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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Barack Obama said:
Not only that, but he is now calling for a new round of tax giveaways that are twice as expensive as the original Bush plan and nearly twice as regressive. His policy will spend nearly $2 trillion on tax breaks for corporations, including $1.2 billion for Exxon alone, a company that just recorded the highest profits in history.

Where Is Your Maverick Now?
I just read the transcipt of Obama's economy speech and holy shit. He tore McCain a new one. Anyone who says Obama is all style and no substance needs to read that economy speech which lays down his case to the American people very explicitly. He's not simply saying "change change change" without anything behind it, he is really backing it up here.
Tamanon said:


I am actually expecting the RNC at some point to "Harold Ford" Obama. It's pretty much inevitable. The question is if it will have any impact or not.


polyh3dron said:
I just read the transcipt of Obama's economy speech and holy shit. He tore McCain a new one. Anyone who says Obama is all style and no substance needs to read that economy speech which lays down his case to the American people very explicitly. He's not simply saying "change change change" without anything behind it, he is really backing it up here.

Oddly enough, Chris Matthews called the speech boring and tepid. :p

You can't win sometimes!
I loved Obama's speech today, I thought it was very pointed. Where can I find McCain's speech? He had one I'm assuming? (from responses in this thread)
Tamanon said:
No, McCain did some fundraisers, the Carter comments came fom some interviews he gave today.

I can just imagine his line of thinking for that one; "he's saying I'm a 3rd Bush term?! Well he's a... well Clinton was popular, who else did they have... Carter! A second Carter term! That will kill in interviews..."


"My opponent seems to be running a Taft-style campaign! Positively Hardingish!"

BTW, I should start a drinking game for every McClellan interview to take a drink every time he says "As I say in my book"


Hootie said:
Did anyone else just see Olbermann's Bush/McCain morph? Holy shit :lol :lol
I wonder if McCain realizes just how deep he's going to sink when people actually see them face off. He doesn't seem to have any idea how hard that he is going to get hit in a face-to-face against Barrack Obama (And off the cuff, Obama isn't even that great...but he's still infinitely better than McCain could ever hope to be).
Kucinich is the man and always has been. Regardless of his stances on anything, the man has integrity and takes his job very seriously. His whole ordeal as mayor of Cleveland with the electric company was very telling.
Tamanon said:
BTW, I should start a drinking game for every McClellan interview to take a drink every time he says "As I say in my book"
He's just reverting back to his old ways of being careful not to answer questions without actually answering them and he's being careful not to incriminate himself.
Francois the Great said:
Kucinich is the man and always has been. Regardless of his stances on anything, the man has integrity and takes his job very seriously. His whole ordeal as mayor of Cleveland with the electric company was very telling.
tbh I actually agree with him a lot on policy matters. i just wish he wasn't so nutty.



The Brody File has learned that in the next two weeks Barack Obama's campaign will unveil a major new program to attract younger Evangelicals and Catholics to their campaign.

It's called the "Joshua Generation Project." The name is based on the biblical story of how Joshua's generation led the Israelites into the Promised Land.

A source close to the Obama campaign tells The Brody File the following:

"The Joshua Generation project will be the Obama campaign's outreach to young people of faith. There's unprecedented energy and excitement for Obama among young evangelicals and Catholics. The Joshua Generation project will tap into that excitement and provide young people of faith opportunities to stand up for their values and move the campaign forward."

The official rollout won't be for another two weeks or so, but The Brody File has been told the activities will include house parties, blogging, concerts and more.

You can see the logo on this page above.

I like it. Realizing that a lot of evangelicals are only recent Republicans, or one-issue Republicans. Even as an agnostic I can see the value in this.
icarus-daedelus said:
tbh I actually agree with him a lot on policy matters. i just wish he wasn't so nutty.
That's his only problem and is why so many people write him off without actually listening to what he has to say.


icarus-daedelus said:
More pandering to religious types? Yay! We haven't had enough of that lately, for sure.

There's quite a large difference between pandering and reaching out. He's not modifying his policies for religious folks, he's trying to explain them.


