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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I have to hand it to people watching this constantly, exhausting.

I flipped over to Hannity's radio show this afternoon and it was actually strangely cathartic. He was having a mini-meltdown where he just played random soundbites of angry liberal talking heads and mocked them in the style of a whining five-year-old.

Then he went back to talking about how Romney has all but won the election already.

Oooohh! TJ MAX grand opening sale!!


this Michael Graham's website, the guy who wrote that Boston Herald Op Ed, is so funny

UPDATE-UPDATE! How Can A Poll Showing Obama +5 In Ohio Be Bad News For Democrats? Check out the sample:

The D/R/I on this poll is a ridiculous 45/36/19 that assumes Democrats will add six points to their 2008 turnout while independents largely stay home. In 2008, recall, the exit polls showed the electorate at 39/31/30, and the 2010 midterm put it at 36/37/28. Has anyone produced any evidence of such a wave ofDemocratic enthusiasm? Even the CBS/NYT/Q-poll today showed GOP enthusiasm leading by 14 in Ohio, 57/43.

UPDATE! Why the fact that Obama is losing the early voting matters:

If votes cast on Election Day decided the 2008 election, McCain would have won in Florida, Colorado, North Carolina and Iowa. But Obama won those states with an overwhelming early vote advantage

Yes, There Is A New CBS/NYTimes Poll Showing Obama Wins. And it’s as reliable as either CBS or the NYTimes…

Sure, Obama’s up by 5 points in Ohio…if you assume that Democrats will outnumber Republicans by 8 points. To put that in perspective, in 2010, the actual voting population was R+1. Do you really believe there will be a pro-Dem swing of NINE POINTS since 2010?

This poll makes similar assumptions about Virginia (D +8) and Florida (+7) Which means this poll is right if you assume more Democrats turn out vs. Republicans than in 2008 when Obama was the most popular Democrat on the face of the Earth.

i haven't decided what I am going to eat with all those tears.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
this Michael Graham's website, the guy who wrote that Boston Herald Op Ed, is so funny

i haven't decided what I am going to eat with all those tears.

+5 in OH?

Bad news for Obama.


aren't the people picking up the phones and self-identifying as democrats/republicans/independents and likely to vote, proof that democrats are actually kinda excited to vote?


It honestly sounds like a few of us here after the first debate.

maybe but let me say i was always super positive

my response in the immediate aftermath of the first debate:

[url=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=42842393&postcount=4697]Amir0x[/url] said:
I am genuinely confident. Because it's not about national polls, it's about battlegrounds, and one debate is not going to erase the extremely strong ground work laid by the Obama campaign, particularly in rust belt states. He's already polling a consistent 5~ points ahead in Ohio, and he has 96 field offices compared to 30 some for Romney there, he was way ahead in polls during the start of Early Voting, and a debate isn't going to change Romney's "let Detroit go Bankrupt" or his 47% comments, not entirely, and Obama is going to continue to rule the airwaves on that front.

And then there is the Electoral College on a broader scale; something like a seismic shift would have to occur for Romney to be a odds-on favorite. And the debate, while clearly a loss for Obama, is not that. It simply gives Romney his first real winning news cycle all campaign, which for Romney must seem like heaven, for Obama supporters must seem completely unfamiliar and horrifying, but in the end is not enough to win an election.

people are too prone to freaking at individual data points and don't look at the larger picture, it's the problem

look at my comments about Ohio, for example. If I had said that today, would you think it was weird? Nothing has changed!


I worked at a Pizza Hut while I was an undergrad when the ACA passed. I literally would not have had health insurance at that time had the bill not been passed, which kept me on my parent's insurance.

Fuck Pizza Hut.


this Michael Graham's website, the guy who wrote that Boston Herald Op Ed, is so funny

How Can A Poll Showing Obama +5 In Ohio Be Bad News For Democrats? Check out the sample:

i haven't decided what I am going to eat with all those tears.

He reminds me a bit of Black Mamba's analysis after the first debate.

"See, this poll is actually really bad for Romney."



Or vote again! Voter fraud is the new hotness from what I hear ;)

Hell yes. The democrats' secret weapon. Mickey Mouse will vote thousands of times in every swing state!

Don't have the time. Full time work and school. I had to call in late to work just so I could vote.

I feel you. I'm in the same boat, except I have a 10 month old, as well. I'd drive out to Ohio and put in time if I could.


in today's right wing bubble media culture, endorsements like this really don't mean all that much unless said bubble endorses someone

The combination of Kerrey moving into the low single digits combined with Hagel being a Republican gives me some room for optimism. I never expected much from this race but an upset now seems possible, if still probably unlikely.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
WTF is with all this hysterical poll misinterpretation by the right? I much prefer when they say IGNORE THE POLLS than when they unskew. Thanks Gallup for your contribution with that "romney leads with early voting!!!!"

I think that is an utterly meaningless figure.

But the truth about Christie’s outreach to Obama is blindingly obvious: Mitt Romney is now running away with this election, freeing Christie to praise the president without fear that doing so will tip the scales.

What the FUCK


It's true, Obama now running scared in OR, MI, MN and PA.

Unless ACORN steals the election there is just no way for Obama to win.


Stopped by my parents' house earlier and heard some new conspiracies. Facebook is removing anti-Obama posts. Obama had originally planned for the hostages to be taken in Libya so he could negotiate an October surprise release. Also, black people are getting away with voting 6 or 7 times. I also got to watch a little bit of fox news.

FYI, I live in the city in TN that's had the Mosque building controversy. One good thing is most of the Dejarles signs went down after it was discovered he had a mistress and he got her to have an abortion.


Nice to see you guys not panicking. I was confident following the first debate that Obama wasn't going to lose and I'm just as confident now. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I don't understand. Do these people not know how the electoral college and state polls work?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I don't understand. Do these people not know how the electoral college and state polls work?

Some of them don't.
Some of them do, and are absolutely completely desperate to believe otherwise because so much of their worldview is invested in a skewed reality.
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