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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Macam said:
Not that I need to tell you this, but "legislating from the bench" is just a marketing tool for the culture wars and is not really meant to be taken seriously. Nor is Bobby Jindal, really.

It's not like some secret code. The meaning is fairly explicit.
JayDubya said:
There is no good argument for abortion rights protected at the federal level because there's no ratified constitutional amendment to make it so, or a ratified constitutional amendment to remove the 10th Amendment.

There aren't good, strict Constitutionally-based arguments for a lot of the shit the S.C. decides. Hell, even Marbury v. Madison, which establishes judicial review in the first place, isn't explicitly in the Constitution. Everyone forgot about Bush v. Gore a few days after it happened, despite it being an absolutely tragic decision for the safety of American federalism and the checks and balances of government.

There is a really good argument, however, that taking away rights - even only perceived rights - pisses people off. Especially something like abortion rights, which most people approve of anyway.

The abortion issue is not going to get touched.


Master of the Google Search
JayDubya said:
Not in my state. Kind of the whole problem with Roe, yeah?

For you, yeah. But honestly the abortion argument can be summarized into two groups: people who want to keep Roe vs Wade and want everyone to have the choice of abortion, and those you want to eliminate Roe vs Wade and want to eliminate the choice of abortion for everyone. People like you Jaydubya, who want to leave it too states, are a small minority.

Which state though?


grandjedi6 said:
People like you Jaydubya, who want to leave it too states, are a small minority.
Put me in the majority category, too. I just like to play by the rules, which means supporting an amendment (that would never get the 37 ratifications needed).

Congress certainly has no authority to do anything on the matter.

SCotUS has no authority to do anything on the matter, but they certainly unjustly usurped it.

The PotUS has no authority to anything on the matter. The only precedent for anything like it would be the Emancipation Proclamation, which doesn't even really have much in common with such an act because all that did was make a promise to citizens of another nation and had no effect on Union slave states.

StoOgE said:
Should we ignore or defeat evil?

what hard hitting questions we have here.

Yeah, that's the question I called shallow. It would be interesting to hear the answers to a similar question that was written much better.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
There is no good argument for abortion rights protected at the federal level because there's no ratified constitutional amendment to make it so, or a ratified constitutional amendment to remove the 10th Amendment.
Somehow I don't really trust your viewpoint here, given how clearly you draw lines in the sand.


Macam said:
Nor is Bobby Jindal, really.
Not until 2012 if Obama wins/2016 otherwise. :D

Seriously though, I expect Jindal to be the frontrunner in the next GOP pool of Presidential candidates, along with Sarah Palin.


Hitokage said:
I'm saying that if there were good arguments I wouldn't expect you to acknowledge them. ;)

A revision, then. There can be "good" arguments for anything, as a matter of quality of rhetoric and ingenuity. Perhaps the word I was looking for was "valid."

I fail to see how anyone could present a "valid" argument for federal involvement while still respecting the Constitution and the limits it places on federal authority.


StoOgE said:
mae wittman one of the three most important people mccain will listen to... really?

Woohoo free market prevails, oil on ebay.




If true, I seriously cannot believe McCain left his "cone of silence" and had people feed him the questions in advance. That's really low. He has no shame.


Alright, just got finished listening to this week's Bill Moyers. FASCINATING discussion with Andrew Bacevich. He's a conservative ex-Colonel, now scholar with a new book about the reasons for an Imperial Presidency. Covered a wide range of topics, from the changes in American foreign policy after the Cold War to the reasons for seeking Middle East dominance to what it means to support the troops. Just a great interview, really makes me think that maybe it's time for term limits to not only be on the President, but also on Congress.


Diablos said:
Not until 2012 if Obama wins/2016 otherwise. :D

Seriously though, I expect Jindal to be the frontrunner in the next GOP pool of Presidential candidates, along with Sarah Palin.
Agreed. Be it 2012 or 2016 Jindal will be the front-runner when he runs and he will run. Jindal is just one of those guys you can tell in your gut will one day be a nominee for president, like Obama in 2004.


Cheebs said:
Agreed. Be it 2012 or 2016 Jindal will be the front-runner when he runs and he will run. Jindal is just one of those guys you can tell in your gut will one day be a nominee for president, like Obama in 2004.
I just hope he doesn't become the nominee during whatever time he decides to run. :\


Tamanon said:
Alright, just got finished listening to this week's Bill Moyers. FASCINATING discussion with Andrew Bacevich. He's a conservative ex-Colonel, now scholar with a new book about the reasons for an Imperial Presidency. Covered a wide range of topics, from the changes in American foreign policy after the Cold War to the reasons for seeking Middle East dominance to what it means to support the troops. Just a great interview, really makes me think that maybe it's time for term limits to not only be on the President, but also on Congress.
I would love term limits on congress. Also for President I like the idea Jimmy Carter laid out a few years back. Single 6 year terms for Presidents. Presidents always govern based on the fact they have a re-election and thus govern for that motive, and after they have a re-election they tend to become lame ducks since there will be a new president soon.


