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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Nice MI poll.

And looks like I'll be checking the news first thing in the morning. A 3am send would be hilarious. :lol

(And might be a hint that it's Clinton. :eek )
GhaleonEB said:
Nice MI poll.

And looks like I'll be checking the news first thing in the morning. A 3am send would be hilarious. :lol

(And might be a hint that it's Clinton. :eek )

Obama is asking us if we're ready to answer the phone at 3am. I'll probably still be playing Pixel Junk Monsters by then


Banstick Emeritus
Biden seems like the natural choice. I'm still a bit prickly about that "clean and articulate" remark, but he'll fit the ticket and light up the Republicans every chance he's given.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
And you know this how? It's already been reported that Hillary wants to do MORE for Obama but his campaign hasn't given her much to work with. She has nothing to gain from an Obama loss considering the base will wind up heaping some blame on her and Bill

At the end of the day there are more democrats than republicans, and even in 2004 with such high turnout they still only won due to one state. Hillary would help secure that state dude - who cares if republicans in the south and heartland come out in mass, McCain will win those states anyway. Meanwhile Obama would maintain Michigan and Penn. while taking Ohio and possibly flipping Florida. Game over

speaking of Michigan

(lots of poll details at link)

17% lead in Michigan among independents going for Obama? Nice. That means Hillary really can't be on the ticket.


bishoptl said:
Biden seems like the natural choice. I'm still a bit prickly about that "clean and articulate" remark, but he'll fit the ticket and light up the Republicans every chance he's given.
Biden has actually said many such comments over the years about many different groups of people. I never got the feeling from him that it was anything more then Scranton sensibilities mixed with a particularly big mouth.
bishoptl said:
Biden seems like the natural choice. I'm still a bit prickly about that "clean and articulate" remark, but he'll fit the ticket and light up the Republicans every chance he's given.

It annoys me as well, but I can kind of see where he was coming from in noting a difference between Obama and Sharpton/Jackson. He's not polarizing, and hasn't been concerned with some foolish idea of "talking like a black person". I think he just bluntly put what is a true sentiment, among many... black, white, and other.


Small balls, big fun!
bishoptl said:
Biden seems like the natural choice. I'm still a bit prickly about that "clean and articulate" remark, but he'll fit the ticket and light up the Republicans every chance he's given.

I don't want him to be president, though. He was the driving force behind a really awful bankruptcy bill which was essentially written by the credit card industry and he's generally too quick to start wars.

Besides this is all just a huge swerve and it's totally going to be Edwards.


force push the doodoo rock
Mandark said:
I don't want him to be president, though. He was the driving force behind a really awful bankruptcy bill which was essentially written by the credit card industry and he's generally too quick to start wars.

Besides this is all just a huge swerve and it's totally going to be Edwards.

But he cheated on his wife and isn't a POW.


I won't make a prediction, but I will say everyone hoping for Hillary is batshit insane. There must be 100 hours of her talking shit of the worst sort about Obama during the primaries and the potential for undermining him is huge. Personally I saw her campaign as an extension of the sort of bullshit fear based rhetoric we've put up with for 8 years, only applied to the left. For that reason alone I couldn't in good conscience vote for her in any capacity, even on an Obama ticket.

Besides, I will eat my hat if it's her.


I guess I was wrong this seven story has gotten some traction with the media. It's just silly that of all the stupid and even scary shit McCain has done lately this is the story they run with. Also, if I was in Obama's camp I would covertly try to mobilize libertarians over this Barr shit, that has the potential to be big.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
I won't make a prediction, but I will say everyone hoping for Hillary is batshit insane. There must be 100 hours of her talking shit of the worst sort about Obama during the primaries and the potential for undermining him is huge. Personally I saw her campaign as an extension of the sort of bullshit fear based rhetoric we've put up with for 8 years, only applied to the left. For that reason alone I couldn't in good conscience vote for her in any capacity, even on an Obama ticket.

Besides, I will eat my hat if it's her.
I think Bill is the one that hurt her chances. He never let go and has been pretty pissy since
Sure, Joe Lieberman, Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger will grace the stage in St. Paul, but the Club for Growth wants to know why more prominent conservatives aren't speaking at the Republican National Convention next month.

