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PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)

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ZealousD said:
This guy has a funny definition of "worst possible scenario". No, the worst possible scenario is that McCain lied so he could our current paint troop withdrawls as bigger than the really are.

In fact, misspeaking is the best case scenario here.
I don't even think that's the worst-case. I think the worst case is that McCain actually believed what he said. Upon having been corrected, he now believes his "corrected" version, which is we'll be down to pre-surge levels by the end of the summer. Which is also incorrect. He literally doesn't know what he's talking about.

So I don't think he's so nefarious as to be lying on this specific point; lying about it doesn't seem to score him any points. I think he's just plain uninformed about his signature issue and supposed strength. Which is exactly why Obama is hammering on it so hard.


CowboyAstronaut said:
I love Susan Sarandon. The fact that she's talking about moving to Italy is very serious. She's one of America's greatest accomplishments.
Well, her boobs anyway. That and Bull Durham.
So.. they're really running with this "ZOMG NEW PASTOR PROBLEM" thing eh? Pat Buchanan says that this proves Obama is a "radical socialist" or something like that :lol :lol
I actually must also state that I don't like the thought of Obama taking funds away from the NASA program at all.

If anything, that is the one program that should not be touched. We are making way too much progress there for anything to slow that down.

Even so, I'm still 100% in support of Obama, but that's one thing that causes me to be a bit bummed. No doubt I'm sure he'll find somewhere else to take that money from. Let's hope the media isn't smart enough to focus primarily on the fact that Obama wants to do that.

I think it would have a major impact on Obama's chances to win this upcoming election.

Okay, lets be serious. Why the heck is it that when someone goes off on Obama and insults him to hell and back it's never a problem for the candidate who THEY support? Why doesn't the media ever try to sensationalize such things?

It only ever appears to be Obama that is getting dogged and has the media trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill when small things like this occur. Why is that? Is it because he's African American? I hate to bring up the fact that Obama is black as a possible reason for why he's being treated so unfairly, but why exactly does such things always turn into a major problem for Obama when it doesn't for other candidates?

If someone that lives on the same block in Chicago as Obama and his family does says something negative about John McCain's military record will CNN and the other media suddenly start saying :

"This appears to be a major problem for Senator Obama"

"They've both lived on the same block for more than 20 years so there has to be a relationship there"

"This yet again plays into Senator Obama's problem of not seeming patriotic enough"

"This is an outright attack on a Vietnam veteran that served this country proudly. I don't feel Senator Obama did enough to distance himself from and repudiate these remarks"

Why when it's a controversy involving another candidate it's brushed off as nothing like it was for John McCain? Hagee is an endorsement he actively seeked out to help his campaign.
grandjedi6 said:
image > list :p


Obama wins Ohio but loses Michigan? Does not compute.


Master of the Google Search
maximum360 said:
Obama wins Ohio but loses Michigan? Does not compute.

There is an insanely high number of undecideds in Michigan, especially among Democrats. I'd say the fact that Obama hasn't campaigned there may be the cause. If he spends more time there I would guess it would move back to the Democrats over time.

GhaleonEB said:
Their internals in Michigan were out of whack.
They weren't out of whack, it just had a ton of undecided voters


Gotta say, I'm loving that map. Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia, all dark blue? Bodes extremely well.


McCain camp dumped out their standard form-letter response on this one
McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds responds:

"We agree with Barack Obama about one thing -- with troops on battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan, we should have an honest, respectful debate about the best way forward. And if Barack Obama wants facts, we're happy to have a debate based in fact: the fact is Barack Obama has refused to have a one on one meeting with General Petraeus, and has avoided a fact-finding visit to Iraq for over 872 days. The fact is, Barack Obama has voted against bullets and body armor for our troops while they’ve been fighting extremists abroad. The fact is, Senator Obama has been critical, but failed to hold a single oversight hearing on our mission in Afghanistan despite his position in the Senate. The fact is, he fails to grasp that a reckless withdrawal, while it may elevate his political aspirations, it will lead to chaos, danger and increased Iranian influence in the region. The reality is Barack Obama’s lack of action amounts to weak leadership, and shows he is just not ready to be our commander in chief.

