Release fake internals in a last ditch effort to control the new cycle?
Yes. I hope Obama releases his.
Release fake internals in a last ditch effort to control the new cycle?
Well if Romney's internals are correct...we are fucked
Question is if the internals are correct...why leak them
@fivethirtyeight said:FYI: Internal polls released to the public have a 6-point bias, on average, as we saw in Wisconsin recall earlier this year.
PPP NVseems election is over
Colorado... no way that's going that way with that large of a gap
haha Pennsylvania is a tie
come on
Exclusive: Romney campaign internal polling puts Republican nominee up ONE POINT in Ohio and TIED in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
I saw them at a certain mail that is put out daily.. google for it..
down in NV
tied in WI & PA
Can someone help me understand internal polls? Why would one campaign's internal polls be more (or less) credible than public polling companies?
Can someone help me understand internal polls? Why would one campaign's internal polls be more (or less) credible than public polling companies?
Today John McCain is down one point in Iowa.
He was citing an unreleased internal McCain campaign poll of the state, which was completed last Thursday, said Black.
McCain is in a good position to win every red state, Black said. Plus he is probably going to win Pennsylvania and Iowa.
what's with Joe Scarborough thinking that either PA or Wisconsin can go RED? what he smoking?
I don't understand New Hampshire. Why is it a swing state?
So, five point lead for Obama in Ohio, three points in New Hampshire, four points in Iowa? Six points in PA and WI?
Sounds about right.
The good stuff.
Hell no.There should really only be one active election thread and Poligaf should stay closed during election day.
Can someone help me understand internal polls? Why would one campaign's internal polls be more (or less) credible than public polling companies?
Romney will win tomorrow due to the Redskins Rule. It even held up in 2004, the Redskins actually beat the Packers but the play was called back due to a phantom flag:
if Pennsylvania goes to Romney I'll shave my cats.
Ol' Scarbs, I cannot wait to see him eat crow. I almost want to see him eat it more than anyone other than Gary O'Toole at my job.
Hell no.
I seen him today talk about the Hurricane will be the reason if Romney lose.
I guarantee these same idiots saying the polls are biased and wrong today will be saying the election was stolen come Wednesday, with nary a moment in between when their brains landed on the obvious conclusion.
Telling that libgaf has no answer to these credible polls showing Romney ahead in key swing states such as Ohio.
Also no wonder he's spending so much time in PA.
fucking shame that the Republicans have to find a way to avoid looking inside themselves
Yep.I prefer to talk in the Poligaf thread than the OT.
I don't see the point of splitting posts/insights/comments/news/reports from on the ground over two threads. It doesn't make sense.Hell no.
Can someone help me understand internal polls? Why would one campaign's internal polls be more (or less) credible than public polling companies? Jay-Z on now in Colombus. P. funny to see him performing PSA and keeping it clean.
I do think the polls aren't nearly accurate enough, but I won't say the election is stolen on Wednesday. I think our entire polling system needs to be fixed in a major way. I don't think there's a huge amount of chicanery above the norm, but I also don't trust it nearly enough. I'm sure most people feel the same way.
Yeah! Damn tabs! hahaha 99 probs but Mitt ain't one?Was wondering what was up with your post on Wrassle-GAF, I'm reading the two at the same time as well, heh.
Welp, I have some bad news. I know someone who's father's ex-wife's gay brother's lover secretly works for the Obama campaign and he has stated that Obama is down by 3 points in Ohio, 2 in Penn, and 1 in Virginia![]()
Mittens will be president tomorrow. America's sons will be sent into Syria to fight. 3 wars people. Repubs love invading other countries for giggles and Iran is next
My big question come election day is, how are the exit polls being conducted?
With such a large proportion of the electorate voting early, the traditional exit polling methods simply won't capture what that electorate looks like. Especially since early voters and election day voters are often very different (as evidenced by Obama's early vote leads in states like Iowa and Ohio).
all the low-info voters in the OT severely constrain my ability to carry on a reasonable discussion Jay-Z on now in Columbus. P. funny to see him performing PSA and keeping it clean.
internal polls don't leak.