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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Obama leaks list of 20 possible VPs

Ben Smith has the story via First Read and CNN. The list includes:

Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
John Edwards
Evan Bayh
Kathleen Sebelius*
Ted Strickland
Mark Warner
Tim Kaine
Jim Webb
Bill Nelson
Jack Reed
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Tom Daschle
Sam Nunn


ronito said:
what exactly is he trying to do I wonder? Why not go to the libertarian party and run as their candidate? He could affect so much more change that way. It almost seems as if he's caught up in a cult of personality or something. You can't change a party that doesn't want to change from the inside when they're trying to kick you out.

He's done the libertarian thing before. The party isn't trying to kick him out, sometimes you just need to stand on principles and send a message.

Also guys, remember what Obama said, anything you hear from anyone other than Obama himself about Veep prospects, ignore:p


Incognito said:
From page 9 of the Earmark PDF that Mumei posted:



Well, good luck to M. Mccain on his executive challenges to this. :lol


Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama leaks list of 20 possible VPs

Ben Smith has the story via First Read and CNN. The list includes:

Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
John Edwards
Evan Bayh
Kathleen Sebelius
Ted Strickland
Mark Warner
Tim Kaine
Jim Webb
Bill Nelson
Jack Reed
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Tom Daschle
Sam Nunn

RI represent!


Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama leaks list of 20 possible VPs

Ben Smith has the story via First Read and CNN. The list includes:

Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
John Edwards
Evan Bayh
Kathleen Sebelius*
Ted Strickland
Mark Warner
Tim Kaine
Jim Webb
Bill Nelson
Jack Reed
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Tom Daschle
Sam Nunn
Obama didn't leak the names, some of the people his vetters spoke to did.


Zigzz14 said:
If you donate now does it go to the general election campaign?
Any donations under $2300 that are made before the Democratic Convention in August go towards the primary campaign. Anything above $2300, or made after the convention, goes towards the general election campaign. Regardless, any money given now will be spent against McCain.


Tamanon said:
He's done the libertarian thing before. The party isn't trying to kick him out, sometimes you just need to stand on principles and send a message.

Also guys, remember what Obama said, anything you hear from anyone other than Obama himself about Veep prospects, ignore:p
Sometimes the message is louder from outside than in. Bob Barr? The republicans aren't afraid of him. Put Ron Paul as a 3rd party candidate espousing many of the "values" that republicans used to have and they'll listen, they'll change because they'll HAVE to or lose.


ronito said:
Sometimes the message is louder from outside than in. Bob Barr? The republicans aren't afraid of him. Put Ron Paul as a 3rd party candidate espousing many of the "values" that republicans used to have and they'll listen, they'll change because they'll HAVE to or lose.

Eh, we'll see, I'm wondering if he'll actually come out and endorse Bob Barr that night.


Setec Astronomer
ronito said:
Sometimes the message is louder from outside than in. Bob Barr? The republicans aren't afraid of him. Put Ron Paul as a 3rd party candidate espousing many of the "values" that republicans used to have and they'll listen, they'll change because they'll HAVE to or lose.
He was dismissed as OMG LIBRUL REPUBLICAN in the debates. Why would he be listened to now?
ronito said:
what exactly is he trying to do I wonder? Why not go to the libertarian party and run as their candidate? He could affect so much more change that way. It almost seems as if he's caught up in a cult of personality or something. You can't change a party that doesn't want to change from the inside when they're trying to kick you out.

i'm pretty sure that he knows running as a third party candidate would spoil the election for republicans, and i dont think he wants to do that

he's made it clear multiple times that he feels loyalty to the republican party, despite their treatment of him, and i dont think he wants to be a possible reason they lost the election.


Francois the Great said:
i'm pretty sure that he knows running as a third party candidate would spoil the election for republicans, and i dont think he wants to do that

he's made it clear multiple times that he feels loyalty to the republican party, despite their treatment of him, and i dont think he wants to be a possible reason they lost the election.
Yes, but as someone that wants to see republicans get back to what they once were, I cannot overlook that if they lost this election because of Ron Paul, they might do some changing for the better.


