polyh3dron said:camineet: old.
i searched the last two pages, but not beyond that. ah well.
polyh3dron said:camineet: old.
camineet said:With Hill apparently out of the way, the general election campaign begins:
Smiles and Cries said:funny thing about that challenge is McCaine needs Obama's crowd pulling powers
I say Obama should accept :lol
BenjaminBirdie said:Old as heck.
a) He's accepted.
b) There will be no crowds in a 200 person town hall.
PRAISE JESUS!!!!Diablos said:Advisors in Obama campaign: "Obama/Clinton ticket highly unlikely"
;_;BenjaminBirdie said:Old as heck.
a) He's accepted.
b) There will be no crowds in a 200 person town hall.
Diablos said:Advisors in Obama campaign: "Obama/Clinton ticket highly unlikely"
ivysaur12 said:Bill Richardson for VP.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!Diablos said:Advisors in Obama campaign: "Obama/Clinton ticket highly unlikely"
*Fist Pound*mj1108 said:With Obama there, it'll be 200 in the hall and 30,000 waiting outside.
chicken little Jr.camineet said:NEVER forget that in 1980, after Reagan defeated H W Bush in the Republican Primaries, at the last possible moment before the RNC, Reagan was forced to accept Bush as his VP.
Smiles and Cries said:*Fist Pound*
Dax01 said:Just heard on MSNBC confirm what we already knew: Obama was rubbed the wrong way by the way Clinton's speech went last night.
ivysaur12 said:Bill Richardson for VP.
I'm a black male I know what a dap is, I was trying to relate to the internetsBenjaminBirdie said:![]()
(I'll keep posting it until it sticks! ONE of you has to know who the damn DAP KINGS are and what a Dap is DAMN IT!!!)
I didn't get the exact details, just that Obama felt she was putting him in a difficult situation .Crisis said:What did they say exactly?
Smiles and Cries said:I'm a black male I know what a dap is, I was trying to relate to the internets![]()
artredis1980 said:some very interesting facts coming out
Clintons Strategists called Clintons SENATE supporters and begged them to force Clinton to drop out soon saying she wasnt listening to them
Obama's campaign has said they will only consider Hillary for VP if Bill Clinton opens up to ALL the donors to his presidential library and her million dollar donors
Harry Reid who has secretly supported Hillary was one the senators who signed a letter to Clinton to drop out by Friday
Charlie Rangel said publicly and in a meeting with clinton with her NY surrogates that she NEEDS to let them go so they can support Obama
31 senators and congressmen who are HARDCORE supporters of CLinton had a conference call with clinton and told her she is destroying the democratic party by not bowing out and saying her 18 million supporters are an assett for her alone and not Obama
Clinton had originally planned to let the process go on for weeks but her supporters had said they want her out by friday.
pretty interesting
StopMakingSense said:Where's this info coming from?
no the last meeting was a vote to ban Blue Flavor Kool-AidUncooked said:So they went over what dap is at the last blacks only meeting or something?
George Lucas has created legendary film heroes like Luke Skywalker and Indiana Jones, but the US director says that in real life, his hero is Barack Obama.
Lucas was in Japan on Wednesday to promote his latest film, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," as Obama clinched the Democratic Party's nomination for president.
"We have a hero in the making back in the United States today because we have a new candidate for president of the United States, Barack Obama," Lucas said when asked who his childhood heroes were.
Obama, "for all of us that have dreams and hope, is a hero," Lucas said.
Lucas is the creator of the blockbuster "Star Wars" series, as well as the adventures of the swashbuckling archaeologist Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford.
Obama on Tuesday sealed the Democratic contest after a marathon battle with Hillary Clinton, becoming the first black White House candidate nominated by a major party.
artredis1980 said:some very interesting facts coming out
Clintons Strategists called Clintons SENATE supporters and begged them to force Clinton to drop out soon saying she wasnt listening to them
Obama's campaign has said they will only consider Hillary for VP if Bill Clinton opens up to ALL the donors to his presidential library and her million dollar donors
Harry Reid who has secretly supported Hillary was one the senators who signed a letter to Clinton to drop out by Friday
Charlie Rangel said publicly and in a meeting with clinton with her NY surrogates that she NEEDS to let them go so they can support Obama
31 senators and congressmen who are HARDCORE supporters of CLinton had a conference call with clinton and told her she is destroying the democratic party by not bowing out and saying her 18 million supporters are an assett for her alone and not Obama
Clinton had originally planned to let the process go on for weeks but her supporters had said they want her out by friday.
pretty interesting
ManaByte said:
Obama's campaign has said they will only consider Hillary for VP if Bill Clinton opens up to ALL the donors to his presidential library and her million dollar donors
Smiles and Cries said:I'm a black male I know what a dap is
This news has more liver spots than McCain.Amir0x said:Might as well wrap this thread up guys, Obama just got LUCAS'D.
Obama's VP will be a CG prairie dog.Amir0x said:unfortunately I was at work last time the news got posted, or i would have locked the thread then since Obama's campaign is effectively over now.
I have no wordsTrakdown said:
Amir0x said:Might as well wrap this thread up guys, Obama just got LUCAS'D.
Amir0x said:Might as well wrap this thread up guys, Obama just got LUCAS'D.
Cheesemeister said:So, Obama is going to get repackaged and rereleased with very minor visual changes ad nauseum?
There has never been a more appropriate moment for vaderno.jpg that has more levels of symbolism than this. So therefore, I give you:Amir0x said:Fuck with George Lucas endorsing Obama, we're screwed.
George Lucas taint fucks us again
but but but HOPE?Amir0x said:no he's just going to lose the election
Smiles and Cries said:but but but HOPE?
Trakdown said:
Cheesemeister said:So, Obama is going to get repackaged and rereleased with very minor visual changes ad nauseum?
At the end of Obama's 2nd term ILM will CGI Chelsea over top of Hillary when she is congratulating him for a job well done.thefro said:ILM is already CGIng the American Flag pin on Obama's suit for all his appearances.