Is this accurate? Obamacare will increase WI insurance premiums by 30%?
That guy's Romney's health care advisor and also massive tool. I've seen him quite a few times on Chris Hayes' show and he's an absolute dipshit.
Is this accurate? Obamacare will increase WI insurance premiums by 30%?
Nate Sliver knows about PoliGaf. We are popular on the internet.
I can tell you the Medicare part is a flat out lie. It's a cut on costs not benefits.Is this accurate? Obamacare will increase WI insurance premiums by 30%?
DISCLOSURE: I am an outside adviser to the Romney campaign on health care issues. The opinions contained herein are mine alone, and do not necessarily correspond to those of the campaign.)
I'm gonna go work the phone banks to help out with the storm.
That guy's Romney's health care advisor and also massive tool. I've seen him quite a few times on Chris Hayes' show and he's an absolute dipshit.
I can tell you the Medicare part is a flat out lie. It's a cut on costs not benefits.
The premium increase isn't distinguished from the increase that would happen anyway.
Is this accurate? Obamacare will increase WI insurance premiums by 30%?
Sounds like an exciting opportunity for a successful, capital rich entrepreneur with a lot of time on his hands after a failed presidential bid.
Is this accurate? Obamacare will increase WI insurance premiums by 30%?
The only part that gets me is the "source" of the Obama adviser. Is that a straight lie? Can't imagine why an Obama adviser would say something like that.
No, there is no such law of averages. Each PhoenixDark prediction is an independent trial.
Venture capitalist. Get it right.
Mitt Romney supports privatizing FEMA. If Obama manages to lose this campaign I will have lost all faith in our political process.
As states began the process of considering whether or not to set up the insurance exchanges mandated by the new health law, several retained Gruber as a consultant. In at least three casesWisconsin in August 2011, Minnesota in November 2011, and Colorado in January 2012Gruber reported that premiums in the individual market would increase, not decrease, as a result of Obamacare.
In Wisconsin, Gruber reported that people purchasing insurance for themselves on the individual market would see, on average, premium increases of 30 percent by 2016, relative to what would have happened in the absence of Obamacare. In Minnesota, the law would increase premiums by 29 percent over the same period. Colorado was the least worst off, with premiums under the law rising by only 19 percent.
Some low-income individuals would benefit from Obamacares subsidies; for those individuals, the impact of these premium increases would be blunted. But if premium costs go up at a rate faster than people expect, taxpayers will be on the hook for billions upon billions of extra subsidies.
Isn't that the case where people on the individual market are seeing larger premiums because they are also getting more benefits? That would be my guess without looking it up. And anyway, does that figure include the subsidies that people in the individual market will receive?
Is this accurate? Obamacare will increase WI insurance premiums by 30%?
Sorry. I should have put "entrepreneur" in quotes.
The only part that gets me is the "source" of the Obama adviser. Is that a straight lie? Can't imagine why an Obama adviser would say something like that.
40% of the current market is enrolled in crap plans that don't even meet the minimum for ACA so of course those people are going to see premium increases.The Individual Market will experience premium increases as
compared to pre reform premiums. (Section 7, Page 27)
Prior to the application of tax subsidies 87% of the individual market will experience an
average premium increase of 41%. The average increase for the entire Individual Market
will be 30%. After the application of tax subsidies 59% of the individual market will
experience an average premium increase of 31%. This is mostly due to the rating and
product limitation changes, the merging of the HIRSP population into the Individual
Market and the introduction of the new exchange. Approximately 40% of the current
Individual Market is enrolled in benefit plans that have an actuarial value below the ACA
It should be noted that we did not model the impact of the reinsurance program in the
exchange which may alleviate the premium increases. In addition, we have assumed the
existing HIRSP subsidies will not be used to mitigate the premium changes in the
Individual Market. If they were used, we believe the Individual Market premiums could
be reduced by approximately 10%.
Please see Section 6, page 23 for an illustration of the premium impacts to Wisconsin
After the application of tax subsidies, 41% of the Individual
Market will experience premium decreases as compared to
pre reform premiums. (Section 7, Page 26)
The average premium decrease will be 56%. 86% of this population will receive a
premium tax subsidy within the Exchange. Other reasons for premium reductions are due
to the rating limitations such as the 3 to 1 age band and eliminating the health status
By 2016, the number of uninsured is projected to decrease by
340,000, or 65%. (Section 3.1, Page 7)
Due to the individual mandate and the premium tax subsidies, the number of uninsured
will drop by 340,000 leaving 180,000 uninsured. 27% of this population will receive
premium tax subsidies through the exchange and 38% of this population will receive
coverage through public insurance. Another 30% are covered through ESI and the
remaining 5% will be unsubsidized through the exchange. In contrast, if the individual
mandate is repealed, we estimate that only 62,000 uninsured would gain coverage, with
460,000 remaining uninsured.
