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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I need to just never post on fbook again. Or delete it. It is a game now. Login and see how fast it takes my blood pressure to skyrocket.


If 2010 is any indication, it won't do much good - Democrats were better liked than Republicans then too. Although they were both negative.

I would hope this would have some effect:

Congressional Republicans Job Approval (US): Approve 28.0% Disapprove 66.0% (Nov. 04 - CNN) http://tpm.ly/SGTCKy

Congressional Democrats Job Approval (US): Approve 37.0% Disapprove 59.0% (Nov. 04 - CNN) http://tpm.ly/SGTACF
i was under the impression that his health issues were tough, but nothing to take him so suddenly.

I was just reading a bit and saw some of those conditions could make something like a fall or something small, really big and deadly. I really don't want to speculate though.

Its a loss for all of us.


He constantly perpetuates this fantasy reality where he is the champion of change, he is the best guy to fix "the system" or help everyone, and whenever he's met with any hardship or opposition he either tries to go further up the ladder of power or can't function. He was a community organizer for a bit, then left because change wasn't happening fast enough. Then he became a state senator, and immediately tried to jump to the US congress because local change wasn't happening fast enough. Then he jumped to the senate, where by all accounts he was frustrated by (once again) how slow progress was.

Now he's president and there's nowhere else for him to run to, and no more ladders to climb. Multiple accounts suggest he gets sarcastic and testy whenever he is challenged, he can't negotiate with his own party, he's unable to work with even moderate republican lawmakers, etc. He seems unwilling to approach change from a perspective of laying seeds/groundwork, and instead expects it to happen immediately based off his own charm and skill. That Vanity Fair piece mentioned that Obama constantly seems to be very detached from events, as if he's watching himself from an outside writers' perspective. I understand he doesn't like playing the Washington "game" but at some point you have to put your own interests aside and go along to get along to a degree. Obama seems to simply not care about any of that.

He strikes me as a real life Carcetti from The Wire
A prodigious amount of nonsense as per your custom. But the highlighted is so patently false I cannot ignore it. Obama's excelled at cooperating with Congressional Democrats. It's the primary reason the PPACA passed.
Unfortunate. He was always fair.
This news of Gaborn passing has just ruined my day. I'm so sad. We may have disagreed on politics, but we got along like crazy in many other topics. He was a great poster and will be dearly missed.

RIP, buddy.


has calmed down a bit.
Reading that post Gaborn did about his medical conditions certainly puts his threads and some of his posts/viewpoints into perspective.

RIP Gaborn.


oh shi

@ppppolls: Our final Virginia poll finds Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney 51-47



(edit: Palin's Fake Virginia seems poised to out-vote Real Virginia. What a pity.)


I still think we can get FL, guys. If people are screaming "we want to vote" at the closed doors they will come back as soon as possible.


Nate Silver Twitter said:
Between national + battleground state polls so far today: 29 Obama leads, 3 Romney leads, 5 ties.

RIP Gaborn. Very saddened to hear of his passing; his threads on the OT and contributions to PoliGAF were something I looked forward to and enjoyed. My thoughts are with his family tonight. :(


I still cannot believe Gaborn is gone.. R.I.P.

He's just a classy dude. God he'd make a great president.

I think he's the type of guy the low education/tea party voters always SAY they want, but can't actually vote for because he is a Democrat. Like when people say "Sarah Palin is so relatable, she'd really bring a practical mindset to the White House, she's just like one of us", it really just comes across as "I want someone as dumb as me in office." But Joe Biden is the actual illustration of the IDEAL of such a candidate - a workmanlike politician with a bit of a flubbermouth who speaks out of genuine compassion even if it's not always politically expedient. Someone who actually CAN have a beer with the voters and relate to them and not simultaneously be a retard in the big chair.

Obama was really smart to pick him. Vice Presidents rarely move the needle in the end, so the fact that Joe Biden can occasionally make a headline because he's doing the right thing and thus force Obama's hand (gay marriage, transgender equality) is more than I can ask for. The guy is a legend in my mind. The contrast between him and Dick Cheney is so dramatic I don't even think I can eloquently state it.

