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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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I honestly think Kerry thought one thing that was untouchable for smears was military service. It really does seem like one of those things that should be:p


Tamanon said:
I honestly think Kerry thought one thing that was untouchable for smears was military service. It really does seem like one of those things that should be:p
Yeah, he staked a lot of his candidacy on his military record, and seemed completely unprepared when the GOP pounced on it. Swiftboated, as they say. IIRC, a year later he put out a huge document thoroughly refuting all of the BS, but it was too late. Obama is really on top of this stuff.

Also, Rasmussen on North Carolina today.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the Tar Heel State finds John McCain earning 45% of the vote while Barack Obama attracts 43% support. McCain led by three points a month ago and the two candidates were tied in April. It’s interesting to note that support for both candidates has declined from the previous couple of polls. Six percent (6%) now say they will vote for a third party option and 5% are undecided.
North Carolina?

And Obama is literally taking over the DNC.

In a major shakeup at the Democratic National Committee -- and a departure from tradition -- large parts of the committee's operations are relocating to Chicago to be fully integrated with the Obama campaign.

The DNC's political department, housed in Washington, D.C., will be dramatically rebuilt, with staffers offered a choice of moving to Chicago, joining state operations, or staying in Washington, DNC spokeswoman Karen Finney said.

But with the power will clearly be shifting to a centralized Chicago hub.

The DNC's key role in coordinating political operations with state parties is expected to largely taken over and overseen by Obama's senior staff in Chicago, state party officials said.

Justin Bailey

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GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, he staked a lot of his candidacy on his military record, and seemed completely unprepared when the GOP pounced on it. Swiftboated, as they say. IIRC, a year later he put out a huge document thoroughly refuting all of the BS, but it was too late. Obama is really on top of this stuff.

Also, Rasmussen on North Carolina today.

North Carolina?
I would shit myself if we voted Obama this November. Shit myself with joy.


BTW, don't expect any tough questions of McCain at the Town Hall on FOX Friday night. Apparently it's not a real town hall, you had to actually donate to get in.

Justin Bailey

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I'd also like to add something about pouncing on smear campaigns from the start - I'm sure all lot of you get Obama rumor emails from time to time from your family members. Take a cue from the Obama campaign: Do the diligent thing and respond and refute them right away. I'm sure one of your idiot cousins or uncles will argue with it, but who cares.

. . .and hey, you might even convert a person or two.
Justin Bailey said:
I'd also like to add something about pouncing on smear campaigns from the start - I'm sure all lot of you get Obama rumor emails from time to time from your family members. Take a cue from the Obama campaign: Do the diligent thing and respond and refute them right away. I'm sure one of your idiot cousins or uncles will argue with it, but who cares.

. . .and hey, you might even convert a person or two.
E-mail to my aunt (and cc'd other family members) from just hours ago:

Black people are scary!


From the above article: "The video, you'll recall, has supposedly racked up a million-and-a-half views on the conservative-leaning Eyeblast.tv. Among other things, it regurgitates the false viral e-mail claim that Obama refuses to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem, and claims that the Democratic candidate has been a disciple of racism, Marxism, quasi-Christianity, Islam and anti-Semitism."

Attached is a photo of the guy who produced the video, nicknamed "Molotov," clutching an assault rifle.


Please quit spreading this racist filth around. It makes you look unintelligent. If you're going to vote in November, why don't you take a look at the issues and the candidates' policies:

Barack Obama's policies: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/

John McCain's policies: http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/

I dare you to forward this e-mail to all your friends, family and coworkers as you most certainly are doing with the Eyeblast attack video.


I hesitated whether to reply to such idiocy, but then I asked myself, "what would Obama do?"

Justin Bailey

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The Lamonster said:
E-mail to my aunt (and cc'd other family members) from just hours ago:

I hesitated whether to reply to such idiocy, but then I asked myself, "what would Obama do?"
It's good, but if I may offer a little criticism: be less harsh and avoid insults. If people feel like they're being attacked they'll just attack back mindlessly without really listening to what you have to say. You'll be more effective at getting your message across with a much more laid back tone. BTW, this is advice I find hard to follow myself sometimes, but it's definitely much more effective.

I hesitated at the harshness too...but then I decided "fuck it, I hate these e-mail smears and the stupid dummies who fwd them."

From now on though, only pure civility ;)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
worldrunover said:
Finally, a Google search with sexy results!
Oh god we're scissoring... oh yeah...scissor me timbers!



aka surume
Signed up for "fight the smears", but I haven't received anything yet.

