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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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pxleyes said:
Many of the discoveries made by NASA would not have occurred if not for the missions to the Moon. You again show your lack of knowledge on the subject by claiming the irrelevance of the trips that led to the discoveries we value from NASA.

In his defense, talking about things of actual utility is not Jay's strongest point.
maynerd said:
Is Edwards running? Not sure what you mean?
What I mean is that substantive political debate discusses policies, not personal spending. (* excepting perhaps bad personal spending habits/bankruptcies/etc...)

By that, I mean that personal expenditures do not reflect on whether a politician is "in-touch" with one group or another. Whether or not McCain is "in-touch" with the "non-rich" doesn't depend on his net worth, number of houses, mode of transportation, or the price tag on his shoes. Edwards got $400 haircuts, is worth about $30 million, yet he was considered by labor groups to be "in-touch" with "non-rich" people. What made him "in-touch" with them was his policy choices, not his hair stylist choice.

maynerd said:
I would say it does reflect how in touch they are. They are showing it on a policy choice, McCain's position on Social Security.
They're equating a personal financial position to a public policy choice. And it's one that applies to all candidates, all of the legitimate candidates would be fine if they lost their Social Security.
I want the BillO blowup due to ratings he setup last week and then he was MIA.

FYI Bill Maher will be on Larry King on Tues. HBO show back in season soon.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
Looks like Olbermann is back tonight, at least for a Special Comment on McCain's "losing a war for personal ambition" bit.:lol
Ooooooh snaaaaaap
reilo said:
They are going with the evil bit:

"It's a difference between a professor and a leader."


I still don't quite understand that question as it was posed. Were either of the candidates supposed to sit in a church and say that evil does not exist? I mean they might as well have substituted "Would you like to continue running for President" for the first part of the question.

And then it was followed by 3 retarded options and 1 applause line as choices. What do you possibly learn from a question like that?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
FitzOfRage said:
I still don't quite understand that question as it was posed. Were either of the candidates supposed to sit in a church and say that evil does not exist? I mean they might as well have substituted "Would you like to continue running for President" for the first part of the question.

And then it was followed by 3 retarded options and 1 applause line as choices. What do you possibly learn from a question like that?

Apparently, you learn that one candidate is ready to lead, while the other is ready to sit on his hands and ponder indefinitely. Apparently.


Yeah one candidate said, evil exists, and we must go after it, but make sure that we're not the evil ones. The other one said, yes it exists, KILL IT! FOLLOW IT TO HELL!

Although the following to gates of hell could actually mean that McCain knows he's evil and going to hell himself.:p

Wow, FOX News really is running Obama was a druggie extremist as a report.:lol
reilo said:
They are going with the evil bit:

"It's a difference between a professor and a leader."

They spent 5 minutes talking about his connections with a drug-dealing Pakistani guy at Colombia and mention only once in passing his time at Harvard where he graduated with honors. :lol :lol :lol


typhonsentra said:
They spent 5 minutes talking about his connections with a drug-dealing Pakistani guy at Colombia and mention only once in passing his time at Harvard where he graduated with honors. :lol :lol :lol

Yeah it's FOX news. Although one has to wonder how you can really push on one hand how ghetto he is, and then on the other hand how much of an effete celebrity he is.

I mean, I honestly don't remember the last time I've seen so many grainy, unflattering photos of black people.:lol


Master of the Google Search
Tamanon said:
Yeah it's FOX news. Although one has to wonder how you can really push on one hand how ghetto he is, and then on the other hand how much of an effete celebrity he is.

I mean, I honestly don't remember the last time I've seen so many grainy, unflattering photos of black people.:lol

ghetto celebrity: Political nightmare or the perfect combination?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
speculawyer said:
I guess they just finished the Corsi "book" and decided to discuss it.

"We know the things discussed in Corsi's books are lies, but are they really? What if they were really true? How are we supposed to know?! Obama was never a POW, so is he really a patriot?"
at the beginning of that fox documentary i thought, "wowowow, this seems to be real objective look at obama's biography, from fox of all people." and then it goes into his pakistani friends and their drug problems. haha. never change, fox. never change.


Olbermann's special comment about McCain was awesome.

He ended it with, "I am ashamed to have to say this to a man who is 71, but senator McCain... grow up."
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Hmm. Never heard about the Obama/Pakistani/drug connection. How accurate is the story?
I started looking around for information about his friend (Sadik?) through Google after the show ended and came up with little aside from Obama mentioning him in "Dreams from my Father":

"I stopped getting high. I ran three miles a day and fasted on Sundays," Obama writes. "For the first time in years, I applied myself to my studies and started keeping a journal of daily reflections and very bad poetry. Whenever Sadik tried to talk me into hitting a bar, I'd beg off with some tepid excuse, too much work or not enough cash. One day, before leaving the apartment in search of better company, he turned to me and offered his most scathing indictment. 'You're becoming a bore.'"
According the The Politico, McCain is going to announce his selection of VP on August 29th, the day after Obama's acceptance speech, in front of a crowd of 10,000 or so in Dayton, Ohio.


when is my burrito
It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others.

Does anybody find it funny how one whose run for the presidency is based on his claims of experience derides a game solely focused on the accumulation thereof?


Incognito said:
According the The Politico, McCain is going to announce his selection of VP on August 29th, the day after Obama's acceptance speech, in front of a crowd of 10,000 or so in Dayton, Ohio.
We all know what happened last time McCain tried to knock the wind out of a historic Obama speech...


