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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I have a weird sense of confidence in Obama winning. It feels good.

I no longer get annoyed or compelled to rebuke my conversative friends or coworkers that lash out at Obama. I know that Obama is simply going to win. He has made the best case and anyone that disagrees is a lost cause, no point in arguing with them.

I can't be the only one, especially after the 3rd debate.

You are quite correct. He's going to win.
I have a weird sense of confidence in Obama winning. It feels good.

I no longer get annoyed or compelled to rebuke my conversative friends or coworkers that lash out at Obama. I know that Obama is simply going to win. He has made the best case and anyone that disagrees is a lost cause, no point in arguing with them.

I can't be the only one, especially after the 3rd debate.

The best case for what, exactly? I don't see how anyone can stomach to vote for either one of these charlatans.


Early voted today. Ended up voting straight ticket, as the current GOP offers nothing appealing to me at any level of government. Democrats are going to sweep this state and while Romney will win my state, it's looking increasingly unlikely that he's going to win.


I have a weird sense of confidence in Obama winning. It feels good.

I no longer get annoyed or compelled to rebuke my conversative friends or coworkers that lash out at Obama. I know that Obama is simply going to win. He has made the best case and anyone that disagrees is a lost cause, no point in arguing with them.

I can't be the only one, especially after the 3rd debate.

Romney has a ton of momentum right now.
I have a weird sense of confidence in Obama winning. It feels good.

I no longer get annoyed or compelled to rebuke my conversative friends or coworkers that lash out at Obama. I know that Obama is simply going to win. He has made the best case and anyone that disagrees is a lost cause, no point in arguing with them.

I can't be the only one, especially after the 3rd debate.

Feelin pretty good too. I was in Diablos mode 2 weeks before. But Obama's prospects are lookin better now.


I have a weird sense of confidence in Obama winning. It feels good.

I no longer get annoyed or compelled to rebuke my conversative friends or coworkers that lash out at Obama. I know that Obama is simply going to win. He has made the best case and anyone that disagrees is a lost cause, no point in arguing with them.

I can't be the only one, especially after the 3rd debate.

I get you completely.

My usual line over the past two months - even after Romney closed a bit from Debate #1 - has been, "I'm not going to argue, as neither of us will convince the other. We'll just have to see what the Electoral College says."


Obama awoke to the sounds of cheers. He had barely managed to steal two hours of sleep before hearing the roar of the crowd, thousands of young people cheering his name. He looked around his empty hotel room and sighed; it was moments like these where he wished he still smoked. During campaign season it was always hard for Obama to sleep, and when he did sleep his tortured dreams were dominated by the voices of rallies he had attended earlier. The noise stayed with him, even during his quietest moments.

Slowly, Obama arose from the bed and paced around his room. It was 4AM and Barack Obama was alone. He had campaigned earlier in the day with his wife, but she had flown back to Washington after the rally without saying goodbye; he had asked her to stay the night with him, but she had sarcastically noted that he was a big boy now and could sleep by himself. Her barb had hurt the president, but after 20 years of similar insults he was used to it.

Depressed, Obama slowly scrolled through his Blackberry looking for someone, anyone to talk to.


Hillary Clinton heard her husband's voice for the first time in weeks. As she casually flipped channels she came across Bill looking straight into her soul through the television - championing Barack Obama in a campaign ad. President Barack Obama. She had worked alongside him for four years now, yet the title still gave her a slight feeling of agitation. If all had gone as planned, she would be running for re-election right now as Senator Obama rallied young voters for her cause. The loss still stung after all these years, but especially on this sleepless night.

And yet she knew her irritation with her boss was masking her true feelings. Obama had proven her wrong over the last four years: he was strong where she predicted weakness, steady where she anticipated confusion. The job had aged the president and yet his youthful energy and intellect remained. He was still a young man, and even the most stressful moments had not robbed him of his youth.

Her young male aides often joked and laughed with her, but she could tell they thought of her as an old woman now. She tried imagining being with them but even the thought was disgusted her. Her endometriosis made sex painful, and the last thing she needed was a young stud rushing things. More importantly, young men often lacked the attributes she cherished: compassion, romantic, a calm spirit as comfortable alone with her by the fireplace as he would be in a crowd; the opposite of her impulsive, selfish husband. As she sat alone, conjuring the attributes of her perfect man, she realized she was describing someone she knew. She had known for years, yet her anger and jealousy had blocked the truth. Tears filled her eyes. The phone rang.

