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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
GIULIANI: This has been going on all over the country. So you end up operating on the brink in a major city like New York. It's true of all of our major cities. They're sort of operating on the brink.

I put in 10 generators in New York City when I was the mayor. Each one of them had to be kind of a small generator because we didn't want to have environmental review. If I had environmental review, those generators still wouldn't be built.

HANNITY: That's insane.

All right. Now, we've got the new information, they did not convene their counter-terrorism resource, the top counter-terrorism resource, as I was describing. Interestingly, as we are coming on the air, "The Washington Post" reports, U.S. offers detailed account of attack in Libya. OK? The CIA rushed security operatives to an American diplomatic compound in Libya within 25 minutes after they come under attack.

We know this is not true because the president -- two weeks later, he was not admitting it's a terror attack. And we know that the CIA operatives, the Navy SEALs were told to stand down.



In four years, I'm going to love the scenario where we have two very popular ex-Presidents touting a decent recovery while campaigning on behalf of the Democrats' nominee.. while the GOP's side has no ex-Presidents and just the nominee.


The Cryptarch's Bane
GIULIANI: Any of those places that were terribly hit and are really suffering, mightily. Eighty homes lost. People dying -- people out of their homes.

HANNITY: Places decimated.

GIULIANI: I mean, it's a disaster.

The systemic problem that we have, however, is we don't have enough energy. And we don't have modern sources of infrastructure for energy. We haven't built them. Now, we haven't built them because there is so much opposition. Usually, very excessive environmental groups that make it impossible to build a new generator, build a new nuclear power plant, extend new transmission lines anyplace you want to extend transmission lines.

The president killed the single easiest one you could have done, the Keystone Pipeline.

You heard it here folks, the Keystone pipeline stops fucking hurricanes.
GIULIANI: This has been going on --

HANNITY: It's crazy. This is madness.


In four years, I'm going to love the scenario where we have two very popular ex-Presidents touting a decent recovery while campaigning on behalf of the Democrats' nominee.. while the GOP's side has no ex-Presidents and just the nominee.

Excellent News for Hillary
In four years, I'm going to love the scenario where we have two very popular ex-Presidents touting a decent recovery while campaigning on behalf of the Democrats' nominee.. while the GOP's side has no ex-Presidents and just the nominee.

We will be another 4 years into the 1000 years of darkness and people will be ready enough for change that W will be able to campaign effectively for his brother Jeb.


It's just a projection, could move up to Mon/Tues for all we know

I DO NOT TRUST THE GOP. We are assuming all of these projections given a FAIR election. The GOP is no doubt doing everything they can to make it work for them.
"It is folly to anticipate evils, and madness to create imaginary ones."

John Adams

Great advertising + horribly stupid rape comment by Mourdock = Donnelly win.

Thank you, GOP.
Hm. Interesting.
People dont care about Libya, especially when its internal strife
I do. I'm people.
...Because Obama didn't call it a terrorist attack two weeks later and because Navy Seals are CIA... it didn't take 25 minutes? WHAT DA FUCK?!
Obama's Ohio rally on right now is a rowdy good time.
I don't think they are comparable-IN in 2008 had much less polling with a lot less precision as to where PA is at in 2012. Obama's lead in PA has a lot more data supporting it.

edit: McCain was also a dirty poor and let Obama hit the air and ground uncontested in IN. Same in Iowa.
Not even a little bit. Indiana was energized from a dem primary and Obama had a huge operation there. Romney has never invested in PA before. Also there's the small matter of a landslide in 08. Indiana was basically tied on the day, PA isn't near that. Pennsylvania 2012 is much more like Pennsylvania 2008.

171,000 jobs and growing workforce an indication that QE3 is working. With regards to PA, note that just because the campaigns are competing doesn't mean it's close, it might just mean its a Hail Mary for one campaign and the other campaign wants to block it.
Thanks guys.


Gotta love the self-reliance anti-big-government crowd using the Staten Island thing against Obama.

Political hypocrisy at its best.


The Cryptarch's Bane
That transcript is OVERFLOWING WITH GOLD.
GIULIANI: But the reason why this is so important is, this is the president's politics overwhelming responsible things you would do to protect the lives of Americans.


GIULIANI: And that's an outrage. That's an outrage. This is -- you are never--

HANNITY: If you were president, you would never let them get away with this.

GIULIANI: I can't imagine, I can't possibly imagine finding out that my ambassador is trapped, a couple of Americans are trapped, I don't send the Marines in?

