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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Really? I feel like he has flipflopped his positions more this cycle than he has his entire career. I can't remember any recent presidential candidate of a major party with such obvious position changes from the primary to general election:

"Let Detroit go bankrupt" to "President Obama saved the auto industry just like I said he should only he didn't do it as well as I would have".

"47 percent yada yada" to "I care about 100 percent of the American people".

Obamacare is killing our country and must be repealed to I'm proud to be the grandfather of Obamacare.

Privatize FEMA to Governor Romney would not get rid of FEMA.


Not to mention his stiffness and awkwardness. He's been a terrible candidate and I can't understand why this election is as close as it is.
Because no one in the media will call him on it. This is why it's close, the media has been spin doctoring Romney's campaign to make this race as close as possible.

Same with how Romney "won" the first debate while spewing bullshit. Its all to fit a narrative the media needs, because this is the big ratings booster for 24 hour news channels that only comes around every 4 years.

I'd argue it's the same with polls, which is why the Detroit News can roll out a poll claiming Michigan is close and no one questions their merits, how they did the poll, etc. Instead the media runs with the "even Michigan is close!" narrative.

Romney isn't a great candidate, but the media is working damn hard to make sure he looks like at least a credible candidate.


Setec Astronomer
If we let FEMA help New Jersey this time, then they'll know they can let themselves get hit by a hurricane next time and FEMA will come to their aid again.



In addition, I don't understand how "neighbors helping neighbors" will not create dependency, while FEMA will.

I have certainly seen real life situations where a helpful, generous person is clearly taken advantage of by a selfish person who realizes the situation and never reciprocates because he knows he doesn't have to. That's dependency.

Further, FEMA really is a form of "neighbors helping neighbors" anyway. I pay taxes which in part go to help those in New Jersey who are in distress. This understanding is only false if you literally mean the person right next door (and thus don't count me as a "neighbor"), which is of course highly impractical and impossible to rely on with any consistency. Your neighbor may not want to help, but even if he does, he may be even worse off then you because storms that hit your house likely hit his too.
A summary of Morning Joe this morning: It looks like Ohio might be slipping away from Romney, but he could win Michigan and Pennsylvania so it doesn't matter. Oh, and all these polls are skewed toward Democrats

The is absolutely no way Obama would win Ohio and lose Michigan. As for Pennsylvania, Romney has lead one poll there the entire year, and that was back in February. The last minute reach for Pennsylvania is very McCainesque
A summary of Morning Joe this morning: It looks like Ohio might be slipping away from Romney, but he could win Michigan and Pennsylvania so it doesn't matter. Oh, and all these polls are skewed toward Democrats

The is absolutely no way Obama would win Ohio and lose Michigan. As for Pennsylvania, Romney has lead one poll there the entire year, and that was back in February. The last minute reach for Pennsylvania is very McCainesque

I hope people realise a couple of million people watch cable news at best, let alone Morning Joe! The polling data is what it is, a Romney comeback at this point would be a hail mary like we've never seen.


A summary of Morning Joe this morning: It looks like Ohio might be slipping away from Romney, but he could win Michigan and Pennsylvania so it doesn't matter. Oh, and all these polls are skewed toward Democrats

The is absolutely no way Obama would win Ohio and lose Michigan. As for Pennsylvania, Romney has lead one poll there the entire year, and that was back in February. The last minute reach for Pennsylvania is very McCainesque

Joe is pretty decent most of the time, it is only when an election draws near he goes into all out GOP spin mode.


Its Oct 31st. Here to give Diablos doom and gloom update on Sandy impact on Philly area voting is gcubed...

I had to make sure I stepped over the sticks on my walk to my trolley... which is part of the city public transportation system that is functional.


bahaahaha, based on the new numbers, Bams is trending right back to where he was in late September. Debate bounce wiped out.




Its Oct 31st. Here to give Diablos doom and gloom update on Sandy impact on Philly area voting is gcubed...