Saying the GOP brand remains "in shambles," the conservative member organization released a statement Thursday questioning the recently announced lineup of speakers at the Xcel Energy Center. The roster includes Lieberman, Connecticut's independent senator who was Al Gore's running mate in 2000, as well as more moderate members of the Republican Party, like Giuliani and Schwarzenegger.

“Many of the slotted speakers are impressive leaders in their own right,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey, “but it is hard not to notice the absence of the party’s most pro-growth elected officials."

The organization, which has taken umbrage with national Republicans many times over the years, would like to see a few more conservative upstarts take the microphone in Minnesota at the party's nominating convention in order to tout the GOP's small government bona fides.

The release lists Sens. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Jim DeMint of South Carolina, along with Reps. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, Mike Pence of Indiana, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Jeff Flake and John Shadegg, both of Arizona, as more favored speakers for the GOP's conservative base. South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford was also suggested.

"We hope Sen. McCain will broaden the list of speakers and demonstrate his commitment to reclaiming the mantle of fiscal conservatism for the GOP," Toomey said in the release.
masud said:
I guess I was wrong this seven story has gotten some traction with the media. It's just silly that of all the stupid and even scary shit McCain has done lately this is the story they run with.
It was all in the execution.. All of his surrogates were on the same message, repeating the same talking point over and over, bombarding the media with it.

They utilized the Republican Smear Strategy.
laserbeam said:
I think Bill is the one that hurt her chances. He never let go and has been pretty pissy since
He certainly wouldn't help the case either. Right now I think he needs to go out of his way at the convention to give a rousing speech and unequivocal Obama endorsement. He's made a lot of shitty remarks, but he's a figure who could turn it around in a heartbeat and diehard dems would forget all about the smears because they have such fondness for him. It's been hard to watch him be so petulant about Obama, as if he didn't have a hand in any attack going the other direction.
Sure, Joe Lieberman, Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger will grace the stage in St. Paul, but the Club for Growth wants to know why more prominent conservatives aren't speaking at the Republican National Convention next month.

Saying the GOP brand remains "in shambles," the conservative member organization released a statement Thursday questioning the recently announced lineup of speakers at the Xcel Energy Center. The roster includes Lieberman, Connecticut's independent senator who was Al Gore's running mate in 2000, as well as more moderate members of the Republican Party, like Giuliani and Schwarzenegger.

“Many of the slotted speakers are impressive leaders in their own right,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey, “but it is hard not to notice the absence of the party’s most pro-growth elected officials."
Maybe it is because your policies are shit and have not produced growth . . . but have only created massive deficits.


laserbeam said:
"Insiders" were suggesting McCain has settled on Romney earlier. Just yesterday "Insiders" were saying McCain was calling regional offices saying he was picking Ridge.

Oh. So basically nobody knows shit yet. Got it.
I still say that the Obama campaign or even a PAC or 527 should go after McCain's greatest strength, the POW and his overuse of it.

They can even work into it the statement that McCain made about the Swift Boat thing and how it was Kerry's fault for making his military record the centerpiece of his campaign.

It would shock the Repubs, they'd say it's deplorable, but as you keep repeating it without apologizing for it, saying stuff like "gotta keep your sense of humor" it'll set in to the subconscious. Hell, McCain was on video saying he wanted to run a clean campaign before he put out these horrible ads and that didn't even hurt his standing in the polls. The fucking gloves are off at this point after that Willie Horton-caliber Ayers ad.

It's Kitchen Sink Time I say.

Hell, after Hillary went into kitchen sink mode she started to do better in the subsequent primaries against Obama.

The Repubs are calling him a flip flop already anyways, so what does he have to lose?


polyh3dron said:
I still say that the Obama campaign or even a PAC or 527 should go after McCain's greatest strength, the POW and his overuse of it.

They can even work into it the statement that McCain made about the Swift Boat thing and how it was Kerry's fault for making his military record the centerpiece of his campaign.

It would shock the Repubs, they'd say it's deplorable, but as you keep repeating it without apologizing for it, saying stuff like "gotta keep your sense of humor" it'll set in to the subconscious. Hell, McCain was on video saying he wanted to run a clean campaign before he put out these horrible ads and that didn't even hurt his standing in the polls. The fucking gloves are off at this point after that Willie Horton-caliber Ayers ad.

