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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Hunter S.

Did my part in Colorado. Most of the people I know have gone liberal, though most of us are young whites. My peer group must be crazy.


Neo Member
Hey poligaf! I've been lurking these threads for the past two months and I've been needing the hope because living in Texas...well yeah almost everyone is certain Obama will lose.

Anyways I was hoping you guys could maybe help me out a bit with an argument. I've been trying to rationally talk to my dad. He primarily listens/watches Fox News but also tries to get the other side he says by watching MSNBC. He's not completely crazy because he isn't against things like gay marriage or women's rights but I tried asking him today about why he is voting for Romney and he brought up the fact he doesn't want America to become a socialist country...

I was wondering if you guys had any facts/data I could show him relating to the two main reasons why he is voting for Romney. He's not completely crazy yet, because he is willing to change his mind if I can prove to him certain things. So here are his two main reasons.

1. Romney will get the economy running because he's a good businessman. He will lower gas prices and in turn this will decrease unemployment.

2. Romney will repeal Obamacare, and this is good because the government shouldn't control health insurance.

Anything you guys have that I can use to try to convince him otherwise would be great!


Hannity: (while showing 2 images of the Situation Room, one from the night OBL was killed, one from the night Sandy hit) "Where's the image of the situation room the night 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi?"


Was Bush in the situation room when 9/11 happened?

The answer was no, and it doesn't matter because shit happens regardless of where the President happens to be. They keep plugging away at this Libya thing, and it seems to me nobody gives a shit. I live in a heavily Republican state, and haven't heard it mentioned once in political conversations. It's really a non-issue, and those that are reasonable Republicans know that shit happens that is out of the control of the President.


Hannity is a special breed of stupid.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Still possible for Rombomb then. Iowa is a little too close. Nate Silver doesn't calculate for THAT


Connoisseur Of Tedium
The delusion on the right has reached epic proportions and I'm sure there not done get. The salty tears are going to be awesome on the 6th. I decided to listen to talk radio against my better judgement and the host was already planting the seed that the media was going to propel Obama to re-election. Man do they know how to play there audience like a fiddle.
Hey poligaf! I've been lurking these threads for the past two months and I've been needing the hope because living in Texas...well yeah almost everyone is certain Obama will lose.

Anyways I was hoping you guys could maybe help me out a bit with an argument. I've been trying to rationally talk to my dad. He primarily listens/watches Fox News but also tries to get the other side he says by watching MSNBC. He's not completely crazy because he isn't against things like gay marriage or women's rights but I tried asking him today about why he is voting for Romney and he brought up the fact he doesn't want America to become a socialist country...

Ask him if he supports Social Security and Medicare, then tell him that's socialism.
Hey poligaf! I've been lurking these threads for the past two months and I've been needing the hope because living in Texas...well yeah almost everyone is certain Obama will lose.

Anyways I was hoping you guys could maybe help me out a bit with an argument. I've been trying to rationally talk to my dad. He primarily listens/watches Fox News but also tries to get the other side he says by watching MSNBC. He's not completely crazy because he isn't against things like gay marriage or women's rights but I tried asking him today about why he is voting for Romney and he brought up the fact he doesn't want America to become a socialist country...

I was wondering if you guys had any facts/data I could show him relating to the two main reasons why he is voting for Romney. He's not completely crazy yet, because he is willing to change his mind if I can prove to him certain things. So here are his two main reasons.

1. Romney will get the economy running because he's a good businessman. He will lower gas prices and in turn this will decrease unemployment.

2. Romney will repeal Obamacare, and this is good because the government shouldn't control health insurance.

Anything you guys have that I can use to try to convince him otherwise would be great!
Try selling him on Obama instead.


Hannity: (while showing 2 images of the Situation Room, one from the night OBL was killed, one from the night Sandy hit) "Where's the image of the situation room the night 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi?"


But Obama was monitoring the whole thing and did nothing!
Seriously, drudge sirens should be bannable. Even conservative gifs are ugly.



ask him if he realizes that obama care isn't government run health care

and if he doesn't tell him what he thinks that means about the other things he probably his been misled about


Ohio up to 79%, Florida down to 40%. 17% chance of 332. Virginia's tipping point is dropping, Wisconsin rising. If Romney won every state he had at least a 25% chance to win Obama would win 281 EV.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Ohio up to 79%, Florida down to 40%. 17% chance of 332. Virginia's tipping point is dropping, Wisconsin rising. If Romney won every state he had at least a 25% chance to win Obama would win 281 EV.

Not bad at all. My map has Obama getting 332.


Hey poligaf! I've been lurking these threads for the past two months and I've been needing the hope because living in Texas...well yeah almost everyone is certain Obama will lose.

Anyways I was hoping you guys could maybe help me out a bit with an argument. I've been trying to rationally talk to my dad. He primarily listens/watches Fox News but also tries to get the other side he says by watching MSNBC. He's not completely crazy because he isn't against things like gay marriage or women's rights but I tried asking him today about why he is voting for Romney and he brought up the fact he doesn't want America to become a socialist country...

I was wondering if you guys had any facts/data I could show him relating to the two main reasons why he is voting for Romney. He's not completely crazy yet, because he is willing to change his mind if I can prove to him certain things. So here are his two main reasons.

1. Romney will get the economy running because he's a good businessman. He will lower gas prices and in turn this will decrease unemployment.

2. Romney will repeal Obamacare, and this is good because the government shouldn't control health insurance.

Anything you guys have that I can use to try to convince him otherwise would be great!

1. The only way the president can lower gas prices is price controls and that is as ant-free market you can get. Obama has increased oil production in this country by quite a bit. The problem is, is that increased oil production doesnt mean lower gas prices because that oil goes onto the world market. Bout the only thing that will help us lower gas prices is end speculation on oil, and i have no idea how much that would lower it.

2. Every 1st world nation besides us basically has some sort of national health care. Not only do all of their citizens get this health care, they spend FAR less as a % of GDP than we do on health care. It is also very popular when polled

Screw MSNBC, tell your dad to watch PBS news hour


Yup, he sure is big spending socialist, that Obama
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