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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Well, the cost to grow of nearly every plant is low. Pot takes more care than most if you look at grower set up. One, I doubt how much people will go to a company like Mbro when they can already get it at a good price, even if it comes out lower. Two, are we talking good or bad weed? I don't see Mbro growing and packing dank (honestly how well will it work when it's all sticky?).

1. it's Phillip Morris, Marlboro is just a brand.

2. The tobacco they grow now has more nicotine in it than any tobacco ever grown on this planet. They know what gets people hooked and their botanists are far better than 99.9% of the home growers. The THC content would be a top priority.

3. The pricing now on weed is heavily dependent on it being an illicit item. Once legal major corporations will be able to destroy the current pricing model, grossly undercut all small time competition, and likely provide an easier supply stream via their current tobacco distribution channels.

4. auto rollers work just fine on the stickiest of icky sticky. Those are the cheapo home use ones. Industrial packers would have zero problems.
Morris certainly knew Clinton was fucking around before Monica, and felt it wasn't fair that he was thrown off the bus to defend someone just as guilty. Of course cheating with an intern isn't the same as fucking a call girl.

That being said, I don't think Morris is insane. His job isn't to predict elections, it's to tell conservatives what they want to hear. That was the case when he first started spreading FUD about Hillary, and it's the case now that he's telling conservatives Obama has no chance to win.

Example: last week Morris said Obama's numbers were increasing due to Sandy, and might be coming back. Yesterday he released a video claiming Obama blew his opportunity and would certainly lose. It was obvious he received a lot of angry responses from conservatives and thus had to retcon his previous statement. That's why if Obama wins, Morris' will remain on Fox and play a prominent role predicting 2014/2016


1. it's Phillip Morris, Marlboro is just a brand.

2. The tobacco they grow now has more nicotine in it than any tobacco ever grown on this planet. They know what gets people hooked and their botanists are far better than 99.9% of the home growers. The THC content would be a top priority.

3. The pricing now on weed is heavily dependent on it being an illicit item. Once legal major corporations will be able to destroy the current pricing model, grossly undercut all small time competition, and likely provide an easier supply stream via their current tobacco distribution channels.

4. auto rollers work just fine on the stickiest of icky sticky. Those are the cheapo home use ones. Industrial packers would have zero problems.

Honestly, aside from the whole corporations are inhuman monsters thing, I'd be happy to see Philip Morris selling marijuana cigarettes. Nothing would make national legalization more likely.


Gary Johnson: Obama will win

Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson said Monday he thinks President Barack Obama will defeat Mitt Romney to win a second term.

“I think Obama’s going to win, that’s what I think,” Johnson told POLITICO in an interview. “[My vote is] really spread out, meaning I don’t think there’s any state that I’m going to do better than another.”

Johnson, who’s on the ballot in 48 states and the District of Columbia, hovers in single digits in the polls. The former two-term New Mexico governor declined to single out any state where he expected to do particularly well but said he had no regrets about how he ran his campaign.

He and Virgil Goode are one reason why I put Virginia into Obama's column for my prediction map..


Honestly, aside from the whole corporations are inhuman monsters thing, I'd be happy to see Philip Morris selling marijuana cigarettes. Nothing would make national legalization more likely.

and cartels less dangerous. If youre in a state that has it legal and you didnt grow it yourself, youre a piece of shit if you buy it from a dealer

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
If Obama wins Virginia, I don't see a spread of more than 2 points if any. 8 is ridic



It has begun. #romneydeathrally

Ryan scampers, chittering "Ayn Rand fhtagn!" Romney's eyes are black voids. When I look into them, I can see forever. #romneydeathrally.

McCain's withered husk frays like ancient paper. Beneath his colorless skin is glimmering scales, hungry eyes. #RomneyDeathRally

I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, upon his heads the name of Obamacare #RomneyDeathRally

Santorum reveals that his one true son was actually a goat, buried clandestinely in a disused Etruscan cemetery. #RomneyDeathRally

Romney has begun some trilling ululation, Ryan has begun to smile but it's too wide, and the stars have begun to go out... #RomneyDeathRally

Nate Silver has been captured by the #romneydeathrally. They tear the numbers from his mind so that he cannot change this dark future.

The chant is reaching fever pitch. Mouths shriek, throats split. 'Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Romney R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!' #RomneyDeathRally

As our howls become more inhuman, and our throats bleed, we wonder if we ever knew what it was like to not scream. #RomneyDeathRally

Ryan is reassuring the bound, sobbing women that it's just another means of conception. Akin's tentacles writhe anxiously. #RomneyDeathRally

Karl Rove opens one of his six mouths and sings the song that ends Obama's America. #RomneyDeathRally

Romney hollow eyes have settled upon me. Goodbye #romneydeathrally, I go now to join the void in the Beast.

