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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
And rather than uniting the country around a message of shared sacrifice, he engaged in partisan attacks and has embraced a divisive populist agenda focused more on redistributing income than creating it.
I thought this was an endorsement. Low blow Bloomie.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The good thing is that the polls themselves do nothing and I can't feasibly imagine a dialogue in the public about Nate Silver having any legitimate impact on the election of any state.


Bloomberg is a weasel though. Waiting till it was obvious Obama would win before endorsing and doing so just to advance the climate change agenda (which is positive but still weasely)
Bloomberg is a weasel because he took the time to get in the obammunism rant before actually endorsing the candidate. The GOP never ever gave Obama any room to negotiate in good faith any of his major measures, and believe me-he tried and tried and tried. Much to the dismay of the liberals that wanted him to just ramrod through a sweeping new deal-esque agenda in 2008-2010 when we controlled Congress.


So I caught the footage of Morning Joe with Chuck Todd talking about Ohio and he says the auto ad was sort of like a hailmary and the way the Romney camp is acting in Ohio says they are down in Ohio.


I just posted on facebook that this has been the most honest I've seen Mitt. I actually like this Mitt much more.

agree but...wasn't there tape of the mass. debates where he said he was a pro-choice candidate and got annoyed at the moderator when she questioned him on it?

I liked him in that video until that thought popped up in my mind, especially in the end where he said he vetoed any bill that had pro choice backings in it.
I honestly believe that had Mitt been THAT Mitt throughout his campaign, he'd be doing much better. It's one reason people like Bams. They feel that he is honest and actually cares. Seeing Mitt animated is interesting.


I just posted on facebook that this has been the most honest I've seen Mitt. I actually like this Mitt much more.

Yep. It's clear that there's a decent person with things he cares about hidden beneath his circuitry, but it seems like most of the time he's afraid to show that because it may not be popular.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Campaign Obama = Best Obama
Conversational/Private Romney = Best Romney.

Stuff like this (love the tagline for the video, by the way.) actually humanizes Mitt Romney and makes him seem like a genuine, passionate, real person.
Yep. It's clear that there's a decent person with things he cares about hidden beneath his circuitry, but it seems like most of the time he's afraid to show that because it may not be popular.

What's even more depressing is he has to hide the things he does care about in order to be accepted (he's still not) by the GOP. The Tea-Party is a true cancer.

Campaign Obama = Best Obama
Conversational/Private Romney = Best Romney.

Stuff like this (love the tagline for the video, by the way.) actually humanizes Mitt Romney and makes him seem like a genuine, passionate, real person.

Agreed. I don't doubt that he was/is a great father and husband or that he cares for people, unfortunately, it's almost impossible to see that when his robotic campaigning self shows up.
Love it


Important point by Molly Ball of Atlantic (who I am loving this election cycle):
Undecided voters = people who aren't sure what to think. What others think can be very persuasive to them.

The timing of Powell, Bloomberg, Christie praise especially helps I think.
Sorry, but that video, while interesting, doesn't do it for me. Mitt has done far too many things in the campaign for me to not come to the conclusion he's either a sociopath or is borderline one.
What's with all the secret camera footage of Romney, anyway? Especially all of the stuff coming out from before he was the Republican nominee for the highest office. Were people after him just because he would be the presumptive winner, or what?


What's even more depressing is he has to hide the things he does care about in order to be accepted (he's still not) by the GOP. The Tea-Party is a true cancer.

Agreed. I don't doubt that he was/is a great father and husband or that he cares for people, unfortunately, it's almost impossible to see that when his robotic campaigning self shows up.

Yet the man lies so effortlessly and with such frequency. That is the real Mitt Romney. Don't let a single video fool you.
lmao at Sam Stein and BB on twitter.

This is making the rounds on Twitter today. CRS report showing that reducing taxes on the wealthy doesn't correlate with economic growth/productivity/any other positive indicator.