HANNITY: No, impossible.
Impossible! It's almost as if our idle speculation will never be put to the test and concocting an entirely hypothetical Giuliani administration is unable to be refuted!
Holy shit, Obama's Hilliard, OH rally is amazing. The crowd is WILD. Obama completely tapped into his inner Black preacher and completely engaging the crowd.


Ohio crowd is hyped.
It's weird that Romney's crowds aren't as hyped. They might know they're doing better than Obama so they can relax. I'm not stating it's the case, but it seems off. Something seems off about it. FFS. Tuesday can't come fast enough. Ugh.


GIULIANI: I think the answer to this is pretty clear. And I think it's been going for about six or seven months. I think President Obama and his administration wanted a big victory in Libya. They overthrew Gadhafi, a moderate government -- turns a moderate, incompetent government was elected.

Gadhafi was a moderate government that Giuliani apparently preferred to actual democracy?
If Romney loses I hope he finally shows some gall and rips the GOP platform to shreads in his concession speech. He would have nothing to lose at that point and he'd be a hero in my eyes if he did it.
Noam Schrieber breaks down the numbers on the campaign, dovetailing nicely with what I've been saying about how impressive the Obama campaign has been in Ohio.


Between the auto bailout and the campaign he's dramatically outperforming in the Ohio polls.

I predict he wins by 3.2 % in ohio, and it gets called relatively early.

The results are even starker among the white working class. In Florida, Obama plummeted from an 8-point deficit to a 27-point deficit among whites with no college degree . In Ohio, by contrast, he held almost perfectly steady: a 3-point deficit in September versus a 2-point deficit this week. (Obama carried Ohio voters without a college degree by a 52-46 margin in 2008, and lost whites without a college degree 44-54.) Though it's only one poll*, and the data shouldn't be interpreted too literally, the Obama strategy seems to have worked as intended.


Junior Member
It's weird that Romney's crowds aren't as hyped. They might know they're doing better than Obama so they can relax. I'm not stating it's the case, but it seems off. Something seems off about it. FFS. Tuesday can't come fast enough. Ugh.

Romney's crowds are less hyped because they tend to be filled with old white people.


If Romney loses I hope he finally shows some gall and rips the GOP platform to shreads in his concession speech. He would have nothing to lose at that point, and he'd be a hero in my eyes if he did it.

If Romney had somehow made it through the primaries on the platform he stood on as governor and prior and defended the ACA, I wouldn't be as adamantly against him as I am now. But by abandoning his record as a public servant to pander to idiots he lost any hope that I would've had that he'd be govern in a moderate fashion.
If Romney had somehow made it through the primaries on the platform he stood on as governor and prior and defended the ACA, I wouldn't be as adamantly against him as I am now. But by abandoning his record as a public servant to pander to idiots he lost any hope that I would've had that he'd be govern in a moderate fashion.

He won't have to pander to the idiot base of the GOP anymore if he loses, what what he have to lose if he burned his Republican bridges at that point? He isn't going to run for president again, at least not as a Republican.


He won't have to pander to the idiot base of the GOP anymore if he loses, what what he have to lose if he burned his Republican bridges at this point? He isn't going to run for president again, at least not as a Republican.

He will probably never show his face in public after November 6th. He has infinite money, he can just sit in a mansion and spend time with his family for the rest of his life.
Noam Schrieber breaks down the numbers on the campaign, dovetailing nicely with what I've been saying about how impressive the Obama campaign has been in Ohio.


Between the auto bailout and the campaign he's dramatically outperforming in the Ohio polls.

I predict he wins by 3.2 % in ohio, and it gets called relatively early.



Donnelly leads Mourdock by 11 in Indiana Senate race, bipartisan poll shows
Donnelly leads Mourdock 47 percent to 36 percent in the Howey/Depauw poll conducted by Democratic pollster Fred Yang and Republican pollster Christine Matthews. Libertarian Party candidate Andy Horning claims 6 percent support in the poll, while roughly one-in-10 voters (11 percent) remain undecided.

In other poll news, looks like the people of Indiana might be sane, although this "Christine Matthews" person sounds an awful lot like Chris Matthews. Probably his sister, so this poll is probably has a liberal skewer right through it.


Noam Schrieber breaks down the numbers on the campaign, dovetailing nicely with what I've been saying about how impressive the Obama campaign has been in Ohio.


Between the auto bailout and the campaign he's dramatically outperforming in the Ohio polls.

I predict he wins by 3.2 % in ohio, and it gets called relatively early.


Another CNN/Orc Ohio poll coming @ 4pm
Dead heat
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