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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Master of the Google Search
Diablos said:
What's the average anyway? There are too many "poll of polls" out there.

Day to day polling is pointless, we've all come to this conclusion by now (I hope). Obama has short periods of time where he's 9-10 points ahead, but I don't really know if that carries any weight. Realistically, they seem to be tied, sometimes Obama is a couple points ahead. And is that huge? Kerry was a couple points ahead most of the time IIRC, but we know how that movie ended.

I'm not saying "omg Obama is doomed", but I am concerned. It's hard not to be especially with the attack ads starting, and McCain resorting to such low tactics. The media lovefest over John McCain and his ability to connect with a lot more people than I initially thought in a year like this is a scary thing :eek:

You're not even suppose to pay that much attention to polls until after the conventions and first debate


grandjedi6 said:
You're not even suppose to pay that much attention to polls until after the conventions and first debate
...And I'm pretty sure that 90% of americans don't pay attention to the race until the conventions/debates.


grandjedi6 said:
You're not even suppose to pay that much attention to polls until after the conventions and first debate
Agreed. But has there ever been an election with so much coverage? 2004 had a lot, but I don't think it was this crazy. A lot of people voted, too. This year is like a nonstop campaign. Barack has been through a lot up to this point, and it's not even the fall yet :lol

the disgruntled gamer said:
...And I'm pretty sure that 90% of americans don't pay attention to the race until the conventions/debates.
Obviously more people will pay attention when the conventions take place. I'm wondering how many people are paying attention right now opposed to other years when the election didn't really start yet, though.


Obama said:
"McCain says 'Here's my plan, I'm going to drill here, drill now which is something he only came up with two months ago when he started looking at polling," Obama said of McCain's energy policy.
Haha, pretty much...

Dax01 said:
So what are the chances of Obama announcing his VP tomorrow?
Hopefully it'll be in the next couple days...


Agent Icebeezy said:
It looks like the gloves are off.

More at the link
I find this kind of remarkable:
Even so, Obama stepped to McCain's defense when a voter criticized his Vietnam era record. A Naval aviator, McCain spent 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war there after being shot down and badly wounded.

"Respectfully I'm going to disagree with you on McCain and his service," Obama said. "I think his service was honorable. He deserves respect."
I don't recall McCain ever passing on a chance to take a cheap shot at Obama, and here Obama is defending McCain outright.


Zabka said:
Shameless pandering to people's fears and prejudices. Gays, abortions, darwinism, communist buttplugs and TAXES OH MY GOD TAXES!!!

Yup, that's exactly it. And heaven forbid if McCain does get elected, those same people buying into the fears will sit there and complain about how awful things are, how things are the same and want something different....and can't understand how "The Maverick" (gag) let them down. Rinse. Repeat.

GhaleonEB said:
I find this kind of remarkable:

I don't recall McCain ever passing on a chance to take a cheap shot at Obama, and here Obama is defending McCain outright.

That's because Obama has class.


Dax01 said:
So what are the chances of Obama announcing his VP tomorrow?
Unless it's going to be announced at the convention, you have to think it'll be between tomorrow and thursday.


yes. the outcome of the election will (very very likely) be drastically different from what they are now
Keep in mind I don't really argue that, but at the same time, it would be interesting if there was data on how much attention was being paid to the candidates, debates, primaries, etc. prior to the fall in 2004 compared to today.

Look at how many debates there were this year alone.


Master of the Google Search
the disgruntled gamer said:
Unless it's going to be announced at the convention, you have to think it'll be between tomorrow and thursday.

The current rumor is that it will happen Wednesday since his schedule is still open for that day.


I totally agree with what Incognito said, btw -- I think everyone on the media shortlist is just there to fool us. VP is gonna be someone we most likely were not expecting.


Although I love how Nicole Wallace immediately says that the Obama campaign is calling McCain a cheater when they haven't even talked about it.:lol


Diablos said:
I totally agree with what Incognito said, btw -- I think everyone on the media shortlist is just there to fool us. VP is gonna be someone we most likely were not expecting.

Michelle Obama


Diablos said:
I totally agree with what Incognito said, btw -- I think everyone on the media shortlist is just there to fool us. VP is gonna be someone we most likely were not expecting.
I don't think the media would be happy about being misled and made to look clueless.


AniHawk said:
Michelle Obama
That's about as likely as Hillary Clinton.

