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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Them campaigning in Pennsylvania just proves that Ohio is a lost cause. Romney has as much chance of winning PA as Obama does winning AZ.

They scheduled a last minute rally in Ohio tomorrow too.

Romney is doing 6 rallies today and 2 tomorrow.
Obama is doing 3 rallies today and 0 tomorrow.

Pretty easy to see which is feeling more confident.


What's the point of a rally on election day? They should be focusing on trying to get people to the polls. Not holding events keeping them from the polls. Did Romney even vote himself or planning to tomorrow? I don't recall there being any coverage/photo op of him doing so.


What's the point of a rally on election day? They should be focusing on trying to get people to the polls. Not holding events keeping them from the polls. Did Romney even vote himself or planning to tomorrow? I don't recall there being any coverage/photo op of him doing so.

Maybe he can't reveal his state of residence without opening a can of worms!


What's the point of a rally on election day? They should be focusing on trying to get people to the polls. Not holding events keeping them from the polls. Did Romney even vote himself or planning to tomorrow? I don't recall there being any coverage/photo op of him doing so.

Well, when a candidate is in town, he gets to gnarl-up traffic. Imagine Cleveland being a nightmare to navigate while Romney is in town. And Cleveland is favoring whom right now? And the cities in Pennsylvania?

It's a pretty well-known and desperate move.


Well, when a candidate is in town, he gets to gnarl-up traffic. Imagine Cleveland being a nightmare to navigate while Romney is in town. And Cleveland is favoring whom right now? And the cities in Pennsylvania?

It's a pretty well-known and desperate move.
Wow that actually makes a lot of sense. Especially since both events are in democratic strong hold areas of the states.


Weird, didn't she already predict that if they didn't nominate Christie they would lose?

Actually, she said that if Christie didn't run they would nominate Romney and he would lose.

Rather specific statement to now run from, but then the base is her meal ticket.
This is probably true. At least on a level where full legalization could thrive. Companies like Marlbro won't start producing mass market product until the feds are on board. I expect it to be similar to medical use.

Though it would add pressure nationally if CO and more states adport a pro legalization stance.

Well I never expected companies like Marlbro to try and compete with a market of personally traded goods. Hell this is colorado, you can get weed anywhere; no one is going to try to buy it at a higher price from a company.

Something about this I didn't think about before. If it happens as it should and it's not illegal, than finding a small amount would not longer be probable cause for larger search, correct?

I really hope they just respects the State's right to make it's own law.


Well, when a candidate is in town, he gets to gnarl-up traffic. Imagine Cleveland being a nightmare to navigate while Romney is in town. And Cleveland is favoring whom right now? And the cities in Pennsylvania?

It's a pretty well-known and desperate move.

Didn't consider that at all.


Well I never expected companies like Marlbro to try and compete with a market of personally traded goods. Hell this is colorado, you can get weed anywhere; no one is going to try to buy it at a higher price from a company.

Something about this I didn't think about before. If it happens as it should and it's not illegal, than finding a small amount would not longer be probable cause for larger search, correct?

I really hope they just respects the State's right to make it's own law.

Marijuana costs FAR less to grow than it's street value. Phillip Morris could come into that market, sell more quantity for lower cost, and still make huge profits.

What pot head wouldn't buy a pack of 10 pre-rolled white widows for $20? Nobody. But Phillip Morris could easily do that and then some with the actual profit margins in their product.

Its a heartier plant than tobacco and they can sell 20 cigs at $5 a pop when about half of that $5 is state and federal taxes.


Florida - Rom +5
Virginia - Rom +2
Iowa - Rom +1
Ohio - Tie

^ Polls released today that make me nervous about tomorrow. :(

There haven't been polls showing Romney ahead in almost a month except one Rasmussen poll.


At least it's one of the less vitriolic ones I've seen posted here.

I find the ones where they're living on opposite land where you could just find/replace Obama (or whatever dem name) with Romney (or whatever republican name) and get the exact same post and/or thought more in line with reality to be more fascinating and hilarious.

President Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, denied conservative commentator Dick Morris's claim that Axelrod had worked for him in the past, and unleashed a stream of mockery on Morris, a former Democrat and aide to President Bill Clinton.

Morris, who has been predicting a landslide victory for Governor Mitt Romney, told Megyn Kelly Monday that Axelrod "used to work for me."

"He was a good employee," Morris said.

