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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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worldrunover said:
You guys are probably overestimating the impact of this... 8pm on a Saturday on cable isn't exactly prime TV watching... there will be some discussion of this, but it's still summer, with the olympics and back to school and the whole thing, last night will fly under the majority of America's radar.

Yeah they were running against Michael Phelps' quest for 8 golds, plus most people aren't going to watch politics on a Saturday night. I'd forgotten it was even going on so I missed it.


poligaf any other day: Obama will win by Reagan numbers.
poligaf when something positive about McCain happens: OH GOD ALL IS LOST AMERICA DOESN'T DESERVE OBAMA.


Setec Astronomer
Odrion said:
poligaf any other day: Obama will win by Reagan numbers.
poligaf when something positive about McCain happens: OH GOD ALL IS LOST AMERICA DOESN'T DESERVE OBAMA.
Heh, and we should remember that last night was an attempt to make inroads into a demographic democrats would have otherwise written off.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Odrion said:
poligaf any other day: Obama will win by Reagan numbers.
poligaf when something positive about McCain happens: OH GOD ALL IS LOST AMERICA DOESN'T DESERVE OBAMA.

It's fine and dandy for something good to happen to him but we get tired that everyweek, they try to frame Obama. Nuance, presumption, what is it going to be next week?
A big splash of cold water on the Clark as VP parade
General Wesley Clark is not attending the Democratic National Convention. I was told by General Clark's personal office in Little Rock that he would not be attending.

Clark was informed by Barack Obama's people that there was no reason to come.

General Clark has been given no role of any kind at the convention.

Rubbing salt in the wound even more, the "theme" of Wednesday's Democratic convention agenda is "Securing America."

Wesley Clark's PAC also happens to be called SECURING AMERICA.


Incognito said:
Obama has been using the term securing america, even on rally signs, since the primary so it was a silly reason to consider in the first place. Clarks son even said he wont be the VP. I refused to predict due to my HORRIBLE track record. But fuck it.

Cheebs horribly bad political prediction is: JOE BIDEN

I'd be shocked if it wasn't Biden, really shocked.


Well, that's okay with me, Biden wasn't my first choice, you won't see any tears from me about him not being selected.


Kaine is making it sound like it's not him. But then again, as soon as one person becomes likely, some information is thrown out there that kills 'em.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Stock in Sebelius is rising!


Tim Kaine and Evan Bayh or both lame. Negative to both, slight advantage to Bayh.

Sebelius = O

Kaine = Get a fucking haircut...now.
Bayh = Goodbayh
Biden = Awesome, but the public can't handle too much awesome on one ticket.
Clark = Awesome, but unless he's making a surprise helicopter entrance, he can't be the man :(


Plus Colin Powell is considered an honorary white guy, although that might've been secretly revoked after the UN presentation on Iraq.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Tamanon said:
Plus Colin Powell is considered an honorary white guy, although that might've been secretly revoked after the UN presentation on Iraq.
According to the Racial Draft of '04, Colin Powell was drafted by the Whites.

The Black delegation then said they would only accept this if the Whites also took Condi Rice.

The Whites accepted this compromise. The Blacks then attempted to sneak a draft pick of Eminem. The Whites quickly rejected this, and offered instead to give OJ Simpson back to the Blacks.

The Blacks accepted.

To Recap:

Whites get: Colin Powell, Condi Rice
Blacks get: OJ Simpson


Thank God this will be over by thrusday.

You NEVER reveal big news on friday/weekends since no one pays attention then and next monday is the convention. 4 more days at MAX of this speculation.


siamesedreamer said:
Obama: opposing the Iraq war as an IL state senator from Hyde Park when he didn't even have a vote

Now that's gut-wrenching I tell ya...
He was in the early stages of running for the senate.


RubxQub said:
Stock in Sebelius is rising!


Tim Kaine and Evan Bayh or both lame. Negative to both, slight advantage to Bayh.

Sebelius = O

Kaine = Get a fucking haircut...now.
Bayh = Goodbayh
Biden = Awesome, but the public can't handle too much awesome on one ticket.
Clark = Awesome, but unless he's making a surprise helicopter entrance, he can't be the man :(
:lol :lol

Sad but true :'(


RubxQub said:
According to the Racial Draft of '04, Colin Powell was drafted by the Whites.

The Black delegation then said they would only accept this if the Whites also took Condi Rice.

The Whites accepted this compromise. The Blacks then attempted to sneak a draft pick of Eminem. The Whites quickly rejected this, and offered instead to give OJ Simpson back to the Blacks.

The Blacks accepted.

To Recap:

Whites get: Colin Powell, Condi Rice
Blacks get: OJ Simpson

I assume the whites had OJ Simpson because he was able to get off scott-free from his trial.
Schedule for week:

Friday, August 15: Obama still on vacation in Hawaii

Saturday, August 16: Obama in Nevada and California

Sunday, August 17: Maybe but big day for Olympic coverage

Monday & Tuesday, Aug. 18 & 19: Obama in (Update) New Mexico (Mon.) and Florida

Wednesday, August 20: ??????

Thursday, August 21: Obama campaign event in Virginia, VP?

Friday, August 22: Low ratings for TV, bad day for major press

Saturday, August 23: Same as above except good for Sunday political coverage

Sunday, August 24: Better day for TV ratings but last day of the Olympics

Monday, August 25: Convention begins.


