Just think about it.

Which would make the South a retarded barrier between the more prosperous and progressive Mexico, but for the California corridor. Imagine all those illiterate Texans and Floridians swimming the Rio Grande or Caribbean for a chance at a better life in Mexico.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dax01 said:
What about Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Idaho?

Alabama brought us Charles Barkley. Arkansas Bill Clinton.

I guess Oklahoma and Idaho can go. Especially Oklahoma and that piece of shit Clay Bennett.


speculawyer said:
Man I wish we lost the civil war.

Can't we just let them go now? It think we would all be happier. They could fly their stars & bars, ban the teaching of evolution, give everyone guns, require prayer in school, ban abortion . . . just leave and it all could be yours! OK, South? Just think about it.

You may be on to something here. I'd be all for it, but I don't want to need a passport to visit Disney World. That may actually be my only reservation.

But as backward as they are, they would clearly regress to a "developing" state within a generation. Could get messy.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wait, Obama raised $51mil in July to McCain's $27mil? Holy shit.

The Obama campaign received contributions from 65,000 new donors, it said, and a total of more than two million people have contributed.

The Illinois senator's campaign has $65.8 million cash on hand, it said.
Nice numbers for the Obama campaign. But IIRC, those are still short of the their projections. Hopefully after the convention the numbers really begin to rise.


Incognito said:
Nice numbers for the Obama campaign. But IIRC, those are still short of the their projections. Hopefully after the convention the numbers really begin to rise.
IIRC, their goal was $300m total from June until the end of the election. They're on track, especially if fundraising goes up in the last few months of the election.
reilo said:
Alabama brought us Charles Barkley. Arkansas Bill Clinton.

I guess Oklahoma and Idaho can go. Especially Oklahoma and that piece of shit Clay Bennett.
Those are no reasons to keep the states. People from those states would be free to immigrate from those places just like we already poach great people from India, China, Russia, etc.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
speculawyer said:
Those are no reasons to keep the states. People from those states would be free to immigrate from those places just like we already poach great people from India, China, Russia, etc.

Yeah but those people wouldn't be the same people had they migrated out of those states early in their childhood.


FlightOfHeaven said:

I wish the Denver Committee didn't have to resort to soft money. Weak and lame. They deserve to get hammered on that.
Yup. They had a lot of options on the table for covering the shortfall. That should not have been one of them.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dax01 said:
Alabama is filled with red-necks. Why would you want to keep it?


"That's just a turrible thing to say."

Barkley for Governor.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
reilo said:
Alabama brought us Charles Barkley. Arkansas Bill Clinton.

I guess Oklahoma and Idaho can go. Especially Oklahoma and that piece of shit Clay Bennett.

Sorry about that. The Hornets gave us a taste of professional sports for the first time in our lives.

You really can't blame us for wanting at least one pro sports team, can you? Seattle still has the Seahawks and the Mariners.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ZealousD said:
Sorry about that. The Hornets gave us a taste of professional sports for the first time in our lives.

You really can't blame us for wanting at least one pro sports team, can you? Seattle still has the Seahawks and the Mariners.

Not only will that team bomb [oooh, yeah I went there] in that city, but they'll be on the move again within 5 years. Guaranteed.

OKC cannot sustain a major franchise like that. The only other teams that rank below OKC in media markets are Memphis and New Orleans [for obvious reasons]. And the Grizzlies aren't projected to stay in TN for much longer.
Frank the Great said:
I'm partly responsible for the de-rail . . . time to re-rail . . .

It looks like the Dems have decided to neutralize the drilling issue (one of the few that McCain was able to make some headway with). That is fine with me as long as they do it smart and get something for it. Do something like say "Look . . . we only have like 2% of the world's oil reserves at this point, so we are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. So we gotta use this last bit of oil wisely or we will soon be completely dependent on foreign oil. So . . the deal is this . . . oil companies that drill will make a profit but they will also pay a huge royalty to the government for that oil. And that money will go:
1) Into a clean-up reserve fund to handle any accidents that may occur; and
2) To subsidize non-oil based energy systems such as a tax-credit for people that buy electric or plug-in hybrids that can go at least 40 miles on battery power alone.
That way we'll be better prepared as the oil supply runs down."

Pelosi receptive to considering more drilling By DINA CAPPIELLO, Associated Press Writer
19 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Democrats' stance against offshore drilling has shifted more, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signaling on Saturday her willingness to consider opening up more coastal areas to oil and gas exploration.

In her party's weekly radio address, Pelosi said opening portions of the Outer Continental Shelf for drilling would be a part of energy legislation that House Democrats intend to put forward in the coming weeks to address oil dependence and high gasoline prices.

Lawmakers will be able to "consider opening portions of the Outer Continental Shelf for drilling, with appropriate safeguards, and without taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil," said Pelosi, D-Calif.

Just weeks ago Pelosi seemed resolved to block any votes to allow offshore drilling, in part because Californians have opposed drilling off their coasts since an oil spill off Santa Barbara in 1969. New oil drilling is only allowed now in federal waters in the western Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska.

Pelosi's radio remarks were the latest to hint that the energy debate in Congress is still evolving, and that Democrats are budging on the issue.


I don't get T Boone Pickens, after all his talk about not being able to drill out of this, he is pushing McCain to open up ANWR also. And McCain is starting to talk about reconsidering it.
Tamanon said:
I don't get T Boone Pickens, after all his talk about not being able to drill out of this, he is pushing McCain to open up ANWR also. And McCain is starting to talk about reconsidering it.
He's still got oil in his blood. :D

I think McCain got his drilling priority backwards . . . I'd open up ANWR for some limited and very closely monitored drilling instead opening up the coasts. A gazillion people live on the East & West coasts . . . a big spill and you'll have an ugly mess in a populated area. ANWR is in the middle of nowhere and it has proven reserves . . . you could allow some drilling on a tiny part of it and leave the rest of it alone.


Frank the Great said:
I think Obama should jump on the fact that there is a lot of unused land that the oil companies CAN drill on but aren't.
I've heard him talk about that in several speeches. The message doesn't seem to have gotten through.


RubxQub said:
You know what would be a killer debate question?

"Mr. McCain, what are your views on John Edwards recent extramarital affair, and how do you think it compares to your own?"

I demand someone grows the stones to ask that.
No one in the media will have the balls to ask him that.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Tamanon said:
I dunno, I think McCain's going to get an adultery question tonight, and Obama's going to get a Reverend Wright question.

Adultery hurts more than a crazy pastor.
Tamanon said:
Actually nevermind, it seems Warren is going to be asking the exact same questions to both of them.

Warren: If either of you had a pastor named, say, Rev. Wright, who preached anti-American left-wing propoganda in your Church, would you consider him a father-figure and sit in his Church for 20 years?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Tamanon said:
Actually nevermind, it seems Warren is going to be asking the exact same questions to both of them.

Yeah, but he is on the record of questioning people with don't abide by the sanctity of marriage.


It's not really a debate though, Obama will get the first hour(McCain won't even hear the answers he gives) then McCain will get the second one. Should be interesting to say the least.
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