I am completley serious when I say if you took this incredible absurd story and made a full novel out of it you could make tons of money on it as an ebook, a political fifty shades of grey? Not to mention you are a damn good writer.



Benghazi attack suspect' dies in Cairo shootout
The man was killed after an exchange of fire with security services in the Cairo suburb of Madinet Nasr.

Authorities named the man only as Hazem.

Four US diplomatic officials were killed in the Benghazi attack, among them the US ambassador to Libya.

According to the Egyptian officials the suspect was cornered in a flat in Madinet Nasr early on Wednesday morning. He threw a bomb at the security forces, but it bounced back into the flat.

An exchange of fire with the security services then began and went on for several hours, local media reports say.

The suspect's burnt body was found in the property, along with weapons and explosive materials, officials say.
The electoral college must be changed. It should be one person, one vote. The popular vote should be the primary factor in term of election. I've already seen Gore get fucked because of it. I wonder how many times it's going to take for someone to get screwed before it is changed?
The electoral college must be changed. It should be one person, one vote. The popular vote should be the primary factor in term of election. I've already seen Gore get fucked because of it. I wonder how many times it's going to take for someone to get screwed before it is changed?
Let's wait for Romney to get fucked by it and then we'll talk.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Obama awoke to the sounds of cheers. He had barely managed to steal two hours of sleep before hearing the roar of the crowd, thousands of young people cheering his name. He looked around his empty hotel room and sighed; it was moments like these where he wished he still smoked. During campaign season it was always hard for Obama to sleep, and when he did sleep his tortured dreams were dominated by the voices of rallies he had attended earlier. The noise stayed with him, even during his quietest moments.

Slowly, Obama arose from the bed and paced around his room. It was 4AM and Barack Obama was alone. He had campaigned earlier in the day with his wife, but she had flown back to Washington after the rally without saying goodbye; he had asked her to stay the night with him, but she had sarcastically noted that he was a big boy now and could sleep by himself. Her barb had hurt the president, but after 20 years of similar insults he was used to it.

Depressed, Obama slowly scrolled through his Blackberry looking for someone, anyone to talk to.


Hillary Clinton heard her husband's voice for the first time in weeks. As she casually flipped channels she came across Bill looking straight into her soul through the television - championing Barack Obama in a campaign ad. President Barack Obama. She had worked alongside him for four years now, yet the title still gave her a slight feeling of agitation. If all had gone as planned, she would be running for re-election right now as Senator Obama rallied young voters for her cause. The loss still stung after all these years, but especially on this sleepless night.

And yet she knew her irritation with her boss was masking her true feelings. Obama had proven her wrong over the last four years: he was strong where she predicted weakness, steady where she anticipated confusion. The job had aged the president and yet his youthful energy and intellect remained. He was still a young man, and even the most stressful moments had not robbed him of his youth.

Her young male aides often joked and laughed with her, but she could tell they thought of her as an old woman now. She tried imagining being with them but even the thought was disgusted her. Her endometriosis made sex painful, and the last thing she needed was a young stud rushing things. More importantly, young men often lacked the attributes she cherished: compassion, romantic, a calm spirit as comfortable alone with her by the fireplace as he would be in a crowd; the opposite of her impulsive, selfish husband. As she sat alone, conjuring the attributes of her perfect man, she realized she was describing someone she knew. She had known for years, yet her anger and jealousy had blocked the truth. Tears filled her eyes. The phone rang.

Umm, a bankruptcy is what happened. Do obama fans not know this?

Romney supported a bankruptcy entirely in the hands of the private sector, not backed by $80 billion in government guaranteed loans.

The issue here is that at the time, global credit markets were completely frozen. There WAS no one in the private sector willing or able to loan $80 billion to GM or Chrysler.

Ultimately, along with getting nearly $80 billion in loans and other assistance from the Bush and Obama administrations, GM and Chrysler did go through a managed bankruptcy.

But many independent analysts have concluded that taking the approach recommended by Romney would not have worked in 2008, simply because the credit markets were so frozen that a bankruptcy was not a viable option at the time.

Here’s how the bipartisan Congressional Oversight Panel, in a unanimous finding, framed the issue in a January 2011 report: “The circumstances in the global credit markets in November and December 2008 were unlike any the financial markets had seen in decades. U.S. domestic credit markets were frozen in the wake of the Lehman bankruptcy, and international sources of funding were extremely limited.”

Washington Post fact check on the auto industry bailout.