Cheebs said:
Maybe we should worry about 2008 before 2012. If Obama loses who should be the nominee guys? I AM IN MARK WARNERS CAMP! lolololol
I think Obama as President would do quite well against a guy like Jindal, though.


Cheebs said:
I would love term limits on congress. Also for President I like the idea Jimmy Carter laid out a few years back. Single 6 year terms for Presidents. Presidents always govern based on the fact they have a re-election and thus govern for that motive, and after they have a re-election they tend to become lame ducks since there will be a new president soon.

I agree with this idea, but I can't help but feel that Carter proposed it simply because his re-election campaign turned out like this:



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Cheebs said:
I would love term limits on congress. Also for President I like the idea Jimmy Carter laid out a few years back. Single 6 year terms for Presidents. Presidents always govern based on the fact they have a re-election and thus govern for that motive, and after they have a re-election they tend to become lame ducks since there will be a new president soon.

So instead of presidents being a lame duck in their second fourth year term you want them to be lame ducks in their first and only six year term.


Ventrue said:
I agree with this idea, but I can't help but feel that Carter proposed it simply because his re-election campaign turned out like this:

I wasn't alive when that happened, but I find it really hard to believe that Carter was THAT bad of a President. Seems like a totally backwards Democratic convention and the hostage crisis really fucked with America's psyche.


Diablos said:
I fear how GAF would react to her "I told you so" themed campaign.

Diablos said:
I wasn't alive when that happened, but I find it really hard to believe that Carter was THAT bad of a President. Seems like a totally backwards Democratic convention and the hostage crisis really fucked with America's psyche.

Before the convention and hostage crisis Carter and Reagan were roughly tied for months on end.


Diablos said:
I wasn't alive when that happened, but I find it really hard to believe that Carter was THAT bad of a President. Seems like a totally backwards Democratic convention and the hostage crisis really fucked with America's psyche.

Also, Americans have a huge fascination with Hollywood and make-believe.


Master of the Google Search
Diablos said:
I wasn't alive when that happened, but I find it really hard to believe that Carter was THAT bad of a President. Seems like a totally backwards Democratic convention and the hostage crisis really fucked with America's psyche.
Recessions tend to kill reelection bids


grandjedi6 said:
Recessions tend to kill reelection bids
Carter lead or tied Reagan for most of the campaign despite the economy still. It wasn't till sept Reagan pulled ahead.

I mean how could Carter lose? Chris Matthews wrote his speeches!


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Carter lead or tied Reagan for most of the campaign despite the economy still. It wasn't till sept Reagan pulled ahead.
The general election doesn't begin until September. That's when everyone wakes up and looks at the political landscape. In Carter's case that is when they saw the sucky economy and the hostage crisis. Compared to Reagan strict optimism it isn't hard to imagine why Carter faltered.


And yet, should Obama win, I don't expect it to be a landslide like Reagan. Rather, I think it's only going to come down to a couple states.


Diablos said:
And yet, should Obama win, I don't expect it to be a landslide like Reagan. Rather, I think it's only going to come down to a couple states.
Also McCain is as much as we dont want to think it, a far stronger opponent for Obama than Carter was for Reagan. Carter was in the White House, McCain wasn't thus it makes things 100x harder.

Obama vs. Cheney would be more comparable than Obama vs. McCain to 1980 (sadly).


Cheebs said:
Also McCain is as much as we dont want to think it, a far stronger opponent for Obama than Carter was for Reagan. Carter was in the White House, McCain wasn't thus it makes things 100x harder.

Obama vs. Cheney would be more comparable than Obama vs. McCain to 1980 (sadly).
Cheney would be getting his ass kicked -- or should I say, his face "peppered" -- right now.

I'm starting to truly get concerned about Obama's chances. During the primaries I was just getting frustrated with it dragging out like everyone else was, but there seems to be a LOT of things working against Obama, more than I thought. I just see things tightening up and being more of the same (that is, 2000 and 2004). Which is just a bad scenario, elections suck when they're that close.

Why in a year like THIS can the Democrat not have a HUGE lead in the polls right now? I just don't get it.

I think what people don't understand about Obama is that he generates a lot of his own hype. He IS his own media machine. Seriously. People say he's a media darling, but not really. It is McCain who is the real media darling this year; he always HAS BEEN, as every news network just loves to call him a Maverick instead of pointing out all of the things that have made the Straight Talk Express make far too many U-Turns. :p Nobody wants to be too critical of McCain. They'd rather pick on Obama because it seems easier for some reason, even though McCain has plenty of faults of his own.

And the thing that's really worrying is, if Barack Obama can't manage more than what seems to be a max of a 9-10 point lead, typically only a couple points ahead or tied, then WHO COULD? I don't think Hillary would have been able to; people greatly exaggerated her appeal to the everyman. She is an extremely polarizing figure, and I think she would have been an instant loss for the Dems this year, I really do. I'm so glad she did not win the nomination; it would've been over before it started. Plus, look at how selfish and incompetent her campaign was during the primaries... can you imagine that against the GOP in the fall?!