It's Kitchen Sink Time I say.

Hell, after Hillary went into kitchen sink mode she started to do better in the subsequent primaries against Obama.

Attacking anything with his POW status would likely be suicide. This is a guy who is shown to have refused to be released early because others held captive longer would remain in captivity.

You can hate the guy and his policies but thats an area I think is best avoided.
polyh3dron said:
The Repubs are calling him a flip flop already anyways, so what does he have to lose?

Whatever it is that separates us from them? If we triumph, what will it mean then?

Also, stupid rumor. I'm just going to sign up for the damn update.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Whatever it is that separates us from them? If we triumph, what will it mean then?

Also, stupid rumor. I'm just going to sign up for the damn update.
Many of these voters think already think Obama is a Muslim, a Communist, "just another politician", elitist, arrogant etc.

In my opinion with the stakes as high as they are, the end justifies the means.

Also, by going on the offensive, he can show that he's growing a pair, because the growing consensus among these undecideds appears to be that he's a fucking pussy who can't take criticism and won't fight back except by putting out some tl;dr PDF files that won't be read by anyone.

And politics is a contact sport as many of Obama's adversaries have noted. In McCain's own words, he's using his military record as the centerpiece of his campaign, so it's fair game according to McCain himself.
polyh3dron said:
Many of these voters think already think Obama is a Muslim, a Communist, "just another politician", elitist, arrogant etc.

In my opinion with the stakes as high as they are, the end justifies the means.

Then we aren't going to sway them anyways, and what draws interest to Obama in the first place is his willingness, even though it is tough, to play fair. We can slam McCain, no doubt, but let it be on issues of policy. It's not even hard.

Obama needs to spell out what he's going to do. I caught, today, for the first time an Obama ad literally spelt out what his economic plan is going to be. My dad was just asking me, as the commercial started, what his plan was. My dad is currently wavering, but I'm pushing him towards Obama. Just as my dad finished the question, Obama's plan was detailed out for him in an easy to read manner.

My dad commented "That makes a lot of sense [Obama's economic proposals.]"

Do that. Make sure everyone and their mothers know what Obama's about. Get his ideas out there. Make them easy to digest. The news has had its way with Obama, and he needs to counter, but he shouldn't fight fire with fire. He needs to throw a bucket of ice cold reason on their flaming lust for ratings.

Edit: I agree he should go on the offensive; I differ on the how. Make McCain look like an idiot. It's not hard. And it can be done while staying on message, upbeat, and keeping with Obama's persona.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Obama needs to spell out what he's going to do. I caught, today, for the first time an Obama ad literally spelt out what his economic plan is going to be. My dad was just asking me, as the commercial started, what his plan was.
FFS He's been explaining the details of his economic plan for a long time now, people just choose not pay attention and then turn around and say "he never goes into specifics, we don't really know him (dun dun dunnnnn)" and they say he's all talk. He can explain his policies until he's blue in the face and that won't change the "Obama is made of empty speeches" meme.

Flight, you should take a look at Michael Dukakis's campaign.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
polyh3dron said:
Many of these voters think already think Obama is a Muslim, a Communist, "just another politician", elitist, arrogant etc.

In my opinion with the stakes as high as they are, the end justifies the means.

Also, by going on the offensive, he can show that he's growing a pair, because the growing consensus among these undecideds appears to be that he's a fucking pussy who can't take criticism and won't fight back except by putting out some tl;dr PDF files that won't be read by anyone.

And politics is a contact sport as many of Obama's adversaries have noted. In McCain's own words, he's using his military record as the centerpiece of his campaign, so it's fair game according to McCain himself.

IMO, McCain has enough significant factual gaffes already that the Obama campaign can dish out some really hard hitting punches and still be above the shorts.

There's no doubt the Obama campaign needs to go on a significant offensive... but he can do it without resorting to lies and misconstruing.
polyh3dron said:
FFS He's been explaining the details of his economic plan for a long time now, people just choose not pay attention and then turn around and say "he never goes into specifics, we don't really know him (dun dun dunnnnn)" and they say he's all talk. He can explain his policies until he's blue in the face and that won't change the "Obama is made of empty speeches" meme.

He's been doing it at his townhalls, and his advertisements thus far have not been good enough.

