Amir0x, where do you live?
Pennsylvania, Tobyhanna
Amir0x, where do you live?
Romney's getting blowback from the entire state of Ohio and then some for his blatantly false Jeep and GM claims, and meanwhile, Fox News has spent the last two days harping over an Obama ad with children singing as being "desperate and manipulative."
I hear their local media is taking him to task for it, not to mention both Chrysler and GM essentially publicly calling him a liar.Is he? I don't feel like I see much of the media commenting on the Jeep thing.
Obamnesia is setting in. McCain suspended his campaign bravely to fix the country and now Obama thinks he can skirt the public by hiding out in a "situation room" somewhere. Hurricane Sandy is in Ohio; they need Mitt.
So with 8 days till the election, Romney not leading in Ohio + the whole jeep thing backfiring, how likely is it that he'll be able to close the gap there or is it close to over?
I've been saying this for awhile. They know exactly what they're doing. I'd imagine some genuinely believe state polls will fall in line with national polls, but many know Romney is in danger and plan on going insane if he loses.All kidding aside, what Hannity, Limbaugh and the rest of the goons are doing is a very bad thing. Them lying about the state of the race is going to do nothing but sow the seeds of resentment when the election goes the other way.
Roves super PAC just went on the air with 23 million worth of ads. Bigger apparently than what Romney and Obamas campaign are spending in the final week combined on ads.
Roves super PAC just went on the air with 23 million worth of ads. Bigger apparently than what Romney and Obamas campaign are spending in the final week combined on ads.
Roves super PAC just went on the air with 23 million worth of ads. Bigger apparently than what Romney and Obamas campaign are spending in the final week combined on ads.
What kind of momo would be swayed by a negative ad with six days left? lol. Especially one that comes on 900 times a day.
Roves super PAC just went on the air with 23 million worth of ads. Bigger apparently than what Romney and Obamas campaign are spending in the final week combined on ads.
I'll take you one further: I'm fairly certain Fox News is the biggest reason this county has become so divisive when it comes to politics.I've been saying this for awhile. They know exactly what they're doing. I'd imagine some genuinely believe state polls will fall in line with national polls, but many know Romney is in danger and plan on going insane if he loses.
Call it what is is: incitement
I don't know how some of you deal with your Facebook being overrun with stupid posts. I see one and nearly flip out.
I block everybody who posts anything conservative forever.
The anarchist libertarians in Marin County are a little bit more annoying.
I don't know how some of you deal with your Facebook being overrun with stupid posts. I see one and nearly flip out.
That's simple: I don't have Facebook.I don't know how some of you deal with your Facebook being overrun with stupid posts. I see one and nearly flip out.
I'll take you one further: I'm fairly certain Fox News is the biggest reason this county has become so divisive when it comes to politics.
I don't know how some of you deal with your Facebook being overrun with stupid posts. I see one and nearly flip out.
Obama believes killing children is a right until the umbilical cord is cut.
Seniors cant afford to have 4 more years of Obama budget cuts to Medicare
Obama denies protection to babies who survive abortions. Obama is just wrong
There is 6 days left.
He has not been ahead in the aggregate of polls in Ohio even ONE DAY for the entire year. Not even one second of one day. The closest was in the immediate aftermath of the Republican Convention, and even that was still Obama +0.7. Polling continues to show Obama with a 2 point lead, on average.
The odds of Romney changing that in 6 days when he just had another unforced error with the Jeep lies being called out in all Ohio local media is some extremely tiny odds, unless all the polling is really fucking wrong. And then there's going to be a lot of polling outlets wondering what they did wrong.
But even if Obama lost Ohio, he can STILL win the White House. It's not imperative for him. However, if Romney loses Ohio, the race is over. And in the closest swing states, Obama still has a good chance of winning Colorado and Virginia. So yeah
I don't know how some of you deal with your Facebook being overrun with stupid posts. I see one and nearly flip out.
But Bush lost the national and Iowa popular vote.Obama wins Principal Financials cookie poll
The cookie poll may be unscientific, but the company claims it has a history of accurately picking presidents: In 2004, The 2004 cookie poll outcome was George W. Bush, 52 percent; John Kerry 46 percent; and Ralph Nader 2 percent. (The actual election results were Bush 51 percent; Kerry 48 percent; Nader 1 percent.) Bush won by three cookies in 2000 over Al Gore.
At the risk of jinxing Obama, I'll come out and say it: Ohio is a done deal.
Up until today, I've pretty reliably qualified this kind of statement..
".. it seems like Ohio is almost gone for Romney."
".. Ohio might be too far a reach for Romney."
".. the Ohio cake could be too far baked at this point. You probably can't change it's flavor much."
But yeah, I'm saying it now: Ohio is done.
And while I'm at it: so is Nevada.
Assuming that the Gore/Kerry states hold, this is over.
(now to counteract the jinx, I've gotta grab a gris-gris from Miss Laveau's this weekend..)
Take this with a pinch of salt but it's been popping up on my timeline
Roves super PAC just went on the air with 23 million worth of ads. Bigger apparently than what Romney and Obamas campaign are spending in the final week combined on ads.
Romney just has no luck in Iowa lol
Obama wins Principal Financials cookie poll
Race is over, hannity says its locked up for Romney.
Take this with a pinch of salt but it's been popping up on my timeline
It provides a constant stream of amusement for my like-minded friends and I. We call/text and laugh at how utterly ridiculous some of our "friends" are on facespace.
And with shit like this:
How can you not be amused?
And yes, that is a real comment from someone on my facebook friends list.
Simple, I'm in Canada. Not a single one of my friends is pro-Mitt.
You don't need a leaked memo to know that Obama's ground game is cleaning up Romneys.
Take this with a pinch of salt but it's been popping up on my timeline
I guess I only have myself to blame because I have blocked the handful on my feed who do (shockingly all from the same family) post stupid shit but my immense amount of self-hatred makes me check their stuff every once in a while.
If Obama wins, I'll dvr MSNBC celebration.....but watch the fox outrageIs this kind of thing all just some plan to get conservatives as outraged as possible when Obama wins?
Some dude on fox just said they Romney should campaign right now and that the storm is "mana from heaven" for Obama.
Yep. This. Although.. the ability to indulge in a sampling of election aftermath crying s so damn tempting. More tempting than I can ever remember.That's simple: I don't have Facebook.
Well . . . all those poor bitter resentful conservatives devastated by their loss are going to need someone to explain to them what happened and why it is all the fault of the gays, scientists, Mexicans, atheists, Muslims, and unions. They'll just laugh all the way to the bank for another 4 years of bashing Obama.All kidding aside, what Hannity, Limbaugh and the rest of the goons are doing is a very bad thing. Them lying about the state of the race is going to do nothing but sow the seeds of resentment when the election goes the other way.
Not a chance. The roots go back to Vietnam and Watergate, the tension simmered for a while and then the Bork nomination brought it back to the foreground where it's remained ever since.I'll take you one further: I'm fairly certain Fox News is the biggest reason this county has become so divisive when it comes to politics.