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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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What's this I hear about Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania trending toward toss up?
Obama has bought advertising in both Michigan and Pennsylvania today??


What's this I hear about Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania trending toward toss up?
Obama has bought advertising in both Michigan and Pennsylvania today??

Hurricane Sandy made it very likely Romney will win Pennsylvania. And Michigan is moving toss-up because Romney's Jeep Attack has been very effective.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yup. I suspect that he's becoming a bigger target now because as the election gets closer, they're becoming more and more worried that he's right.

And if Obama wins, they'll just say "he made a lucky guess, it was a 50/50 chance". There is nothing that will convince them if they don't want to be convinced.

This is because many conservatives have taken the tack that liberals are literally never correct; see Amir0x's post above.

I give them one more bite at the apple before the GOP starts moderating.

Hurricane Sandy made it very likely Romney will win Pennsylvania. And Michigan is moving toss-up because Romney's Jeep Attack has been very effective.

Same price as Borderlands 2


do u see WI getting redder in the next decade?

I'm not sure. My gut instinct is that this is probably the reddest it'll get for a bit in national elections, and from now on it'll probably drift back to something more standard. The state is still pretty liberal, because it has strong progressive movements at its colleges and some decent cities to carry it. I mean look, Tammy Baldwin is going to beat a guy who was a pretty well liked governor now, and she's doing it while being slammed every 3 seconds on the TV for being the most liberal person since Karl Marx.

I think part of the drift hinges on if we have anyone to take on Walker in the next decade. He's really not doing a great job, but I think he'll get credit for the recovery that'll happen anyway, and his fanbase is still slightly rabid. I'm not sure he'll be able to push things again like he did his first term, though, and because of that I don't think his base (or I suppose the opposition) is going to get any more rabid, either.

But, yeah, to sum it up I think this is about as red as we get.


Americans, I am pretty interested in your election but I find your electoral system too complicated.

Explain to me, why is who wins Ohio so important over who wins other states?

There are 538 electoral votes and to become president you need half of them plus 1 (270). If you lined up all of the states and their electoral votes from most likely to vote Obama to most likely to vote Romney and then drew a line in the middle to represent 269 votes you would find Ohio.

In other words, ignoring Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado, New Hampshire, and Florida (all of which appear less likely to go Obama than Ohio) Obama has a winning coalition of 271 electoral votes that includes Ohio. Of those 271 votes, Ohio's 18 represent the ones that Romney would be most able to take.
Yeah, I was looking at that this morning. It seems now that New Hampshire is pretty solid for Obama that means he only needs: Colorado + Iowa OR Virginia OR Ohio.

That's assuming Wisconsin's in his column, too. Still, that's decent odds.

Yeah, if Wisc, Nevada and NH are all in Obama's camp...any of those 3 scenarios gives him the win.

If Obama takes FL... this will be over quick. Be nice to enjoy the election rather than worrying all night.


Hurricane Sandy made it very likely Romney will win Pennsylvania. And Michigan is moving toss-up because Romney's Jeep Attack has been very effective.

it was somewhat damp this morning out in orange county. i fear the whole county might go republican, handing california to romney.


it was somewhat damp this morning out in orange county. i fear the whole county might go republican, handing california to romney.

the question is were wind speeds over 5mph?

Polls show areas where wind speed goes above 5mph less than a week til Election Day generally go Red.


do u see WI getting redder in the next decade?

This is actually a really interesting question, because the people who are winning the election for Obama aren't really part of his Goonies/Hope and Change coalition at all -- they're blue-collar white voters, who are part of the old New Deal Democratic coalition. So will the Democrats manage to hold onto those voters? That would represent either a Biden-style hooking of organized labor, or a more overtly urban pitch. If they don't, they'll probably lose Wisconsin and Iowa over time as they pick up Texas and Arizona. (Which seems like a fair trade to me.)
This is because many conservatives have taken the tack that liberals are literally never correct; see Amir0x's post above.

I give them one more bite at the apple before the GOP starts moderating.

Maybe, I could definitely see them doubling down for a while though. I think they see their success in 2010 as a vindication of far-right principles, and this election will be close enough that they can go with the "Romney was too moderate" narrative. So it'll still be pretty easy for them to convince themselves that the country still favors them. I'd be a little surprised if they moderate themselves without first losing a couple landslide elections.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm not sure. My gut instinct is that this is probably the reddest it'll get for a bit in national elections, and from now on it'll probably drift back to something more standard. The state is still pretty liberal, because it has strong progressive movements at its colleges and some decent cities to carry it. I mean look, Tammy Baldwin is going to beat a guy who was a pretty well liked governor now, and she's doing it while being slammed every 3 seconds on the TV for being the most liberal person since Karl Marx.