But it's not what's in the paper that's surprising. There have been dozens of studies reaching the same conclusion. It's what Senate Republicans did that's so controversial:

I didn’t end up posting on the report because it didn’t strike me as terribly new or even all that rigorous. But it sure upset Senate Republicans. They didn’t like the report’s tone. They also had some methodological criticisms, including that the analysis “was looking for a macroeconomic response to tax cuts within the first year of the policy change without sufficiently taking into account the time lag of economic policies” and that it “did not take into account other policies affecting growth, such as the Federal Reserve’s decisions on interest rates.”

Note that both these critiques, while reasonable, imply that tax cuts don’t boost growth quickly, and that they may not boost it at all if the Federal Reserve doesn’t cooperate. Keep that in mind next time you hear that tax cuts are sure to get this economy back on its feet, and fast.

But the Senate Republicans didn’t just snipe at the report. According to The New York Times, they got CRS to pull the report from its Web site.

That’s not how these debates are supposed to go. Criticize the report. Dismiss it. Ignore it. Release your own. But don’t get it pulled. And so, in the spirit of free inquiry, here’s the report, in full. Read it for yourself.

The report is also up on the DPCC's website.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What's with all the secret camera footage of Romney, anyway? Especially all of the stuff coming out from before he was the Republican nominee for the highest office. Were people after him just because he would be the presumptive winner, or what?

Its not a "secret" camera, its an in booth camera from a 2007 radio interview. I don't think this video is helpful to the Democrats, it makes Romney look more animated and real.


Just because I don't trust a word Mitt Romney says in regard to how he will govern doesn't mean that he is a bad person. His stances on issues over the last two decades tell me that he has no convictions in terms of the act of doing his job, he just wants to take advantage of whatever situation and make himself look as good as possible and be as efficient as he can be.

But, I think there's a genuinely good person who cares about his family and who is extremely passionate about his faith, yet he has difficulty in publicly showing these things because he's afraid that people may like him less for it. I'd appreciate seeing conviction and passion that I disagree with over seeing someone who just changes what they say based on who's listening.
Just because I don't trust a word Mitt Romney says in regard to how he will govern doesn't mean that he is a bad person. His stances on issues over the last two decades tell me that he has no convictions in terms of the act of doing his job, he just wants to take advantage of whatever situation and make himself look as good as possible and be as efficient as he can be.

But, I think there's a genuinely good person who cares about his family and who is extremely passionate about his faith, yet he has difficulty in publicly showing these things because he's afraid that people may like him less for it. I'd appreciate seeing conviction and passion that I disagree with over seeing someone who just changes what they say based on who's listening.


I really do think he's a good guy who just has problems with being who he is. I do kind of believe though that he would to some extent try to stand up to the tea party on some of their more crazy beliefs though. Idk why though.


Just because I don't trust a word Mitt Romney says in regard to how he will govern doesn't mean that he is a bad person. His stances on issues over the last two decades tell me that he has no convictions in terms of the act of doing his job, he just wants to take advantage of whatever situation and make himself look as good as possible and be as efficient as he can be.

But, I think there's a genuinely good person who cares about his family and who is extremely passionate about his faith, yet he has difficulty in publicly showing these things because he's afraid that people may like him less for it. I'd appreciate seeing conviction and passion that I disagree with over seeing someone who just changes what they say based on who's listening.

I sum up Romney with: " his anecdotal examples of him being a good person are not reflected at all in his policy." It's along the lines of what Biden said in the VP debate, show me in your policy what kind of person you are. Romney helped pay for a person's college after he got in a car accident? Awesome, Romney did a nice thing. But he's running for president and free college for people who got into car accidents didn't make it in his stump speech. Same thing with health care, he uses his wife's struggles with health conditions on the campaign trail early on and yet is actively against Obamacare which would help people with pre-existing conditions get covered.

Even serial killers can be good fathers.


Yet the man lies so effortlessly and with such frequency. That is the real Mitt Romney. Don't let a single video fool you.
This video just reinforces the feeling I have that when Romney is in the public eye, he is hiding a big portion of himself. For a job like president of the United States I'd rather have a guy who can be "whole" and himself in any capacity.

Also, his enthusiasm about the second coming of Christ is not really reassuring to me.
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