He needs to set a theme. Each commercial focuses on one specific topic, and then ties it back to the economy for an overarching theme. As he speaks and has his inspirational imagery floating around, he needs to spell out, literally, on screen what his plans are. Shove it in their face. Get these ads playing.

He has substance, he's used it, but now he needs to make "Obama's Ideas for Dummies" in the form of short, 30 second commercials. First 5 seconds to a McCain quote (with his voice + video) and then Obama's voice with the key sentences written out as he says it, with appropriate imagery.

If he does not write out his ideas during the ad, all is lost. People will remember the imagery, not the words, unless the words are written over the imagery.
Crayon Shinchan said:
IMO, McCain has enough significant factual gaffes already that the Obama campaign can dish out some really hard hitting punches and still be above the shorts.

There's no doubt the Obama campaign needs to go on a significant offensive... but he can do it without resorting to lies and misconstruing.
Is highlighting that McCain was near the bottom of the class in Annapolis a lie? Is presenting McCain's overuse of his POW time as a defense for everything under the sun a lie? Is saying "he was held captive by VC for 5 1/2 years, but how does this make him ready to lead?" a lie?
They aren't lies, but they are useless distractions. We need to hit him where it hurts, and where it benefits Obama the most; McCain's ability to lead. His experience? Hit that. Show the bills which constitute his experience, like the ones where he voted against supporting the troops (GI Bill). His economic policies? Hit that. His foreign policy credentials? Hit that. And highlight Obama's prowess in those fields.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
polyh3dron said:
Is highlighting that McCain was near the bottom of the class in Annapolis a lie? Is presenting McCain's overuse of his POW time as a defense for everything under the sun a lie? Is saying "he was held captive by VC for 5 1/2 years, but how does this make him ready to lead?" a lie?

No. I'm just saying he doesn't need the 'kitchen sink approach'.

I fully expect the Obama campaign to be punching hard in the coming months. But he's going to do so with real stuff; character attacks are going to mean something and point towards a real weakness...

McCain been out of touch with the working class (too many homes, doesn't work for his money) > he doesn't understand economics very well at all is just the first of them.

Obama's too goddamn smart and pragmatic not to. The guy's shown he knows hows to handle politics, while keeping things kosher for himself... and that's why we're behind the guy so much in the first place.


polyh3dron said:
Hell, after Hillary went into kitchen sink mode she started to do better in the subsequent primaries against Obama.

Do you actually remember what happened? Because Obama was always behind in the states he lost, and made up a gap despite whatever negative ads Hillary threw at him (except in the last few states which didn't even matter, though none of them mattered after March 4, really).
The narrative was that Obama finished weak and Hilary finished very strong in the primaries. But that narrative was just created because the media wanted a close horse-race, the Hilary campaign needed an excuse to keep going, and the Republicans wanted a prolonged Dem primary and for Obama to appear to have lost momentum going into the general.

In actuality, after March 4th Hilary simply won the states she was suppose to win. Even then Obama made a lot of gains in Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. People forget he was starting with a double digit deficit just a few weeks prior to those primary elections, going against the establishment Clinton machine.

If Hilary could have won North Carolina maybe the narrative would have had some truth to it, but Hilary never won any "Obama" friendly states. She simply held serve after March 4th (just barely at that).

In every single state where Obama spent a decent amount of time campaigning his numbers went up significantly. National polls may not always reflect these ground gains state by state. After all these polls take a sample from just 500-1000 people. Some states don't get represented at all in these national polls.

So I think it's wise for Obama to be more aggressive. I'm not sure if it's really necessary for him to throw the kitchen sink at McCain. Some gotcha politics is probably fine that goes along with the overall message that McCain is out of touch. But I would stay away from non-related character attacks and POW stuff. Leave the POW attacks to the late night comics. It was the late night comcis that did in Rudy and killed his 9/11 trump card.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I woke up and no text message? This means I'll probably get this bitch at work so the networks and whatnot can talk about it tonight on the news....FOCK!

I can't GAF it up at work at all today (for this entire week) caused I'm in training. Fucking A Obama... I donated you the dollars man, and you didn't ask my opinion on the VP rollout time. This is a step in the wrong and I'm considering voting McCain now. He's a POW. You didn't even serve. Disgraceful.

538's VP Breakdown
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