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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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It's all a part of that equal time bit as it relates to elections. I still contend it doesn't apply if McCain stands up the debate. He should be punished for that.


distantmantra said:
The networks are NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX.

i dont think its "illegal" maybe they think they will lose money. I thought the rule was the opportunity for equal time, not guaranteed. By McCain turning it down, he lost his opportunity.


Of course there won't be a debate if he won't show up, sheesh. He would pay a heavy price for not showing up regardless.

He will though.
pxleyes said:
It's all a part of that equal time bit as it relates to elections. I still contend it doesn't apply if McCain stands up the debate. He should be punished for that.

He will be punished. By the voters.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
All of the networks had shit lined up for tonight. They NEED McCain to be there. Big money for those ads lined up.


Junior Member
The Lamonster said:
hahaha if the Dems can succesfully place the blame on McCain for the "cratering" of the bailout plan (and rightly so), it would all be over for McCain.

Even if poplular opinion is against a bailout?


Agent Icebeezy said:
All of the networks had shit lined up for tonight. They NEED McCain to be there. Big money for those ads lined up.
McCain has already pissed off most of the media. Just imagine he cost them millions from the debate getting called off.


Top McCain Ally Hints McCain Will Go To Debate Because Congress Is "Back In Business"
By Greg Sargent - September 26, 2008, 10:38AM

We'd been wondering what justification the McCain campaign was going to hatch in order to make it possible for him to attend tonight's debate despite having suggested he'd be closing down his campaign until the bailout package is resolved.

And here's a hint, from top McCain ally Lindsey Graham this morning on The Today Show:

"What's more important than anything that when we go to Mississippi tonight, both candidates can say that the Congress is working, back in business, that we have an outline or proposal that will protect the taxpayer and save the country from financial Pearl Harbor, as Warren Buffet called it. We are not there yet, but we will get there."

And so the bar has been lowered to make it possible for McCain to go. The justification: McCain rode into Washington and lit a fire under Congress' collective posterior, and with that business done, he can attend tonight's debate.


Door2Dawn said:
Top McCain Ally Hints McCain Will Go To Debate Because Congress Is "Back In Business"
By Greg Sargent - September 26, 2008, 10:38AM

We'd been wondering what justification the McCain campaign was going to hatch in order to make it possible for him to attend tonight's debate despite having suggested he'd be closing down his campaign until the bailout package is resolved.

And here's a hint, from top McCain ally Lindsey Graham this morning on The Today Show:

"What's more important than anything that when we go to Mississippi tonight, both candidates can say that the Congress is working, back in business, that we have an outline or proposal that will protect the taxpayer and save the country from financial Pearl Harbor, as Warren Buffet called it. We are not there yet, but we will get there."

And so the bar has been lowered to make it possible for McCain to go. The justification: McCain rode into Washington and lit a fire under Congress' collective posterior, and with that business done, he can attend tonight's debate.

Well, that meets my daily quota of complete B.S.

McCain was a wallflower the entire time. He didn't say or do much of anything.


how long till the debate?
wanna see if i wanna stay up for it and follow it live with gaf (for the live comments)
im euro so gimme a time in hours so i don't have to start converting timezone shit



Senator McCain has spent the morning talking to members of the Administration, members of the Senate, and members of the House. He is optimistic that there has been significant progress toward a bipartisan agreement now that there is a framework for all parties to be represented in negotiations, including Representative Blunt as a designated negotiator for House Republicans. The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the Senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners.


GhaleonEB said:
Slate.com predicts McCain's next 10 stunts:

1. Returns to Vietnam and jails himself.
2. Offers the post of "vice vice president" to Warren Buffett.
3. Challenges Obama to suspend campaign so they both can go and personally drill for oil offshore.
4. Learns to use computer.
5. Does bombing run over Taliban-controlled tribal areas of Pakistan.
6. Offers to forgo salary, sell one house.
7. Sex-change operation.
8. Suspends campaign until Nov. 4, offers to start being president right now.
9. Sells Alaska to Russia for $700 billion.
10. Pledges to serve only one term. OK, half a term.

That's a lot better then any top 10 list from the late night shows. :lol
WaltJay said:
Did they say whether the topic is being changed to the economy?
Lehr has taken months preparing these questions. It will focus on national security and foreign policy but he has told the candidates to expect questions about the economy and this crisis as well.


Junior Member
The media better burn him HARD on this. Not only did things get worse since he got to washington, but he is going to a debate when he said he wouldn't unless there was a deal in place..

Seriously do the McCains grow some special type of Kronic?


Chiggs said:
How can anyone not watch this debate tonight?

I can't wait for the VP one too, although I'll need to stock up on Pepto. I barely made it through the Palin-Couric interview. It's hurts so good! :lol


dabbled in the jelly
You guys are taking this dog and pony show way too serious sometimes. Like I said before it's like a horrible mock-Shakespearean docudrama and the American public are lapping it up.
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