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Pope Francis appears to be pushing reform on contraception/marriage/homosexuality

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I'm surprised nobody's talking about this.


Pope Francis has opened a gathering of more than 200 senior Roman Catholic bishops by urging them not to impose what he called "intolerable moral burdens" on believers.

The gathering, known as a synod, is discussing the Church's position on controversial issues.

They will be joined by lay Catholics to debate abortion, contraception, homosexuality and divorce.

The synod will last two weeks and no immediate changes are expected.

Last year, a global survey launched by Pope Francis suggested that the majority of Catholics rejected Church teaching on issues such as sex and contraception.

On Saturday, the Pontiff said he hoped Bishops would respond to the "epochal changes" that families were living through.

This could be potentially huge. It could mean reverses on long-standing bans on contraception, gay marriage and more. What that translates to are cultural shifts that could improve and enrich the lives of millions.


I don't believe the church will reverse their position on abortion but they may address contraception. It would be hilarious if they took a neutral or amoral position on abortion just to see the American right freak out.
Good good, if Jesus was around today he would be hanging with gays, trans, gang members, homeless and just about everyone. He just wanted us to love each other as much as he loved us.


Does the Catholic Church want to lose even more members?

Fuck the hard-liners anyway. Nu-Church.

Good good, if Jesus was around today he would be hanging with gays, trans, gang members, homeless and just about everyone. He just wanted us to love each other as much as he loved us.

JC would definitely have connex to the best weed and hottest strippers. Probably some biker hitmen too.


Church should go through reforms before really becoming an archaic shadow of it's former self, Vatican has enough money to save millions of people in Africa. There's no excuse, this has to be done.


For some reason I initially read that as "biker hotmen" instead.

Jesus hanging-out with leather daddies would be pretty amusing.

I believe in our Lord Jesus Christ

Seth C

I don't believe the church will reverse their position on abortion but they may address contraception. It would be hilarious if they took a neutral or amoral position on abortion just to see the American right freak out.

The American right doesn't really follow the Pope nor particularly care what he has to say.


The American right doesn't really follow the Pope nor particularly care what he has to say.


When some of my dorm-mates in college found out that I was (nominally) Catholic, I was called a "Mary-worshipper."

The division is real.


I don't believe the church will reverse their position on abortion but they may address contraception. It would be hilarious if they took a neutral or amoral position on abortion just to see the American right freak out.

Is the American right really Catholic? I'd imagine a lot are protestants or WASP's. Additionally, most Catholic growth is actually coming from places outside the west, like Latin America, Africa, East Asia.


Not sure if gay marriage or abortion changes will come out of this, but contraception reform seems pretty likely at some point in the near future.
Hmm interesting. Best case scenario is that contraception be allowed. I don't see the Catholic Church ever giving up their stance on abortion, the homosexuality issue maybe but I wouldn't count on it.
They're losing numbers? Got a link explaining?


Christianity is waning in Europe and most places where it's more liberal on social issues. People don't go to church to learn about sexual liberation and play ballads with a guitar, they expect firm principles and guidance in a rapidly-changing world. See how Christianity is still going strong in more conservative places, e.g. Africa and how Islam is the fastest-growing religion.


I don't believe the church will reverse their position on abortion but they may address contraception. It would be hilarious if they took a neutral or amoral position on abortion just to see the American right freak out.

Why would protestants give a fuck what the Catholic Pope says?

Or are we back to having to explain Christians != Catholics?



Christianity is waning in Europe and most places where it's more liberal on social issues. People don't go to church to learn about sexual liberation and play ballads with a guitar, they expect firm principles and guidance in a rapidly-changing world. See how Christianity is still going strong in more conservative places, e.g. Africa and how Islam is the fastest-growing religion.

most lapsed Catholics I know stopped because of hypocrisy. This is at least addressing some of the many issues with the thinking of the Church body. I don't go for the firm hand of God, that's for sure. A lot of people are seeing this and thinking about going back to the faith.

also, fuck Christianity in Europe. A real shitshow if I ever seen one. Didn't do them ANY favors. Probably for the best they give it up.


Is the American right really Catholic? I'd imagine a lot are protestants or WASP's. Additionally, most Catholic growth is actually coming from places outside the west, like Latin America, Africa, East Asia.

iirc Scalia and Kennedy are catholic
I do wonder how Jesus would be if he was born in this age and time. I bet he would be one chill dude. He'd be considered a thug by FOX news most likely. Hanging out with all them pot heads, gay people, and stuff. Damn Jesus, you a rebel.
Is the American right really Catholic? I'd imagine a lot are protestants or WASP's. Additionally, most Catholic growth is actually coming from places outside the west, like Latin America, Africa, East Asia.
Rick Santorum is (though he seems more like an evangelical Christian), Sean Hannity, others I'm probably forgetting
Pope Frank keeps on wrecking shit so hard while I don't identify as catholic anymore my family and friends couldn't be more excited for news like this. If this does go through expect many protestants to further insult catholics as my friends have been called "idol worshippers" many, many times.


I think this may be tied more to the Cardinal Kasper stuff by focusing on forgiveness and mercy rather than rebuke and rigidity.

But we'll see.

The Cardinal Kasper stuff is great in and of itself.


Why would protestants give a fuck what the Catholic Pope says?

Or are we back to having to explain Christians != Catholics?
There are plenty of conservative Catholic Republicans in America including the most conservative supreme court justice. Not to mention the Catholic Church in America is both large in numbers and politically active.
Not to crush the dreams of anyone who is hoping otherwise, but there is a 0% chance of this synod changing any Catholic teachings on sexual morality or contraception or marriage, let alone abortion. That cherry-picking of Francis quotes in the BBC article is woefully misleading.

The actual big news when it comes to this synod is the possibility of a change in Church discipline (not doctrine) on the issue of admitting the divorced and remarried to Communion.

The Catholic Church teaches that sacramental marriages are indissoluble by anything but death, and that divorce is impossible. One's first marriage is presumed to be valid and sacramental. As a result, it follows that anyone who is divorced and remarried is living in adultery.

Catholics can apply for an annulment, which is a declaration that the first marriage was never valid in the first place (either because the person didn't get married in the Church properly, or because he/she didn't properly understand the sacrament, or something like that). If the annulment is granted, the person is free to get "remarried." If the tribunal that reviews the case determines that the first marriage is valid, however, then the person cannot get remarried without committing adultery. Those who are divorced and remarried are thus not allowed to receive Communion, unless the couple agree to live together celibately.

You can see how this presents a serious pastoral problem for the Church. On the one hand, the teaching of Christ that marriages are permanent has certain inescapable implications. On the other hand, Catholics who are divorced and remarried are in a very difficult position.

A cardinal named Cardinal Kasper has thus proposed a relaxing of the discipline that the divorced and remarried are not allowed to receive Communion. What exact form this relaxing might take is up in the air, and many bishops oppose it on the grounds that it doesn't really seem consistent with the Catholic teaching that marriages are indissoluble.

I hope I did a decent job of explaining all that.


Francis da great.

Does the Catholic Church want to lose even more members?

This will have the opposite effect. Also something that has been pointed out a long time ago is that stuff like this goes up and down with time. I think you'll see a growth in catholic numbers due to Frankie.
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