[url=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=42842393&postcount=4697]Amir0x[/url] said:
I am genuinely confident. Because it's not about national polls, it's about battlegrounds, and one debate is not going to erase the extremely strong ground work laid by the Obama campaign, particularly in rust belt states. He's already polling a consistent 5~ points ahead in Ohio, and he has 96 field offices compared to 30 some for Romney there, he was way ahead in polls during the start of Early Voting, and a debate isn't going to change Romney's "let Detroit go Bankrupt" or his 47% comments, not entirely, and Obama is going to continue to rule the airwaves on that front.
And then there is the Electoral College on a broader scale; something like a seismic shift would have to occur for Romney to be a odds-on favorite. And the debate, while clearly a loss for Obama, is not that. It simply gives Romney his first real winning news cycle all campaign, which for Romney must seem like heaven, for Obama supporters must seem completely unfamiliar and horrifying, but in the end is not enough to win an election.