Going to send it to my vet Father-In-Law and my misguided Granny-In-Law in Fl. Think they'll have a system for anonymous forwarding?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
WickedAngel said:
I'm so glad that they nominated this tit.
Should have nominated Romney, no question.
Apology from Fox News: Producer used 'poor judgment'

Since Salon's Alex Koppelman caught Fox News characterizing Michelle Obama as "Obama's Baby Mama," there's been an uproar over use of such an offensive term.

“A producer on the program exercised poor judgment in using this chyron during the segment,” Fox's Senior Vice President of Programming Bill Shine said in a statement to Politico.

In addition to being insulting, the phrase "baby mama" is also inaccurate. The Urban Dictionary defines "baby mama" as"the mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with whom you are not currently involved."

Although Shine doesn't name anyone responsible, the show's producer is Jessica Herzberg. A Fox staffer said that others internally were bothered by describing the potential first lady and very accomplished women — as the senator's "baby mama."

Unfortunately for the network, this comes just days after Fox's E.D. Hill addressed her use of the phrase "terrorist fist jab" on-air in reference to the famous Michelle-Barack fist bump (or pound) made just before his celebratory speech in St. Paul.
CowboyAstronaut said:
No way.. this guy just keeps making it easier and easier :lol

That was a trap to suggest designed to make it seem like he doesn't have the support of the Republican base and he walked right into it essentially proving what Obama has been saying about him that he represents a third Bush term.

It's from 2005. Obama's campaign has foresight, but they're not that good.


these shit throwing matches of the media somehow reminds me of that conservative radio show on GTA4

CALLER: We have a completely incompetent buffoon for a leader. We drive
outrageously large gas-guzzling Maibatsu Monstrosities.

BASTION: I know. Isn't-it's fantastic, isn't it? What we've been given from
our forefathers-the freedom from thought.
Y-that, for my money, is real freedom! Knowing you're always right! That's...real freedom!


Funky Papa

Unfortunately for the network, this comes just days after Fox's E.D. Hill addressed her use of the phrase "terrorist fist jab" on-air in reference to the famous Michelle-Barack fist bump (or pound) made just before his celebratory speech in St. Paul.
Did I read that correctly? Terrorist bump? Really?!


Yeah she really said that.

Also, take Huckabee off the Veep list for the Republicans, he just signed a one-year deal with FOX to be a commentator. Awesome, he was one of the Veep candidates that would really hurt any Southern outreach for the Dems.
Tamanon said:
Also, take Huckabee off the Veep list for the Republicans, he just signed a one-year deal with FOX to be a commentator. Awesome, he was one of the Veep candidates that would really hurt any Southern outreach for the Dems.

hell yes! Good job Fox!! :D
Deus Ex Machina said:
Apology from Fox News: Producer used 'poor judgment'

Since Salon's Alex Koppelman caught Fox News characterizing Michelle Obama as "Obama's Baby Mama," there's been an uproar over use of such an offensive term.

“A producer on the program exercised poor judgment in using this chyron during the segment,” Fox's Senior Vice President of Programming Bill Shine said in a statement to Politico.

In addition to being insulting, the phrase "baby mama" is also inaccurate. The Urban Dictionary defines "baby mama" as"the mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with whom you are not currently involved."

Although Shine doesn't name anyone responsible, the show's producer is Jessica Herzberg. A Fox staffer said that others internally were bothered by describing the potential first lady and very accomplished women — as the senator's "baby mama."

Unfortunately for the network, this comes just days after Fox's E.D. Hill addressed her use of the phrase "terrorist fist jab" on-air in reference to the famous Michelle-Barack fist bump (or pound) made just before his celebratory speech in St. Paul.


In addition to being insulting, the phrase "baby mama" is also inaccurate. The Urban Dictionary defines "baby mama" as"the mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with whom you are not currently involved."

The Urban Dictionary

:lol :lol :lol

Tamanon said:
Yeah she really said that.

Also, take Huckabee off the Veep list for the Republicans, he just signed a one-year deal with FOX to be a commentator. Awesome, he was one of the Veep candidates that would really hurt any Southern outreach for the Dems.

Yesss! Stupid Libertarian hater.


Hopefully they won't do like MSNBC actually did at first and give the web address as a .org, which actually is a smear site against Obama.:lol
Tamanon said:
Hopefully they won't do like MSNBC actually did at first and give the web address as a .org, which actually is a smear site against Obama.:lol
Jesus what a hastily put together and immature site!

those fuckers
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