WickedAngel said:
(And off the cuff, Obama isn't even that great...but he's still infinitely better than McCain could ever hope to be).

How much better of a candidate do you want?

I swear, American's wouldn't be happy with Jesus Christ himself was the nominee


"The Joshua Generation project will be the Obama campaign's outreach to young people of faith. There's unprecedented energy and excitement for Obama among young evangelicals and Catholics. The Joshua Generation project will tap into that excitement and provide young people of faith opportunities to stand up for their values and move the campaign forward."
:lol Oh man, the Obama campaign is so badass.

Also, fuck Fox News. "Terrorist Fist Pound"? WTF is wrong with this poor excuse for a news network?

Agent Icebeezy said:
He can't even come up with original retorts? :lol :lol :lol
He can't come up with ANYTHING. That's his problem. He's almost solely playing defense.

What's funny is that McCain had all of this time to come up with stuff while Hillary fought tooth and nail to the bitter end, and he's still getting owned by Obama!


Zaptruder said:
How much better of a candidate do you want?

I swear, American's wouldn't be happy with Jesus Christ himself was the nominee
I think he means "in the context of debates". Obama started off pretty bad but going head to head with Hillary really sharpened him up. He definitely held his own in the later debates. He's going to slaughter the half-asleep McCain.
polyh3dron said:
That's his only problem and is why so many people write him off without actually listening to what he has to say.
No doubt. Kucinich is only considered nutty because he's a sane voice in a field full of opportunists and outright liars. I was disgusted by the way some of the moderators treated him during debates.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
No doubt. Kucinich is only considered nutty because he's a sane voice in a field full of opportunists and outright liars. I was disgusted by the way some of the moderators treated him during debates.

You should've seen the Republican debates' treatment of Paul!
icarus-daedelus said:
More pandering to religious types? Yay! We haven't had enough of that lately, for sure.

If you think of it that way, he panders to every constituency. He's trying to reach out to other demographics that would have otherwise just fell in line and voted Republican in November. Hey, the church thing with Rev. Wright is both a blessing and a curse. It's more known now that he's a christian and that exposure will only continue to increase. Maybe he can make up for those voters he lost with the Rev. Wright fiasco and gain some evangelical voters as well.

I think it's smart and is a great way to put McCain on defense. If he continues to make inroads into the so-called republican base, he'll get under McCain's skin even more. It won't be too long before McSame flips out in a debate. I can't wait. :D


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
McCain losing his temper in a debate would mark the end his campaign.


icarus-daedelus said:
tbh I actually agree with him a lot on policy matters. i just wish he wasn't so nutty.
Yeah, he's a smart guy, and I agree with him on a lot of his ideas, but he really repels people.

I just wish he'd stop running for president. It's sad to watch the way he's treated. :(


McCain won't lose his temper during a debate, he'll just resort to "that's not change I can believe in, eh heh heh heh *sweats* eh heh... heh *looks to audience for support*"


Suikoguy said:
McCain losing his temper in a debate would mark the end his campaign.
I think it more likely that McCain will have a "senior moment", which could be equally devastating as he's already struggling to lose the senile image.


Zeed said:
I think it more likely that McCain will have a "senior moment", which could be equally devastating as he's already struggling to lose the senile image.

Dude McCain already has been having senior moments. I mean look at this silly bit from a few days ago about claiming not to say something.:p


Tamanon said:
Dude McCain already has been having senior moments. I mean look at this silly bit from a few days ago about claiming not to say something.:p
I mean a senior moment in a debate, right next to Barack Obama, on national television in front of millions of viewers.

"Uh...um...what was the question again? My friend?"


Small balls, big fun!
Tamanon said:
Dude McCain already has been having senior moments. I mean look at this silly bit from a few days ago about claiming not to say something.:p

I think his entire ME policy is one giant senior moment, but because it's the default position of one of our two major political parties I feel a little obligated to treat it like a reasonable disagreement.

Ah, screw it. IT'S INSANE.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
How about his desire to give bottled hot water to dehydrated babies? A senior moment or was that nonsense in the script?
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