Setec Astronomer
ronito said:
Yes, but as someone that wants to see republicans get back to what they once were, I cannot overlook that if they lost this election because of Ron Paul, they might do some changing for the better.
Certainly worked for Nader!


Francois the Great said:
i'm pretty sure that he knows running as a third party candidate would spoil the election for republicans, and i dont think he wants to do that

he's made it clear multiple times that he feels loyalty to the republican party, despite their treatment of him, and i dont think he wants to be a possible reason they lost the election.

On the other hand, if the election is lost because of him, it might cause the Republican party to rethink things and aim to get his support back.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i demand to see Barbar and Ron Paul both issue debate DVDs where they talk to puppets; only then will they equal Nader.
Touchdown said:
I was hoping for that republican Hagel, but I don't see him on that list. :(

he's going to be secretary of defense, count on it

there's no way a cross-party ticket will ever happen, unless it's done out of desperation by the side which will inevitably lose. it would basically be setting up the opposite party to be president after your guy is done.
adamsappel said:
I really wish someone had proposed war bonds as a way to help pay for the Iraq War. Then you'd see how tepid the support really is. Put your money where your mouth is, Mr. More-Patriotic-Than-Thou.

War profits taxes. It was once used to compensate the costs of war and to share the burden (fairly) among soldiers and financiers. It also prevented profiteering.

scorcho said:
also, yay for McCain's delusional plan that would further cut corporate taxes while expecting the loss of government revenue to somehow be balanced by a cut in ('dreaded' with air quotes) federal pork projects.

Again, I hate do this since it's from 2000, but with this adminstration going on for 8 years, has anything really changed when it comes to coporate taxes? If anyone can post an updated charted, then fine:


A recent Congressional study reported that 63% of US corporations paid no income taxes at all in 2000. Six in ten American corporations reported no tax liability for the five years from 1996 through 2000, even though corporate profits were growing at record-breaking levels during that period

And he wants to further cut corporate taxes!? Is this guy fucking insane!?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
And he wants to further cut corporate taxes!? Is this guy fucking insane!?

You're acting like 'corporation' means some gargantuan and rich entity, but most of the time it is smallish businesses owners that are wise enough to use corporate law to separate their legal liability from the corporation's liability.


I guess the problem I can see is there's all this talk about how important it is to treat corporations as "people" in the eyes of the law, but not when it comes to taxation. It's a tricky balance.


"industry expert"
Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama leaks list of 20 possible VPs

Ben Smith has the story via First Read and CNN. The list includes:

Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
John Edwards
Evan Bayh
Kathleen Sebelius*
Ted Strickland
Mark Warner
Tim Kaine
Jim Webb
Bill Nelson
Jack Reed
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Tom Daschle
Sam Nunn

Lacks Gen. Wes Clark.


Most amusing headline I've seen at Politico in a while:

Dems can't afford donation ban

Obama’s ban on contributions from lobbyists and PACs irritates Democratic lobbyists and fundraisers.

This just in: lobbyists don't like the policy banning contributions from lobbysits. The article makes a good point that many congressmen can't afford to enact the same policy as Obama and the DNC, and so it makes them look bad by comparison. But there's some rich irony in sourcing the article to lobbyists. They're not going to be neutral.

“I’m curious how much [the Obama campaign] thought about this decision,” said one Democratic lobbyist. “I take Obama at his word that he’s serious about changing the culture of Washington. But he’s also got to realize that right now, he’s the Babe Ruth of politics. You’ve got a lot of other people out there who are AAA ballplayers; they don’t have the ability to do what he’s doing in terms of raising money and wowing crowds.”

Another Democratic lobbyist said Obama’s ban effectively tars everyone who can’t live up to it.