"That's not change we can believe in, heh, heh, (snort)."


Man, Dan Abrams is a real jerkoff. He's still whining about Hillary not being the VP. He asked the guests on his show if they thought Hilldawg had any chance, you should've seen his face when one guy said "Dan, Al Gore has a better chance of being Obama's running mate than Clinton does."

The panelists all seemed to think Biden was the best, they also thing Bayh is a good choice, and they don't think it'll be Kaine.


I dunno, I just can't see any way it could be Bayh, I mean he co-chaired the Committee to Liberate Iraq with McCain. That's just not really a good look at all.


jett said:
Is anyone actually trusting that flipflopper regarding NASA?

The Anglo North American electorate's pre-occupaiton with 'flip flopping' is really retarded. Bush did not flip flop on Iraq. He was unmovable to a fault. Look where that got the United States.

A good leader needs to be able to change their positions when neccessary and its certainly good to see NASA cuts are off the table for now.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Even when he was imprisoned, McCain was not one to confide his feelings on God.

“I don’t recall us talking specifically about our faith,” says Orson Swindle, one of McCain’s closest friends and a fellow POW. “We talked about our friends, families, our resistance posture, and that our country didn’t seem to have the will to win.”

Belief in a higher power helped them survive the routine torture and daily indignities, Swindle says.

“It would help us endure what we had to endure. But we knew God wasn’t going to come down and wave a magic wand.”


I think Biden is a safe choice, which is all you can really ask for in a VP at this point. We don't need ads about Sebelius' son's sadistic boardgame or Webb's blatantly sexist tendencies, because while people don't necessarily vote for VP, they sure as hell can vote against them.


Tamanon said:
I dunno, I just can't see any way it could be Bayh, I mean he co-chaired the Committee to Liberate Iraq with McCain. That's just not really a good look at all.
I doubt many people will notice/care. Plus, it's not really something McCain's campaign will be wanting to bring up.

My main problem with Bayh is his hair.


The Times went live with their Drudge-hyped story on Obama's veep selection. And the reveal is....

...Obama Ready to Announce Running Mate This Week



Senator Barack Obama has all but settled on his choice for a running mate and set an elaborate rollout plan for his decision, beginning with an early morning alert to supporters, perhaps as soon as Wednesday morning, aides said.

Democratic vice-presidential speculation has focused on three candidates, from top, Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. Mr. Obama’s deliberations remain remarkably closely held. Aides said perhaps a half-dozen advisers were involved in the final discussions in an effort to enforce a command that Mr. Obama issued to staff members: that his decision not leak out until supporters are notified.

Mr. Obama had not notified his choice — or any of those not selected — of his decision as of late Monday, advisers said. Going into the final days, Mr. Obama was said to be focused mainly on three candidates: Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware.
I've got to say that Bayh looks like the best choice, his stint as Governor appeared to be flawless, he could deliver Indiana and shore up support in Ohio and Michigan, he was a Hillary supporter and could still try to bring them into the fold. His only major drawback appears to be his support for the War in Iraq and since Obama is already viewed as a very anti-war politician, Bayh's support for it should go relatively unnoticed.
I want McCain to pick a chick. It think it is about his only chance to stir things up. He could pick a hispanic but I think that conservatives are pissed enough about his immigration policy as it is.
richardson is really accomplished but he has this used car salesman veneer about him. and i don't think he survived the vetting, if he was on the list at some point.

i'm going to try to not think about it anymore because the guessing game is getting ad nauseum. but i'm crossing my fingers for biden. i decided if obama wants to win above all, he'll pick one of those two governers. if he wants who he knows and has worked with the past few years and is willing to take a chance, it'll be biden


Master of the Google Search
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I want McCain to pick a chick. It think it is about his only chance to stir things up. He could pick a hispanic but I think that conservatives are pissed enough about his immigration policy as it is.
He could pick Lieberman! That would stir something up alright :lol


Setec Astronomer
laserbeam said:
Fact is some democrats in Florida and Texas called and said your plan costs jobs and suddenly NASA is a major priority for the future of America.
I completely expected something like this to happen when I first learned of Obama's previous position. Whether it was the real reason or not, I'm just glad he reconsidered.


Hitokage said:
I completely expected something like this to happen when I first learned of Obama's previous position. Whether it was the real reason or not, I'm just glad he reconsidered.

I agree with you I think NASA is important. I defend its spending more than alot of other spending. Florida as close as it is election wise Obama could not allow Job loss to be linked to his plans for NASA.

Obama went from wanting to delay NASA plans to divert money to suddenly offering a whole additional Shuttle Flight beyond the grounding time which means more money spent.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
OK so FoxNews is really pushing this BS story about Obama wanting to kill babies that were born (even after an abortion was attempted).

They said over and over that Obama voted against the bill to save babies and that Obama wanted to kill live babies.

Think it will hurt Obama?


mckmas8808 said:
OK so FoxNews is really pushing this BS story about Obama wanting to kill babies that were born (even after an abortion was attempted).

They said over and over that Obama voted against the bill to save babies and that Obama wanted to kill live babies.

Think it will hurt Obama?

It could if they hammer it enough. Did they mention the story out of Israel today of the aborted baby found alive in the Morgue 5 hours later after being declared dead? Stuff like that will impact peoples views and opinions
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