Reads like a Hillary memo straight out of February


Diablos said:
Why are they calling this Obama's "new Pastor problem" when the guy ISN'T EVEN HIS PASTOR

He isn't a Pastor at all, he is a Catholic Priest.

But I suppose mentioning that would draw too much attention to the friends of McCain and company


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Diablos said:
Why are they calling this Obama's "new Pastor problem" when the guy ISN'T EVEN HIS PASTOR

They're looking for any excuse to bring the Wright controversy back. ANY.
This is off-the-current-topic-but-in-line-with-the-thread --

I like having a documented record of my predictions before each primary.

Clinton 58%
Obama 42%

Delegates (55):
Clinton 30
Obama 25

Pop vote:
Clinton +120K
Obama 57%
Clinton 43%

Delegates (8):
Obama 9
Clinton 7

Pop Vote:
Obama +30K
Obama 59%
Clinton 41%

Delegates (8)
Obama 9
Clinton 7

Pop Vote:
Obama +45K

Ok, resume discussion
Oh and by the way this whole you haven't gone to Iraq thing is such a clever trap by McCain.

If Obama goes, he went for political reasons and not because he actually cared about the troops. It's because John McCain scolded him to go. Scolded the young and inexperienced candidate to go. Something big for McCain to use in a debate.

"Don't tell me about how to run this Country's military you didn't even think about going to see our troops and the situation in Iraq until I told you to"

If he doesn't go?

"I'm very disappointed in Senator Obama."

"Obama not supporting the troops"

"This is one of Obama's major problems, he has no patriotism"


Repeated trips to Iraq haven't done McCain any good. He still doesn't know the difference between Shiites and Sunni, for starters.


Kills Photobucket
CowboyAstronaut said:
Oh and by the way this whole you haven't gone to Iraq thing is such a clever trap by McCain.

If Obama goes, he went for political reasons and not because he actually cared about the troops. It's because John McCain scolded him to go. Scolded the young and inexperienced candidate to go. Something big for McCain to use in a debate.

"Don't tell me about how to run this Country's military you didn't even think about going to see our troops and the situation in Iraq until I told you to"

If he doesn't go?

"I'm very disappointed in Senator Obama."

"Obama not supporting the troops"

"This is one of Obama's major problems, he has no patriotism"

Obama HAS gone to Iraq before hasn't he? If he hasn't that's a pretty silly thing not to have gone ahead and done just to make a talking point.


DrForester said:
Obama HAS gone to Iraq before hasn't he? If he hasn't that's a pretty silly thing not to have gone ahead and done just to make a talking point.

He has been, just not since 2006.


kkaabboomm said:
This is off-the-current-topic-but-in-line-with-the-thread --

I like having a documented record of my predictions before each primary.

Clinton 58%
Obama 42%

Delegates (55):
Clinton 30
Obama 25

Pop vote:
Clinton +120K

Why do you think Obama is only going to lose by 16? The last poll had her up 19% and she has been outperforming her polls where her demographics are good (KY & WV). I remember during the Texas primary she was winning Hispanic counties by 70/80 some percent. I don't know how closely puertorriqueños follow their fellow Hispanics in the US, but if it is anything close to the national average he will probably lose at least by 25 to 30 points. He hasn't campaigned real hard in Puerto Rico either. He is focusing on the general and will likely be crushed in Puerto Rico. But it won't matter.


Farmboy said:
Gotta say, I'm loving that map. Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia, all dark blue? Bodes extremely well.
Nah, not really. So much shit is going to go down between now and the election, these polls are essentially useless. Besides, I find the polls questionable, especially considering Ohio is dark blue.
KRS7 said:
Why do you think Obama is only going to lose by 16? The last poll had her up 19% and she has been outperforming her polls where her demographics are good (KY & WV). I remember during the Texas primary she was winning Hispanic counties by 70/80 some percent. I don't know how closely puertorriqueños follow their fellow Hispanics in the US, but if it is anything close to the national average he will probably lose at least by 25 to 30 points. He hasn't campaigned real hard in Puerto Rico either. He is focusing on the general and will likely be crushed in Puerto Rico. But it won't matter.

weighted, but not for likely voters, just all dem voters. they put him at 40. I dunno, I just can see him getting 40% in PR, I have nothing but my gut and this one poll and general conflicting 'on the ground' reports.

thats really about it.
Sources: Land of Lincolner looks at booking Xcel Energy Center — site of Republican convention and in a swing state — for victory event on cusp of nomination.