I had to make sure I stepped over the sticks on my walk to my trolley... which is part of the city public transportation system that is functional.
It's only a matter of time until those sticks get pushed onto the tracks and derail the trolleys.
Joe is pretty decent most of the time, it is only when an election draws near he goes into all out GOP spin mode.

Agreed. For a Gringrich conservative, he's pretty darn tame. The GOP has had a big part in the success of his career and it's not surprising that he'd behave this way so close to an election that really is a big deal for movement conservatives.

That being said, there's a line between harmless cheerleading and going full-on into the FOX-grade reality distortion field and he's kind of crossed it.
Agreed. For a Gringrich conservative, he's pretty darn tame. The GOP has had a big part in the success of his career and it's not surprising that he'd behave this way so close to an election that really is a big deal for movement conservatives.

That being said, there's a line between harmless cheerleading and going full-on into the FOX-grade reality distortion field and he's kind of crossed it.

I agree, his on air mocking of Nate Silver has been way over the top


Its Oct 31st. Here to give Diablos doom and gloom update on Sandy impact on Philly area voting is gcubed...

I had to make sure I stepped over the sticks on my walk to my trolley... which is part of the city public transportation system that is functional.

Hey, you live in the city? Always thought you were in the burbs.


Ah, got it. Glad the 101 is working for you today; heard service will be terminated short of Media.

Yup they have shuttle buses between media and Springfield . I live right where it stopped (that run is through a wooded area).

You're in the city right? I was contemplating staying at a friends house down there and going to one of the open bars all night.

To bring it full circle, not much impact in Philly area 2 days out let alone 7.


Chuck Todd just in " little evidence to support Obamas campaign position that Romney is throwing Hail Marys at PN, MI, MN." Seriously chuck?


Sidhe / PikPok
CNN is talking about Christie praising Obama with respect to the storm response again. Amazing sign of the times that the simple act of somebody in one political party praising another in a moment in time is so unusual as to warrant news and analysis, while the status quo of the other party always criticizing every opposition action, no matter what, is just accepted.
A summary of Morning Joe this morning: It looks like Ohio might be slipping away from Romney, but he could win Michigan and Pennsylvania so it doesn't matter. Oh, and all these polls are skewed toward Democrats

The is absolutely no way Obama would win Ohio and lose Michigan. As for Pennsylvania, Romney has lead one poll there the entire year, and that was back in February. The last minute reach for Pennsylvania is very McCainesque

WTF happened to Joe Scarborough? I always thought he seemed like a mostly decent dude.

If the auto bailout is a big reason why Obama is going to win Ohio (and it is), it should translate to an absolute landslide in Michigan.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Good gravy, Joe just said that most of the polls that have Obama winning are "in the tank" for him.


Chuck Todd just in " little evidence to support Obamas campaign position that Romney is throwing Hail Marys at PN, MI, MN." Seriously chuck?

Chuck Todd is a fucking idiot and a hack. Not surprising. I used to say he should just shut the fuck up when he's not talking about polls, but apparently he's not even doing that right now.


Seems like we go through this every four years. GOP threatens to take {*insert midwestern Dem state here*}, Election Day comes, Dems win their usual midwestern states handily.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Chuck Todd just in " little evidence to support Obamas campaign position that Romney is throwing Hail Marys at PN, MI, MN." Seriously chuck?

Even Marky Mark Halperin was siding with the Obama campaign on that one.


This guy knows what's up
Mitt Romney set to win, maybe by a mile

One week from today, the Boston Herald’s front page will either read “Obama Pulls Out Victory” Or “Romney Wins.” (Actually, given that this is the Herald the headline will be something clever like, “He’s Barack In Charge!” or “Sweet Mitt-ory!”)

I predict the latter. One week from today, Mitt wins.

I’ll even go a step farther. I’ll ask the question poll watchers across America are thinking but afraid to ask: Is this election over?

If your source of news is MSNBC or the Boston Globe-Democrat, obviously not. If anything, you think President Obama is on the verge of a massive sweep from North Carolina to Nevada.