Can you imagine Dick Cheney inviting a 17 year old girl to jump in the car so she could make it to the rally in time?

PPP: Ohio 52-47 O


They gotta be trolling Nate lol. Posting right after he updates.

H...holy. And I was just watching CNN and the reporter on the ground said that reports on the ground suggest that the Democratic early voting game is accelerating and more and more of the voters are Democratic now. They said they felt they needed almost an entire group of 4000 or something at one point.

I wasn't that thrilled when Obama picked Joe in 2008 but I couldn't be happier now. Obama knows how to pick great people (save for Geithner, not a big fan)

I was hesitant because I was afraid he'd make a gaffe or two, but honestly almost none of his foot-in-mouths have been dramatic enough to change things, and the few that were changed things in the RIGHT direction.

Edit: And goddamn at that last Virginia poll. What's their sample *checks*


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
2009 was so much fun. Watching that idiot get in a helicopter and go away forever. Seeing our new president and new vice president. And not seeing Sarah Palin.


Good thing: Virginia's polls close at 6PM, EST.

We could know pretty early on. :)

yeah, virginia has been rapidly running to Obama, is there a reason for the big movement to Obama?

edit... wait, Obama has never been behind in Virginia in polling averages? Why did i think it was a come from behind?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I still cannot believe Gaborn is gone.. R.I.P.

I think he's the type of guy the low education/tea party voters always SAY they want, but can't actually vote for because he is a Democrat. Like when people say "Sarah Palin is so relatable, she'd really bring a practical mindset to the White House, she's just like one of us", it really just comes across as "I want someone as dumb as me in office." But Joe Biden is the actual illustration of the IDEAL of such a candidate - a workmanlike politician with a bit of a flubbermouth who speaks out of genuine compassion even if it's not always politically expedient. Someone who actually CAN have a beer with the voters and relate to them and not simultaneously be a retard in the big chair.

Obama was really smart to pick him. Vice Presidents rarely move the needle in the end, so the fact that Joe Biden can occasionally make a headline because he's doing the right thing and thus force Obama's hand (gay marriage, transgender equality) is more than I can ask for. The guy is a legend in my mind. The contrast between him and Dick Cheney is so dramatic I don't even think I can eloquently state it.

Can you imagine Dick Cheney inviting a 17 year old girl to jump in the car so she could make it to the rally in time?

H...holy. And I was just watching CNN and the reporter on the ground said that reports on the ground suggest that the Democratic early voting game is accelerating and more and more of the voters are Democratic now. They said they felt they needed almost an entire group of 4000 or something at one point.

I was hesitant because I was afraid he'd make a gaffe or two, but honestly almost none of his foot-in-mouths have been dramatic enough to change things, and the few that were changed things in the RIGHT direction.

Edit: And goddamn at that last Virginia poll. What's their sample *checks*

Well, Ami, don't forget that Sunday (today) is supposedly a big voting day for BLACK CHURCHES (aka voter fraud) to go vote. So I bet you'd see a blip today.


Obama was really smart to pick him. Vice Presidents rarely move the needle in the end, so the fact that Joe Biden can occasionally make a headline because he's doing the right thing and thus force Obama's hand (gay marriage, transgender equality) is more than I can ask for. The guy is a legend in my mind. The contrast between him and Dick Cheney is so dramatic I don't even think I can eloquently state it.

I will always and forever remember him for this. He gets an incredible amount of credit for forcing the issue. Sometimes things in politics happen this way. Fascinating.

Plus, he had this awesome moment. Even my Dad, a steady Republican, had to give Joe props for this:
All PPPPolls

Iowa: Obama 50, Romney 48
New Hampshire: Obama 50, Romney 48
Ohio: Obama 52, Romney 47
Virginia: Obama 51, Romney 47

All polls have Obama hitting 50% mark.
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