Romney Pure Presidency Prediction Center (RPPPC)
Here at the RPPPC, we collect various sources that predict a strong Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama.
Glenn Beck:
~On his radio show Glenn did a drive-by prediction, Romney will win with 321 EV.
~His patriotic, freedom loving gut tells him that Romney will decisively take back Wisconsin from the claws of Obamoislamofascism.
Beck's Record: Created the
9/12 Project, saved America.
This president I think exposed himself as a guy over and over again who has a deep seated hatred for white people or the white culture, I don't know what it is. " via
Fox News
Larry Kudlow (CNBC Anchor):
~Romney wins with 330 EV and at least 52 percent of the popular vote.
Kudblow's record: Accurately predicted in 2007 that there would be no recession whatsoever.
The recession debate is over. It's not gonna happen. Time to move on...The Bush boom is alive and well. It's finishing up its sixth splendid year with many more years to come." via
National Review
George Will:
~Romney wins with 321 EV.
~Despite saying Minnesota is the only state that voted democrat for nine consecutive elections, fuck it, Mitts gonna flip it.
Will's Record: George Will does what George Will wants.
Special Mention:
Some of the Daily Caller crew decided to predict the winner. Some predictions were either close wins for Romney or Obama. Here are the two with a Romney landslide.
~Jamie Weinstein (Senior Editor): 315 EV for Romney, and he'll take Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
~David Martosko (Executive Editor): 296 EV for Romney, and he'll take Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, and either Wisconsin or Michigan, but not both.
Karl Rove still hasn't updated with a final prediction map like he did back in 2008, very disappointing.