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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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AniHawk said:
Man, with Edwards and Dean in those pictures, and with some southern Democratic governors campaigning too, it's like Obama has a fucking army.
The party is coming together. And so are the voters:


Are women a big problem for Obama? Maybe not. At least one poll shows rapid recent movement to Obama overall among Democrats, including women.

Pollster Scott Rasmussen says that as of today, based on 3,000 automated telephone surveys over the past three nights, Obama gets support from 52% of the women in his national tracking poll compared with 40% for presumptive Republican nominee John McCain. He says that's better than Democrat John Kerry did with women against President Bush in 2004.

Scott attributes Obama's performance to unification within the Democratic Party over the past few days. "Before last Tuesday, Obama routinely earned around 70% of vote from Democrats," he tells us in an e-mail. "He's up to 81% today. Clearly the party has been coming together."

From the support of 70% of Democrats to 81% in less than a week. I'd say the party is unifying pretty quickly. Hats off to Clinton for (finally) doing what she did on Saturday, it's clearly helped.
GhaleonEB said:
From the support of 70% of Democrats to 81% in less than a week. I'd say the party is unifying pretty quickly. Hats off to Clinton for (finally) doing what she did on Saturday, it's clearly helped.

I'll never forgive Clinton for the 3 months of worthless attacks against the man after he had built his massive 100+ delegate lead.



I wish I could quit you!


Possible side bonus of Hillary as VP. On the off chance the ticket loses, she'll lose political capital and probably won't be able to secure a 2012 run.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Instigator said:
hillaryis44 is also showing fractures and disunity.
Looks like business as usual over there.


Tamanon said:
Possible side bonus of Hillary as VP. On the off chance the ticket loses, she'll lose political capital and probably won't be able to secure a 2012 run.
I care more about getting Obama elected than Hillary not getting elected ever, though both are high priorities.


Frankly I think a Hillary vice-presidency is inevitable now. Thankfully she's not taking that idiot Mark Penn's brute force approach, but I expect her to "prove" her worth as a surrogate in the coming weeks.
CowboyAstronaut said:
Yea it also pisses me off that he's forced to wear a flag pin now. How petty can people get?

It's ridiculous.
The fact is the flagpin he wears was giving to him by a veteran says a lot. It actually means something. Like the bracelet he wears that was given to him by a mother who son died in a road side bomb in Iraq. There is a story behind the symbols he wears.
hillaryis44 is also showing fractures and disunity.

They've taken to calling the Democratic Party the "TALIBAN PARTY" now. :lol

Also, they claim they're going to unseat every elected Democrat who supported Obama. :lol :lol

I'd say I can't wait to see the place on election night, but I think there will actually be only two people left posting there by November.


minor effort said:
They've taken to calling the Democratic Party the "TALIBAN PARTY" now. :lol
# jbstonesfan Says:
June 9th, 2008 at 3:35 pm

If McCan plays nice, he is going to lose…some one must take the gloves off and expose this fraud before he seizes control of or government….WTF was that code hand signal he and his hateful wife made???
Code Hand Signal!
minor effort said:
They've taken to calling the Democratic Party the "TALIBAN PARTY" now. :lol

I'd say I can't wait to see the place on election night, but I think there will actually be only two people left posting there by November.
There are less than 300 members at that site Gaming age has more lurkers :lol

The site has no more than 20 active accounts at a given time...

Its not even worthy of are time to try and reach out to them.


Master of the Google Search
Obama -- McCain is just a 3rd Bush term!
McCain -- Obama is just a 2nd Carter term!

I guess we're going to figure out if America hates Bush or Carter more :lol
10 bucks on Bush
Deus Ex Machina said:
The fact is the flagpin he wears was giving to him by a veteran says a lot. It actually means something. Like the bracelet he wears that was given to him by a mother who son died in a road side bomb in Iraq. There is a story behind the symbols he wears.

Okay, in that case then I fully support his decision to wear it. I thought he had caved under pressure he was receiving for not wearing it.
AniHawk said:
I think it's great that he's been put on the defensive.

Are there any reports of him defending himself against any of the criticisms in Obama's speech yet? Or has there been zero response so far?

Obama needs to make the things he spoke about in that speech a permanent part of his campaign's message.

I love that Obama tackled the tax and spend liberal attack head on and pointed out that it was the same template of an attack they use on all Democrats every election year.


AniHawk said:
I think it's great that he's been put on the defensive.

Is very true, but I mean he's been being called Bush's third term for months.

Plus, I think people would actually rather have Carter back now than Bush.:lol
Kudlow needs to be ripped more often. He's a fucking abortion. I remember him getting aborted live on TV when he was on some MSNBC show late years ago where Sam Seder and Garafalo were on satellite.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Tamanon said:
Is it just me or is McCain especially slow at comebacks?
He's pretty slow at everything. That speech last Tuesday proved that.
CowboyAstronaut said:
Are there any reports of him defending himself against any of the criticisms in Obama's speech yet? Or has there been zero response so far?

Obama needs to make the things he spoke about in that speech a permanent part of his campaign's message.

I love that Obama tackled the tax and spend liberal attack head on and pointed out that it was the same template of an attack they use on all Democrats every election year.

2nd term of Carter!


Tamanon said:
Is it just me or is McCain especially slow at comebacks?
Well, as Triumph has covered, you need to be patient with old people, but I also think that the lightning speed of everything the Obama campaign does has skewered our expectations a bit.


In more important news than Kooch doing the impeachment thing AGAIN, McClellan is going to testify to Congress on the Plame leak.
Tamanon said:
In more important news than Kooch doing the impeachment thing AGAIN, McClellan is going to testify to Congress on the Plame leak.
The Bush Administration is going to have to do better than "That's not the same Scott I used to know" and "What a betrayal" to refute his words in this arena.


dang, the "the man I met in Virginia, who had no legs and was blind and George Bush told him he was probably faking it, and the woman if Pennsylvania who had to sell both kidneys thanks to big oil" speech technique is really annoying. Get some new material!


testicles on a cold fall morning
recklessmind said:
what. the. fuck.

I hope this becomes a new meme. Fucking fox news anchors...
that's been around for some time. i think it was actually taken from a idiotic commenter on a right-leaning blog that termed it a Hezbollah-styled fist jab.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Incognito said:
McCain really pulled out the "Seems like a 2nd Carter term to me" garbage? :lol Talk about dating oneself.

He can't even come up with original retorts? :lol :lol :lol
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