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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
Yes, I'm sure all the readily available fertile land being given away had nothing to do with it.

Also, I made jokes about "the New World," so obviously I already expecting the parallel. Trouble is, it's more of a perpendicular.

Fertile land given away by whom?

Also, as to your previous question:

The shame is that even in the absence of our pissing contest with the Soviets we still continue to spend money on something with no discernible long-term benefit.

The US deciding to invest into this "pissing contest" [which, in the free market is known as 'competition'], has established today's infrastructure as we know it: the internet, communication [cellphones, tv, radio], GPS, weather forecasts, meteor detection, and so forth.

By your assertion, should the US have invested in the Explorer 1 project?


Setec Astronomer
quadriplegicjon said:
oh yeah? you know whats out there? gosh, everyone knows the world is flat! you will never get to india by sailing west!!!!
More like how western Europe didn't like the Ottoman Empire and tried to establish direct trade routes to avoid them entirely. ;)
reilo said:
Fertile land given away by whom?
Heh, that very little of America was legitimately obtained in the first place is a bit of a problem when you try to proclaim absolute property and inheritance rights. After all, stolen property is stolen property no matter how properly it is exchanged afterward.


mamacint said:
Just when I think our discourse couldn't get any stupider:
Gingrich calls it a "funny" email, and Hannity and Gingrich are chuckling about it, I highly doubt that it was meant as a serious political line of argumentation.
Another Charlie Gibson reference. That guy is such a tool.

I remember when he led off a debate question with that "those in the middle class, let's say stipulate they're making about $200,000....". At this point the crowd begins to laugh. Then he tried to correct himself by saying that most professors at the school we're making that. More laughter. Thank god he's not moderating any of the debates this fall or we'd be subject to another "Capital Gains Tax: How dare you raise them!" lecture from him.
Heh, just after I made that last comment about thinkprogress not getting jokes,

thinkprogress.org said:
During the Saddleback Church presidential forum on Saturday, when Pastor Rick Warren asked both Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to define where “you move from middle class to rich,” McCain reflexively joked, “How about $5 million?” He then added that “it doesn’t matter really what my definition of rich is.” Noting that “McCain’s answer is just profoundly out-of-touch,” Ezra Klein put together a graph showing just how off-base McCain’s definition is compared to actual income distribution:
(my emp.)

They themselves call McCain's comment a joke, and yet they call him out-of-touch because of it? Just imagine if he had offered to sell someone a bridge.


Incognito said:
Another Charlie Gibson reference. That guy is such a tool.

I remember when he led off a debate question with that "those in the middle class, let's say stipulate they're making about $200,000....". At this point the crowd begins to laugh. Then he tried to correct himself by saying that most professors at the school we're making that. More laughter. Thank god he's not moderating any of the debates this fall or we'd be subject to another "Capital Gains Tax: How dare you raise them!" lecture from him.
Yay, he's not moderating any!

Who is, btw


Squirrel Killer said:
Heh, just after I made that last comment about thinkprogress not getting jokes,

They themselves call McCain's comment a joke, and yet they call him out-of-touch because of it? Just imagine if he had offered to sell someone a bridge.

When someone asks you a direct question and you answer with a joke, you probably should circle back and give a genuine answer. The real joke is McCain.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
maynerd said:
When someone asks you a direct question and you answer with a joke, you probably should circle back and give a genuine answer. The real joke is McCain.

McCain joked about the $5mil, but never came back to give a real answer.

In contrast, Obama joked that selling 25-million books makes you rich, but then he gave a profound, clear cut number as to where the cut-off between rich and middle class was.


Master of the Google Search
Tamanon said:
Tom Ridge won't be the VP, you don't put a pro-choicer on the Republican ticket these days, I guess that also kills Lieberman.....unless he's now pro-life!
McCain was hinting at a pro-choice VP a little while ago. I could see him going with his gut and picking a pro-choicer
reilo said:
What was McCain's definition of "rich"?
"It doesn’t matter really what my definition of rich is.”

Or more fully (and prophetically)...
"How about $5 million? No, but seriously, I don’t think you can, I don’t think seriously that the point is I’m trying to make, seriously, and I’m sure that comment will be distorted but the point is…that we want to keep people’s taxes low, and increase revenues. … So, it doesn’t matter really what my definition of rich is because I don’t want to raise anybody’s taxes. I really don’t."


grandjedi6 said:
McCain was hinting at a pro-choice VP a little while ago. I could see him going with his gut and picking a pro-choicer
This would be bad (for Democrats). McCain would have a really, realllllly good shot at PA.


Squirrel Killer said:
"It doesn’t matter really what my definition of rich is.”

