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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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It's probably due to foreign policy and domestic civil liberties issues. Most of the people I know on the left who aren't voting for Obummer are doing so because of the adminstration's love of Droney the Flying Kiddie Killer and continued domestic civil liberties rollbacks in the name of the WOT.

I realize that might be part of it, but if you saw this guy you'd still be surprised since, as I said, LGBT activism and stuff like this is by far one of his biggest issues he cares about.

I dunno, if that was my primary concern I'd be scared as fuck of having Romney put in instead of the guy who's pushed those issues forward more than any other president in history. And I'd want to reward the guy that pushed those issues forward with my vote. I mean, Biden just said the other day that transgender discrimination is the civil rights issue of our time. Hell, just saying that he should get a vote from someone like this guy, since there's no way in fuck Romney or Ryan would say anything remotely like that.


Wait so he's saying Obama will win the popular vote by a slim margin, but that won't be clear until some time after the polls close and the West Coast does final tallies?


So lots of excitement on Fox News, I guess. Again, it's just for trolling Diablos.
Noam Schrieber breaks down the numbers on the campaign, dovetailing nicely with what I've been saying about how impressive the Obama campaign has been in Ohio.


Between the auto bailout and the campaign he's dramatically outperforming in the Ohio polls.

I predict he wins by 3.2 % in ohio, and it gets called relatively early.

Nate Silver said:
If you are following some of the same people that I do on Twitter, you may have noticed some pushback about our contention that Barack Obama is a favorite (and certainly not a lock) to be re-elected. I haven’t come across too many analyses suggesting that Mitt Romney is the favorite. (There are exceptions.) But there are plenty of people who say that the race is a “tossup.”

What I find confounding about this is that the argument we’re making is exceedingly simple. Here it is:

Obama’s ahead in Ohio.​

Your move, PD.


Junior Member
I can't help but notice that the Romeny Campaign hasn't issued a statement on the jobs report. Has he put one out?

edit: nevermind. found it.

ROMNEY: "Today's increase in the unemployment rate is a sad reminder that the economy is at a virtual standstill"

What a wet noodle response. Bye Mitt.


I can't help but notice that the Romeny Campaign hasn't issued a statement on the jobs report. Has he put one out?


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Well, that's a +1 for Romney. People who vote 3rd party are worse than those who don't vote at all.

The part about third party voters that annoys me is that its readily apparent that the Green Party is just the Democratic Party if the Democratic party didn't have to compromise on anything. The Green Party never concedes anything and gets to maintain untenable positions because they doesn't actually hold any offices.
I wonder how potential Akin and Mourdock losses will impact the GOP going forward. Republicans probably pissed away the senate in 2010 by nominating a host of horrible fringe candidates, from Angle to O'Donnell. This year they just might lose two races that should have been clear races.

It's not like they can stop fringe candidates from running or winning primaries, but clearly something needs to be done in terms of offering better mainstream candidates who aren't bogged down by Bush's spending record. Also if the party was smart it would use this opportunity to finally realize the religious right is toxic, and cannot win nationally once the intolerance and ignorance is put on display for all to see. Indiana and Missouri aren't liberal havens, they're red states. How do you fuck that up?

Good. I want this to be a blowout as big as fucking possible. I want to feel the hurt and anger that we've felt over the past four years.

I'm fucking spiteful and I don't give a rat's ass. These fucking bastards deserve to lose and fall hard.

I will not accept anything less.


People at my office claiming that Obama has lowered gas prices before the election.
Are they saying this as a criticism?
I mean, even ignoring the oh so very obvious fact that the president really doesn't have the capacity to do that, are they claiming it's a bad thing?
Do you work for an oil company?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Too many numbers and maths. I trust me gut. Mitts got this.

How do you know when a socialist liberal commie is lying? When he shows you numbers.

That's what liberals trick you with don'tcha know. They invented extra numbers so they could claim the earth was older than 9000 years. Don't believe their numerical lies!


Are they saying this as a criticism?
I mean, even ignoring the oh so very obvious fact that the president really doesn't have the capacity to do that, are they claiming it's a bad thing?
Do you work for an oil company?

They are claiming its a bad thing. Nope, I work for a behavioral health company.
The part about third party voters that annoys me is that its readily apparent that the Green Party is just the Democratic Party if the Democratic party didn't have to compromise on anything. The Green Party never concedes anything and gets to maintain untenable positions because they doesn't actually hold any offices.

