Seriously Diablos, relax! God damn.
National polls don't matter any day. The amount of attention they get makes absolutely no sense to me.
Please dont start this.
I have seen Obama ads in Washington. Guess that means Bams has concerns here too. Seriously, grt a grip.Obama camp wouldn't waste money they don't need to spend. They must have some concerns up there with WI/overlapping markets.“Colin Powell, interestingly enough, said that Obama got us out of Iraq,” McCain told the National Review. “But it was Colin Powell, with his testimony before the U.N. Security Council, that got us into Iraq.”
Even though I agree with this, doesn't stop my heart from skipping a beat every time a less than positive one gets posted.National polls don't matter any day. The amount of attention they get makes absolutely no sense to me.
That Lena Dunham ad is lame as hell. Who is that supposed to win over?
Isn't the most likely explanation for increased media buys in uncontested states just a matter of having a shitload of money and only 10 days left until the election?
No need to be stingy at this point in the game.
McCain Dumps On Powell Again: He Got Us Into Iraq
Oh he did it by himself huh?
McCain Dumps On Powell Again: He Got Us Into Iraq
Oh he did it by himself huh?
That Lena Dunham ad is lame as hell. Who is that supposed to win over?
McCain is such a bitter old troll.LOL @ McCain making Powell the scapegoat for Iraq.
Eh, WI is assumed to be about as safe as PA, so it's troubling that they are running ads there.Isn't the most likely explanation for increased media buys in uncontested states just a matter of having a shitload of money and only 10 days left until the election?
No need to be stingy at this point in the game.
McCain Dumps On Powell Again: He Got Us Into Iraq
Oh he did it by himself huh?
LOL @ McCain making Powell the scapegoat for Iraq.
- 100% for gun rights. "Need to protect my land against that dirty government."
I still hate myself daily for voting for this prick.
I knowYou voted for McCain... Palin?
Damn man.
You voted for McCain... Palin?
Damn man.
That Lena Dunham ad is lame as hell. Who is that supposed to win over?
I knowI voted Bush in 2004 also. Use to be a dedicated Fox Bews watcher, Laura Ingraham, Hannity, and Beck listener too.
If this were any other Democratic candidate, McCain would be keeping his mouth shut.
It's just a personal vendetta against the dude who trounced him four years ago.
So I guess Gallup doesn't matter today, whereas twitter and GAF were full of dems championing the poll yesterday
Yeah, there's probably a bit of that, too.He has also started to sound genuinely unhinged and senile of late.
Joe Donnelly has a 7 point lead over Richard Mourdock per his internal.
Mourdock countered by releasing his own internal... Where he's tied!
So I think Donnelly's gonna win this one.
Joe Donnelly has a 7 point lead over Richard Mourdock per his internal.
Mourdock countered by releasing his own internal... Where he's tied!
So I think Donnelly's gonna win this one.
Well hitherto the polls have been mostly tied with a lot of undecideds. This is the first one where either candidate has really broken away.That would be amazing. While one could easily speculate, I would hesitate to claim that Mourdock's abortion comment was the lone cause. Donnelly has been running commercials using the term "Tea Party Zealot" to describe Mourdock and painting him has politically insane and they've been really effective.
Sounds plausible. NE is the only for-sure loss and countered out by ME. ND and MT are still toss-ups but look like Dem advantage in both, while MO, WI, VA all seem good now. Then MA looks like Warren's to lose, IN, and NV and AZ are possible pickups.eBay huckster said:so... the democrats are actually going to gain in the senate when they had to defend 23 seats in the first place.
I'm sure we all remember John McCain's brave and lonely opposition to Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Yes. The Obama campaign is awash in funding, and they are already maximizing their efforts in the swing states. So it's not a substantial opportunity cost. Moreover, they often coordinate with other Democratic organizations. Perhaps their decision is an attempt to bolster support for down-ballot elections; it would be nice to flip Bachmann's district.WTF...Minnesota. Really?
Dear Jesus, no. Romney's "dump" is a mere pittance.Both Obama and Romney dumping money into Minn means it is closer than conventional wisdom there.
He did contribute. So endorsing Obama is only the beginning of his penance.McCain Dumps On Powell Again: He Got Us Into Iraq
Oh he did it by himself huh?
At the same time, Mr. Obama has led in the polling averages all year in states that would allow him to win the Electoral College, and that remains the case now.
MittmentumProbably. Ras had Obama up 5 less than a week ago
I know this is your schtick, but seriously. If your trolling requires a lesson on reading comprehension, you should probably rethink it.
Joe Donnelly has a 7 point lead over Richard Mourdock per his internal.
Mourdock countered by releasing his own internal... Where he's tied!
So I think Donnelly's gonna win this one.
I just saw a photo of the Ohio senate race for the first time.
Why are the Republicans running Doogie Howser? Isn't he busy nowadays?