Or more fully (and prophetically)...
"How about $5 million? No, but seriously, I don’t think you can, I don’t think seriously that the point is I’m trying to make, seriously, and I’m sure that comment will be distorted but the point is…that we want to keep people’s taxes low, and increase revenues. … So, it doesn’t matter really what my definition of rich is because I don’t want to raise anybody’s taxes. I really don’t."

That's not a definition.


Pro-Choice Ridge Indicates as VP He Would 'Echo' McCain's Pro-Life Views

August 17, 2008 5:27 PM

On Fox News Sunday this morning, former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge was asked about the fact that Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has discussed his being a potential running mate, even though Ridge supports abortion rights and McCain opposes them.

"Tom Ridge is one of the great leaders, and he happens to be pro-choice," McCain recently told The Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes. "And I don't think that would necessarily rule Tom Ridge out."

Host Chris Wallace asked Ridge, "Given its long pro-life history, do you really think that the Republican Party would accept a pro-choice running mate?"

"My friend of 25 years is passionately pro-life," Ridge said. "He is also passionately a believer that the Republican Party must have a big tent. And I think, frankly, what he was just saying to the rest of the world is that we need to accept both points of view. He's not judgmental about me or my belief. He just disagrees with me. And there's no doubt in my mind, no doubt whatsoever, that ... he would have a strong pro-life administration."

Ridge added that "at the end of the day, I think the Republican Party will be comfortable with whatever John [decision] makes." He additionally noted that "the vice president is not an independent voice. He echoes the position of the president of the United States….I think that's the responsibility of the vice president. If you're unwilling or unable to do that, then I think you should defer to someone else."

Seems like Ridge respects McCain's views, and is perfectly content with disregarding his own on abortion so he can be the VP.

Oh boy...


So I just saw Drudgereport's headline about Obama picking his VP tomorrow:

Mon Aug 18 2008 17:01:04 ET

The NYT newsroom was buzzing late Monday afternoon after Obama-beat reporter Jeff Zeleny learned how the Dem hopeful has now finalized his choice for a running-mate.

Obama has set out an elaborate roll-out to announce his decision that will begin with an early morning e-mail to supporters, perhaps as early as Tuesday, Zeleny has been told.

Is it Nunn? Is it Kaine? Is Hillary there? What about Kerry?

Developing... all night [week?] long

Watcha guys think?


maynerd said:
Define rich.

"I don't want to tax anyone."

Yes that's genuine.

What is rich? I dont think anyone can give a solid definition of rich. Someone making 75k a year is rich compared to someone making 30k a year. Someone making 100k a year is rich compared to making 75k a year.


Fatalah said:
So I just saw Drudgereport's headline about Obama picking his VP tomorrow:

Watcha guys think?
It's going to happen this week. Until it actually is announced, I'm not buying anything. Too many false alarms from the media.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
McCain has a point; it only matters what Obama defines as rich because he plans on taxing the everliving shit out of them.

Oh, right, because McCain is going to magically balance the budget, make Bush's tax cuts permanent - which my dad has had to pay back money on this year despite making less than $10k in profits on his business - find us $100billion tomorrow by cutting wasteful spending, get us out of debt, reform social security, give each family $7,000 for every child in the household, while all the time keeping us winning in Iraq and Afghanistan for the next 5+ years at least.

Yeah, that does not sound crazy at all.


JayDubya said:
McCain has a point; it only matters what Obama defines as rich because he plans on taxing the everliving shit out of them.
Gave up on the NASA argument did we? It is hard to even keep up with your trolls.


Setec Astronomer
pxleyes said:
Gave up on the NASA argument did we? It is hard to even keep up with your trolls.
Well, after being confronted with the idea that American land was not, in fact, given away, I can't blame him.


Hitokage said:
Well, after being confronted with the idea that American land was not, in fact, given away, I can't blame him.
I suppose but I really was curious why he hates the idea of the government spending pennies worth of change on NASA.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
Well, after being confronted with the idea that American land was not, in fact, given away, I can't blame him.

pxleyes said:
I suppose but I really was curious why he hates the idea of the government spending pennies worth of change on NASA.

Even libertarians like Penn & Teller support NASA.
maynerd said:
And they both are adulterers too!
And the fact that rich people are rich and adulterers cheat on their wives relates to the political process... how?

Just to shortcut the back and forth a bit, what I'm trying to say is that the AFL-CIO's mailer is ridiculous, just as the rumors of Edwards' $400 haircut were ridiculous. Same for the hand-wringing over their marital fidelity. But instead of actually talking about issues, we get these personal attacks. I'm not naive enough to think that political discourse was better back in the good ol' days, but for crap's sake, I'm tired of it.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
maynerd said:
And they both are adulterers too!
This fact doesn't get enough play at all.

Obama did this, he'd be sunk.

McCain did it...and he's still floating away.

The Media said:


New McCain memo claims Obama supporters are geeks who play dungeons and dragons and live in their parents basements:
It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others.
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