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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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"The Straight Talk Express just had a full tank of gas tonight".


Where do they find these people.

It's fine to say Obama was nuanced and McCain was more direct but they did not expand on this at all. Obama spent much more time explaining his positions while McCain just gave us ancedotes, POW stories, and recycled stump speech. Sound bites FTW.

These political analysts are a waste of space.


reilo said:
I guess that depends on if you consider that conception. I consider a human ear grown on the back of a rat for transplant use to be fundamentally different. There is a reason that they do multiple fertilizations as the process is not 100% successful.

I'm not sure why you wouldn't consider that conception. In fact, I'm not sure I know what precisely you're talking about anymore. In-vitro fertilization, yes?

See response to Ani's post above.
Oh. Well. Kay. *awkward silence*


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
maximum360 said:
"The Straight Talk Express just had a full tank of gas tonight".


Where do they find these people.

It's fine to say Obama was nuanced and McCain was more direct but they did not expand on this at all. Obama spent much more time explaining his positions while McCain just gave us ancedotes, POW stories, and recycled stump speech. Sound bites FTW.

These political analysts are a waste of space.


"There it is. That's the ten word answer my staff's been looking for for two weeks. There it is. Ten-word answers can kill you in political campaigns. They're the tip of the sword. Here's my question: What are the next ten words of your answer? Your taxes are too high? So are mine. Give me the next ten words. How are we going to do it? Give me ten after that, I'll drop out of the race right now.
reilo said:
In a thread where Oregon upheld free speech, he said that he was awaiting for some European to come in and tell him that not all free speech shall be upheld. Needless to say, this European disagreed with his assumption and agreed with Oregon's ruling. Hence, he made himself to look like a prejudicial ass.

That's... it?


reilo said:

"There it is. That's the ten word answer my staff's been looking for for two weeks. There it is. Ten-word answers can kill you in political campaigns. They're the tip of the sword. Here's my question: What are the next ten words of your answer? Your taxes are too high? So are mine. Give me the next ten words. How are we going to do it? Give me ten after that, I'll drop out of the race right now.

Yup. I've been thinking about that exact scene in relation to this contest for a while now.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
reilo said:
"Rich should be defined by a happy home, a good education, and safety."

Well that's one way to try and protect those rich with money.
Ok, watched both, thought it was very interesting the way they both approached the questions at hand. Obama was much more philosophical, exploring each side of the issue, but still having his own opinions. His answers were fluid, not stump-ish at all and very intellectual.

McCain, at first I thought was going to be awful, but I thought he did alright for himself even though he basically stumped many of his answers. Short, succinct, playing up the fact he had more in common with the crowd than Obama did. He jumped on questions and played his line fast and hard. Certainly less eloquent and intricate than Obama, but it's possible that's to his advantage.

At the end of the day, I thought both candidates represented themselves well, and although Obama had much more interesting things to say, McCain held his own (although I still don't know where he's getting all this money for vouchers and charter schools and healthcare without raising anyone's taxes. How is that possible?).

Also, $3 million on bear DNA research? Yawn. Do you know how much 3 million is in the grand scheme of things? Eliminating projects like this wouldn't make a DENT into our debt or these candidates ambitions which tally in the 100s of BILLIONS. McCain overstates "earmarks" and the impact of eliminating them.


Agent Icebeezy said:
CNN political analysis just flat out said that McCain dodged talking about his adultery.

Which he really did, I mean all he said that his worst failure was his first marriage, and then didn't even expound on it.


Agent Icebeezy said:
CNN political analysis just flat out said that McCain dodged talking about his adultery.

He did.

Tamanon said:
Which he really did, I mean all he said that his worst failure was his first marriage, and then didn't even expound on it.

That's because he didn't have a stump speech prepared for the subject of "Cheating on my Wife".


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
worldrunover said:
Also, $3 million on bear DNA research? Yawn. Do you know how much 3 million is in the grand scheme of things? Eliminating projects like this wouldn't make a DENT into our debt or these candidates ambitions which tally in the 100s of BILLIONS. McCain overstates "earmarks" and the impact of eliminating them.
Unfortunately, a good chunk of the population believes that earmarks make up a far larger portion of the federal budget than it does. My grandmother believes it's like 15%.


worldrunover said:
Also, $3 million on bear DNA research? Yawn. Do you know how much 3 million is in the grand scheme of things? Eliminating projects like this wouldn't make a DENT into our debt or these candidates ambitions which tally in the 100s of BILLIONS. McCain overstates "earmarks" and the impact of eliminating them.

All the bullshit adds up. We're in debt up to our eyeballs. Of course I concur with the notion of stopping Iraq that Democrats support. I go on further to concur with Representative Paul's notion of vastly decreasing foreign military spending and closing all these needless overseas bases.