I notice a sting on my arm. When I look down, a locust with Ayn Rand's face gorges messily on my flesh. I understand now. #RomneyDeathRally

Powered by his hatred for Obama, Romney's fear engine made of blood and bone bores a hole between this world and the next. #RomneyDeathRally

The polls unskew. There is an earth-shattering crack and the obscene sound of skin slapping against skin repeatedly. #romneydeathrally

The chant goes up from blood-flecked lips. "Four more eons! Four more eons!" Somewhere a hound is baying. #romneydeathrally


If Nate Silver is right on this election, I can see his site taking over as the go-to aggregation site over RCP

He needs to start updating at least the poll roundup multiple times a day if he wants that to happen. But if they drop more cash on him maybe he will. I'd like to see him hire Nate Cohn and some other people named Nate.


Romney Pure Presidency Prediction Center (RPPPC)​
Here at the RPPPC, we collect various sources that predict a strong Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama.

Glenn Beck:
~On his radio show Glenn did a drive-by prediction, Romney will win with 321 EV.
~His patriotic, freedom loving gut tells him that Romney will decisively take back Wisconsin from the claws of Obamoislamofascism.

Beck's Record: Created the 9/12 Project, saved America.

"This president I think exposed himself as a guy over and over again who has a deep seated hatred for white people or the white culture, I don't know what it is. " via Fox News

Larry Kudlow (CNBC Anchor):
~Romney wins with 330 EV and at least 52 percent of the popular vote.

Kudblow's record: Accurately predicted in 2007 that there would be no recession whatsoever.

"The recession debate is over. It's not gonna happen. Time to move on...The Bush boom is alive and well. It's finishing up its sixth splendid year with many more years to come." via National Review

George Will:
~Romney wins with 321 EV.
~Despite saying Minnesota is the only state that voted democrat for nine consecutive elections, fuck it, Mitts gonna flip it.

Will's Record: George Will does what George Will wants.

Special Mention:
Some of the Daily Caller crew decided to predict the winner. Some predictions were either close wins for Romney or Obama. Here are the two with a Romney landslide.
~Jamie Weinstein (Senior Editor): 315 EV for Romney, and he'll take Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
~David Martosko (Executive Editor): 296 EV for Romney, and he'll take Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, and either Wisconsin or Michigan, but not both.

Karl Rove still hasn't updated with a final prediction map like he did back in 2008, very disappointing.


Holy shit @ Axelrod

"I've had a foot in my mouth plenty of times, but it's always been my own!"
-- David Axelrod, quoted by BuzzFeed, jabbing Dick Morris on the prostitution scandal that forced him out of Bill Clinton's inner circle.



It's seeming more and more like New Hampshire might be called very soon or even right when it closes. Very encouraging.
Out of 6 undecideds from that CNN's panel, 2 are voting for Obama, 1 is voting for Romney, 2 are not telling who they're voting for, and 1 is still undecided. ahahah

And the guy voting for Romney? Birther.

"In essence," Seyler wound up reasoning, "I am choosing between two non-Christians."

Seyler also recognizes the limits of his choice. America's strength is more about the nation's moral and spiritual state, he says, over which the commander in chief has only so much sway. That gives him hope for the country's ability to move forward after a deeply divided election.

"Ultimately, no politician will ever truly solve our problems, he says. "While we elect and support men to lead our country, we must realize that these politicians are only stewards of the world God has created and is sovereign over."
Seriously, where does CNN find these people?


Holy shit @ Axelrod

"I've had a foot in my mouth plenty of times, but it's always been my own!"
-- David Axelrod, quoted by BuzzFeed, jabbing Dick Morris on the prostitution scandal that forced him out of Bill Clinton's inner circle.



It's seeming more and more like New Hampshire might be called very soon or even right when it closes. Very encouraging.
ahhhh shit, that is awesome.

And those NH numbers are awesome. If he can grab NH, that allows him a route without OH or VA through CO/IA.


Apparently campaigning on election isn't that uncommon.

Obama did a rally in Indiana on election day in 2008.
Bush did a rally in Ohio on election day in 2004.





Out of 6 undecideds from that CNN's panel, 2 are voting for Obama, 1 is voting for Romney, 2 are not telling who they're voting for, and 1 is still undecided. ahahah

And the guy voting for Romney? Birther.

Seriously, where does CNN find these people?

I'm starting to believe CNN is putting actors on the air and pretending they're voters or just outright making crap up. That or they are cutting a LOT of people just to get the group they want. This 50/50 crap they keep doing is tiresome.


He needs to start updating at least the poll roundup multiple times a day if he wants that to happen. But if they drop more cash on him maybe he will. I'd like to see him hire Nate Cohn and some other people named Nate.

He could easily hire someone to update the numbers as polls come in while doing the main writeup in the evening but having bloggers on the site posting about interesting stuff. Also, there needs to be a forum for folks to chat.

I just feel that kind of approach is better that the constant links to partisan hackery that's littering RCP.

PS: I know Nate wants to keep the details of his model secret since it's his livelihood so I'm sure he'd be reluctant to let anyone have control of running the model
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