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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Joe Biden is a beautiful human being, best vice president in the last 100 years.

He really is. Such a compassionate and caring fellow. This is a picture of him from one of his rallies.


Standing at the back of a packed high school gym as Vice President Biden finished speaking in Ft. Myers, Florida, on Saturday was 15-year-old Kobe Groce. He cradled a "Forward" sign, hoping to get the Vice President to sign it for his brother, Kaelin. After unsuccessfully trying to make it to the front of the event, a staff member asked if he could help. Kobe told his story, and the staffer left for a moment and came back, saying simply: "The Vice President would like to meet you."

"I turned around and looked back at my mother as I was walking with the staffer in disbelief—I didn't know how to react. I was about to meet the man that helped make my life so much better.

"My mother, Jessica, raised us as a single mother. She's a teacher and has worked so hard to support her four children. I wanted the Vice President to know that yes, we are definitely better off than we were four years ago. My family has received the tax cuts for the middle class that the President and Vice President passed, and it has helped us tremendously.


Kobe was very grateful for the chance to meet the Vice President, but he didn't want to leave without something for his brother.

"I explained to the Vice President that the reason I was there was because my older brother inspired me to do so. He said, 'Do you have his phone number?' Then he called him and said, 'Kaelin, this is Vice President Biden' and they chatted for about five minutes! He also signed my placard, and the last line of his note really has stuck with me. He wrote: 'It was a pleasure meeting you, keep the faith.'

"I'm definitely going to keep the faith, and the thing I'm most looking forward to is watching President Obama and Vice President Biden being sworn in for a second term on January 20th, 2013."

Today, Kobe is signing up to spend the last 34 days of this campaign working as hard to re-elect President Obama and Vice President Biden as they are working for him.
Now try imagining something like this happening with Paul Ryan or Dick Cheney. Not in a million years.


brazen editing lynx
choose three states to remove from the USA:

One from the South, One From the North and One from the MidWest


Mississippi: Florida's a close second, but they occasionally get the vote right. Mississippi is ass backwards in every sense.

New Hampshire: No particular reason. NH just seems the least useful of the northeastern states.

Oklahoma: They're like Texas, but without the possibility of going purple any time soon.

If Oklahoma counts as South and not Midwest, then I'll go with Arizona. So much wasted potential. Get Jan Brewer out of office and maybe I'll reconsider.


choose three states to remove from the USA:

One from the South, One From the North and One from the MidWest


south: south carolina - you want to stay with britain in the first place, and are the first to secede from the union? no, south carolina, fuck you

midwest: indiana - i don't know what this state does and i don't care to find out

north: new hampshire - just to stop them from being sorta-swing statey dicks
Hopium? psh. I need some of that schadenfreude. Inject that shit into my veeeins.

LOL. That has certainly been this thread lately. In 2008, it was a hopium den. In 2012, it is a crackhouse of schadenfreude.

I guess you want that when you have hear about so many crazy conspiracy theories and scandal manufacturing.


He really is. Such a compassionate and caring fellow. This is a picture of him from one of his rallies.


Now try imagining something like this happening with Paul Ryan or Dick Cheney. Not in a million years.

Paul Ryan would sneak up on the black kid, toss his arm around him for a photo and bail out before the kid knew what was going on. Headline - "Paul Ryan has a black friend".


All around I see predictions of a Mittamerica but I come here and I can see hope. I remember people on gaf predicting a Kerry win too. Man..that sucked.
Those alleged memo tweets refer to Florida right?

I'm not sure what to believe. Romney's camp has been super optimistic all week, at least publicly. Why would someone release a detailed memo to a local reporter detailing how fucked the campaign is...in order to inspire republicans to turn out? I can buy a leak of panic, but a leak to get your side fired up, this late in the game? Something seems off


That pic made me tear-up when I originally read the story to go with it. Powerful.

My favorite Uncle Joe moment? When it seemed like everything was crumbling, and most Democrats were panicking, he restored hope.

It's a funny toon, but it's also touching.
That pic made me tear-up when I originally read the story to go with it. Powerful.

My favorite Uncle Joe moment? When it seemed like everything was crumbling, and most Democrats were panicking, he restored hope.

It's a funny toon, but it's also touching.

Goddam right...Papa Joe provided the kick in the ass democrats needed after the first debate.


Mississippi - The very first state that popped up in my mind when I read the question. It is beyond help.

Indiana - fuck you.

Missouri - fuck you too.


Those alleged memo tweets refer to Florida right?

I'm not sure what to believe. Romney's camp has been super optimistic all week, at least publicly. Why would someone release a detailed memo to a local reporter detailing how fucked the campaign is...in order to inspire republicans to turn out? I can buy a leak of panic, but a leak to get your side fired up, this late in the game? Something seems off

It is strange that they leaked that but at the same time FL and VA has gone to Romney leans to toss up.


Those alleged memo tweets refer to Florida right?

I'm not sure what to believe. Romney's camp has been super optimistic all week, at least publicly. Why would someone release a detailed memo to a local reporter detailing how fucked the campaign is...in order to inspire republicans to turn out? I can buy a leak of panic, but a leak to get your side fired up, this late in the game? Something seems off

Here's the memo.



some memo said:
The early and absentee turnout is starting to look more troubling. As of yesterday, Republicans made up only 22% of early voters and 30% of returned absentee votes.