I hope that IF he goes through with this, he announces all the supers he needs to get pushed over the top. I hope he does not do this unless, when he walks up on that stage, enough supers have pushed him over whatever the new magic number is.
Oh and another reason I'm disgusted with CNN sometimes. When they brought up the new pastor incident they even mentioned previous arrests that the Pastor had received.

Both arrests were for commendable reasons at that.

Protesting guns

The other reason? I completely forgot, but it was for yet another commendable reason that he was arrested. He was fighting for something he believed in. Oh I remember he was protesting and defaced liquor and drug ads that were being put up in black neighborhoods?

Oh and the third thing they mentioned wasn't even an arrest, but they HAD to point out that in 2007 he said that Louis Farrahkhan was a gift from god.

The farrahkhan part meant to suggest indirectly that Obama must also secretly support Farrahkhan. CNN is bring that up again.

McCain now talking about the oversight committee that Obama hasn't held a hearing for. Never mind the fact that Obama was busy running for President against one of the most popular politicians in this Country.

Hilary really does appear to have pretty much written the Republican's attacks hasn't she?


Everybody needs to see this video wow :lol


That Priest completely destroyed that Fox News Reporter, but whats more, someone edited the video to point out where there were lies told by that Fox News Reporter.

Michael Pfleger is the fucking man :lol

I can't believe he said some of the things he said, but it's 100% true.

When Black people criticize america they are haters or unpatriotic, angry or mad but when white people do it they are considered as being critical or simply raising questions. Man speaks the truth.

Fox News and the general media probably would criticize Martin Luther King as being angry and a madman if he were saying the kinds of things that he said 40 years ago today.


the disgruntled gamer said:
Nah, not really. So much shit is going to go down between now and the election, these polls are essentially useless. Besides, I find the polls questionable, especially considering Ohio is dark blue.

Well, I think that if this is the baseline, that's very positive. I'm inclined to think that things will only get better for Obama from here on out, once he wrests himself free from the primaries. But that could be foolishly optimistic of me. And yes, I'm sceptical about Ohio too (though hopeful that he'll win it in the end).
soul creator said:

As I read that I also feel pretty stupid for even falling into the trap and also criticizing farrahkhan just as harshly.

Sure, I disagree with a lot of the things he says, but a lot of what he says is no different than what a lot of other people say and he HAS done some very good things. There's no question about that.

There is still so many racially discriminatory things that go on in this Country, but coming from a black person that's a sign of them being a bigot or angry. Coming from someone who is white they are simply showing their love for their country by showing their dislike for certain aspects of the country. This isn't a problem with all of the media, but so many try to make things like that and it's really an eye opener when you step back and realize what's been going on.


I just turned it past Fox and they were saying how even McCain is now starting to exploit this priest thing. He said the usual, "these remakes were uncalled for blah blah blah", then was asked if Obama should leave his church. He says, "That's up to Obama."

Fucking Clinton. Another thing the Republicans can now use against him in the GE.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
McCain has been to Iraq 8 times. President Bush has been 3 times, likewise with HRC. Obama just once


the disgruntled gamer said:
Nah, not really. So much shit is going to go down between now and the election, these polls are essentially useless. Besides, I find the polls questionable, especially considering Ohio is dark blue.

Ohio has been moving blue the past few years. In 2004 it was very close. Bush lost in the exit polls and barely won after some electoral BS. Further indication of Ohio moving blue is that McCain is spending more money here than anywhere else. If it was heading red he wouldn't need to be spending his finite resources.

Nothing is guaranteed, but if the turnout is good, and the democrats unite, Obama will win Ohio. He does need to work on the rural areas here, but if you look at the primary he didn't do that bad. He won 5 of the 88 counties, that looks bad at first, but 4 of those are the 4 most populated counties in the state with over a third of the total population. If he keeps his loses in the rural counties to something like 20 to 25 points, ties in Cincinnati metro, and sweeps Cleveland, Columbus, and Dayton areas he will can win the state. Problem is he might lose some rural counties by closer to 50 points. If that is widespread he might not be able to make it up in the cities, but I am optimistic about Ohio for now.
Holy shit... :lol

Michael Pfleger is my new hero.