So what's Green Party's stance on terrorisms? I understand the Drone strikes can cause more harm than good, and most of the time harm innocent civilians. But how would Jill Stein approach a situation where there is intel on a terrorist mastermind in Pakistan? Drop flowers on him? Actually what the hell is Jill Stein's approach to terrorism? I can't find it anywhere on her website:

Cut the bloated Pentagon budget by 50%.
End use of assassination as an instrument of U.S. foreign policy, including collaborative assassination through intermediaries.
Increase our energy security by reducing our nation's dependence on oil.
Demilitarize U.S. foreign policy to emphasize human rights, international law, multinational diplomatic initiatives and support for democratic movements across the world.
Restore the National Guard as the centerpiece of our defense.
Create a nuclear free zone in the Middle East region and require all nations in area to join.
Oppose attacks on nuclear facilities.
Ban use of drone aircraft for assassination, bombing, and other offensive purposes.
End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, withdrawing both troops and military contractors.
Make human rights and international law the basis of our policy in the Middle East.
Join 159 other nations in signing the Ottawa treaty banning the use of anti-personnel land mines.
Close some 140 U.S. military bases abroad.
Initiate a new round of nuclear disarmament initiatives.


It's almost as if everything is.... bad news for Obama.
That's what has me worried. He can't catch a break FFS.
People at my office claiming that Obama has lowered gas prices before the election.
Cool. I'll take it. Thanks, Obama.
Come on now. The last guy to lose a close election (election, not primary) and win the Presidency was Richard Nixon, and Nixon is one of if not the most skilled politicians in American history. Romney is not Richard Nixon.
I did not imply he'd become president. It was primarily to highlight Romney's brazen flip flops.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Are they saying this as a criticism?
I mean, even ignoring the oh so very obvious fact that the president really doesn't have the capacity to do that, are they claiming it's a bad thing?
Do you work for an oil company?

*gas prices go down*

"Obama lowered gas prices to win votes right before the election!"

*gas prices go up*

"Why isn't Obama waving his magic wand to lower gas prices?!"

*gas prices go down*

"Obama lowered gas prices to win votes right before the election!"

*gas prices go up*

"Why isn't Obama waving his magic wand to lower gas prices?!"


You don't understand. Obama was waiting right till the election before he can pull the lower gas prices lever.

Hunter S.

I doubt that will be the final margin for victory either way though.

EV is looking good for GOP in CO. They are leading by 2.5% in raw numbers. Dems were leading last time around in EV and 80% of the voters do EV in CO

Accounting for those that vote against party lines and independents which at least in CO seem to support Obama you cannot really know. This is an exceedingly good poll, but by no means an outliar.


I found this gem on a news site today:

"The day we finally depose RINO's like Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc, and replace them with Tea Party leaders like Jim DeMint, Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Richard Murdock, Mike Lee, Mia Love, etc, will be a day of great celebration."
I found this gem on a news site today:

"The day we finally depose RINO's like Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc, and replace them with Tea Party leaders like Jim DeMint, Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Richard Murdock, Mike Lee, Mia Love, etc, will be a day of great celebration."

soooo they basically want to get blown out of office a la 2006/2008?
I found this gem on a news site today:

"The day we finally depose RINO's like Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc, and replace them with Tea Party leaders like Jim DeMint, Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Richard Murdock, Mike Lee, Mia Love, etc, will be a day of great celebration."

Cantor and McConnel are RINOs wat.


I found this gem on a news site today:

"The day we finally depose RINO's like Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc, and replace them with Tea Party leaders like Jim DeMint, Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Richard Murdock, Mike Lee, Mia Love, etc, will be a day of great celebration."

I agree with this 100%.
I found this gem on a news site today:

"The day we finally depose RINO's like Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc, and replace them with Tea Party leaders like Jim DeMint, Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Richard Murdock, Mike Lee, Mia Love, etc, will be a day of great celebration."

Where can I donate? I would love the GOP to make themselves irrelevant.


So we've got

Colorado: Romney 47%, Obama 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Colorado: Obama 50%, Romney 46% (Public Policy Polling)

Florida: Obama 48%, Romney 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Iowa: Obama 49%, Romney 45% (Gravis)

New Hampshire: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (New England College)

Ohio: Obama 47%, Romney 45% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Virginia: Obama 49%, Romney 44% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Ha... dat bad news. http://politicalwire.com/archives/2012/11/02/latest_swing_state_polls.html

Snorting hopium off of a hooker.
Good. I want this to be a blowout as big as fucking possible. I want to feel the hurt and anger that we've felt over the past four years.

I'm fucking spiteful and I don't give a rat's ass. These fucking bastards deserve to lose and fall hard.

I will not accept anything less.
I hate to say this, but you might be a part of the reason politics sucks so much these days.
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