I think part of the drift hinges on if we have anyone to take on Walker in the next decade. He's really not doing a great job, but I think he'll get credit for the recovery that'll happen anyway, and his fanbase is still slightly rabid. I'm not sure he'll be able to push things again like he did his first term, though, and because of that I don't think his base (or I suppose the opposition) is going to get any more rabid, either.

But, yeah, to sum it up I think this is about as red as we get.

I'm sure turning WI red was part of why he picked Ryan, but it doesn't seem likely at all that Mitt's going to turn WI given the four point spread. As Silver noted, dropping a four point polling lead in with 10 days left has never happened.

Maybe, I could definitely see them doubling down for a while though. I think they see their success in 2010 as a vindication of far-right principles, and this election will be close enough that they can go with the "Romney was too moderate" narrative. I'd be a little surprised if they moderate themselves without first losing a couple landslide elections.

The natural improvement of the economy will make a lot of the crazy naturally go away. Bush ran in 2000 as a compassionate conservative, not a Guns N Ammo fuck the EEOC candidate.


An election is coming where Texas will be the most important swing state in the country.

I wonder how Texas going purple and possibly blue would change the Democratic party. Will it become more conservative in a way?
Ohio is the most important state of the election. Romney can't win without it, and once it's called it's over.

But it has nothing to do with Ohio's geography, resources, location, etc.

Ohio just randomly happens to be a state with a closely divided public between D & R and have decent number of votes. It is a random quirk of this time in history. As someone else mentioned, it has been other states that played this role and the role may move to other states in the future.


I wonder how Texas going purple and possibly blue would change the Democratic party. Will it become more conservative in a way?

It depends on why they start getting ahead in Texas. If Obama completes immigration reform during this term and solidifies latino support as a block, and they end up voting like African Americans do, then I don't think they need to change much. They're already going to get their votes by the simple fact that they helped them where it counts and aren't Republicans who want to hurt them where it counts. I realize latinos are actually more conservative people, but I think by the time Texas is a swing state I'm just not sure gay marriage and stuff will be able to scare them all to much so that they abandon the people that really pushed on immigration reform.
Who wants HOPIUM? I got your HOPIUM right here! Step right up and get it.

Consumer Surveys ‏@Google_Surveys
Today's @Google_Surveys #election poll: #Obama 47.1%/#Romney 43.1% http://goo.gl/xQ0BA @fivethirtyeight @washingtonpost @NBCPolitics

And now NBA season starts tonight. Woo.


Shut up, Speculawyer. This is all my state has.
Don't worry.. if and when Ohio goes blue next week, it will remain the liberals' darling for quite some time to come. At the very least, you guys won't get grouped-in with the Mississippis, Louisianas and Alabamas (i.e., "#s 48, 49, and 50 in most quality of life studies") in terms of reputation.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
New CBS News/New York Times poll: Obama 48%, Romney 47% among likely voters. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/31/us/politics/race-narrows-as-campaign-enters-its-final-week.html?hp

Obama up in:


Romney up in:

Tied in:

Average says Obama slightly up. It's essentially tied, though.

It's hilarious how conservatives keep saying Romney is up 4 by only looking at Gallup. Most the polls have Obama up. Ras and Gallup are the only ones giving Romney more than 1 right now.


Don't worry.. if and when Ohio goes blue next week, it will remain the liberals' darling for quite some time to come. At the very least, you guys won't get grouped-in with the Mississippis, Louisianas and Alabamas (i.e., "#s 48, 49, and 50 in most quality of life studies") in terms of reputation.


Still, it's interesting to think that although Ohio has a myth of itself being an all important state in the general election, it's a status that' built upon a million accidents. All it would take is for VA and CO to become half a shade bluer and Ohio's importance is dramatically changed.

At least Iowa and New Hampshire get to have their importance in the primary be a secure thing.


The Autumn Wind
Obama up in:


Romney up in:

Tied in:

Average says Obama slightly up. It's essentially tied, though.
Every time I see these polls, my heart is naturally inclined to speed up, until I remember that it's for the popular vote.
Obama up in:


Romney up in:

Tied in:

Average says Obama slightly up. It's essentially tied, though.

It's hilarious how conservatives keep saying Romney is up 4 by only looking at Gallup. Most the polls have Obama up. Ras and Gallup are the only ones giving Romney more than 1 right now.



Romney just has no luck in Iowa lol

Obama wins Principal Financial’s cookie poll
The cookie poll may be unscientific, but the company claims it has a history of accurately picking presidents: In 2004, The 2004 cookie poll outcome was George W. Bush, 52 percent; John Kerry 46 percent; and Ralph Nader 2 percent. (The actual election results were Bush 51 percent; Kerry 48 percent; Nader 1 percent.) Bush won by three cookies in 2000 over Al Gore.
Added a few polls I missed. Only 4 polls has it anything but a 1 point or tied race. 2 on each side.