Even Ford, who didn't take part in the bailout, said government intervention to keep GM and Chrysler operating was critical to its supply chain. Had they gone under, common suppliers to all three companies would have gone out of business and Ford would have gone down with them.

And as Ford's chief executive, Alan Mulally, pointed out during a visit with The Times' editorial board Tuesday, "There was nobody that was going to give them money for [debtor-in-possession] financing."

Mulally's comments weren't offered as a criticism of Romney. Rather, he was defending Ford's decision to go to Congress with GM and Chrysler in 2008 to call for a federal rescue. Ford didn't need the money itself -- it had previously arranged a multibillion-dollar line of private credit. But Mulally said he believed then, just as he believes now, that GM and Chrysler threatened to drag the entire country into a depression.

"This could be upwards of 13% of the U.S. GDP if they were to go into freefall," Mulally said. "We believed [seeking the bailout] was the right thing for the industry, the right thing for the United States of America.... I'd do the same thing today."

Ford CEO rebuts mitt romney on the bailout

So no, a bankruptcy in every traditional sense would not have worked. Companies still require capital to keep operating, even during a court ordered bankruptcy and that capital simply was not there. "letting detroit go bankrupt" in the sense that Romney was advocating would have dragged down the entire auto industry. Unless you can think of some OTHER reason why an auto company would lobby congress on behalf of their competition.

Do Romney fans not know this?


The electoral college must be changed. It should be one person, one vote. The popular vote should be the primary factor in term of election. I've already seen Gore get fucked because of it. I wonder how many times it's going to take for someone to get screwed before it is changed?

If "theyre all the same" then why do you care how they're elected, as your third party vote will have the same impact, ie none.


The best case for what, exactly? I don't see how anyone can stomach to vote for either one of these charlatans.

Because one is much worse for your future and the country than the other. Fucking can't stand these types of posts. If Bush for example didn't get voted in, chances are hundreds of thousands of innocent people would not have died over a war based on lies and unrelated to anything. Wake the fuck up. Just because you dislike both does not mean they're as bad as each other. There are clear differences.


Obama awoke to the sounds of cheers. He had barely managed to steal two hours of sleep before hearing the roar of the crowd, thousands of young people cheering his name. He looked around his empty hotel room and sighed; it was moments like these where he wished he still smoked. During campaign season it was always hard for Obama to sleep, and when he did sleep his tortured dreams were dominated by the voices of rallies he had attended earlier. The noise stayed with him, even during his quietest moments.

Slowly, Obama arose from the bed and paced around his room. It was 4AM and Barack Obama was alone. He had campaigned earlier in the day with his wife, but she had flown back to Washington after the rally without saying goodbye; he had asked her to stay the night with him, but she had sarcastically noted that he was a big boy now and could sleep by himself. Her barb had hurt the president, but after 20 years of similar insults he was used to it.

Depressed, Obama slowly scrolled through his Blackberry looking for someone, anyone to talk to.


Hillary Clinton heard her husband's voice for the first time in weeks. As she casually flipped channels she came across Bill looking straight into her soul through the television - championing Barack Obama in a campaign ad. President Barack Obama. She had worked alongside him for four years now, yet the title still gave her a slight feeling of agitation. If all had gone as planned, she would be running for re-election right now as Senator Obama rallied young voters for her cause. The loss still stung after all these years, but especially on this sleepless night.

And yet she knew her irritation with her boss was masking her true feelings. Obama had proven her wrong over the last four years: he was strong where she predicted weakness, steady where she anticipated confusion. The job had aged the president and yet his youthful energy and intellect remained. He was still a young man, and even the most stressful moments had not robbed him of his youth.

Her young male aides often joked and laughed with her, but she could tell they thought of her as an old woman now. She tried imagining being with them but even the thought was disgusted her. Her endometriosis made sex painful, and the last thing she needed was a young stud rushing things. More importantly, young men often lacked the attributes she cherished: compassion, romantic, a calm spirit as comfortable alone with her by the fireplace as he would be in a crowd; the opposite of her impulsive, selfish husband. As she sat alone, conjuring the attributes of her perfect man, she realized she was describing someone she knew. She had known for years, yet her anger and jealousy had blocked the truth. Tears filled her eyes. The phone rang.
Later that night, she realized that calling Bill Clinton the first black president was a gross exaggeration.

We're really off the deep end, aren't we?


I need to know you know this, fans of Obummer.

Haven't really mentioned this before, but I hate when conservatives come up with stupid names for Obama (or Democrats in general). It's like they all have a high school (or less) education or something.


