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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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He won't have to pander to the idiot base of the GOP anymore if he loses, what what he have to lose if he burned his Republican bridges at that point? He isn't going to run for president again, at least not as a Republican.

No dude, there is no running again (for President) in today's GOP. You fail and you are done.

Ask HW.
Ask Bob Dole.
Ask John McCain.

Mitt would be no different.


The Autumn Wind
You know, ignoring all the blatant lying and flip-flopping he does, Romney just comes off as incredibly phony when he talks. How about taking that smirk off your face while talking about Sandy victims, you jackass?
So where's Jack Welsh today? If Obama controls BLS reports why didn't he lower employment (or keep it stagnant) for the last jobs report of the campaign?


On 2008 Obama won the 18-29 age group in Mississippi 56% to 43%.

The GOP has a monumental youth vote problem.

I did not realize this.

Yeah, even MS may evolve for the better the more the baby boomers start to die. Morbid, of course, but the youth here seem to know what's up. I am hopeful.
New painting? New painting.


Titled "Runaway Slave," the work depicts conservative figure Rev. C.L. Bryant, the man who recently produced a documentary by the same name on the alleged bondage of black Americans under liberal governments. McNaughton worked with Bryant to produce his new painting, telling CBS Houston that he supports the filmmaker's sentiments. “My position is that the Democratic Party has brought the demise of Black America," the artist said. “This painting is a beacon to all Americans, to free yourselves from the government bondage that enslaves your very soul. Be free of the old taskmaster that will offer you all the comforts if you will but do his bidding. Rise up and be great in the sight of God!”
Romney: "I won't take time to pass any partisan legislation unrelated to the economy"

Such goddamn bull. Not with all the time your party has been talking about abortion and gay marriage. And the insinuation is HC has nothing to do with the economy? Its 1/6th of the damn economy.

New painting? New painting.


Saw that. I thought it more overtly mentioned the fact that blacks were enslaved by liberals though.


Gold Member
Gadhafi was a moderate government that Giuliani apparently preferred to actual democracy?

Republicans (and most Democrats) actually do not prefer actual democracy and have not since at least World War II (okay, the Spanish-American War). We have overthrown leaders who have won free and fair elections and installed pro-US crony dictators around the world as a matter of course.


Only non-white guy behind Romney right now at his speech in West Allis, WI is visible on every channel but Fox where it cuts off at the white lady next to him lol.


I did not realize this.

Yeah, even MS may evolve for the better the more the baby boomers start to die. Morbid, of course, but the youth here seem to know what's up. I am hopeful.

We all will keep moving forward in thinking. Old prejudices may take a bit to die, but they will. I think places like Mississippi will still be a bit behind other states in other ways, though, when these kids grow up. But we will have moved forward, so that's good.

I am really interested to see how my generation takes to ruling itself once the boomers die. We don't seem to have a lot of the same knee jerk reactions to simple words (like socialism), and with the internet connecting us all around the world since a young age we're not going to have some irrational fear of outsiders quite as much. We'll be much more eager to embrace other ideas.

It'll be interesting to see what prejudices and stupidity still exist when my generation is the older one, too.
CHILLICOTHE, Ohio -- Former President Bill Clinton added some meat to his argument that President Barack Obama needs another four years to fix the economy on Thursday night, citing work by an economist whose book is often cited by Republicans talking about the national debt.

Clinton, at his third event of the day in Ohio, after a morning stop in Wisconsin, spoke to a crowd of 2,000 for about 45 minutes, even though he began his remarks with his voice sounding on the verge of failing. "I've almost lost my voice in the service of my president," Clinton said.

The 66-year old former president seemed to gain strength as he spoke. And around halfway through his remarks, he got the crowd's attention with this comment: "The whole election may come down to this, this one thing."

"I know that no one who ever served as president -- not me, not Franklin Roosevelt, not anyone -- could have repaired all the economic damge done during that crash in four years," Clinton said.

And then he cited a book called This Time It's Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, by Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart.

This book has become a reference point for many concerned about the nation's $16 trillion debt. Rogoff and Reinhart wrote that history has shown that once a nation's debt swells to 90 percent of the gross domestic product, it takes a percentage point off of that nation's economic growth per year.

Essentially, as they said in a column a year ago, "too much debt means the economy can't grow."

The $16 trillion in U.S. debt is about equal to the total U.S. economy, though Rogoff and Reinhart's precise metric was debt held by the public. That figure is about $11.3 trillion and does not include the $4.8 trillion in intra-governmental debt, which refers to money owed by the treasury to government accounts, such as the Social Security trust fund.

Clinton said Rogoff is a moderate Republican. And then he related a conversation he had with Rogoff after reading his book.

"I called him on the phone and I said, 'I read this very carefully. I just have a question. Do you believe that there's any way America could have fully recovered from that crash in four years?'" Clinton said. "He said, 'Lord no.'"

"He said, 'No serious person believes that.' He said, 'The average country takes 10 years,'" Clinton said.

Clinton did not mention that Rogoff and Reinhart wrote a column for Bloomberg News two weeks ago, arguing that the economic crisis of 2008 and 2009 was not a "borderline" economic crisis, but rather a "full-blown systemic meltdown."



So where's Jack Welsh today? If Obama controls BLS reports why didn't he lower employment (or keep it stagnant) for the last jobs report of the campaign?
If he did that, people would think he's desperate. So he tries to play it cool as if he already has the election won. But that he doesn't want to look desperate is really bad. It might mean he knows something about the polls we don't. It's pretty bad when you think about it.
He won't have to pander to the idiot base of the GOP anymore if he loses, what what he have to lose if he burned his Republican bridges at that point? He isn't going to run for president again, at least not as a Republican.
I'd not discount the possibility of Romney attempting to erase the past decade and run as a liberal Democrat. He's brazen enough that it's not implausible.


