But that Iowa newspaper endorsed Romney! No way Obama can be that high!PPP Iowa 50-45 Owebama
PPP Wisconson 51-46 Obummer
But that Iowa newspaper endorsed Romney! No way Obama can be that high!PPP Iowa 50-45 Owebama
PPP Wisconson 51-46 Obummer
And if Obama wins FL or NC, Scarborough grows a mustache.David Axelrod says he'll shave off his mustache live on Morning Joe if Obama loses PA or MI.
Is there a reason - demographic or otherwise - why Indiana is solidly Republican while the rest of the Midwest is blue/purple?
Already posted.
Can't wait for CNN to call it a dead heat today!
Only one big city (Indianapolis), not multiple big ones like Ohio or PA or a massive city like Chicago to offset the rural voters in the southern part of the state.
Wisconsin/Minnesota/Iowa are far enough north to escape the south. Southern Indiana is like a northern extension of Kentucky in many ways (same with Ohio & Illinois).
Indiana democrats have to rely on huge turnout in Gary (Chicago surburb with a large African-American population) and Bloomington (liberal college town but much smaller than Madison, WI), plus not losing by big margins everywhere else. Obama won Hamilton County, the biggest Indianapolis exurb by some miracle last time (which is completely full of Lugar Republicans that will probably vote big for Romney).
David Axelrod says he'll shave off his mustache live on Morning Joe if Obama loses PA or MI.
PPP Iowa 50-45 Owebama
PPP Wisconson 51-46 Obummer
Basically the same margins that you'd expect given a blind guess of the states vs. the spreads in the other swing states.
Excellent new polls. This shit is over. Only question is by how much? Desperate times will really start kicking in now through the weekend for Romney.
Yup they have shuttle buses between media and Springfield . I live right where it stopped (that run is through a wooded area).
You're in the city right? I was contemplating staying at a friends house down there and going to one of the open bars all night.
To bring it full circle, not much impact in Philly area 2 days out let alone 7.
Ugh...if he were really confident, he'd offer to shave his entire head.
PPP Iowa 50-45 Owebama
PPP Wisconson 51-46 Obummer
Basically the same margins that you'd expect given a blind guess of the states vs. the spreads in the other swing states.
Was Kerry ever up like this?
Wow, good polling all around. My only worry now is Rove's 23 million ad buy, but seeing how little effect he and the other PACs have had throughout this election, it almost seems like wasted money.
Oh, and the popular vote.
Wasn't he the guy who got fired from CNN for saying there was a Jewish conspiracy controlling the media?
edit: LOL, of course this dumb asshole is on Fox News now. Of course.
By the way, Sam Wang's site is down.
Wow, good polling all around. My only worry now is Rove's 23 million ad buy, but seeing how little effect he and the other PACs have had throughout this election, it almost seems like wasted money.
Oh, and the popular vote.
This guy knows what's up
Mitt Romney set to win, maybe by a mile
During a debate on the Irish radio channel Newstalk on 28 May 2010, the future President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, accused Graham of indulging in "the radio of hysterical ignorance" and urged him to "be proud to be a decent American rather than being just a wanker whipping up fear."[19][20]
I don't know if the rural element fully explains it. In 2004, Kerry barely won Marion County, even though it's the kind of place that should be a Democrat bastion, and couldn't even win St. Joseph. It seems to me that there is some sort of proclivity for voting Republican. Some parts of the state are more like Kentucky, as you said.Only one big city (Indianapolis), not multiple big ones like Ohio or PA or a massive city like Chicago to offset the rural voters in the southern part of the state.
Wisconsin/Minnesota/Iowa are far enough north to escape the south. Southern Indiana is like a northern extension of Kentucky in many ways (same with Ohio & Illinois).
Indiana democrats have to rely on huge turnout in Gary (Chicago surburb with a large African-American population) and Bloomington (liberal college town but much smaller than Madison, WI), plus not losing by big margins everywhere else. Obama won Hamilton County, the biggest Indianapolis exurb by some miracle last time (which is completely full of Lugar Republicans that will probably vote big for Romney).
SuperPACs can't get as good of deals as the campaigns themselves, so it's not a huge deal. And the airwaves are already packed. Along with that, voters have already heard every argument under the sun. I doubt some SuperPAC ads at the last second will do much. I think ads do well in setting up a narrative for your opponent, but probably not as much for a closing deal after as many as we've already seen.
By the way, Sam Wang's site is down.
good ohio number from Q. however, obama faces a problem with the significant decline of support in virginia and florida along with narrowing in michigan. if those trends hold, obama wins ohio yet loses virginia, florida, and michigan romney could pull off an inside straight...
good ohio number from Q. however, obama faces a problem with the significant decline of support in virginia and florida along with narrowing in michigan. if those trends hold, obama wins ohio yet loses virginia, florida, and michigan romney could pull off an inside straight...
that Florida, North Carolina and Virginia, "which once looked like they were slipping more into the Romney orbit, have pulled back to essentially even-money contests."
I'd love to know if the ad flooding has actually done anything this election, because I don't think it has.
I miss the old Incognito before all he did was troll. He had some of the best insight on GAF in the 04, 06, and 08 elections.
Going into PA and MI is the GOP death march.
RCP shows a series of good polls for Bush down the stretch, with Kerry leading only one of them.Not like this, but he was up in some places he lost but not by a large amount. 538 says the polling average for Ohio the week before the election was Kerry by .8%.