mckmas8808 said:
OK so FoxNews is really pushing this BS story about Obama wanting to kill babies that were born (even after an abortion was attempted).
They said over and over that Obama voted against the bill to save babies and that Obama wanted to kill live babies.
What part of it do you think is BS? I'm not watching Fox News, but there is some truth to the claim, although I suspect Fox is sensationalizing it to the hilt.
The Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act basically provided that infants, once they're outside of the mother and have either a heartbeat or voluntary muscle movement, have the same rights as all other people. These rights are transfered regardless of age of the fetus/infant or the reason it was expelled from the mother.
While there was a partial birth abortion angle to it, there was also testimony regarding severally deformed infants being "shelved," born and then left to die.
In 2001, Obama voted against the bill in committee and "present" when it came to the Illinois Senate floor. He felt it would be interpreted to extend rights to previable fetuses even during a normal abortion and because it would be found unconstitutional due to a minor wording change from a similar law that had been held constitutional.
At later times, he voted against an amendment that would've corrected the wording change, and in 2002, voted against the bill in both committee and the floor. In 2003, when he chaired the committee the bill was assigned to, he left it to die in committee.
The story's been out there for a while, I mean besides when it happened. It got a little play in the Obama/Keyes US Senate race, but it didn't get much traction. I've kinda been wondering why the pro-life groups hadn't been pushing it, well... at all.