That girl in the bunny hat
If he did that, people would think he's desperate. So he tries to play it cool as if he already has the election won. But that he doesn't want to look desperate is really bad. It might mean he knows something about the polls we don't. It's pretty bad when you think about it.

It's almost as if everything is.... bad news for Obama.


Gold Member
I'd not discount the possibility of Romney attempting to erase the past decade and run as a liberal Democrat. He's brazen enough that it's not implausible.

Come on now. The last guy to lose a close election (election, not primary) and win the Presidency was Richard Nixon, and Nixon is one of if not the most skilled politicians in American history. Romney is not Richard Nixon.
If he did that, people would think he's desperate. So he tries to play it cool as if he already has the election won. But that he doesn't want to look desperate is really bad. It might mean he knows something about the polls we don't. It's pretty bad when you think about it.I'd not discount the possibility of Romney attempting to erase the past decade and run as a liberal Democrat. He's brazen enough that it's not implausible.

Tagg will run for President if Mitt loses.

Book that shit.


Nate Cohn is aggressively trolling Diablos now:

tnr said:
It’s 2:17 AM on Wednesday, November 7th and President Obama has won reelection with 294 electoral votes. Colorado is still too close to call. But the network anchors aren’t mulling the course of Obama’s second term because they can’t help but notice the national popular vote. Romney's ahead…by a lot.

It was easy to dismiss Romney’s lead in the popular vote when the West Coast states were still outstanding, even if his four-point lead seemed formidable. But California and Washington have now counted most of their votes and the president is still underwater by more than one million votes. Analysts extrapolating the final results based on initial returns and the percentage of outstanding precincts calculate that Obama is unlikely to take the lead, igniting a firestorm undermining the legitimacy of an embattled president. And yet weeks later, President Obama takes the popular vote lead, and never relinquishes it.


This isn’t just a far-fetched scenario. If Obama ultimately wins the popular vote by a narrow margin, as suggested by the current average of national polls, Obama won’t lead the popular vote on Election Night and might not for weeks.

With the West Coast providing the margin of victory for any Democratic candidate in a close election, Republican presidential candidates outperform their eventual share of the popular vote until the West Coast reports its results....

But the time zones are not alone in delaying results from Washington, Oregon, and California. In most eastern states, the overwhelming majority of votes are counted by the end of Election Night, since only a small share of absentee or overseas ballots arrive after the election. But elections in Washington and Oregon are now conducted entirely by mail and 41 percent of California voters voted by mail in 2008. Ballots only need to be postmarked by Election Day and it can take days before all of the votes arrive and weeks before they get counted, usually in modest batches once or twice a day.

Just for good measure, several big, blue cities in the East and Midwest don't always count 100 percent of their ballots on Election Night. Democrats also appear to gain from the provisional ballots counted across the rest of the country in the days following the election. Although the amount that Democrats gain from these ballots compared to the West Coast is unclear, the 2008 returns suggest that millions of votes were counted after Election Night throughout the eastern half of the country.




Won't stop picking the right nation
I actually referred to the article, which you can find here, earlier today in this thread. The book is also enlightening, though I'm surprised to see it characterized as something that is often cited by Republicans. It's pretty bipartisan and holds lessons for both parties (for example, they claim that financial liberalization is sometimes a precursor to crises).


Wow, a friend of my wife's posted that he voted for Stein in Wisconsin. He's a much braver person than me. Kind of crazy he did it, because he's such a huge LGBT and women's rights activist, and he's dating a transgender person, etc. Obama's been the biggest supporter of that in history, so it seems crazy that he'd just throw his vote away like that.
Wow, a friend of my wife's posted that he voted for Stein in Wisconsin. He's a much braver person than me. Kind of crazy he did it, because he's such a huge LGBT and women's rights activist, and he's dating a transgender person, etc. Obama's been the biggest supporter of that in history, so it seems crazy that he'd just throw his vote away like that.

It's probably due to foreign policy and domestic civil liberties issues. Most of the people I know on the left who aren't voting for Obummer are doing so because of the adminstration's love of Droney the Flying Kiddie Killer and continued domestic civil liberties rollbacks in the name of the WOT.
Wait so he's saying Obama will win the popular vote by a slim margin, but that won't be clear until some time after the polls close and the West Coast does final tallies?


Well, he's saying Obama might not take the popular vote lead until all absentee/overseas/provisional ballots are counted, which could take weeks.
Wow, a friend of my wife's posted that he voted for Stein in Wisconsin. He's a much braver person than me. Kind of crazy he did it, because he's such a huge LGBT and women's rights activist, and he's dating a transgender person, etc. Obama's been the biggest supporter of that in history, so it seems crazy that he'd just throw his vote away like that.

Well, that's a +1 for Romney. People who vote 3rd party are worse than those who don't vote at all.
My first reaction to the painting was why is he carrying a torch when there is obviously electricity in the background

The year is 2123. After 111 years of conservative rule, the lights have all gone out in America because unregulated power companies were able to neglect their power plants, resulting in a series of devastating accidents, in addition to the usual liberal/muslim terror attacks. The only buildings with electricity were the ones that were lucky enough to have solar panels installed on their rooftops by the long vanquished Demonrats so long ago. They are but a distant memory now, but their legacy weakly lives on.
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