Actually, that's probably even more likely than Hillary Clinton. :p

the disgruntled gamer said:
I don't think the media would be happy about being misled and made to look clueless.
Perhaps, but I think they'd get over it.


“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous,” Ms. Wallace said.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Oh my god, this election is going to be the death of me.

Tamanon said:
Because they've obviously been on his side this entire time:p
It could certainly be worse. I don't think it's a good idea to piss off the media. But hey, incognito's predictions are usually pretty accurate, so we'll just have to wait and see.


testicles on a cold fall morning
the 'controversy' is basically meaningless (oh no! McCain might have heard questions beforehand!), but this quote caught my eye for sheer chutzpah -
“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous,” Ms. Wallace said.



Incognito told us we'd have a Speaker Pelosi when everyone else was doubting it, he is pretty good at making predictions.


“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous,” Ms. Wallace said.


testicles on a cold fall morning
besides for the affair, the sheer audacity (of hope) to use McCain's POW status as a shield to deflect any criticism or introspection on his character is galling.


Eric P said:

This works great for everything:

“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, has a terrible energy policy, is outrageous."
“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, is a just like Bush is outrageous.”
“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, has an outdated way of thinking is outrageous."
"John McCain, a former prisoner of war"


AniHawk said:
Because McCain has never cheated ever before in his live. He is a prisoner of war, amirite.


John McCain is a great American who was a PRISONER OF WAR in service to this wonderful country. Frankly, even if he did cheat, he is a PRISONER OF WAR.

PRISONER OF WAR!!!!!!!!!11!!!111!


Byakuya769 said:

John McCain is a great American who was a PRISONER OF WAR in service to this wonderful country. Frankly, even if he did cheat, he is a PRISONER OF WAR.

PRISONER OF WAR!!!!!!!!!11!!!111!

That sounds exactly like something that bag of gas Hannity would say.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Diablos said:
I totally agree with what Incognito said, btw -- I think everyone on the media shortlist is just there to fool us. VP is gonna be someone we most likely were not expecting.
reilo said:

"I believe I can fly"


"I believe I can touch the sky"


"I think about it every night and day"


"Spread my wings and flyyyy aawaaaaay"



Cheebs said:
Except he stated he will not be at the convention and his son said his dad has not been asked to turn in vetting forms ever or spoken to any of the vetters.
Yeah, if Clark is the VP I'd be shocked at this point.


sp0rsk said:
What are the chances of all that being BS to throw people off?
People are wishy washy and hide things, yeah but to outright bluntly lie and say you never been vetted or spoken to vetters or will be at the convention is one step kinda too far. "I don't expect it" "You know, I am happy with what I am doing"...etc are the type of BS normally used.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous,” Ms. Wallace said.

This is the McCain campaign in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.

Distortion of the facts? Check.

Bringing up McCain's past as a POW despite McCain initially saying he didn't like to bring it up? Check.

The shots actually being called by people even less honorable than McCain? Check.


FitzOfRage said:
Kind of ironic that being a prisoner of war becomes a get out of jail free card.
You just need a certain type of shamelessness to tear it down; for reference, see Bush's 2000 primary campaign.
GhaleonEB said:
I find this kind of remarkable:

I don't recall McCain ever passing on a chance to take a cheap shot at Obama, and here Obama is defending McCain outright.
This is his problem...

The Republicans will do ANYTHING to get elected but Obama has certain lines he will not cross which puts him at a disadvantage. Republicans LOVE going after an opponent's greatest strength and turning it into a negative by saying the most outlandish things (see: celebrity ads) and it usually works, regardless of how tasteless and deplorable it is. This plagiarism thing is Obama's opening to really go hard on McCain's use of his former POW-ness. He needs to take it IMO.

With all of these attacks the Repubs have gone on the offensive and have turned things around so that Obama is following their lead and he has to do something to change that.

By taking this high road all he's doing (in the minds of undecideds in swing states at least) is making himself out to be a pussy.


polyh3dron said:
By taking this high road all he's doing (in the minds of undecideds in swing states at least) is making himself out to be a pussy.

This was my #1 concern about his candidacy. Talk about "changing the way we do politics" all you want, but know that the GOP will go into scorched-earth mode, and that they always win doing this. This "feel good" fluffy crap might get you through the hippie-dippie Democratic primaries, but it doesn't work this way in the generals.

Taking the high road gets us squat, and effectively letting the country have another Bush term is the epitome of "dishonorable."

I hope Obama has sharp daggers.
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