“Now you’re implying that the House and Senate Democrats — and Republicans — are scumbags that take lobbyist money,” the lobbyist fumed.



maximum360 said:
Ha. McCain + Ron Paul + Barr = Pure awesomeness come November. :lol It may even be enough to neutralize the Nader factor.

Wait, did Ron Paul decide to run as an independent while I was hiding under a rock?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
A recent Congressional study reported that 63% of US corporations paid no income taxes at all in 2000. Six in ten American corporations reported no tax liability for the five years from 1996 through 2000, even though corporate profits were growing at record-breaking levels during that period

And he wants to further cut corporate taxes!? Is this guy fucking insane!?
Ever heard that Mark Twain quote about statistics?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
GhaleonEB said:
Most amusing headline I've seen at Politico in a while:

This just in: lobbyists don't like the policy banning contributions from lobbysits. The article makes a good point that many congressmen can't afford to enact the same policy as Obama and the DNC, and so it makes them look bad by comparison. But there's some rich irony in sourcing the article to lobbyists. They're not going to be neutral.


I had no idea people were completely reliant on getting lobbyist money. If the Dems do this and the Repubs don't, the Dems will needs a solid way to get money.

Sad sad...


RubxQub said:

I had no idea people were completely reliant on getting lobbyist money. If the Dems do this and the Repubs don't, the Dems will needs a solid way to get money.

Sad sad...

The money's out there, a lot of politicians have just gotten lazy over time, basically abandoning the whole grass-roots thing.
Hi guys. I just recieved this in an email and wanted to see if it is indeed true...

[McCain] was shot down over Hanoi in October 1967 on his 23rd mission over North Vietnam and was badly beaten by an angry mob when he was pulled, half-drowned from a lake.

Over the next five-and-a-half years in the notorious Hoa Loa Prison he was regularly tortured and mistreated.

It was in 1969 that Carol went to spend the Christmas holiday – her third without McCain – at her parents’ home. After dinner, she left to drop off some presents at a friend’s house. It wasn’t until some hours later that she was discovered, alone and in terrible pain, next to the wreckage of her car. She had been hurled through the windscreen.

And after the accident, Carol was reportedly in bad shape - and McCain started playing the field:

When McCain – his hair turned prematurely white and his body reduced to little more than a skeleton – was released in March 1973, he told reporters he was overjoyed to see Carol again.

But friends say privately he was ‘appalled’ by the change in her appearance. At first, though, he was kind, assuring her: ‘I don’t look so good myself. It’s fine.’

‘I thought, of course, we would live happily ever after,’ says Carol. But as a war hero, McCain was moving in ever-more elevated circles.

Then he met Cindy McCain - a wealthy teenager whos dad had enough money to finance his political ambitions:

In 1979 – while still married to Carol – he met Cindy at a cocktail party in Hawaii. Over the next six months he pursued her, flying around the country to see her. Then he began to push to end his marriage.

Here's what some of McCain's pals say happened:

They portray the politician as a self-centred womaniser who effectively abandoned his crippled wife to ‘play the field’. They accuse him of finally settling on Cindy, a former rodeo beauty queen, for financial reasons.

McCain was then earning little more than £25,000 a year as a naval officer, while his new father-in-law, Jim Hensley, was a multi-millionaire who had impeccable political connections.

Here's how one of McCain's former friends puts it:

‘This is a guy who makes such a big deal about his character. He has no character. He is a fake. If there was any character in that first marriage, it all belonged to Carol.’


testicles on a cold fall morning
i personally like Truman's quote about wanting a one-handed economist better :)

now all Bush needs are more Bushisms to likewise unsully his legacy.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
So are you insinuating the chart I posted is false?
He's suggesting that those statistics that are not outright lies are the most dangerous of all, easy to misinterpret, easier to bend to one's particular viewpoint by omitting key facts or groups, easy to find suiting any particular viewpoint, generally meaningless without context and inherently based on uncertainty.
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