Nationally, the race is tied according to the polling.
There is one employee in particular that I have privately debated on this election every single fucking day for like a year. His name is Gary O'Toole (yes, that's his fucking name). He has to be the most bitter, delusional fuck I've ever heard in my life. It never ever mattered what the news was about Romney, he thinks he has run the greatest campaign in political history. EVERYTHING, anything, to do with Obama is negative. Everything. I asked him to name one positive and he couldn't, and when I mentioned Osama Bin Laden he just turned it into a screed about the president taking all the credit like the "****** he is."

Every day, no matter how the polling is, Romney is in the lead. Every day, no matter what the story is, Romney has done no wrong. Every day, no matter what Obama did, Romney would have done it better somehow.

So far I got to suck up the tears in the most amazing fashion after the Affordable Health Care act was saved by the Supreme Court. He was literally screaming at the top of his lungs at me and was forced to leave work early lol
Well, why do you tolerate that racist prick? Granted I work in an air-conditioned office, but I'd imagine that if I were in a situation where an asshole keeps repeating the n-word, I'll tell him to tone it down/not use in my presence. Or I'll just report to the higher ups. I dunno much about working at army depot, but I can straight up tell you that I cannot work in an environment where 90% of workers are political sheep and/or racists. Anyways, their tears are gonna be so salty they could corrode their skulls.



Still, it's interesting to think that although Ohio has a myth of itself being an all important state in the general election, it's a status that' built upon a million accidents. All it would take is for VA and CO to become half a shade bluer and Ohio's importance is dramatically changed.

At least Iowa and New Hampshire get to have their importance in the primary be a secure thing.
Enjoy it. I'm jealous, but would imagine that my non-political-junky friends and family would loathe it if Louisiana's EVs were up for grabs. We'd see a ton of visits. Great photo op locations here..
What's this I hear about Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania trending toward toss up?
Obama has bought advertising in both Michigan and Pennsylvania today??
That is nothing but the media attempting to build up some drama. Those are all (heavily) lean to Obama states that Romney doesn't really have a shot in.
Obama up in:


Romney up in:

Tied in:

Average says Obama slightly up. It's essentially tied, though.

It's hilarious how conservatives keep saying Romney is up 4 by only looking at Gallup. Most the polls have Obama up. Ras and Gallup are the only ones giving Romney more than 1 right now.

Didn't Obama's Black Panther thugs closed down Gallup? If so, why are we still taking their poll, which I assume is couple of days old?


PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
62% view Halloween favorably, 26% will be dressing up, 15% still undecided on costume

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
38% of men say they'd survive at least a year during a zombie outbreak while 35% of women say less than a week

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
37% of voters say they believe in ghosts - 26% say they've seen a ghost.
Shut up, Speculawyer. This is all my state has.

Hey man, I grew up in Minnesota so I'm a midwesterner. Ohio has plenty going for it. Farming, industry, etc. And I really want Ohio to remain with its blue midwestern brethren of Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and (often) Iowa. Fuck those Hoosiers though. ;-)


The Autumn Wind
PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
62% view Halloween favorably, 26% will be dressing up, 15% still undecided on costume

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
38% of men say they'd survive at least a year during a zombie outbreak while 35% of women say less than a week

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
37% of voters say they believe in ghosts - 26% say they've seen a ghost.
Now these are polls I can get behind.
Is anyone else hoping that Romney wins the popular vote due to subdued turnout in NE blue states, but still romps to a 300+ electoral vote win? The tears of sadness from the republicans will redeem those tears of anger from 12 years ago!


Is anyone else hoping that Romney wins the popular vote due to subdued turnout in NE blue states, but still romps to a 300+ electoral vote win? The tears of sadness from the republicans will redeem those tears of anger from 12 years ago!

people are going to shit on obama anyway, but i don't want to give them even more of a reason.


I hope Silver's predictions are 99% accurate so he can have the last laugh.

Well, Drudge removed Politico's Nate Silver story fairly quickly. I bet it has something to do with the massive amount of user comments defending Nate and mathematics.

I also noticed Drudge now lists Nate Silver in his source list. "One trick pony" my butt.


That is FUCKING SCARY statistic. Think about the number of those people that looked at the Bush economic collapse and decided they wanted more of that!

And this might be a clue that republicans are identifying as republicans:

In that poll 40% independents say that Romney would follow Bush's economic policies somewhat closely, and 19% say very closely. In the overall poll independents are split 51 to 39 for Romney. That means a good chunk of Independents not only are voting for Bush again, but readily admit it.

Also, 80% of the people in that poll say Obama would raise taxes on businesses. 15% said he would not. 50% say Obama would raise taxes on "someone like you," and 42% say he would not. For Romney 54% said he would raise taxes on "someone like you," and 44% said he would not.
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