The way he ended that fox news interview was even more amazing. Wow. What an amazing person and they are trying to use an Obama association with a man of this kind of character as a negative? What in god's name is wrong with this Country? Honestly.. what the hell is this Country's malfunction?

They are making this man out to be like a total monster that Obama should want nothing to do with. It's utterly unbelievable.

Wait a minute.. who is in charge of CNN? Does he, by chance, happen to be a good friend of the Clintons? They are outright making Obama look like a monster and are casting his apology aside as a disgraceful, pathetic attempt to apologize.

How come they did not make this big a fucking fuss about Hilary NOT properly apologizing to Obama for the RFK assassination comment? She didn't even apologize to Obama. She apologized only to the kennedy family. Obama's apology actually is a real apology to Hilary and she didn't do the same for him.

I'm absolutely disgusted now beyond all comprehension. The way CNN is spinning this shit is disgusting. There is no way in hell Obama will become President of this Country. Not with bullshit like this going on. If THIS is the level of unfair, double standard bull that the media is going to continue pushing there is no way in hell Obama will become this Country's president.

John McCain is now our new president. For Obama to become President they want the man to completely disown a great deal of his life and culture? They want him to sacrifice everything and cut all ties with the people he has known for years to represent this Country as it's President?

Completely embarrassing. I've never been so angry in a long time.

When the Hagee controversy kicked off what did CNN do? What did the media do? They showed a fucking special on Hagee and what makes him such a great person and why the comments he has made aren't necessarily representative of the kind of person he is. But Michael Pfleger and Jerimiah Wright are both hateful, bigots that spew hatred? They aren't good people?
CowboyAstronaut said:
Holy shit... :lol

Michael Pfleger is my new hero.



The way he ended that fox news interview was even more amazing. Wow. What an amazing person and they are trying to use an Obama association with a man of this kind of character as a negative? What in god's name is wrong with this Country? Honestly.. what the hell is this Country's malfunction?

They are making this man out to be like a total monster that Obama should want nothing to do with. It's utterly unbelievable.

Wait a minute.. who is in charge of CNN? Does he, by chance, happen to be a good friend of the Clintons? They are outright making Obama look like a monster and are casting his apology aside as a disgraceful, pathetic attempt to apologize.

How come they did not make this big a fucking fuss about Hilary NOT properly apologizing to Obama for the RFK assassination comment? She didn't even apologize to Obama. She apologized only to the kennedy family. Obama's apology actually is a real apology to Hilary and she didn't do the same for him.

I'm absolutely disgusted now beyond all comprehension. The way CNN is spinning this shit is disgusting. There is no way in hell Obama will become President of this Country. Not with bullshit like this going on. If THIS is the level of unfair, double standard bull that the media is going to continue pushing there is no way in hell Obama will become this Country's president.

John McCain is now our new president. For Obama to become President they want the man to completely disown a great deal of his life and culture? They want him to sacrifice everything and cut all ties with the people he has known for years to represent this Country as it's President?

Completely embarrassing. I've never been so angry in a long time.

When the Hagee controversy kicked off what did CNN do? What did the media do? They showed a fucking special on Hagee and what makes him such a great person and why the comments he has made aren't necessarily representative of the kind of person he is. But Michael Pfleger and Jerimiah Wright are both hateful, bigots that spew hatred? They aren't good people?

CNN is all about sensationalism. And yes, with Hagee they did have reporters comments on all the good Hagee did in the past/present etc. to take the sting out of his association with McCain. They just haven't gotten off the McCain bandwagon just yet.

The media is McCain's best ally right now.


Oh Tucker.

"He went to this church for 20 years!"

Um....Father Pfegler wasn't there for 20 years, he wasn't even there when Obama was.


