He's probably told them by now.VanMardigan said:So Obama already has made his choice and hasn't told Bid...........errr.........the candidate yet? Is he worried the candidate will leak the information?
Chicago Sun-Times reports Obama and his veep will showcase the new ticket Saturday at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois.
State of Illinois authorities have been asked permission by Obama folks to reserve the historic spot at noon.
Spot is the same place where he officially kicked off his campaign in February 2007.
Tamanon said:I'm sure his pick knows, and the reason we don't know is one of the reasons they were picked.
Wow, I thought for sure it would be before the weekend. Right down to the wire.Cheebs said:Looks like it'll happen saturday:
Not really. He's saying one of the reasons he was picked is that he's trustworthy and doesn't leak campaign secrets. Thus, the candidate's tendency to not spill the beans is one of the reasons the beans have not been spilled.Undeux said:So cryptic.
We can only hope. I'd like to see Drudge "leak" it only to be wrong. Though in print would be even funnier.the disgruntled gamer said:I wonder if we'll have some fun "reporting" like this:
again this time.
It would be fun to witness everyone freak out over one guy, and then watch the double freak out as it turns out it's someone else.
It's actually been at that for 4-5 days which is crazy. I like to take a look at 'this day in 2004' as well.Jason's Ultimatum said:Whoooooa. The electoral count is getting close at electoral-vote.com.
Aug 19 said:Kerry 301 Bush 213
Of course.ChrisGoldstein said:I just wanted to say that I despise Rick Warren, when larry king asked him last night if he knew Mccain was not in 'a cone of silence' he blinked uncontrollably and said 'of course not' or some crap. Very mad was I.
And btw I never saw John Mccain answer questions so fast as he did on saturday night, almost like he knew EXACTLY what was coming.
No, he just likes having his cake and eating it too.Tamanon said:Limbaugh yesterday was apparently not really realizing that he was advocating two opposites, on one hand he said that Obama was an empty vessel being controlled by all the various Democratic special interests, but on the other hand crowing about how divided all the factions are in the Democratic party.
He was playing in McCain's home turf. I doubt his performance brought him down in front of that crowd; it might have helped him among a few. Worst-case scenario he breaks even. But it shows Obama is willing to engage everyone in discussion, even those who disagree with him. Which is part of the premise of his campaign.Mercury Fred said:Of course.
It was a terrible miscalculation for Obama to attend what was essentially an inquisition conducted by evangelicals.
Yeah it was an inquisition. They burned a couple of witches the week before.Mercury Fred said:Of course.
It was a terrible miscalculation for Obama to attend what was essentially an inquisition conducted by evangelicals.
Mercury Fred said:Of course.
It was a terrible miscalculation for Obama to attend what was essentially an inquisition conducted by evangelicals.
Awesome! When did this happen?(NASA cuts taken off the table)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilling_effect_(term)VanMardigan said:And you, the government, and the building administrator ALL believed that there was going to be weed smoked there, which is why the government gave a warning, and everyone else buckled. The event could've taken place, which is what you fail to realize.
VanMardigan said:Obama certainly didn't do as well as (a well prepared?) McCain, but he did very well. I think he'll do much better than people expect among that demographic. Aside from the abortion issue, Obama seemed more comfortable talking about his personal faith than McCain. Which is due to the fact that hes' far more religious than McCain is. And I think evangelicals are realizing that, and last night helped.
They're definitely coming around to Obama, despite being "fucking cavemen", as per a previous post in this thread.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12438163&postcount=17981Cyan said:Awesome! When did this happen?
laserbeam said:I think your way overstating the supposed coming around of enagelicals to Obama. Abortion is basically issue #1 for them and he did the same thing Mccain got alot of shit for on this forum and refused to answer. He even stated he voted for a bill that in actuality he voted against.
Imagine the reaction if President Bush called himself a soldier of God in the battle against evil
Tamanon said:Plus, look at all the pro-life Presidents that have been elected and yet abortion numbers increase.
Cheebs said:Looks like it'll happen saturday:
Chicago Sun-Times reports Obama and his veep will showcase the new ticket Saturday at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois.
State of Illinois authorities have been asked permission by Obama folks to reserve the historic spot at noon.
Spot is the same place where he officially kicked off his campaign in February 2007.
Tyrone Slothrop said:i they're mostly idiots who'll never leave that leave it to beaver sphere of thinking, t
Sweet, thanks for the links. That's great, NASA was one of my big complaints with Obama.Hitokage said:
VanMardigan said:Abortion is important to them, but I can assure you that vocal groups cause that issue to seem more important to evangelicals than it may actually be. In other words, if Obama can show that he is just as concerned in other areas of moral/spiritual importance to them, he still has a chance. Which is why he was so open about his opposition to gay marriage.