Morris was a key architect of Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign, but Axelrod said he'd never worked for the former Democrat.

"He's delusional," Axelrod told BuzzFeed in an email. "He called and asked my advice on Chicago before the [1996] Convention. I never 'worked for him.'"
Axelrod added a jab at the scandal that cost Morris his role with Clinton, and included detailed allegations from a prostitute.

"I've had a foot in my mouth plenty of times, but it's always been my own!" Axelrod said.


There haven't been polls showing Romney ahead in almost a month except one Rasmussen poll.

I love how the larger sample sizes have a bigger Obama lead.


sorry had to post this one for the cog dis

free republic said:
Vanity: Should I move funds in my 401(k) before the election?

So I have a modest nest egg in my 401(k).

It's in growth stocks, and I've had almost 13% rate of return this year. I've pretty much made up all I lost in the last big crash.

I'm concerned that if Obama is reelected, or if the election is undecided for weeks or months, that the market may tank.



Didn't consider that at all.

I'm kinda shocked that no one brought it up.

In my one of my last classes, we went over example after example of this in various elections throughout history - both statewide and national - where one candidate lingered around his opponent's stronghold(s) just to jam-up mobility in the area. Some candidates in statewide races will drive all around a state from event to event on Election Day just to cause havok everywhere. In a race where it's as tight as a tick, it could work.

The good thing? The cities that Romney will be trying this in are older, and much of the built landscape was designed pre-automobile - with the pedestrian in mind. It's much tougher to snarl things up when so many folks aren't car-dependent.

(edit: and I am incredibly surprised at how much I start to remember when these events start coming around, haha - it's been over 12 years since that class!)
Marijuana costs FAR less to grow than it's street value. Phillip Morris could come into that market, sell more quantity for lower cost, and still make huge profits.

What pot head wouldn't buy a pack of 10 pre-rolled white widows for $20? Nobody. But Phillip Morris could easily do that and then some with the actual profit margins in their product.

Its a heartier plant than tobacco and they can sell 20 cigs at $5 a pop when about half of that $5 is state and federal taxes.

Well, the cost to grow of nearly every plant is low. Pot takes more care than most if you look at grower set up. One, I doubt how much people will go to a company like Mbro when they can already get it at a good price, even if it comes out lower. Two, are we talking good or bad weed? I don't see Mbro growing and packing dank (honestly how well will it work when it's all sticky?).
That Florida poll was done by InsiderAdvantage, Nate's second to least correct polling outfit of 2010.

Even if they are Rasmussen and whatever other polls...doesnt it make you guys somewhat nervous about tomorrow that there ARE polls out there that could lead to an EC victory for Romney? I'm just freaking out that it COULD happen...
Even if they are Rasmussen and whatever other polls...doesnt it make you guys somewhat nervous about tomorrow that there ARE polls out there that could lead to an EC victory for Romney?

"Consider that InsiderAdvantage, which has just 74 polls in our database, has 10 cases in which they missed the final margin between the candidates by 15 or more points."
Even if they are Rasmussen and whatever other polls...doesnt it make you guys somewhat nervous about tomorrow that there ARE polls out there that could lead to an EC victory for Romney?

No, because individual polls make mistakes. Aggregates don't. Unless they are all fundamentally flawed.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
18k for Obama and The Boss in Madison, compared to 80k for Kerry/The Boss in 2004. Similar numbers to Romney's rally with Kid Rock lol

You understand that the President can't hold 80,000 person rallies because he's the president of the most powerful country in the world right
Even if they are Rasmussen and whatever other polls...doesnt it make you guys somewhat nervous about tomorrow that there ARE polls out there that could lead to an EC victory for Romney? I'm just freaking out that it COULD happen...

No. If Obama is up 3 in Ohio there should be a couple polls showing a tie or only up 1. That's statistics. If it didn't happen pollsters would be cheating.


Florida - Rom +5

I've never heard of Insider Advantage, but 538 suggests they're idiots. That poll is already taken into account in the current rating of Florida as a 56% chance for Romney.

Virginia - Rom +2


Iowa - Rom +1

ARG. Looks like a four-five point GOP lean.

Ohio - Tie

Rasmussen again. Stop looking at Rasmussen.

Even if they are Rasmussen and whatever other polls...doesnt it make you guys somewhat nervous about tomorrow that there ARE polls out there that could lead to an EC victory for Romney? I'm just freaking out that it COULD happen...

Freak out if it DOES happen.
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