Another potential clue: a Democratic research firm spent part of last week quietly focus grouping the political skills and attributes of Kaine and Gov. Mark Warner last week, two people familiar with the results say......Warner came off well; Kaine did not, with respondents saying that he lacks substantive accomplishments and kisses up too much to Obama.

I still don't think it'll be Bayh, Biden, or Kaine.

I think those are massive head fakes.


Biden is the perfect attack dog for Obama too as VP. He rips into people hardcore but for some reason he never seems mean or petty like Hillary (and now McCain) did since he always seemed to enjoy doing it way too much.
I really doubt it will be Biden. I like him, but in general, he just looks goofy. Look at his fucking hair. He looks like a grease ball. I like him, but I don't think he'll be it. Biden will end up Secretary of State.
You won't be able to resist, either:

On a Saturday morning in a bucolic park in Roswell, Georgia, north of Atlanta, I see this in action. Tamara Stevens and Sherryl Harvey are staffing a table underneath a concrete gazebo festooned with flags, Obama schwag and a sign that says Register to Vote. They're the volunteer leaders of the GA-400 for Obama group (the name comes from the highway that runs through the northern Fulton County suburbs), which boasts 350 members. And they're a microcosm of the Obama coalition: Stevens, the volunteer coordinator, is a white upper-middle-class small-business woman and lifelong Republican; Harvey, the team liaison, is a therapist who moved to Atlanta from Trinidad with her parents when she was a child.

Wanted: Voters
GhaleonEB said:
I'm still thinking it's Sebelius.

But I'd put even odds on someone none of us are discussing.
Same here. I want it to be Sebelius, Kaine would be my second choice, but I wouldn't be surprised if Obama picked someone none of us expected.


GhaleonEB said:
I'm still thinking it's Sebelius.

But I'd put even odds on someone none of us are discussing.
If it's not Biden I 'd say my second choice is someone we dont know. It won't be Selebius. I can't see her giving a speech on foreign policy, she has 0 experience in that and that is the subject of the VP speech...
Cheebs said:
If it's not Biden I 'd say my second choice is someone we dont know. It won't be Selebius. I can't see her giving a speech on foreign policy, she has 0 experience in that and that is the subject of the VP speech...
It won't be Biden because you predicted it.


Dax01 said:
It won't be Biden because you predicted it.
Agreed. It won't be Selebius though for two reasons:

1. She has no experience in Foreign Policy, that is the subject of the VP's speech.
2. An Obama Advisor said Thrusday according to the LA Times to not expect a woman to be VP

Nothing adds up in her favor, does that mean it will be Biden? No.

NY Times this morning also picked up on the Obama advisor claiming it wont be a woman:
As for women who might be under consideration, Kevin Lampe, an adviser to the Obama camp, tamped that down at a dinner in Stockholm on Thursday night with members of Democrats Abroad, according to the Los Angeles Times’s “Top of the Ticket” blog. “Kevin Lampe said he didn’t believe Obama would choose Clinton or, for that matter, any other woman as his running mate. Lampe’s reasoning, according to folks who attended the dinner, was that it would antagonize Clinton and her supporters if Obama passed her over and instead picked another woman. (As if Clinton and her supporters weren’t already antagonized by simply losing.)”

It's fair to say this is the nail in the coffin for her (if the VP speech subject already wasn't)


I remember back in the day people didn't even give Biden a second look. Now he's toted as hot shit.

Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot and hoes all on me!


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Forget about experience and all that, America will vote for who's hot. Therefore, it makes sense that Obama's VP be Sebelius :D
ToyMachine228 said:
I really doubt it will be Biden. I like him, but in general, he just looks goofy. Look at his fucking hair. He looks like a grease ball.
It was unfortunate for Biden that the Clarence Thomas hearings fell when he first got his hair plugs. He looked like a poorly-made doll.
Chrono said:
So? He needs to win. There's much more at stake in this election than fucking marriage certificates for homosexuals.
I'm just enjoying the politics of change. Obama's such a strikingly different and fresh candidate.


I don't know why anyone would want Sebelius on the ticket, she adds absolutely nothing to the ticket, but whatever.

Biden would be cool as long as he stays out of trouble. Kaine would be okay, Bayh is still my favorite.

I think that anyone who thinks it won't be Biden, Kaine, or Bayh is in for a big surprise.


Mercury Fred said:
I'm just enjoying the politics of change. Obama's such a strikingly different and fresh candidate.
He is very different overall. Gay marriage isn't an important issue in 2008, hell it barely even registers. No one really cares about it this year compared to 2004. It's a non-issue.
Cheebs said:
He is very different overall. Gay marriage isn't an important issue in 2008, hell it barely even registers. No one really cares about it this year compared to 2004. It's a non-issue.
Then why is Obama throwing a historic segment of the Democratic block under the bus to pander to a group of wingnuts who are never going to vote for him anyway? And if you think voting gay Americans don't care about these statements you're wrong.

Obama is the worst kind of hypocrite, which is to be expected as this is politics. But the idea of "new politics" in association with Obama is just absurd.


Odrion said:
fred's still sad that hillary lost

That is what I don't get. Doesn't Hillary share the same view?

Mercury Fred said:
Obama is the worst kind of hypocrite, which is to be expected as this is politics. But the idea of "new politics" in association with Obama is just absurd.

Hasn't this always been Obama's view.
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