But, really, regardless of how optimistic or pessimistic you feel about his chances: If Obama loses this Presidential election, no Democrat will finally be able to take back the White House in a long, long time. He's a once in a lifetime opportunity for the party.

Most importantly, I think this displays how unbelievably clueless many voters/potential voters are out there. The Iraq war is taking a backseat to the economy, which is understandable, but the two really do go hand in hand. Just because it isn't at the top of their list of concerns doesn't mean they should stop caring; ending the war in Iraq will help the economy here. People seem to be unable to put that together, though, as the whole "surge is working" parade is leaving a good impression on a lot of people as their wallets shrink at the pump. Amazing.
thefro said:
So we don't have all the proof in yet, but it looks like the "Cross in the Dirt" story last night may be = Hillary's "sniper fire". There a similar story from Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his account "The Gulag Archipelago" and McCain is a big fan of his.


Not in his 12,000 word POW account, although he'll "never forget it"

The man is a total dirtbag, but there is just about no chance the national media picks up on this, because it is somehow impossible to question McCain.


Master of the Google Search
Diablos said:
Cheney would be getting his ass kicked -- or should I say, his face "peppered" -- right now.

I'm starting to truly get concerned about Obama's chances. During the primaries I was just getting frustrated with it dragging out like everyone else was, but there seems to be a LOT of things working against Obama, more than I thought. I just see things tightening up and being more of the same (that is, 2000 and 2004).

Why in a year like THIS can the Democrat not have a HUGE lead in the polls right now? I just don't get it.

I think what people don't understand about Obama is that he generates a lot of his own hype. He IS his own media machine. Seriously. People say he's a media darling, but not really. It is McCain who is the real media darling this year; he always HAS BEEN, as every news network just loves to call him a Maverick instead of pointing out all of the things that have made the Straight Talk Express make far too many U-Turns. :p Nobody wants to be too critical of McCain. They'd rather pick on Obama because it seems easier for some reason, even though McCain has plenty of faults of his own.

And the thing that's really worrying is, if Barack Obama can't manage more than what seems to be a max of a 9-10 point lead, typically only a couple points ahead or tied, then WHO COULD? I don't think Hillary would have been able to; people greatly exaggerated her appeal to the everyman. She is an extremely polarizing figure, and I think she would have been an instant loss for the Dems this year, I really do. I'm so glad she did not win the nomination; it would've been over before it started. Plus, look at how selfish and incompetent her campaign was during the primaries... can you imagine that against the GOP in the fall?!

But, really, regardless of how optimistic or pessimistic you feel about his chances: If Obama loses this Presidential election, no Democrat will finally be able to take back the White House in a long, long time. He's a once in a lifetime opportunity for the party.

A "couple point lead" is a big lead and a 9-10 lead is HUGE. Remember: each candidate will have their own ceilings and floors for polling data, and also the general election hasn't even begun yet.


grandjedi6 said:
A "couple point lead" is a big lead and a 9-10 lead is HUGE. Remember: each candidate will have their own ceilings and floors for polling data, and also the general election hasn't even begun yet.
What's the average anyway? There are too many "poll of polls" out there.

Day to day polling is pointless, we've all come to this conclusion by now (I hope). Obama has short periods of time where he's 9-10 points ahead, but I don't really know if that carries any weight. Realistically, they seem to be tied, sometimes Obama is a couple points ahead. And is that huge? Kerry was a couple points ahead most of the time IIRC, but we know how that movie ended.

I'm not saying "omg Obama is doomed", but I am concerned. It's hard not to be especially with the attack ads starting, and McCain resorting to such low tactics. The media lovefest over John McCain and his ability to connect with a lot more people than I initially thought in a year like this is a scary thing :eek:


Lazy vs Crazy said:
thefro said:
So we don't have all the proof in yet, but it looks like the "Cross in the Dirt" story last night may be = Hillary's "sniper fire". There a similar story from Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his account "The Gulag Archipelago" and McCain is a big fan of his.


Not in his 12,000 word POW account, although he'll "never forget it"


The man is a total dirtbag, but there is just about no chance the national media picks up on this, because it is somehow impossible to question McCain.

It was in one of his books.

Even if you had a legitimate criticism about his service or POW time, it's absolutely idiotic to go after it. You will not win.


Master of the Google Search
I finally watched that McCain ad I posted before. It goes after Obama for dropping the public finance agreement.

On another note: McCain ads have infected fivethirtyeight :(


Diablos said:
Why in a year like THIS can the Democrat not have a HUGE lead in the polls right now? I just don't get it.
Shameless pandering to people's fears and prejudices. Gays, abortions, darwinism, communist buttplugs and TAXES OH MY GOD TAXES!!!
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