KRS7 said:
Nothing is guaranteed, but if the turnout is good, and the democrats unite, Obama will win Ohio. He does need to work on the rural areas here, but if you look at the primary he didn't do that bad. He won 5 of the 88 counties, that looks bad at first, but 4 of those are the 4 most populated counties in the state with over a third of the total population. If he keeps his loses in the rural counties to something like 20 to 25 points, ties in Cincinnati metro, and sweeps Cleveland, Columbus, and Dayton areas he will can win the state. Problem is he might lose some rural counties by closer to 50 points. If that is widespread he might not be able to make it up in the cities, but I am optimistic about Ohio for now.
I posted a big breakdown of my home state a while ago, though it got overshadowed because I posted it right as the Kevin James thing came out. I'll try to find it, but to reiterate, Ohio is going to be tricky. Although Obama may increase his margins in Cuyahoga (Cleveland, highly democrat as it is, high african-american population) and Franklin (Columbus, slightly democrat as it is, but has a lot of college students from OSU), as well as in Dayton, I'm not confident that he can increase his margins in Hamilton (Cincy).

However, I believe Obama will do even worse in rural areas than Kerry did in '04, especially considering that much of eastern Ohio has similar demographics to the appalachian states we talk about Obama getting stomped in. This is especially a problem in Mahoning county (Youngstown) which as historically been a democratic stronghold in the east, but is a very racist town that went overwhelmingly for Clinton in the primaries. It is very likely that Obama will do worse in Mahoning than Kerry did, which spells trouble.
Agent Icebeezy said:
McCain has been to Iraq 8 times. President Bush has been 3 times, likewise with HRC. Obama just once
Obama should spin that against McCain . . . as in McCain's gone native . . . he doesn't seem to remember that the US government exists for the US people, not the Iraqi people. They have their own government.

McCain is too invested in a failed project and will just continue to throw away your good money after bad. And for what? How many Iraqis have ever attacked America?


speculawyer said:
Obama should spin that against McCain . . . as in McCain's gone native . . . he doesn't seem to remember that the US government exists for the US people, not the Iraqi people. They have their own government.

McCain is too invested in a failed project and will just continue to throw away your good money after bad. And for what? How many Iraqis have ever attacked America?

Doesn't even need that. I'd throw it back on him. "President Bush has been there 8 times, and Senator McCain has been there 3 times. And yet, with their visits, things have not improved for our men and women in the service, and we are no better off or closer to victory in Iraq." Point out the mass death over there, including the tragically high number of suicides. Then, finish up with something like "I do not need to go to Iraq to see the horrors of this war. If I start booking flights, it'll be to get our troops home and back to their families."

I trust that something similar will be coming up in a speech soon.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Trakdown said:
Doesn't even need that. I'd throw it back on him. "President Bush has been there 8 times, and Senator McCain has been there 3 times. And yet, with their visits, things have not improved for our men and women in the service, and we are no better off or closer to victory in Iraq." Point out the mass death over there, including the tragically high number of suicides. Then, finish up with something like "I do not need to go to Iraq to see the horrors of this war. If I start booking flights, it'll be to get our troops home and back to their families."

I trust that something similar will be coming up in a speech soon.

One thing that I've seen is that McCain needs the media. Obama's PR releases are much more slicker. McCain isn't going to be saved in the debates.


LOL at this girl on O'Reilly.

"He needs to quick that church, that's all, I would be fired, you would be fired if they knew we went to that church"

Suuuuuure, and then you'd be incredibly rich from a lawsuit because that's an illegal reason to fire someone.:lol


Amir0x said:

Clinton's camp concedes that FL and MI did break the rules.
The Media is pastorbating again, this time with a priest. That isn't even a member of Obama's congregation.
Bob Dole calls out McLellan.


Master of the Google Search
GhaleonEB said:
The large undecided pool is critical, yea. But this is odd as well:


They had Obama winning the black vote 62-26. Kerry won it 88-12 in 2004.

Everything about that Michigan poll is odd due to the high number of undecideds. But its not like SurveyUSA is unique in this, most Michigan polls have had a high number of undecideds and a narrow McCain win.

the disgruntled gamer said:
Nah, not really. So much shit is going to go down between now and the election, these polls are essentially useless. Besides, I find the polls questionable, especially considering Ohio is dark blue.

Well of course the election will be difference than the polls currently, it always does. But polls starting around now can give a good idea about the current situation of the election.

oh and repost your thing on Ohio, I would like to see it
Tamanon said:
LOL at this girl on O'Reilly.

"He needs to quick that church, that's all, I would be fired, you would be fired if they knew we went to that church"

Suuuuuure, and then you'd be incredibly rich from a lawsuit because that's an illegal reason to fire someone.:lol
Ferraro again?
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