57% of the Individual Market (91,000 members) will be eligible
for tax subsidies within the exchange. (Section 7, Page 26)
Approximately half of this population is individual policyholders. The total for tax
credits to Wisconsin state residents in 2016 is $729 million.
Author states he's a Romney advisor. Article is already bullshit.
A venture capitalist invests money in an idea with the gamble it will take off and they'll get a return on their initial investment.
Maybe they'll send tagg down here to California for a storm relief rally!Ann Romney campaigning tomorrow:
Maybe they'll send tagg down here to California for a storm relief rally!
Ann Romney campaigning tomorrow:
She wants it more than he does.
New development at work with the troglodytes.
"Did you hear about the plane crash that burned every vote the military made? Yeah, I'd be willing to bet my next 5 paychecks that Obama had that plane shot down."
I explain to him what actually happened.
"You really believe all those little nerds that type up stuff on a computer?"
I absolutely cannot wait for the conspiracy theories on the 7th.
Is there already a company that does that, with decent cash flows, little debt, and based in an At Will state? No?
Then forget it.
A venture capitalist invests money in an idea with the gamble it will take off and they'll get a return on their initial investment.
So, why is the Romney campaign doing storm relief in Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin?
I didn't think they were hit too hard yet, certainly not like the coast.
Did you explain how veterans and members of the military have consistently donated more to Obama compared to Romney?
So, why is the Romney campaign doing storm relief in Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin?
I didn't think they were hit too hard yet, certainly not like the coast.
I mean, I can completely concede to this POV...I'd just like to get some more information on why exactly it's incorrect.
Here is the report directly
A few key points:
40% of the current market is enrolled in crap plans that don't even meet the minimum for ACA so of course those people are going to see premium increases.
Basically it looks like he was cherry picking data out of the report without giving context or taking subsidy's into account, insurance minimums etc. It was an article deliberately made to deceive the general public. Considering he is an advisor to the Romney Campaign I can't say that surprises me.
Also the average healthcare costs in general increase by 45% from 2006-2011 . So is a 30% increase that shocking? Looks like normal to me.
The merging of the Individual Market with the HIRSP Market
will increase Individual Market premiums by 16%. (Section 6,
Page 22 and Appendix VIII, Page 42)
Due to higher morbidity in the HIRSP population as compared to the Individual Market,
the merging of these markets results in the Individual Market subsidizing the HIRSP
Market. In addition, we have assumed the existing HIRSP subsidies will not be used to
mitigate the premium changes in the Individual Market. If they were used, we believe
the Individual Market premiums could be reduced by approximately 10%.
Mitt is holding an event in Ohio while Ann is holding an event in Iowa and Wisconsin. They're not even trying to hide what they're up to.
I mean, I can completely concede to this POV...I'd just like to get some more information on why exactly it's incorrect.
Here is the report directly
A few key points:
40% of the current market is enrolled in crap plans that don't even meet the minimum for ACA so of course those people are going to see premium increases.
Basically it looks like he was cherry picking data out of the report without giving context or taking subsidy's into account, insurance minimums etc. It was an article deliberately made to deceive the general public. Considering he is an advisor to the Romney Campaign I can't say that surprises me.
Also the average healthcare costs in general increase by 45% from 2006-2011 . So is a 30% increase that shocking? Looks like normal to me.
New development at work with the troglodytes.
"Did you hear about the plane crash that burned every vote the military made? Yeah, I'd be willing to bet my next 5 paychecks that Obama had that plane shot down."
I explain to him what actually happened.
"You really believe all those little nerds that type up stuff on a computer?"
I absolutely cannot wait for the conspiracy theories on the 7th.
Mitt has to do something. Obama's gonna be all over the news on this all week looking Presidential as hell.
So, why is the Romney campaign doing storm relief in Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin?
I didn't think they were hit too hard yet, certainly not like the coast.
There's this guy who used to be a distant friend a few years ago. Then he went batshit crazy when Obama was elected. A bit ago I found out he's been telling everyone who will listen conspiracy theories about Obama. His favorite one is insisting that Obama "stole" the election in 2008. How did Obama steal the election?
Because Obama "used the internet". And how, did Obama use the internet?
"Obama had young people go online and convince people to vote for him. He wouldn't have won if he hadn't used the internet to steal votes."
That's right. Obama stole an election. By asking people to vote for him.
Dems only have a 60k vote lead in Iowa. I'm starting to believe Romney can squeak out a win there, given polls showing him having a large lead among voters who haven't voted yet.