But we should also sweat the small stuff when comprehensively tackling the wasteful retardation that seems par for the course with our bloated federal government.

Just because zOMG Iraq expensive!!! doesn't mean that pork barrel spending is suddenly acceptable, like it's not all ticking into the debt bit by bit. If you itemize Iraq I bet you could say "$3 million for a plane? Yawn. Chump change."

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I know, but I was shocked he brought it up because the media is always so hush-hush about it as if it is sacred ground.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
Which he really did, I mean all he said that his worst failure was his first marriage, and then didn't even expound on it.

He went on to retell his first POW story.


Agent Icebeezy said:
I know, but I was shocked he brought it up because the media is always so hush-hush about it as if it is sacred ground.
I think he was looking for a way to address it without actually talking about his moral failings. I'm guessing most of the people watching didn't know McCain cheated on his first wife (or the circumstances). They still don't, they just know he was divorced.


Boogie said:
Gaborn is a fucking idiot.
Gaborn makes idiotic posts sometimes, and I believe his political stances are moronic. However, he's generally a pretty good poster.

Back on-topic, did anyone else see the politico headline? :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
I think he was looking for a way to address it without actually talking about his moral failings. I'm guessing most of the people watching didn't know McCain cheated on his first wife (or the circumstances). They still don't, they just know he was divorced.

Not only that, but he said "the failure of my first marriage", which can be construed as that the marriage failed mutually and it wasn't his entire fuck-up.

the disgruntled gamer said:
Back on-topic, did anyone else see the politico headline? :lol

Obama slams Thomas, hugs McCain

By MIKE ALLEN | 8/16/08 9:14 PM
The candidates met at Saddleback Church in California to discuss faith. See also: Live blogging from the forum, See also: McCain touts Whitman, See also: Obama praises Nunn

As opposed to McCain slamming every liberal judge on the seat?


reilo said:
Not only that, but he said "the failure of my first marriage", which can be construed as that the marriage failed mutually and it wasn't his entire fuck-up.
To frame it another way, he's using passive voice to remove himself from the event. "My marriage failed" - as if he had nothing to do with it. It just failed.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
To frame it another way, he's using passive voice to remove himself from the event. "My marriage failed" - as if he had nothing to do with it. It just failed.

GhaleonEB said:
I think he was looking for a way to address it without actually talking about his moral failings. I'm guessing most of the people watching didn't know McCain cheated on his first wife (or the circumstances). They still don't, they just know he was divorced.

Exactly, so what most viewers are left with are "hey I got a divorce too" as oppossed to "dur, I've never done drugs (lie)".


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
:lol McCain voted for every justice that he says he wouldn't have nominated. That's actually hilarious.

Tell me what's wrong with this quote:

"This nomination should be based on the criteria of proven record of strictly adhering to the Constitution of the United States of America, and not legislating from the bench," McCain said.

McCain named the chief justice and Justice Samuel Alito — President Bush's nominees — as among his favorites.


when is my burrito
My wife's, the pseudo-publican, verdict: The format was really interesting with them both being asked the same questions and not getting to hear each other's answers. Obama's portion sounded like a conversation. McCain's sounded like a question/answer.

Her observations: Really attentive to Obama's portion. She thought that what he had to say was interesting. Didn't really pay attention to McCain's section. It's hard to take away anything insightful about a presidential candidate when they're interrupting the questioner, giving their stock answers and listening to applause lines.
From CNN Senior Political Correspondent Candy Crowley

Obama and McCain crossed paths at the faith forum.
LAKE FOREST, California (CNN) — Obama wraps up. In all, he often slipped into stump speech material, but overall, but some questions brought some things I've never heard. He said he would not have appointed Clarence Thomas, basically because he thinks Thomas wasn't up to the job at the time.

This seemed like a very pro-Obama crowd to me, but mccain just walked on stage and people were very enthusiastic in the welcome. Obama and McCain shake hands and whisper something to each other.

Am in Bizarro world? Did we see a different debate? Seriously, I'm done with CNN. I considered keeping up with politics somewhat during the school year but the cable news networks have proved themselves to be entirely trash. I may just get my info from Poligaf and call it a day.
maximum360 said:
Am in Bizarro world? Did we see a different debate? Seriously, I'm done with CNN. I considered keeping up with politics somewhat during the school year but the cable news networks have proved themselves to be entirely trash. I may just get my info from Poligaf and call it a day.

gonna have to agree with your observation on that cnn write up...wtf?


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Boogie said:
Gaborn is a fucking idiot.

I wouldn't directly say that he's an idiot, but I will say that he's "logically challenged".
Yeah he's a a decent poster, but as of late, his gaffe is very tiring as well as very annoying.

A ban was necessary. See if that can make him stop his joke posts and whatnot.

