Deus Ex Machina said:Breaking: Clinton Camp Hits Obama On Latest Pastor Flap.
What am I missing? Didn't he denounce this almost immediately?
I guess they think they see an opening. Don't be suprised if Wolfson and the other spinsters are on tv tomorrow making a fuss about this.
Obama's statement:Deus Ex Machina said:Breaking: Clinton Camp Hits Obama On Latest Pastor Flap.
What am I missing? Didn't he denounce this almost immediately?
I guess they think they see an opening. Don't be suprised if Wolfson and the other spinsters are on tv tomorrow making a fuss about this.
As I have traveled this country, I've been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause," Obama said in a statement.
"I regret the words I chose on Sunday. These words are inconsistent with Senator Obama's life and message, and I am deeply sorry if they offended Senator Clinton or anyone else who saw them."
They have seriously gone off the deep end. Everything is upside down to them.Cyan said::lol
Local Clinton supporters advocated Thursday for unseating ALL of the Democratic delegates from Collin County because their senate district conventions were held on the wrong day.
Trakdown said:Continuing the coverage of "Count Every Vote"-Gate:
Is there anything the Clintons back nowadays that ISN'T total bullshit?
Welp, not that Clinton had any credibility left in this faux "count all the votes" mantra, but seriously. How transparent can you get? :lol :lol :lolOfficials with the Collin County Democratic Party said they chose to hold the convention a day late because there wasn't a large enough venue in the county available for the scheduled date of Saturday, March 29. Party officials warned at the time that the eligibility of their delegation may be challenged.
A state credentials committee for the Texas Democratic Party was in Grand Prairie holding hearings on over 100 challenges to North Texas delegates who were elected to attend next week's state Democratic convention in Austin.
Delegates at the state convention will vote on how many Obama and Clinton delegates will represent Texas in the national convention in Denver.
Most of the morning was occupied with the charge that all of Collin County's delegates should be deemed ineligible.
The committee agreed to postpone voting on that challenge until more information was available.
Frederick Barrow, an Obama supporter who chaired the Collin County credentials committee, alleged that Clinton supporters were only trying to unseat the delegation because Obama won more delegates from Collin County.
considering the pro-Clinton crowd expected to protest outside the rules committee meeting on Saturday, yes. yes i think they do.Cyan said:It really is incredible. Do they really think people still believe their bullshit?
GhaleonEB said:Obama's statement:
Reverand's apology:
Both released before the Clinton camp issued their bizarre statement. It's another semantic argument like "reject and denounce". Obama should just link each word to the thesarus entry online.
Amazing.Tamanon said:Ron Paul supporters called and said they think Hillary's camp is crazy![]()
Tamanon said:Ron Paul supporters called and said they think Hillary's camp is crazy![]()
There was something a little grotesque about treating the question of which concentration camp Obama's great-uncle helped liberate as the daily gaffe. Capturing that, Jake Tapper has an email exchange between a blogger and the World War II vet who maintains an unofficial site devoted to the uncle's division:
From: Steve Gilbert
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:14 AM
Subject: Any Record Of Charles W Payne?
Mr. Kitchell,
As you may have heard by now, Barack Obama has claimed that his great uncle Charlie Payne was a member of the 89th Div that liberated Buchenwald.
According to records his full name is either Charles W Payne or Charles T Payne (most likely the former), and he was born in 1924 — and he is still alive today.
He most likely was from Kansas at the time of enlistment.
Do you have any record of this gentleman?
Thank you,
Steve Gilbert
PS - If you go to my website, you will see that I was probably the first to note the error in Mr. Obama’s first claims about his “uncle.”
And the response:
Please crawl back under the rock you came out from.
Good day
Raymond Kitchell, veteran 89th Inf Div
Tamanon said:
Just too funny:lol :lol :lolTamanon said:
Tamanon said:
In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago's gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.
As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers.
The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district."
We've got a nominee that knows how to play the game and won't let his opponents cheat!Clevinger said:What an asshole.
Tamanon said:Being that it was Chicago politics, if the worst he did was still following the rules, that's not hardball there.:lol
The guy was trying to be funny giving a sermon.teiresias said:After watching the video of the Pastor in this latest Pastor-gate, I really don't see how anything he said was actually wrong. If her recent behavior doesn't show that she didn't think she was entitled to the nomination I don't know what else would.
teiresias said:After watching the video of the Pastor in this latest Pastor-gate, I really don't see how anything he said was actually wrong. If her recent behavior doesn't show that she didn't think she was entitled to the nomination I don't know what else would.
Yeah, he took offense when Scott blame the media.. remember David was apart of the white house core media.mckmas8808 said:David Gregory is a pure asshole right now! He is so pissed off right now with this book for Scott. Damn dude suck it up. You didn't question the Bush admin enough in 03.
