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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Fox News wants their viewership to think its in the bag, because the narrative come Wednesday will be how the Dems stole the election with voter fraud and how we need to implement more supression tactics.

I will be there along with many others taking joy in the drinking of their sweet salty bitter tears.


I truly believe this will be their play.
fwiw, my algorithm is running its final computations for the cycle and i will post results later this evening (probably around 8cst).


So what's with the whole revenge comment Obama made. Am I off base on thinking it was taken out of context?

He was discussing Romney's lies about Jeep that caused people to think they were losing their jobs. That was what he was saying they wanted revenge for. Not surprisingly Romney just looked at the one word.

I'm honestly surprised that at this point Romney hasn't come up with an ad splicing Obama speeches together to say "vote...for...Romney".

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
"I have not had sexual relations with that woman," Ohio said.

Karl Rove says a guy who know a guy who is friends with the elections officer who is in charge of the guy who is the liason to the Romney campaign says they have double secret agents who responded to OH polls saying they were voting Obama when they were actually voting for Romney because aliens

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
IMO this is the only viable Obama victory map. Not a fan of his Sandy talk but overall the map is believable. I think CO going blue could be a stretch (PPP seems to be skewing Obama's margins in multiple states) but considering dems won there in 2010, I can see Obama winning the state tomorrow

I'll have my final map later today.

PD officially endoses unskewing


Karl Rove says a guy who know a guy who is friends with the elections officer who is in charge of the guy who is the liason to the Romney campaign says they have double secret agents who responded to OH polls saying they were voting Obama when they were actually voting for Romney because aliens

Very reliable source.


Oh that's right. So that should be the same if there were 5 in line or several hundred still in line?

yeah. The lines are normally nowhere near as bad as EV lines, since there are only a small amount of early voting locations open.

edit... i love that PD has gotten either so bored or run out of things to say when trolling that he has become an unskewer.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Very reliable source.

Plus, after you unskew it, Romney will achieve the 75% advantage required to trigger the invisible ink clause in the US Constitution that says if you win Ohio by a margin that large, the rest of the country no longer matters and you are also conferred the title of "Emperor."

Gallup releasing final poll at 1PM EST. If it shows a tie or an Obama lead, I predict a lot of outraged conservatives accusing them of being bullied by liberals and Nate Silver into revising their numbers.

Gallup's GOP slant has been consistent since last year even. I'm not holidng my breath for anything under +3 Rmoney.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"


Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport tells Bloomberg Businessweek that the release of Monday’s tracking poll, set for 1 p.m., will show Mitt Romney leading President Obama 49 percent to 48 percent among likely voters nationally. This is the first tracking poll released since Hurricane Sandy and notable for the strong movement to Obama. The last Gallup poll on Oct. 29 showed Romney up by 5 points–51 percent to 46 percent. Romney’s one-point lead is within the margin of error and, statistically speaking, amounts to a tie. “It’s tied today at 1 o’clock,” Newport said by phone Monday morning.



Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport tells Bloomberg Businessweek that the release of Monday’s tracking poll, set for 1 p.m., will show Mitt Romney leading President Obama 49 percent to 48 percent among likely voters nationally. This is the first tracking poll released since Hurricane Sandy and notable for the strong movement to Obama. The last Gallup poll on Oct. 29 showed Romney up by 5 points–51 percent to 46 percent. Romney’s one-point lead is within the margin of error and, statistically speaking, amounts to a tie. “It’s tied today at 1 o’clock,” Newport said by phone Monday morning.

Well, Gallup has Obama down 5 nationally! Romney has this thing in the bag!
/Hannity and the Right


We can't trust Gallup, they're clearly in the bag for Obama!
/Hannity and the Right

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Am I the only one who think the reliance on how many GOP voters turn out on Election Day itself is somewhat overblown? I mean, as early voting becomes an established thing, I have to imagine more voters of all stripes will vote early since early voting is just generally more convenient (assuming there aren't 50 hour lines)


Molly Ball ‏@mollyesque

Lots of Ohio early voters here in Columbus being given provisional ballots bc of address changes etc.

Ugh. Let's hope Obama wins CO and VA too. Husted will not go quietly


Kerry's Lead Among Independents Makes Bush's Situation Extremely Dire

No Republican in the modern era has won a presidential election without carrying the independent vote. In the 2000 election, despite losing the national popular vote, George Bush led Al Gore by a narrow margin among independent voters. However, according to the final, supersized Gallup Poll, John Kerry now has an 8 point lead over George Bush among independent voters. In fact, Kerry led Bush among independents in all four Gallup polls this month--by an average of 6 points. This is one more piece of evidence that George Bush's situation is extremely dire.

Posted by rteixeira on October 31, 2004 11:26 PM


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can you guys stop with the Husted crap? He's already done most of the damage he could do. The paranoia is not normal.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Final popular vote prediction: O - 51% , R - 47%, Third parties - 2%

Nobody has received 50% in the popular vote since Reagan in 1984.

Can you guys stop with the Husted crap? He's already done most of the damage he could do. The paranoia is not normal.

I just think its a little overblown to suggest that more than a tiny percentage of people can't just write the the last four of their SSN to avoid having the ballot thrown out. Besides, Provisional Ballots aren't even counted until the 17th.
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