Anyways, McCain did a decent job with the interview. Obama did fare better for his informative insight of faith, and leadership as well as his stance of the world.


It's silly, I mean, Republicans can afford short, succinct answers on many questions at a religious forum, because they're on the right side of it for a lot of those people. If you're on the "wrong" side, you HAVE to be nuanced.:lol

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Is nuanced the new presumptuous?


Main Entry:
nu·ance Listen to the pronunciation of nuance
\ˈnü-ˌän(t)s, ˈnyü-, -ˌäⁿs; nü-ˈ, nyü-ˈ\
French, from Middle French, shade of color, from nuer to make shades of color, from nue cloud, from Latin nubes; perhaps akin to Welsh nudd mist

1 : a subtle distinction or variation 2 : a subtle quality : nicety 3 : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)

When the fuck did talking about things at length with knowledge become bad?
Verano said:
I wouldn't directly say that he's an idiot, but I will say that he's "logically challenged".
Yeah he's a a decent poster, but as of late, his gaffe is very tiring as well as very annoying.

A ban was necessary. See if that can make him stop his joke posts and whatnot.

Anyways, McCain did a decent job with the interview. Obama did fare better for his informative insight of faith, and leadership as well as his stance of the world.

Obama just can't catch a break with political analysts or news organizations (cable news networks). They seem less concerned with the quality of the answers and more concerned with framing it as a win or less based on their view of the electorate. So basically, USA as a whole is dumb so cheers for McCain and jeers for Obama.

It just annoys me that McCain pretty much recycled his whole stump speech (especially when he was specifically asked not to) and maybe only Roland Martin calls him on it. It's just depressing that we can't get real objective analysis even after 8 years of Bush and chest thumping neoconservatis.

It just so obvious now Obama's other nemesis isn't Nader, it's the media. They won't be in his corner, but just like the evangelical bloc, if he can at least neutralize them, he has a chance at the presidency. If not, I don't a win is possible.
Obama's answers were nuanced because he actually responded to the questions in the context of his faith, using the current vernacular of the evangelical set. He positions, as they always have been, were rooted in pragmatism and realism-thing that could be done-instead of politically expedient absolute positions that are inappropriate as a basis for any decent policy solution.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Dan said:
Where have you been? This is America.

Yes, but I don't really associate with these people. :lol

This is Chuck Todd tonight.

Take the VERY first question Warren posed to both candidates: who are three people you'll depend on for wisdom in the presidency. Obama seemed to answer this in a very personal way, talking about his wife and grandmother. McCain went right to this message, checking boxes on Iraq (Patraeus) and the economy (Whitman) for instance. Now, I'm betting Obama's answer came across as more authentic but McCain's was probably more effective with undecided swing voters.

The two answered the Supreme Court justice question VERY differently, with Obama seemingly trying to say a nice thing or two about justices he disagreed with, while McCain went right to pander mode in his answer. And yet, McCain's straightforward answer easily penetrated while Obama's did not.

The first blog post nails him

Our political commentary summed up in a blog entry.
One candidate was more thoughtful and authentic so the other one won.


Just fucking wow

Agent Icebeezy said:
Is nuanced the new presumptuous?


Main Entry:
nu·ance Listen to the pronunciation of nuance
\ˈnü-ˌän(t)s, ˈnyü-, -ˌäⁿs; nü-ˈ, nyü-ˈ\
French, from Middle French, shade of color, from nuer to make shades of color, from nue cloud, from Latin nubes; perhaps akin to Welsh nudd mist

1 : a subtle distinction or variation 2 : a subtle quality : nicety 3 : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)

When the fuck did talking about things at length with knowledge become bad?


Because "nuanced" is trotted out every general election as a sledge hammer to bludgeon the Democratic candidate.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Yes, but I don't really associate with these people. :lol

This is Chuck Todd tonight.

The first blog post nails him

Just fucking wow

Obama better be thankful for the timing of this; he seemed a little rusty and clearly has some work to do before he meets McCain face-to-face on Sept. 26, the night of the first presidential debate in Oxford, MS.
I suppose I shouldn't be shocked, but I'm still am a bit. Obama had total command of the topics and addressed them with nuance and intelligence. McCain spat out sound bites. If this is a preview of the debate coverage - Obama is smart, but is he too smart to be president!?- we should be very worried.
Dan said:
Chuck Todd agrees: Americans are generally stupid, shallow, anti-intellectual idiots.


GhaleonEB said:
I suppose I shouldn't be shocked, but I'm still am a bit. Obama had total command of the topics and addressed them with nuance and intelligence. McCain spat out sound bites. If this is a preview of the debate coverage - Obama is smart, but is he too smart to be president!?- we should be very worried.

Simple and quick win the debates. Obama at least found out before the real debates begin.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Exactly. Who the fuck wants the most capable person to be our president?
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