Holy shit... :lol
Michael Pfleger is my new hero.
The way he ended that fox news interview was even more amazing. Wow. What an amazing person and they are trying to use an Obama association with a man of this kind of character as a negative? What in god's name is wrong with this Country? Honestly.. what the hell is this Country's malfunction?
They are making this man out to be like a total monster that Obama should want nothing to do with. It's utterly unbelievable.
Wait a minute.. who is in charge of CNN? Does he, by chance, happen to be a good friend of the Clintons? They are outright making Obama look like a monster and are casting his apology aside as a disgraceful, pathetic attempt to apologize.
How come they did not make this big a fucking fuss about Hilary NOT properly apologizing to Obama for the RFK assassination comment? She didn't even apologize to Obama. She apologized only to the kennedy family. Obama's apology actually is a real apology to Hilary and she didn't do the same for him.
I'm absolutely disgusted now beyond all comprehension. The way CNN is spinning this shit is disgusting. There is no way in hell Obama will become President of this Country. Not with bullshit like this going on. If THIS is the level of unfair, double standard bull that the media is going to continue pushing there is no way in hell Obama will become this Country's president.
John McCain is now our new president. For Obama to become President they want the man to completely disown a great deal of his life and culture? They want him to sacrifice everything and cut all ties with the people he has known for years to represent this Country as it's President?
Completely embarrassing. I've never been so angry in a long time.
When the Hagee controversy kicked off what did CNN do? What did the media do? They showed a fucking special on Hagee and what makes him such a great person and why the comments he has made aren't necessarily representative of the kind of person he is. But Michael Pfleger and Jerimiah Wright are both hateful, bigots that spew hatred? They aren't good people?