This is closer to (and worse than) 2008 where we saw 19% EV and 38% of the absentees. 2010 (our blowout year) was 33% of EV and 45% of AB.

Conclusion: the Democrat turnout machine in the county has been very effective and they are cleaning our clock. Even if Romney wins the state (likely based on polls), the turnout deficit in PBC will affect our local races.

NET: when you are calling or canvassing, remind people how effective our opposition as been and how they must not only get themselves to the polls but their friends and neighbors as well.

I agree that it seems like a weird leak for a GOP strategist to put out. On the other hand, the "NET:" bit strikes me as the kind of weird internal jargon that people don't think to fake.
Hey, guys, name a state to get rid of, one state to marry, and one state to have sex with and never see again. Go!
Rid: Texas. Let them strike out on their own if they're so tough.

Marry: Washington State, if I weren't already married. I think we'd be happy together and British Columbia is right next door.

Defile and never see again: Alabama, but only because I think Alabama is secretly a freak that would scream my name in bed, ask me to call it a whore in Spanish and constantly have a pleading, intense look on its face during that makes me slightly uncomfortable, but ignore me in the street the next day and call me racist epithets if I attempted to start a conversation.

Florida, Iowa and New Hampshire, just to shake up the next primary season.


Poppycock. Just because it isn't a top-tier swing state doesn't mean that Obama and the Unions don't have one hell of a turnout machine still in place..


that guy posted a picture of the memo on his site now

I am trying to read it but if the memo is accurate it actually makes it sound WORSE than he is describing.

"GOP memo: when you are canvassing, remind people how effective our opposition has been and how they must get friends and nabes to polls "

"PBC GOP Ch Sid Dinerstein to me: "We are broken glass Republicans." "Meaning?" "We will walk on broken glass to vote."

For the record, I don't want to kick out any states and I feel bad for playing. But . . .
South - Alabama . . hey, I'm a Neil Young fan.
Mid-West - As I said earlier, fuck the Hoosiers (Indiana).
North - Alaska . . . they have secession movement as is. Fine, the place is a money-sink for the Federal government. Let them sell their oil to pay for their own infrastructure.


The memo leak is interesting, but it still doesn't make me happy enough to think Obama is going to win FL.

Sad face.
Again, Romney is campaigning all day tomorrow in FL, confirming that it's in play. This is a state that, for a good deal of the month, Romney was ahead in. He needs it to win and Obama doesn't.

A winning, or tied, campaign should be able to focus on other swing states right now.


Win or lose, I wonder who will run for the democratic ticket in 2016. Don't think Biden will run. If Obama wins and the economy does recover much more in the next four years like its predicted to, the dems will have a good chance to win it again. Who are the rising stars?


Again, Romney is campaigning all day tomorrow in FL, confirming that it's in play. This is a state that, for a good deal of the month, Romney was ahead in. He needs it to win and Obama doesn't.

A winning, or tied, campaign should be able to focus on other swing states right now.

Well, that's a positive way to look at it. I didn't even think of the resources needed to ensure a victory for Romney.

Good shit.
The memo leak is interesting, but it still doesn't make me happy enough to think Obama is going to win FL.

Sad face.

Same. It even says Romney will likely win the state based on polls (internal, perhaps?). Obviously Hispanic and black turnout may be so insane that Obama pulls out a close win, but I'm not betting on it.


If Florida was as much of a lock as Romney and the GOP wants us to think, Romney wouldn't still be there.

Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, etc are far more important for him to win and yet Romney's wasting his time in Florida at such a crucial point in the campaign?


If Florida was as much of a lock as Romney and the GOP wants us to think, Romney wouldn't still be there.

Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, etc are far more important for him to win and yet Romney's wasting his time in Florida at such a crucial point in the campaign?

Exactly. That he needs to make appearances to spark enthusiasm and drive turnout says it all about where they're at now in the state.

Ideally, he wouldn't set foot outside Ohio until the 7th of November.


Same. It even says Romney will likely win the state based on polls (internal, perhaps?). Obviously Hispanic and black turnout may be so insane that Obama pulls out a close win, but I'm not betting on it.


I want a sweep, though. Goddamn it do I want an electoral sweep.

FL is so fucking volatile, though, so who the fuck knows what will actually happen. FL is like a separate country with all of their demographics.


The Autumn Wind
Midwest - Missourah, I'll be dead in the cold cold ground before I recognize them

He really is. Such a compassionate and caring fellow. This is a picture of him from one of his rallies.


Now try imagining something like this happening with Paul Ryan or Dick Cheney. Not in a million years.
That's an incredibly moving picture. Great job by the photographer capturing that moment.

indeed. i'm very concerned about the trend lines..



145 hours left until voting begins at Dixville Notch.

If Romney has to spend a huge chunk of those hours in Florida.. ouch.

I can hardly wait to see where Obama goes barnstorming later on this week. Hopping from state to state, sleeping 2 hours a night on Air Force One.. we're getting close!
145 hours left until voting begins at Dixville Notch.

If Romney has to spend a huge chunk of those hours in Florida.. ouch.

I can hardly wait to see where Obama goes barnstorming later on this week. Hopping from state to state, sleeping 2 hours a night on Air Force One.. we're getting close!

Nintendo may divide us but damnit we're a week away from celebration!
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