Haven't really mentioned this before, but I hate when conservatives come up with stupid names for Obama (or Democrats in general). It's like they all have a high school (or less) education or something.

It works both ways, democrats/liberals say Rombot, Rmoney, etc. Its silly on both sides but its a direct emotional appeal to diehards so it works.
Haven't really mentioned this before, but I hate when conservatives come up with stupid names for Obama (or Democrats in general). It's like they all have a high school (or less) education or something.

It's the only defense mechanism they know.

The same one used by 2nd graders.
The electoral college must be changed. It should be one person, one vote. The popular vote should be the primary factor in term of election. I've already seen Gore get fucked because of it. I wonder how many times it's going to take for someone to get screwed before it is changed?

The one silver lining if Romney wins the popular vote but loses the election due to electoral votes is that it electoral reform might then get a boost. In a fit of anger, many GOPers might demand that it be changed.



I am completley serious when I say if you took this incredible absurd story and made a full novel out of it you could make tons of money on it as an ebook, a political fifty shades of grey? Not to mention you are a damn good writer.




It works both ways, democrats/liberals say Rombot, Rmoney, etc. Its silly on both sides but its a direct emotional appeal to diehards so it works.

I totally agree with that. I cringe when I see that as well. I definitely see more childish name calling on the Republican side though. The only RMoney I've seen was that sweet photoshop of Romney and I'm not really convinced that's an insult lol. Rombot is eh, but it doesn't sound as stupid as Obummer.
Haven't really mentioned this before, but I hate when conservatives come up with stupid names for Obama (or Democrats in general). It's like they all have a high school (or less) education or something.

Well, I'm guilty of using Rombot. I thought it was a funny description of his awkward nature. R-money is petty. Odumbo, Oblamo, Obummer, etc. are also pretty petty.
Obama awoke to the sounds of cheers. He had barely managed to steal two hours of sleep before hearing the roar of the crowd, thousands of young people cheering his name. He looked around his empty hotel room and sighed; it was moments like these where he wished he still smoked. During campaign season it was always hard for Obama to sleep, and when he did sleep his tortured dreams were dominated by the voices of rallies he had attended earlier. The noise stayed with him, even during his quietest moments.

Slowly, Obama arose from the bed and paced around his room. It was 4AM and Barack Obama was alone. He had campaigned earlier in the day with his wife, but she had flown back to Washington after the rally without saying goodbye; he had asked her to stay the night with him, but she had sarcastically noted that he was a big boy now and could sleep by himself. Her barb had hurt the president, but after 20 years of similar insults he was used to it.

Depressed, Obama slowly scrolled through his Blackberry looking for someone, anyone to talk to.


Hillary Clinton heard her husband's voice for the first time in weeks. As she casually flipped channels she came across Bill looking straight into her soul through the television - championing Barack Obama in a campaign ad. President Barack Obama. She had worked alongside him for four years now, yet the title still gave her a slight feeling of agitation. If all had gone as planned, she would be running for re-election right now as Senator Obama rallied young voters for her cause. The loss still stung after all these years, but especially on this sleepless night.

And yet she knew her irritation with her boss was masking her true feelings. Obama had proven her wrong over the last four years: he was strong where she predicted weakness, steady where she anticipated confusion. The job had aged the president and yet his youthful energy and intellect remained. He was still a young man, and even the most stressful moments had not robbed him of his youth.

Her young male aides often joked and laughed with her, but she could tell they thought of her as an old woman now. She tried imagining being with them but even the thought was disgusted her. Her endometriosis made sex painful, and the last thing she needed was a young stud rushing things. More importantly, young men often lacked the attributes she cherished: compassion, romantic, a calm spirit as comfortable alone with her by the fireplace as he would be in a crowd; the opposite of her impulsive, selfish husband. As she sat alone, conjuring the attributes of her perfect man, she realized she was describing someone she knew. She had known for years, yet her anger and jealousy had blocked the truth. Tears filled her eyes. The phone rang.



NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Sure it is, but even though everyone bitches about Gallup its still factored in the average.

That's a bit of a non sequitur - they don't really have anything to do with each other. As people have pointed out the national average doesnt really matter. I would note that this is same Gallup poll that was discredited, then cheered today when it moved towards Obama.


I'm getting a little weary of election season too, but mostly because I want it to be over so we can start thinking about an agenda. I am hopeful that the more moderate members of the GOP will start thinking about compromise in an effort to preserve their legacy.

Edit: WTF is going on with the fanfic.
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