Deus Ex Machina said:The guy was trying to be funny giving a sermon.
mckmas8808 said:David Gregory is a pure asshole right now! He is so pissed off right now with this book for Scott. Damn dude suck it up. You didn't question the Bush admin enough in 03.
He's too defensive... its becoming transparent.tanod said:I think David G. has a hard-on for Bush simply because he's been forced to cover him so long. It was only after absolutely no one cared what was going on at the White House that David was forced to stop doing the white house correspondent beat and move to his own show. He's probably a little bitter.
Tamanon said:
Deus Ex Machina said:He's too defensive... its becoming transparent.
We have a winner!!Tamanon said:No, David Gregory had built himself up as a journalist that asks the hard-hitting questions off of one or two he posed to Bush. He thinks this whole episode makes him look foolish.
he's not protecting Bush, he's protecting the integrity of his profession, which matters way more than political ideology. Scott says the media wasn't doing their job (funny, since Scott was on the front-line of dissembling the truth and crafting spin for the media to report verbatim) and Gregory goes into hyper-sensitive defense mode.mckmas8808 said:On his show that came on at 11:00 pm EST he was waaay too transparent. I mean damn near fighting with the guest and emailers.
I mean he kept on questioning Scott's motivation. Now that I think about it he's starting to sound like the Bush press team. Why is he protecting Bush so much lately?
scorcho said:he's not protecting Bush, he's protecting the integrity of his profession, which matters way more than political ideology. Scott says the media wasn't doing their job (funny, since Scott was on the front-line of dissembling the truth and crafting spin for the media to report verbatim) and Gregory goes into hyper-sensitive defense mode.
scorcho said:he's not protecting Bush, he's protecting the integrity of his profession, which matters way more than political ideology. Scott says the media wasn't doing their job (funny, since Scott was on the front-line of dissembling the truth and crafting spin for the media to report verbatim) and Gregory goes into hyper-sensitive defense mode.
Deus Ex Machina said:Obama played hardball in first Chicago campaign
"I hadn't publicly announced," he said. "But what I said was that once I announce, and I have started to raise money, and gather supporters, hire staff and opened up an office, signed a lease, then it's going to be very difficult for me to step down. And she gave me repeated assurances that she was in [the congressional race] to stay."
Obama "did say that to me," Palmer says now. "And I certainly did say that I wasn't going to run. There's no question about that."
Then Palmer's congressional bid collapsed. On Nov. 28, 1995, she placed a distant third behind political powerhouses Jesse Jackson Jr., who holds that congressional seat today, and current state Senate President Emil Jones Jr. Palmer didn't fade quietly away. Citing an "outpouring" of support, she upended the political landscape by switching gears and deciding to run in the March 1996 primary for her state Senate seat. But she had two big problems. To get on the ballot, Palmer needed to file nominating petitions signed by at least 757 district votersand the Dec. 18 deadline was just days away. And then there was Obama, the bright up-and-comer she had all but anointed. Obama's aides said he seemed anguished over the prospect of defying Palmer. "I really saw turmoil in his face," Harwell said,1,57567.story?page=1One of the candidates he eliminated, long-shot contender Gha-is Askia acknowledges that he paid Democratic Party precinct workers $5 a sheet for some of the petitions, and now suspects they used a classic Chicago ruse of passing the papers among themselves to forge the signatures. "They round-tabled me," Askia said.
5-29-08 - Added DNC Gail Rasmussen (OR) for Obama
- Added DNC Eileen Macoll (WA) for Clinton
- Added Rep. Alan Mollohan (WV) for Obama
- Added DNC Boyd Richie (TX) for Obama
- Added DNC Betty Richie (TX) for Obama
GhaleonEB said:Obama picked up a couple more supers.
Husband and wife team.
Cyan said:Barack Hussein Obama made his opponents follow election rules in Illinois.
Now he wants to do the same in the Democratic Primary.
Don't let Obama make Hillary follow the rules! Come protest 5/31. Be there, or someday you might be the one Obama forces to follow rules!*
Tommie Hu$tle said:I thought the shit was funny as hell.
Dan said:David Gregory needs to be a little less upset over McClellan's book, and a little more upset about how news networks relied on Pentagon plants for 'expert analysis' regarding the Iraq debacle.
CowboyAstronaut said:It was EXTREMELY funny. I'm also glad it was done. Rub that loss right in her fucking face.
Okay just watching a couple of those MSNBC videos they've got me impressed yet again.
The quality of discussion that takes place on MSNBC seems vastly superior than anything on CNN based on what I've seen. I'll make it my news channel of choice for sure.
Wow CNN making Obama look like a complete monster and dirty player with this whole campaign hard ball in Chicago bullshit. These are those times when I'm disgusted with CNN.
Does it seem to anyone else that the moment Hilary is in a load of shit and Obama is looking too good a notice is sent to CNN and they are told to drum up a negative story on Obama?