Someone posted a poll showing Obama already leading overall among Christians in this very thread. Obama is courting the group heavily, and has been extremely forthcoming (books, interviews, etc.) about his Christian faith. To a group that has seen many of their leaders either just pander or dodge the issue of personal spirituality, it's a breath of fresh air. Someone who doesn't just go to church for PR events and for Easter, who actually knows Scripture, and who, through his own experiences and exposures to sermons and fellow worshippers, is more in tune with their sensitivities than McCain. Bush, you may recall, was also extremely open about his personal faith during the '04 campaign and it helped to push them his way and away from Kerry, who seemed as uncomfortable and aloof about issues of personal spirituality in the same way that McCain does.
He basically did. Remember when the implication was that he was carrying out God's work whenever he made his decisions?
laserbeam said:I think your way overstating the supposed coming around of enagelicals to Obama. Abortion is basically issue #1 for them and he did the same thing Mccain got alot of shit for on this forum and refused to answer. He even stated he voted for a bill that in actuality he voted against.
This I find quite interesting though
Obama the moral philosopher replied, accurately, that evil is everywhere, in Darfur, in our city streets, in our own hearts. We cannot "erase evil from the world. That is God's task. But we can be soldiers in that process, and we can confront [evil] when we see it." (Imagine the reaction if President Bush called himself a soldier of God in the battle against evil.)
When asked what America's greatest moral failing was, theological Obama said it was our collective failure to "abide by that basic precept in [the Book of] Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me."
In 2003, as chairman of the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Obama received a statement from Jill Stanek, a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill. She testified that at her Chicago-area hospital, she'd seen a baby accidentally delivered alive during an abortion and then "taken to the Soiled Utility Room and left alone to die."
I'm no expert on the Christian Gospel, but something tells me that Matthew might consider these wailing creatures the least of our brothers.
Along with some donuts, a couple viagra, some ice cream, a fistful of Oxycontin, and a cigar.Hitokage said:No, he just likes having his cake and eating it too.
Deus Ex Machina said:**CBS News: VP Announcement Will Happen Friday Afternoon**
CBS News has confirmed that Barack Obama's campaign now plans to announce Obama's vice presidential choice to supporters via email and text message on Friday afternoon.
He will then appear with his running mate at noon the next day in Springfield, Illinois, CBS News chief political consultant Marc Ambinder reports.
Media reports today have suggested that Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Delaware Senator Joseph Biden as the names now atop Obama's list.
I shall count the minutes!Deus Ex Machina said:**CBS News: VP Announcement Will Happen Friday Afternoon**
CBS News has confirmed that Barack Obama's campaign now plans to announce Obama's vice presidential choice to supporters via email and text message on Friday afternoon.
He will then appear with his running mate at noon the next day in Springfield, Illinois, CBS News chief political consultant Marc Ambinder reports.
Media reports today have suggested that Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Delaware Senator Joseph Biden as the names now atop Obama's list.
Either you edited this out or they edited it in:Deus Ex Machina said:**CBS News: VP Announcement Will Happen Friday Afternoon**
CBS News has confirmed that Barack Obama's campaign now plans to announce Obama's vice presidential choice to supporters via email and text message on Friday afternoon.
He will then appear with his running mate at noon the next day in Springfield, Illinois, CBS News chief political consultant Marc Ambinder reports.
Media reports today have suggested that Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Delaware Senator Joseph Biden as the names now atop Obama's list.
(This plan could change, of course.)
mckmas8808 said:First of all show me one Christian that's perfect. Second, how many times are you going to lie about Obama's pro choice beliefs?
In 2003, as chairman of the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Obama received a statement from Jill Stanek, a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill. She testified that at her Chicago-area hospital, she'd seen a baby accidentally delivered alive during an abortion and then "taken to the Soiled Utility Room and left alone to die."
librasox said:Bad strategy. News of this importance shouldn't be relegated to the weekend shuffle.
librasox said:Bad strategy. News of this importance shouldn't be relegated to the weekend shuffle.
Not if every news report from now until then is "Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be?"librasox said:Bad strategy. News of this importance shouldn't be relegated to the weekend shuffle.
laserbeam said:Obama will pull the Liberal minded Christians I am sure of that. I think the Conservative ones though he has no chance in hell. The Conservative ones arent really even fans of Mccain but they will vote for him
You are right Bush did allude to that and there was a shitstorm about it. Obama didnt allude to it he flat out said it and its ignored.
librasox said:Bad strategy. News of this importance shouldn't be relegated to the weekend shuffle.
Or it's a bomb so huge it doesn't matter, like Colin Powell.Frank the Great said:Unless it's an unknown VP which news readers might not automatically respond favorably to without some time getting accustomed to them, like say, Sebelius or Richardson.
God's Beard said:Or it's a bomb so huge it doesn't matter, like Colin Powell.
God's Beard said:Or it's a bomb so huge it doesn't matter, like Colin Powell.