But if you’ve been watching the polls and the campaigns at all objectively, you’re starting to see a picture develop. One where Romney’s the winner well before bedtime.

I believe we’re on the verge of a solid Romney win for two reasons. One is the objective evidence. The other is the ugly desperation of the Obama campaign in its final days.

First the numbers. And let’s start with the big one: Before Gallup suspended polling due to Hurricane Sandy, Mitt Romney was at or above 50 percent among likely voters for 14 consecutive days. No candidate above 50 percent at this point has ever lost the presidential race.


The president, on the other hand, has peaked at 47 percent. The Battleground Poll model shows Obama losing 52 percent to 47 percent. Rasmussen daily tracking has Obama losing 49 percent to 47 percent. Pew has him tied: 47 percent to 47 percent. But more important, all the polls show Obama sliding or stuck. None show any upward movement.

Obama supporters are quick to tell you “the only poll that matters is the one on Election Day.” Two things: a) that’s what candidates who are behind always say; b) this is election day.

Thanks to early voting, millions of votes have already been cast. Four years ago on this day — Halloweek — Gallup released a poll of folks who’d already voted and found Obama was beating John McCain by 15 points.

This year? He’s losing to Mitt Romney 52 percent to 45 percent — a set swing of 22 points. The wrong way.

But who cares if Obama loses the popular vote (and he will, by the way)? All that matters is winning the Electoral College vote in the “swing states!” That’s Obama’s path to victory!

OK. But what is a swing state? Forget Virginia and Ohio. Obama’s lost so much ground he’s been forced to send Joe Biden to Pennsylvania and Bill Clinton to Minnesota — a state so blue Ronald Reagan never carried it.

The president, on the other hand, is only up by 6 among the loony-left granola-crunchers of Oregon.

Those are the numbers. The campaign Obama’s running looks even worse.

Between desperate, last-second proposals for a “Secretary of Business” and embarrassing ads comparing voting for Obama to a girl losing her virginity, you can smell the desperation from the Obama camp.

These are the juvenile stunts of a second-tier congressional race, not the campaign of an incumbent president. Then again, has any other president posted a picture of his opponent in a dunce cap? Or called his opponent a “bullsh***er” on the record? Obama’s done both.

The Obama campaign is angry, it’s negative and it acts like — to quote Bill Clinton — its feelings are hurt. In a word: Losing.

More and more people sense it. Ben Domenech wrote at RealClearPoli tics.com about an “undertow” that seems to be pulling Obama’s support away. It’s not that Obama’s supporters have turned on him. They’ve just abandoned him. They’ve drifted away. Like so many of us, they’re just done with Obama.

If I’m wrong, I’m counting on you to mock me for it mercilessly next Wednesday. But I’m not wrong.

And isn’t it interesting how many people already seem to know it.
Chuck Todd just in " little evidence to support Obamas campaign position that Romney is throwing Hail Marys at PN, MI, MN." Seriously chuck?

Think Chuck said the exact opposite of what you said, on NBC just 5 minutes ago(first hour of Today). He said Obama's point is Mitt is running out of ground because new NYT/CBS poll has Obama up in FLA, VA, OH so Romney is focusing on those other 3. Never heard the line "little evidence" in winning the 51st state of PN.


Wow how the mighty have fallen. 4 years ago he was called "Chuck Godd" on PoliGAF.

Now that I think of it, his non-polling analysis reminds me of Wolf Blitzer. They're two dumb, boring, unattractive guys with absolutely nothing to say.

Watching him talk during the debt ceiling crisis actually made me a dumber person.


All Chuck was good for was calling attention to delegate counts and math when everyone was strictly focused on polling numbers and momentum, his analysis has always been awful.
PPP Iowa 50-45 Owebama
PPP Wisconson 51-46 Obummer

Basically the same margins that you'd expect given a blind guess of the states vs. the spreads in the other swing states.
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